Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 363 47 Million Transaction

Jogo broke away from Fuli and Tapu.

During this period of time, Qiao Ge was actually quite busy and very hardworking.

After all, competition in the edible oil market is a battlefield and cannot be ignored.

With the Sitharaman family abandoning the palm oil market, Jogo can finally breathe a sigh of relief and win the first stage, so he was a little crazy last night and got up late this morning.

As a boss, no one dares to say that he is late.

Of course, Qiao Ge did not miss the time agreed with Kurosawa.

He still has a sense of time. He can't be late at the agreed time.

"Please sit down." Qiao Ge looked at Kurosawa Parva who entered the office. "I invited you here today to ask if you are interested in working in my steel factory."

Since Kurosawa had heard something from Gawali, he was prepared, so he wasn't that surprised.

He knew that Qiaogo did not have a steel plant now. If he joined, the preparation of the steel plant would have to be left to him.

"As long as Mr. Gupta believes in me, I will not let you down." Kurosawa said solemnly.

"Don't be so serious. I will definitely not treat you badly in terms of treatment. We can discuss it in detail later." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "Hudi, please introduce our situation to Mr. Parva."

"Yes, boss. Mr. Parva, we are starting from scratch here. We are laymen in the steel industry, and you are an expert. So whether to build a new steel plant or acquire it, I still have to listen to your opinion." Di said, "In terms of scale, it won't be too big, probably about the same size as your previous steel plant."

"If it takes a lot of time to build a new steel plant, I think Mr. Gupta, boss, you probably won't be able to wait that long, so finding a suitable steel plant to acquire is a good choice."

Since he agreed, he is now an employee of Qiao Ge, so there is no problem in calling him boss.

As for the treatment, of course he already knew about it.

Qiao Ge's salary here is indeed very good. Compared with the same position in the same industry, it is at least [-]% better than that of his peers.

Besides, he is now broke and needs this job.

"We think so too. In the past few days, I have collected several steel plants that are ready for sale. The scale and other aspects are more in line with our requirements." Hudi said and handed a piece of information to Kurosawa.

After Kurosawa took it, he took a serious look.

Since he is an insider in the steel industry, these steel companies certainly know that they are peers after all.

"This one is the most suitable." Kurosawa quickly selected one.

"Bala Steel Plant? This is the highest priced among them." Qiao Ge took a look.

"Boss, I'm very familiar with this steel factory. It belongs to the Bara family, the patriarch Gisele Bara." Kurosawa said, "Their family has been operating the steel plant for more than 50 years. Three years ago, Bara La Steel Plant has replaced a batch of equipment. Although their steel plant is not large in scale, in terms of equipment, it is definitely advanced among these domestic steel plants. The higher price is completely acceptable. I also wanted to join this group at that time I even went to visit their equipment, but unfortunately I had limited funds, so I chose second-rate equipment.”

"Advanced equipment is indeed important." Qiao Ge agreed.

It doesn't matter if the steel plant is small, the main thing is to be efficient.

What's the use of simply pursuing scale if it's not efficient?

At that time, I am afraid that it will be a loss, just like Tata Steel now.

"Also, their management model is relatively reasonable, and there are no major problems in operations. They want to sell the steel plant because Gisele Barra is preparing to immigrate abroad, so they have to dispose of domestic assets. This is considered a High-quality assets,” Kurosawa said.

"I'm wondering why the Mittal family didn't consider their steel factory, but instead bought yours?" Qiaogo asked.

"This?" Kurosawa said after a moment of silence, "The main reason is that they are targeting me, so they can buy it at a lower price. Back then, I had a grudge against the Mittal family, so..."

"Can you tell me?" Qiao Ge asked.

"When I was still at Tata Steel, the Mittal family wanted to cooperate on a project. They bought some managers of the Tata Steel plant and could get benefits at a preferential price. I found that this cooperation was detrimental to Tata Steel. I terminated this cooperation project because of my interests, so they hated me." Kurosawa explained.

Jogo chuckled to himself.

The Tata Group is still too big and bloated, and it is normal for there to be moths underneath.

"They offered 50 billion. How much do you think our offer is appropriate?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Boss, according to my valuation, the steel plant is worth about 48 billion. However, their boss is going to immigrate. They can definitely make concessions on the disposal of these assets, so I think it is possible to win 45 billion." Kurosawa said.

Of course he knew the goings-on in the steel mills very well.

"Okay, then I will leave the acquisition to you, Hudi, you are responsible for assisting." Qiao Ge said to Kurosawa without hesitation, "Oh, by the way, after the acquisition, the company will be renamed Gupta Steel Company, and you will be the president. manager."

Kurosawa's face lit up with joy.

He knows that the companies under Qiao Ge's name still have a lot of power as general manager, which means they have a lot of autonomy.

Why did he leave Tata Steel in the first place?

