Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 362 The largest private company in the country

Chapter 362 The largest private company in the country

Now the competition with the Sitharaman family for the edible oil market will definitely not be able to determine the winner in a short time.

Therefore, Qiao Ge cannot always hold so much cash in his hands, and some money still needs to be invested.

Regarding the steel factory, Qiao Ge had never thought of building one by himself.

After all, this is an asset-heavy investment industry. Even if you want to invest, it will have to be after the 91 reform.

However, it is still possible to build a small-scale steel plant.

It is mainly used as supporting equipment for various project constructions. Although it is a bit luxurious, it is still worth it for the pursuit of efficiency. At the same time, it is also a way to get familiar with the industry in the future.

After all, the situation is a little different now. The Mittal family is siding with Anil. He is quite famous in the steel plant industry and has connections with many steel plants, so he will more or less take his side. Cause some trouble.

If I look for another steel factory, the Mittal family might get involved again.

After all, there are Anil and Reliance Group behind the Mittal family, so the variables are even greater.

Even if Reliance Group has big problems now, it is too easy to deal with a small steel factory.

If you find a large steel plant yourself, you will not be able to meet the construction progress here, so you will basically continue to find cooperation with small-scale steel plants.

In this case, it is better to just build a steel factory by yourself, which can save a lot of messy troubles.

"Boss, there are many small steel plants. If you want to acquire them, it's not impossible. It's just that the person in charge has to choose carefully." Hu Di said.

"I have a candidate." Gawali said.

"Tell me about it." Qiao Ge asked.

"It is the original owner of the steel factory that we cooperated with before, Kurosawa Parva." Gawali said.

Qiao Ge couldn't help but glance at Gawali suspiciously and said, "What? Isn't this steel company being sold because of poor management?"

Companies have been sold, most of them must have been sold due to poor management and losses.

If you are such an operator, your capabilities must be limited.

If he was such a person, Gawali probably wouldn't recommend him to him.

Even if he has some personal acquaintance, he can figure out the situation by checking it himself, and he can't deceive anyone at all.

"Boss, it's really not the reason." Hudi said with a smile, "Kurosawa Parva is still very capable. His steel company was established not many years ago. In recent years, it has just gotten on the right track and started making money. It's a pity that he was Targeted."

"The Mittal family?" Jogo asked.

The Mittal family is not a giant in the steel industry, but it is still relatively large. Ordinary small private steel plants are really no match for them.

If they choose to target a certain small steel factory, if this small steel factory does not have a big background, it will probably be finished.

This Kurosawa Parva is probably such an unlucky person.

"The Mittal family also joined forces with the Tata Group to target Kurosawa Parva," Hudi said.

"Huh?" Qiaogo was a little surprised, "And you provoked the Tata Group?"

The Tata Group is now undoubtedly India's largest private company.

Since the Tata Group has a history of hundreds of years, although they are also from a lower caste, after so many years of operation, they have now integrated into the traditional wealthy families of the upper castes.

Of course, they must have been similar to Reliance Group in the beginning, and they were suppressed by these traditional giants.

It was only the Tata Group that broke through and achieved its current status.

So this Kurosawa provoked the Tata Group, which had to make Qiao Ge a little curious.

You really have some skills. If you don't have any skills, how can these big groups care about you?
"Kurosawa Parva was originally a senior manager under Tata Steel. He resigned from Tata Steel a few years ago and founded Parva Steel himself after he came out." Hudi explained to Qiaogo He said, "When he came out, he brought a dozen elites from Tata, so this was considered to offend Tata Steel. Later, his company began to improve, and the Mittal family took a fancy to it. They knew Tata Steel had a problem with Kurosawa, so they came to the door, and then they joined forces to bribe several employees of Parva Steel. As a result, a batch of steel products had quality problems and almost became scrap products. This delayed the delivery time and required compensation for liquidated damages. In addition, this loss suddenly made Kurosawa Parva unable to hold on..."

Qiao Ge couldn't help but sigh secretly after hearing this.

The main reason was that the Parva Steel Company did not have enough funds. He invested all his wealth, but he could barely support the company.

It seems that I can make a profit, but it has not been profitable for a long time, so naturally I have no savings, and it is too much to bear the huge loss all at once.

Previously, when Mittal and Tata Group jointly arranged the layout, those customers were actually found by them secretly, and the liquidated damages were very harsh.

When that batch of goods became scrap, Kurosawa was originally planning to purchase the steel required in the contract on the market, but with the invitation of the Tata Group, who dared to sell it to Kurosawa?

