Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 364: The situation is out of control, a comprehensive price war

Chapter 364: The situation is out of control, a comprehensive price war
"I think so." Qiao Ge smiled.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what the Mittal family is up to.

"Of course, I also want to make friends with Mr. Gupta. Although I will go abroad soon, Mr. Gupta, a young hero, has an unlimited future. We may have the possibility of cooperation in the future." Gisai said.

"Mr. Bala, I also hope to have such an opportunity. But I am not saying that I am discouraged. Overseas, this cooperation is not easy." Qiao Ge said.

"It may not be possible for others, but it may not be possible for Mr. Gupta." Jisai laughed and said, "Based on your generosity in Malay, I think your future vision will not only be at home. ?”

"You're flattered. By the way, I wonder which country Mr. Bala plans to immigrate to?" Qiaogo asked.


"Brazil?" Jogo was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

If rich people in India immigrate, the main countries will still be those developed countries in Europe and the United States.

"Mainly, I have many friends, oh, there are domestic and foreign friends. Most of them are in South America. Of course, there are also some in North America, such as Mexico. So, I want to go there and develop with them. ." Bala said.

"Or the steel industry?" Qiao Ge asked.

"That's right, my Bala family has been working in the steel factory for so many years. Even if we go abroad, we will still engage in the industry we are familiar with. Of course, this is the main business, and maybe we can invest in other side businesses. After all, I hope to be able to There have been some changes," Bala replied.

"Then I wish Mr. Bala all the best."

The Bala family is also a traditional high-caste wealthy family in the country. It is about the same level as the Dutta family, but in terms of wealth, it may be a little less, about 300 billion rupees.

However, the Bala family's external connections are wider than those of most traditional domestic wealthy families.

Just like Gisai said, he has many foreign friends outside.

This is related to several patriarchs of the Bala family. They have all lived abroad for a long time and made many friends outside, so they immigrated directly now.

Qiaogo is not too surprised by the way Gisai immigrate. There are good things abroad, and there are indeed better development prospects in some aspects.

For example, Lakshmi in his previous life is a typical successful example. His business was placed abroad, and he eventually became the steel king.

"Boss, the Sitharaman family is competing with us for those edible oil companies." Hudi reported to Qiao Gehui.

"Did you really invest?" Qiao Ge raised his eyebrows and asked, "How much money did they get from this pre-sale?"

Due to the impact of the palm oil market and the Sitharaman family's various pre-sales of traditional edible oils, other small companies that are still holding on to the traditional edible oil market are really struggling.

Therefore, more and more companies have been transferred recently.

Qiao Ge asked Hudi to pay attention to these edible oil companies and give priority to acquiring edible oil companies with large amounts of land under their names.

Unexpectedly, the Sitharaman family also took action?
"Judging from the data we have obtained, it should be 300 to 400 billion." Hudi said in a deep voice, "With this large sum of money, the Sitharaman family has obviously expanded a bit, but with their interference, our side The acquisition will have more variables.”

Of course Jogo understood this.

At present, others are afraid to enter the traditional edible oil market.

One is that the Sitharaman family's share is too large, and the other is the impact of palm oil, which makes others take a wait-and-see attitude towards the traditional edible oil market.

Probably because Qiaogo wanted to target the Sitharaman family, he acquired these companies.

Now the Sitharaman family dares to expand its scale. I don’t know if they had this plan in the first place or if it was purely to target themselves.

"They really got a lot of money." Qiao Ge sighed.

"Boss, their pre-sales are still going on. According to our estimates, they may be able to withdraw another 200 billion yuan," Hudi said.

Jogo was silent for a moment.

As a result, the Sitharaman family has been able to use nearly 600 billion funds recently.

It is now the end of July. Qiao Ge’s biggest expenditures are the 30 billion acquisition of the shares of Beyond Group, the 47 billion acquisition of Bala Steel Plant, and the successive acquisitions of about 160 billion traditional edible oil companies. These acquisitions have actually been ongoing. .

In the six months from February to July, Qiaogo earned about 255 billion. Including his previous funds and loans, he still has about 560 billion in hand.

In other words, the Sitharaman family now has about the same amount of funds as themselves.

However, I still have funds from Yasi, Huida and others, and the Sitharaman family should not receive external financial support in the short term.

It has to be said that the Sitharaman family’s pre-sale plan was completely beyond Qiaogo’s expectations.

This plan allowed the Sitharaman family to get back such a huge sum of money at once.

"Continue to acquire companies that we think are suitable." Qiao Ge thought for a moment and said, "If they want to fight, then fight with them."