Don’t you just think it’s difficult to realize your ambitions?
Although he later set up a steel factory on his own, after experiencing it, he realized that he had no background and not many connections. Even if the steel factory reluctantly opened, he would still be picked off in the end.

Facing those guys, he had no power to fight back.

If he were under Qiao Ge, he wouldn't have to think too much and just concentrate on being in charge of the steel plant. The rest would naturally be taken care of by Qiao Ge.

"I have another question to ask you." Qiao Ge asked. "Boss, tell me."

"If one day I ask you to run a steel plant abroad, will you go?" Qiaogo said.

These words made Kurosawa's eyes light up and he said: "Boss, of course."

As expected of a boss, when everyone else's eyes were on the country, the boss had long thought of going out.

But considering that his boss has invested in the Malaysian palm oil industry, he is not surprised.

After all, the boss has already left, so his vision is naturally different.

"That's good. You can first get familiar with the situation in Indonesia. If there is a foreign project, the first stop should be there." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, boss, I will not let you down. Indonesia is rich in mineral resources and is indeed a good place." Kurosawa felt excited.

The Bala Steel Plant is relatively small in the country, but the boss wants to invest abroad and is obviously preparing to make the steel plant bigger and stronger.

Kurosawa certainly hopes that the steel projects he is in charge of will be as big as possible. As a steel man, who wouldn’t want to be in charge of a behemoth like Tata Steel?
Now on the boss's side, Kurosawa feels he has a chance to make it happen.

Qiaogo said that investing in steel plants in Indonesia was not just a casual talk.

He really had such an idea.

Of course it has something to do with the Mittal family.

The Mittal family and Anil were together and even dealt with him together, so he couldn't spare them lightly.

The most promising member of the Mittal family in the future is of course the eldest son, Lakshmi, who is developing in Indonesia and will be the future steel king.

But now he is not the Steel King, he is still in the initial stage, and Qiao Ge wants to snipe him.

Lakshmi's father is now old and has basically retired, and his two younger brothers are responsible for the domestic steel business.

Although in the previous life, the Mittal family was somewhat famous in India's domestic steel industry, it is still incomparable with Lakshmi's achievements.

Therefore, Qiaogo must mainly target Lakshmi and not let him rise so quickly. As for the country, he can slowly fight them in the future.

Qiaogo still knew something about Lakshmi's fortune.

The main way to make a fortune in Indonesia is to strengthen oneself by acquiring other steel plants.

This is similar to Arnault. They both acquire other companies to strengthen themselves and occupy the market.

Since Lakshmi wants to buy it, then he will compete with him. Whatever company he wants to buy, he will also participate in it. It is best if he can win it. Even if he cannot win it, he will have to increase his acquisition cost.

Jogo has already informed Clark, asking him to keep an eye on Lakshmi's company in Indonesia. Once he discovers any acquisition trends, he must report to him in time.

The negotiations to acquire the Bala Steel Plant started smoothly, but when the Mittal family found out about it, they intervened.

Jogo didn’t know whether the Mittal family really had a crush on the Bala Steel Plant, or whether they were deliberately disrupting the situation.

Qiaogo thinks the latter is more likely.

They were from Anil's side now, so it was normal for them to fight against his own side.

Qiaogo felt funny in his heart. He was still thinking of sniping Lakshmi in the future, but he didn't expect that the Mittal family would take action first.

It seems that everyone has the same idea, this is the best, let's see who has the last laugh.

Kurosawa was in charge of negotiations for several days, and finally Qiaogo came forward to meet Gisele Barra in person.

In the end, the two parties closed the deal at a price of 47 billion.

"Mr. Bala, as far as I know, the Mittal family may offer a higher price." Jogo asked.

To be honest, he thought that Giselle would raise the price, but he didn't expect that the negotiation process was quite pleasant and the other party was very happy.

Although 47 billion is more than the 45 billion price offered by Kurosawa, it is still a bit lower than the 50 billion offer and is acceptable.

"I don't like them, they are a group of conspirators." Gisai said with a smile, "And I also know their plans. They probably want to sabotage your acquisition. If I reject you and really want to talk to them, They will most likely give up on the acquisition in the end. I sincerely want to sell, so when I meet you, a sincere buyer, the price is almost at the psychological level."

For such a large project purchase and sale, both parties will collect all kinds of intelligence.

So Gisay can know that there is a conflict between Qiaogo and the Mittal family.

Especially Qiao Ge pulled Heize over, and Heize had just been sniped by the Mittal family, and even the steel plant was taken away at a low price.

The Mittal family simply didn't have so much money to acquire its own steel plant. Isn't the purpose obvious?
Just to stir up trouble.

Gisai was still very angry at the Mittal family's behavior.

He will definitely not care how the Mittal family fights with Jogo.

But now that Mittal has harmed his interests, it cannot be tolerated.

He wasn't going to be Mittal's pawn, so he sold it at about the same price to avoid too much trouble. (End of chapter)

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