Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 299 Anything within 500 billion is fine

Chapter 299 Anything within 500 billion is fine

As Manmohan said, everyone's enthusiasm for the auction of the three grain companies is high.

Mainly because of the large amounts of land under the names of the three companies that make people jealous.

You must know that it is very difficult to buy a large piece of land.

This time the government is selling state-owned companies, and no one wants to miss this opportunity.

The stronger ones began to raise funds on their own, while the weaker ones each found others to jointly contribute capital.

The decision-makers on the Eyal family's side were all blue in the face.

They discovered that their family might miss the auction this time.

It was so exciting to invest heavily some time ago, and all of a sudden the family's funds were exhausted, and now they can still squeeze out more than a billion at most.

This amount of funds is completely insufficient.

"This opportunity cannot be missed."

"No matter what, at least get one piece, no matter what the cost."

"That's right, if you need to mortgage, just mortgage, if you need to borrow, just borrow. It doesn't matter if the interest rate is higher."


Everyone present spoke one after another.

Everyone's opinion is basically the same. At least one piece of land must be obtained, preferably company B, which is the one with the highest valuation.

Unfortunately, the funds that their family can use now are limited. Even if they borrow money from banks and other lending institutions through crazy mortgages and various leverages, they may not be able to reach 100 billion.

The valuation of company b is 120 billion.

In their estimation, there are many competitors this time, and if they want to win, they may need to prepare 150 billion in funds to be more secure.

"There is still 50 billion left, let the Sitharaman family find a way."

"Yes, we supported them last time, so they have to show their support."

Someone immediately shouted loudly here.

If they had known about the government's auction, they would certainly not have taken a stake in the Sitharaman family's edible oil company.

After all, this is our main business, especially when it involves such huge land resources.

Although their family is now the leader in the grain market, the land that truly belongs to them is only a fraction compared to that of these state-owned grain companies.

They mainly ensure their leading position in the grain market by purchasing grain.

It’s not that they don’t want to acquire land. In addition to the fact that few people sell it, the investment in acquiring land is too great, and even they can’t afford it.

Of course, they have been acquiring land over the years, but unfortunately it is all piecemeal and small pieces of land. Over the years, they have only added several thousand hectares.

Unfortunately, this auction was only launched after they took a stake in the Sitharaman family. It can only be said that they were unlucky.

Otherwise, the funds on my side would be enough.

The Aiyar family acted quickly and immediately contacted the Sitharaman family.

How could the Sitharaman family agree to make their own investment?

If they still have the energy to spare, why should they ask the Aiyar family to invest in it?

You know, they made a lot of profits in order to let the Aiyar family take shares.

Seeing that the edible oil market will soon defeat those resisters with the capital investment of the Aiyar family, how can it be possible to divert funds at this time?

So the two sides argued for a while, but the two sides were still restrained and no conflict broke out.

After all, we have just cooperated. If there are conflicts just after the cooperation, how can we cooperate in the future?

After a final discussion, both parties agreed to borrow money from Reliance Group.

This was suggested by someone from the Sitharaman family.

They believe that the Aiyar family has a good relationship with the Reliance Group on the Ambani Plaza project and may be able to get support from the Reliance Group.

The Aiyar family found it unrealistic to ask the Sitharaman family to fund the project, so they agreed.

Each side sent a representative to find Anil.

For the sake of the Aiyar family, Anil reported the matter to his father Dhirubhai.

"Borrow money?" Droubai frowned slightly after hearing what Anil said, "I heard about this auction plan. If they want to compete, I'm afraid they will have to borrow tens of billions, right?"

"Anil, our funds are not too abundant at the moment." Mukesh said from the side.

There was a huge investment in the petrochemical industry, and another 100 billion in Ambani Plaza.

Even if they are Reliance Group, it is impossible to spend tens of billions of funds now.Let them take out a mortgage and then borrow money from the Aiyar family?

Obviously more impossible.

Mukesh was telling the truth, but Anil didn't think so.

In his opinion, the eldest brother is just afraid of being in the limelight.

Now that he is cooperating with the Aiyar family, the Ambani Plaza project has a bright future, and it may even surpass his elder brother's petrochemical project.

Now that the Eyal family has come to their door, it is okay to do a favor on their own.

"You didn't mention using our funds." Anil glanced at his elder brother.

"Whose funds will be used? The bank?" Mukesh asked. "The assets of the two of them now probably don't have much that can be mortgaged. I'm afraid it's only tens of billions. It's impossible to get a loan of tens of billions."