As for looking for a bank or institutional loan?
Obviously there is no chance. With the Tata Group here, no one dares to lend him money, just like they dare not sell steel.

Therefore, he could only lose money by selling the factory, and he could only sell it to the Mittal family at a low price.This was a plot that led to the bankruptcy of the family.

"I want to know why he resigned from Tata Steel back then. Was it because he wanted to start his own business and become his own boss?" Jogo asked.

If this person only wants to be his own boss, then he may not be suitable to be in charge of his own steel factory, and he may leave again one day.

"I know this," Gawali said. "Although he has reached a high-level position in Tata Steel, he actually doesn't have much power. Because there are many senior senior people holding him down. He is 45 years old this year and is a real I got there based on ability. I wanted to show my ambition, but there were a bunch of old antiques up there, so I couldn’t do anything. Later I came up with the idea of ​​going out on my own.”

After all, Parva Steel Company had cooperated with Gawali, so Kurosawa also talked about some things with him, and the private matters were more detailed than Hudi's investigation.

Jogo pondered in his mind.

Although the Tata Group is now the largest private company in the country, it does have big internal problems.

For example, the Tata Group has redundant personnel, the management is too old, etc.

There is no way. After all, it has a history of more than 100 years. It is certain that there will be more and more employees. However, without a correspondingly perfect and scientific management system to keep up, there will be a lot of inactive employees. These employees will even cause trouble and hold us back. .

As for the issue of the management being too old, it is also a problem left over from history.

Most of the heads of companies under the Tata Group are over 70 years old, and the oldest can even reach 90. These managers have rigid thinking, are traditional and conservative in management, and have no enterprising spirit.

But they are senior and have high authority, and sometimes they dare to go back on the orders of the group chairman.

Tata Steel is a good example. The equipment is outdated and outdated. It is basically from decades ago. It is who knows how many generations behind the latest equipment. There are also too many employees.

According to the per capita output of international steel plants, it is normal to lay off at least tens of thousands of employees.

In other words, due to inefficiency, equipment problems, etc., at least tens of thousands of people at Tata Steel are living as idle meals. Can such a company do well?

The current president of Tata Steel, Lusi Modi, is 75 years old this year. This age is actually not too young, but he is still relatively young among the top managers of these companies within the Tata Group...

It is said that Ratan Tata, the current chairman of the Tata Group, is preparing to step down as chairman, and the most likely person to take over is Luci Modi.

Among these senior executives who are all in their 80s and [-]s, the middle-aged Kurosawa is obviously very different and has no say at all, so it is completely normal that he does not have much power.

Young people have great ambitions, but this enthusiasm cannot move these old people.

"Go and investigate this Kurosawa Parva carefully. If there is no problem, ask him to come over sometime and I will talk to him." Qiao Ge said to Hudi.

"Yes, boss." Hudi responded immediately.

Regarding Gawali's mistake this time, Qiaogo didn't say much, it was considered an accident.

Gawali also had some self-reflection, and Qiaogo was quite satisfied.

Of course, Main Garvali's performance in the construction field is very good, and it is impossible for him to punish Garvali for such a trivial matter.

Hudi was very efficient and put more detailed information about Kurosawa Parva on Qiaogo's desk the next day.

So, three days later in the morning, Kurosawa Parva came to Qiaogo early.

Since Qiao Ge hadn't arrived at the company yet, Kurosawa was arranged by his employees to wait in the reception room.

He was initially surprised by Mr. Gupta's invitation.

I don’t know how Mr. Gupta became interested in me or why.

Now who doesn’t know Jogo Gupta?

Of course he is looking forward to seeing Mr. Gupta. After all, he is too depressed now, and at the same time, he is full of anger. It is all those guys who suppress and frame him, otherwise...

He thought for a while and decided to ask someone first.

So I called Gawali, and the two became somewhat friendly.

Gawali told him that it was a good thing, and told him about his boss's plan to set up a steel plant, and asked him to prepare well, so as to impress his boss.

These are not leaking secrets or anything. Gavali is very optimistic about Kurosawa's ability. It's a pity that he offended someone, otherwise he wouldn't be in this situation.

If he is in the boss's company in the future, even if the Tata Group wants to touch him, he will have to consider the boss's reaction.

Gawali is very happy for his choice. Although he has a small stake in the construction company, in terms of status and net worth, he does not know how much higher than his previous self.

So I also want to introduce some talents to the boss, which is also my own contribution. The boss has clear rewards and punishments, and the rewards are still very generous.

(End of this chapter)

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