Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 361 The big customer was kicked away

Chapter 361 The big customer was kicked away

Qiao Ge's words made Neus a little confused, and he didn't understand what he meant for a while.

News thinks what he just said should be clear enough, right?
Besides, once I report it, the impact of this matter will definitely be huge, and it can cause a huge blow to the Sitharaman family, and their plan to quickly and massively return the money will be ruined.

How else do you need to increase your influence?
"Not long after this pre-sale was launched, some customers participated. In terms of the number of people, it is not enough. I hope there can be more. And they have not used the money from the pre-sale yet. If you reported it here, It has caused panic among the public and will make many people afraid to join the pre-sale ranks, and some people will even ask for refunds," Qiaogo said.

"Isn't this just right? Once this kind of thing breaks out, the government will put pressure on the Sitharaman family. They shouldn't dare not refund the money, right? Refunding means that the Sitharaman family will be unable to withdraw funds and will suffer What goes in spits out. When you say you want more people to join the pre-sale, isn't that just giving them money?" News asked, he still couldn't figure out Qiao Ge's statement.

"Just asking them to overcharge the advance payment, they now have the ability to refund the money. This is what I don't want to see." Qiao Ge said solemnly.

News thought about it carefully and realized the meaning of Qiaogo's words.

"You want to wait until they spend the funds and then expose them. Once the people ask for their money back, they will have no money to refund, right? By then, their capital chain will be finished?" News There was a look of surprise on his face.

"Yes, that's what I think." Qiao Ge grinned, "What do you think?"

"Oh, I'm still a little too short-sighted. I only care about the present and don't think about the future." News agreed very much with Qiao Ge's opinion. "Tsk, tsk, next they want to pre-sell in two or three years, so the funds will be even bigger." Yeah. Tsk, tsk, tsk, once they have so much money, they will definitely not take it in their hands. Wait until they invest the money, hey, then report it~ They are dead."

That's what Jogo meant.

The Sitharaman family's share of the traditional cooking oil market is too large. Once pre-sales like this are spread on a large scale, the scope of influence will be large, and it can be said that it can be said to be all over the country.

Not to mention everyone launching a refund campaign, even a small part will be enough to make the Sitharaman family unable to bear it.

Moreover, this kind of thing will definitely cause social unrest, and the government will definitely not sit idly by.

"But this is also risky, Qiao Ge." News said, "They got so much money at once. What if they invest in some industry and make money? Wouldn't it make them stand up? If not, there will be huge funds now. Hands, it will be difficult for you to defeat them."

This is indeed a problem. After all, the Sitharaman family will provide cooking oil on a monthly basis. This time difference is indeed very beneficial.

"So, I will continue to put pressure on them and increase their costs." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "At the same time, we will seize their market share. In short, we cannot let them make money easily. In fact, this time they will play with their reputation abroad. If it goes bad, even if their original cooking oil supplier doesn’t have to ask them to pay the full amount in the end, or pay [-]% first, the deposit ratio will definitely increase, which will increase their costs.”

"That's true," News said. "Although there are certain risks, we have a greater chance of winning. Jogo, let's do this."

"Let them have fun first."

"Of course I'm happy to collect a lot of money, but the money has to be paid back later, and the price is not small." News said with a smile.

In fact, Qiao Ge is very confident about this plan.

Or it is because the subsequent international environment is so bad that the domestic economy is about to collapse. This environment is very fatal to a highly indebted company like the Sitharaman family.

You know, in 91, the country's foreign exchange was almost exhausted.

Now, there are actually not many foreign exchange reserves.

Companies like the Sitharaman family, which needs to import large amounts of cooking oil, consume a lot of foreign exchange.

As time goes by, if there is a foreign exchange shortage, they will not be able to import edible oil even if they have rupees.

Because foreign exchange requires US dollars and other foreign exchange, and does not accept rupees.

Domestic edible oil cannot meet domestic demand.

He still needs to continue to provide the pre-sold cooking oil, and there may be no oil available by then.

In addition, as the rupee continues to depreciate, the import price of edible oil continues to rise, and the cost goes up. The pre-sale price of the Sitharaman family is based on the current price. When the time comes, they will actually provide customers with edible oil. of.

Based on the current price, it is estimated that the price will lose half in three years. Maybe they also accounted for the depreciation of the rupee, but they never expected that the depreciation rate would be so fast. By that time, it would not only be a loss of half?

Therefore, even if they don't take action, they will be finished when the time comes.

This pre-sale amount is not so easy to get, and the price discount given by the Sitharaman family is obviously very large in order to attract more customers.

The more customers who prepay at that time, the greater their losses will be, and once trouble breaks out, things will also be bigger.

