Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 366 Underground treasure worth hundreds of millions

Chapter 366 Underground treasure worth hundreds of billions
Qiaogo's move directly caused the Sitharaman family to retreat, so he won over many major vegetable oil suppliers in the country. In terms of domestic edible oil raw material supply, Qiaogo occupied the majority of the share.

Of course, the price he paid was also very high, and he had to spend 400 billion in cash at once.

However, if the 400 billion is spent, some things can be recovered.

For example, the cooking oil currently being stocked by suppliers generally has a supply of one or two months, and some even have a supply of more than three months.

Since Qiao Ge paid off half a year's payment at once, the hoarded cooking oil naturally belonged to Qiao Ge, and they had no objection at all.

More than 300 billion have been spent on the acquisition of small edible oil companies before, but Qiao Ge actually only has about 260 billion in his hands.

So there's a shortfall of nearly 140 billion here.

Qiaogo thought about letting Yas and Pandit work together to fill this gap.

These domestic suppliers of edible oil raw materials must be captured, especially their edible oil stocks, which is crucial to his next plan.

Qiao Ge still lamented that the money was not enough. Although Yas and the others still had a lot of funds, they were not his own after all, so they would not be so easy to use.

Of course, this nearly [-] billion business is still under negotiation. After all, it involves a lot of things, and both our side and those suppliers need to treat it carefully.

With the Sitharaman family backing off, the matter was definitely done, but it would have to take some more time.

The Sitharaman family has retreated on the raw material suppliers side, but continues to acquire small traditional edible oil companies, and has even become more aggressive. They are determined to continue to expand their market share.

Qiao Ge can completely guess what they are thinking.

In the past, this would have been absolutely no problem, just expand the market.

But there will be a big problem next, Qiao Ge secretly sneered.

"Money, money." Qiao Ge whispered while sitting on the boss's chair.

Although I have an income of more than 40 billion every month, compared with my expenses during this period, it is still too little and I cannot make ends meet.

"We have to let Hudi look for those banks again to see if they can get some more loans." Qiao Ge thought in his mind.

I have new assets here, and a mortgage loan is completely feasible.

Ding ding ding, the phone rang at this time.

"Qiao Ge, send~~ lots of gold, send~~ many gems~~" came an extremely excited voice on the other end of the phone, and his words were a bit incoherent.

"Master, don't be excited. Why are you giving out gold? And giving out a lot of gems? Who is so generous? Is it charity?" Qiao Ge asked with some confusion. The call was from Jite.

"Treasure, Qiaogo, big treasure." Kit lowered his voice.

Listening to Git's obviously calmed down voice, Qiaogo was stunned for a moment: "Really? Did you really find the treasure? Temple treasure?"

"Yes, yes, it's really a huge treasure." Kit replied immediately.

"How big? How big can it be?" Qiao Ge asked with a smile, but he didn't pay too much attention.

In his opinion, the temple treasures Git discovered this time may be much more than before, which is why he was a little excited.

Maybe it could be worth hundreds of millions of rupees, Qiaogo thought.

"I don't know how big it is, I can't even count it." Kit became excited again, "Let me tell you, I opened a secret room in the underground palace, and there were all kinds of gold bars, gold jewelry, and gemstones in it. I can't even explain it. That gold bar Each one weighs several kilograms, no less than a hundred. There are five more secret rooms like this, and I~~I don’t dare to open them alone now, for fear of being discovered, what do you think I should do now?”

"What?" Qiao Ge's expression changed.

Oh my god, the secret room in the underground palace?

Aren't the treasures of the Indian temple in the previous life just six secret rooms?
That's right, did Kit really find it?
"Don't worry, listen to me. You just have to ensure that this news cannot be leaked." Qiao Ge quickly calmed down, "I~~ I'll have someone come over right away. Where are you? Which temple are you in?"

"The Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala, it should be fine to hide it for a few days. Come here quickly."

After hanging up the phone, Jogo immediately called Rhodes and asked him to take a team of his most trusted people to rush to Git's side.

In order to keep it secret, Qiao Ge asked them to take a speedboat directly from the training base to Kerala, where they would land and go to the temple.

Kerala is in the southernmost part of India, adjacent to the sea in the west, about 1000 kilometers away from Mumbai.

Rhodes's speedboat has a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, and it takes about 10 hours to get to Kerala. After landing, they have to go to the temple by land. Qiao Ge feels that a total of 24 hours a day and a night is almost enough.

It's much faster than taking the road all the way, because the roads are so bad that you can't drive at 100 kilometers per hour.

As for Qiaogo himself, he communicated with Kit and felt that it would be more appropriate to go there a few days later.

"Hudi, come here." Qiao Ge called Hudi again.