"Boss, I understand." Of course Hudi understood what the boss meant.

It is still necessary to consume as much of the Sitharaman family's funds as possible. After they invest the funds, the boss can implement the next plan.

Since both the Jogo and Sitharaman families are making acquisitions, these small traditional cooking oil companies are breathing a sigh of relief.

Originally, they thought that the price of this sale would be severely reduced, but due to the competition between both parties, they all got a satisfactory price. "Take it easy, you have to keep some funds just in case." Kehas couldn't help but remind him when he saw that the recent Rab was a little crazy.

"Don't worry, I know in my heart that I will probably leave about 100 billion, which should be enough." Rab said, "It's really unreasonable. Does that kid Qiaogo really want to fully enter the edible oil market? He is so brave. "

He has recently invested more than 300 billion to acquire edible oil companies, and the funds paid by Qiaogo will not be less than his own.

It can be said that about [-]% of the traditional cooking oil share is now in the hands of the two of them.

Previously, he felt that Qiao Ge was bluffing for the traditional edible oil market and wanted to make his side nervous.

After all, Jogo has just won the palm oil market.

Unexpectedly, this development was completely different from what I had expected. Can this scale of investment be considered a bluff?
"Can you sit down and talk with him?" Khas frowned, "If this continues, it will not be good for both parties."

"Do you think it's possible?" Rab sneered, "That kid's appetite is too big. Even if we can negotiate, can we accept his conditions? And those bastards from the Sharma family have also joined, so it's hard to stop now. ”

Kehas was silent.

Of course he could see that Qiaogo's ambition could not be reconciled by reconciliation.

You don't need to think about it to know that Qiao Ge will definitely put forward various conditions, which will definitely be difficult for him to accept.

But in his opinion, if this continues, although it will be detrimental to both parties, the problem on his side may be even greater.

After all, Qiaogo's debt is very healthy, and most of it is Qiaogo's own money. The same is almost true for the Sharma and other families.

On my side, it's just the opposite, it's all kinds of loans.

Although this time it is not a loan, it is still a pre-sale payment. The money has to be repaid, so it is almost considered a loan.

In comparison, the capital cost on our side is much higher than that on Qiaogo's side.

But he can also understand what Rab is doing now.

The Sitharaman family is the basic player in the traditional edible oil market, and this advantage must be guaranteed.

In response to Qiao Ge's provocation, a strong response must be given, otherwise there will definitely be public opinion in the market that is not favorable to oneself, which would be bad.

The current strong counterattack is to show the muscles of the Sitharaman family. They cannot really be suppressed by Jogo.

If this really happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Boss, if this continues, our costs will be huge." Hu Di said worriedly.

Although the cost is definitely smaller than that of the Sitharaman family, due to competition between the two parties, such as fighting for a company, the final purchase price premium will be much higher.

Some were bought by the Sitharaman family, and some were successfully acquired by our side, which was equivalent to paying a lot more than usual.

Qiao Ge was a little hesitant now.

Although Sharma and other families said they would always support him, Qiao Ge didn't want to see it costing him so much.

He didn't want to engage in a full-scale price war with the Sitharaman family before, but the development of the situation has become a bit out of control.

It’s not that I don’t want to engage in a comprehensive price war, the Sitharaman family will cooperate with me.

The main reason is that they have recently obtained a lot of funds, which makes them more confident.

Now that everyone has invested so much money, it is even harder to stop. Either you die or I die.

"How about letting the big news newspaper take action now?" Hu Di gritted his teeth.

"Let me think about it." Jogo took a deep breath and said.

I have to say that the Sitharaman family is really tough.

However, the Sitharaman family has spent about 300 billion now. Jogo wants to consume more of them, so he has to invest 500 to [-] billion.

"I can still bear it. It's not me who should be worried, but them." After Hudi left and Qiaogo was left alone in the office, he made a decision in his heart.

Giving up halfway is not his style.

Moreover, the Sitharaman family still has more than 300 billion in funds. Even if some people are mobilized to refund their money, the effect may not be very good.

The main reason is that there is not enough evidence to prove that they cannot guarantee the supply of cooking oil, and it is difficult to arouse public outrage.

Even if someone wants a refund or the like, the scale is probably small and the impact on the Sitharaman family will be limited.

"Just yesterday, the government and Country X reached a military equipment purchase agreement, which includes tanks and fighter jets~~" At this time, the news was playing on the TV.

Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment when he saw the news.

After the news was released, he felt moved and immediately picked up the phone and called Manmohan.

(End of this chapter)

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