Of course, this is still related to our own palm oil imports.

The cheapness of palm oil forces them to make greater price concessions, otherwise it will not be so attractive.

However, Qiao Ge thought that he was unlikely to wait until a few years later to sell. After a period of time, when their pre-sale amount was sufficient, and after they invested the money again, he could sell.

If you want to pay off foreign debts, maybe the country will be on your side.

But if it's domestic, it's not that simple.

Once this matter breaks out, it will be nationwide. Even if the Sitharaman family wants to default on their debt, the government will not agree.

Domestic and foreign affairs are two different things. The ruling party needs the basis of public opinion. "I heard that something went wrong at the construction site recently?" Qiao Ge asked Gawali.

"Boss, I can solve it in the next few days and find a new supplier right away." Gawali said hurriedly.

"What's going on? What happened to the original steel factory? Even if it is acquired, we are still their customers. Why don't we continue to supply steel bars and steel products?" Qiao Ge asked.

A few days ago, Gawali contacted Lahudi and reported some things he encountered at the construction site.

It was mentioned that the steel plant they originally cooperated with has been sold to others and can no longer supply steel bars, so the project may be delayed for a period of time.

"I don't know either. The new owner of the steel plant said that there are buyers for the steel in the plant and they can't free up the goods for us." Gawali said with some annoyance on his face, "Before the steel plant was sold, I talked to the original owner As I said, let him include clauses in the sales contract to guarantee the rights and interests of our customers, and ensure the continued stable supply of steel. But the new guy who took over broke the contract. Boss, I'm sorry, I was careless, and the liquidated damages I set were too small. , only 100 million rupees~ them~~"

Gawali took the initiative to admit his mistake.

He felt that he was really careless.

This cooperative steel company is not large in scale, mainly because it is small in scale so that it can better coordinate with its own construction progress. Otherwise, some large steel plants may not be able to give face like this.

After all, I am considered a major customer of that steel plant, and all the steel used in the projects under my name belongs to that steel company.

Previously, in accordance with Qiao Ge's requirements, in order to improve construction efficiency, Gawali acquired some companies with matching building materials if they could. For those that could not be acquired, they would also find stable partners.

This ensures timely supply of materials.

From Gawali's point of view, even if the steel company was sold, the new owner would definitely protect himself as a big customer, so he didn't think too much about liquidated damages because the amount was too low.

But he didn't expect that his big customer would be kicked away directly. The other party would no longer supply goods, and the liquidated damages of 100 million rupees would be given to him.

Although there are still many steel plants on the market and there is no shortage of steel, finding someone to buy it again takes time, and it is also difficult for the other party to effectively cooperate with you and coordinate with the construction progress.

This is the most depressing thing about Gawali.

I don’t know how much time and energy it will take to cultivate and adapt a company again.

This cannot be made up for with 100 million rupees, it has to be paid several times or even dozens of times.

The most important thing is that it affects the progress of the Gupta Square project. Even if it is delayed for a day or two, it will be a huge loss.

"Boss, Mr. Scindia cannot be entirely blamed for this matter." Hudi walked in from outside and said.

Seeing Qiao Ge looking at him, Hu Di continued: "I found out who the new owner of the steel plant was."

"I heard what you said, does it have something to do with us?" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment and said.

"The Mittal family." Hudi said calmly, "They are behind it."

"That's it." Qiao Ge understood.

Gawali looked confused, he didn't know what happened.

What Mittal family?

"It's the Mittal family of Ispat Steel Company." Hudi knew that Gawali didn't know the inside story, so he explained, "They have been very close to Anil recently."

Hearing this, Gawali also understood.

Who doesn't know that the boss and Anil are competing, especially on the square project. Anil promotes his project, the new city plan, in newspapers from time to time.

Of course, he did not forget to disparage the Gupta Square project in various ways.

Since the Mittal family is on Anil's side, it is normal for them to interfere with it.

"Boss, whether it was intentional targeting by the Mittal family or not, I still made a mistake," Gawali said.

"As long as you know you made a mistake, don't do it again next time." Qiao Ge said.

The loss this time was not very big.

In fact, what Jawali did was a normal operation, and it would probably be the same for anyone else.

I just didn't expect that the Mittal family acquired this steel company. Otherwise, if someone else acquired it, they would definitely continue to cooperate with them. If there is a big customer, who would turn it down?

"Boss, I will find a new cooperative steel factory immediately. I will work overtime to make up for the lost time and will not delay the completion of the project." Gawali promised.

Qiao Ge pondered for a while and said: "Can't we acquire a steel plant? It doesn't have to be too big, as long as it can guarantee the steel needed for our project. If there is still more output, we can sell it."

(End of this chapter)

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