Hudi came over soon. His office was outside.

"Hudi, when you sign a contract with those guys, you must increase the liquidated damages." Qiao Ge suppressed the excitement in his heart and warned as calmly as possible.

Now I have to finish the work at hand, and let's talk about the treasure in the past. Anyway, there is no way to escape.

"Boss, how much should the increase be?" Hu Di asked. He knew that the boss was referring to the contracts with the suppliers of edible oil raw materials.

"The higher, the better." Qiao Ge said solemnly, "If they breach the contract, they will have to pay at least three times the contract amount."

"Yes, we should pay the full payment for half a year at once, and they should bear the corresponding responsibility." Hu Di agreed, "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely take care of it."

To be honest, when the boss proposed such a payment method before, he did not agree.The price on my side is too high.

But after thinking about the boss's next plan, Hudi realized that he still thought too narrowly.

After the Sitharaman family is defeated, this battle is destined to be recorded in history, just like the battle in which the Aiyar family seized the position of the food boss from the Pandit family, it is still mentioned frequently.

This time, it is even more exaggerated than that time. The boss will even target the Aiyar family in the future. It makes me excited to think about being one of them to participate in the war.

"Their oil must be stored after it is brought back. Tell Jena not to use this oil for the time being. Of course, our funds have not yet been received, and the storage warehouse must be prepared early." Qiao Ge said.

"Yes, boss." Hudi said.

He knew that the boss was trying to consume the cooking oil stocks of the Sitharaman family.

During this period, the Sitharaman family conducted various pre-sales and actually sold a lot of oil in a short period of time.

Because this kind of pre-sale is the larger the purchase amount and the longer the duration, the more favorable the price.

Therefore, the amount purchased by these customers is not small. The sales volume of the Sitharaman family in the first month was enough to equal the volume of more than two months in the past.

To some extent, this also expanded sales.

Of course, this is a false sales increase, because these customers may have bought the usual two or three months' worth at once.

However, overall, it is somewhat helpful to the growth of edible oil consumption. This kind of discount has fueled everyone's enthusiasm for buying oil.

As a result, the Sitharaman family’s inventory of cooking oil is definitely running low.

"I'm going out in a few days. If anything happens, you are responsible for solving it. If you really can't handle it, call me again." Qiao Ge said.

After Hudi went down, Qiao Ge couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He wanted to fly immediately to Kerala, to that Padmanabhaswamy temple.

After the temple treasure was discovered in the previous life, it was said to be worth tens of billions of dollars. According to the exchange rate after the rupee devalued at that time, it was equivalent to nearly one trillion rupees.

This is definitely an exaggeration, but Qiao Ge thinks that there should still be hundreds of billions of rupees now, which is about ten billion US dollars.

After all, those huge amounts of gold, gems, and various antiques are real.

But he can't rush there now, he has to wait until Rhodes and the others succeed.

How to deal with such a huge amount of wealth? Qiao Ge just struggled countless times. Finally, he and Git decided to hand it over to the government.

All greedy?

Just think about it, although you can do it, if the news leaks out, you will be in big trouble.

With my current wealth, there is absolutely no need to take this risk.

Moreover, handing over this treasure to the government can allow Kit and himself to obtain other huge benefits.

However, just because he is not ready to take it all does not mean that Qiao Ge wants nothing.

He sent Rhodes and the others there just to get some good things and good treasures out first.

Qiaogo believed in Rhodes' loyalty.

If you don’t trust, how can you be responsible for your own safety?
No one is more suitable than Rhodes for this matter.

Two days later, Rhodes called Qiao Ge and said that the matter had been settled.

So Jogo flew to Kerala and went to the Padmanabhaswamy Temple.

Of course Rhodes and the others are no longer here, they had already evacuated with their things.

"You can't tell it's been opened, right?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Rhodes and the others have dealt with it and can't see it anymore. Don't worry." Kit smiled and said, "Even if there is anything wrong, I will say that I had people prepare to open other secret rooms before, but then I gave up after thinking about it. , which left traces.”

Qiao Ge smiled: "Master, then I will contact the people from the government?"

"Okay, you can contact the government, and I will contact the masters in the religion." Kit said.

The two of them naturally discussed it.

This treasure is too big for one person to eat.

Even if the government can't do it, the religious community must get involved. After all, these treasures were found in the temple, so it's definitely impossible not to involve the religious community.

And Git will naturally be the leader of the religious community this time, and can further enhance his status.

Qiao Ge did not hesitate and immediately called Manmohan.

This kind of good thing must be cheap for your own people.

As for whom Manmohan told, Qiao Ge didn't care.

Thinking about it, he must be the person Manmohan trusts and relies on the most. This is definitely a huge favor.

(End of this chapter)

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