Almost all the assets under the Sitharaman family's name were mortgaged, and all the money was invested in seizing the market.

The Aiyar family still has some strength left. The tens of billions of assets that Mukesh said have not been mortgaged belong to the Aiyar family.

"I think we can help them contact the bank. I believe the bank will give us some face." Anil said.

"A few billions is not a big problem, even tens of billions will not give us enough face." Mukesh said without giving any face.

Anil's face darkened.

My eldest brother really doesn't like me.

"We can provide certain guarantees." Anil said.

Mukesh smiled and did not continue speaking, but waited for his old man to decide.

Droubai pondered for a moment and said, "Guarantee is also risky. If they fail to repay the loan by then, the bank will have to come to us."

"They are not losing money on this project. Those assets are mainly land. We all know why those state-owned grain companies are losing money. Those managers are greedy and the employees below rely on various connections to stuff their money. If wages and benefits are not enough, it would be strange if the company is not in the red. Once the Aiyar family takes over, let them manage it, and they will definitely be able to turn losses into profits," said Anil.

"But that's also a guarantee of tens of billions." Mukesh said.

He feels that this guarantee is still too big, even if it looks like it is not risky at the moment.

"Brother, this is a good opportunity for us to get closer to those traditional wealthy families. Although the Aiyar and Sitharaman families are not as good as the top families such as Sharma, they are still good. After this time, I believe we can Getting their support will be very helpful for our family to rise to the top. It's just a guarantee and it's not giving them tens of billions, so this deal is still a good deal," Anil said.

"That's true." Dhirubhai sighed. "Although I am confident that in a few years, we will be able to achieve a status that matches our wealth, but I would also be happy if it could be achieved earlier. Anil, we Bian can be a guarantee, but the two families must be sincere. I know that these families have some hidden assets, and this time they have to mortgage all of them. "

"That's for sure, otherwise why would we guarantee them." Anil said with a smile.

"Okay, you tell them, any guarantee up to 500 billion is fine." Droubai said with a big wave of his hand.

"Dad, is this too much?" Mukesh was shocked.

"This is also the time to show the strength of our Ambani family. We have to let the so-called traditional wealthy families see what a real wealthy family is." Dhirubhai laughed.

Although Mukesh didn't quite agree with his father's idea, he also understood his father's thoughts.

Over the years, Reliance Group has grown stronger and stronger, and the Ambani family has become richer and richer.

After you have money, you will naturally seek a higher status.

Unfortunately, those traditional high-caste wealthy families are jealous and suppress them in various ways, so that their family's status has never been recognized.

He knew that his father was actually holding his breath in his heart.

I have to say that this move can indeed give my family a huge shock to those traditional wealthy families.

Look, the traditional wealthy family finally turned to themselves, a low-caste family that they originally looked down upon, for help.

"Mukesh, don't think that I support the Aiyar family just for family status. In fact, it is also to suppress that kid Qiaogo." Dhirubhai glanced at Mukesh and said.

How could his son's thoughts be hidden from his eyes?

"Qiaogo?" Mukesh said stunned for a moment, "That kid has indeed risen very quickly, and Vim Clothing has also received a lot of impact from him, but this is just a small problem, for our Reliance Group , it’s not a big problem, I believe Anil can handle it.”

"Of course I can handle it. That kid just had some luck before, and the Ambani Plaza project will definitely suppress him." Anil naturally wanted to show off in front of his father.

"You guys, probably the Reliance Group has developed too smoothly over the years, making them a little too proud." Droubai said in a deep voice, "If you are Qiao Ge, without the background of the Reliance Group, you can achieve what he is now. Is this an achievement? Even if Reliance Group is behind you, you can’t do it. I have to say that there is something about that kid that should not be underestimated.”

These words silenced the two of them, which was a question they somewhat deliberately avoided.

They all consider themselves to be the proud ones of heaven, and they will definitely not admit that anyone is more powerful than them, at least among the younger generation.

And Qiao Ge is much younger than the others, which makes their faces dull.

"Besides, that boy is a little too arrogant. He dares to provoke our Ambani family, first Vim, and then Anil. Although they are just some women, it doesn't matter, but he is also beating me, Ambani." The face of the family. Then there should be some suppression. I heard that the kid is planning to enter the food industry, so we will support the Aiyar family and let them fight." Droubai said.

Mukesh now has no idea about his father's decision. It is really necessary to suppress Qiaogo.

Can anyone in the Ambani family be provoked?
(End of this chapter)

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