Chapter 367 A Windfall

"What did you say?" After hearing Qiao Ge's report, Manmohan suddenly stood up from his chair, "How much, how much is it? What, how many tons of gold is there? Are you sure it's not kilograms? A pure gold statue several meters high. How many are there? And all kinds of jewelry and treasures? Wait, what are you talking about? This is just one of the secret rooms. Are there five more secret rooms like this? What do those five have? Oh, they haven’t been opened yet? Very good, very Okay, Qiaogo, you’ve done a good job, don’t open the other five yet, I’ll report to the Prime Minister right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Manmohan stood there and took several deep breaths before calming down.

He did not go directly to the Prime Minister. Even if he wanted to see the Prime Minister, he would have to make an appointment.

Of course, this is a general situation, and he can make a special application for such a big event.

But he went to Narasimha Rao first.

Rao is his good friend and the person Rajiv trusts most. Reporting the news through him can maximize the benefits, so Manmohan also wants to share some of the benefits with him.

"Is this~~is it true?" After listening to Manmohan's words, Rao looked surprised, but he was still a little doubtful.

Those temples have been turned over countless times, and some of the treasures have been taken away long ago.

Even if there are some leftovers, there aren't many treasures left.

"This is what Qiaogo told me on the phone. I don't think he would make such a joke, Qiaogo, you should know." Manmohan said.

"Yes, that boy's words are trustworthy. Let's go, you and I meet the Prime Minister." Rao immediately pulled Manmohan out.

On the afternoon of the second day after Qiao Ge came to the temple, people from various forces arrived. After receiving the news, they all rushed overnight.

In a room of the temple, the leaders of several parties were sitting.

Of course Git and Qiaogo are there.

On the government side there are Manmohan and Rao, as well as two senior officials.

In addition, people from the army and police also came over. In addition to sharing benefits, they were also responsible for security and other work here.

In the religious world, besides Git, there are five masters.

They are all one of the most respected masters in Hinduism, and of course they are also the ones who have the best relationship with Jeet.

Kit must find a master friend who has a good relationship with him.

"Master Git, how did you find this treasure?" an official asked.

Everyone is actually quite curious.

"This is the instruction given to me by Mr. Gupta. It is the will of the gods." Jeet said solemnly.

Kit's words made everyone look confused.

In fact, many people were puzzled by Qiao Ge's appearance here at first.

Later, Kit explained a little bit, saying that Qiaogo came to see him, and then they happened to discover the treasure together.

In fact, everyone doesn't believe this statement. How could such a coincidence happen?

Of course, they also knew that Qiaogo and Git had a really good relationship. They had previously established the Dimri Charitable Fund, and Qiaogo was one of the co-managers.

It's completely understandable that Kit prefers Jhogo.

"Master, I wonder what you understand by this?" the official asked curiously.

"When I was still in Mumbai, I became good friends with Mr. Gupta. He once said that people like me should travel around the world, lecture in temples and benefit many believers. I think it makes sense. Then I did as I was told, from north to south, giving lectures in major temples. If it weren't for Mr. Gupta, how could I be here?" Geet glanced at everyone before continuing, "So I consider Mr. Gupta to be God’s messenger, conveying God’s will to me.”

"No, no, no, this is all Master. You have received God's will. Master has received God's blessing, allowing you to discover this treasure and use it to save the congregation and the people." Qiao Ge said hurriedly.

"Mr. Gupta, don't be humble, you are a messenger of God, I am convinced of this." Jeet said with a serious face.

Everyone was silent for a moment. They didn't quite believe what Kit said, but it seemed that there was indeed something in it.

If it weren't for Jogo, how could Git have discovered the treasure here?

And Kit has indeed performed many miracles over the years.

This time it was even more shocking.

"Yes, Mr. Gupta is of course a messenger of God." A master said, "Otherwise, how could we achieve such great achievements?"

Several other masters immediately agreed.

The masters all concluded, leaving several officials speechless.

However, they still believed in what the masters said.

Not talking about the treasure, Qiao Ge's current achievements alone are really a miracle.

"Everyone, I think counting the treasures is the most important thing now." Qiao Ge said.

That's pretty much it. Qiao Ge doesn't care whether he is a divine messenger or not.

But in terms of benefits, he still wanted this halo.

Now everyone thinks so, so let’s just think so.

Next, JIT will continue to promote.

This is mutual benefit and reciprocity. He is the messenger of God, and Kit is also the spokesperson of God.

These days, anything that has anything to do with God is of a different nature.

Promoted by the master Git, coupled with his own achievements, I believe that the identity of this so-called divine messenger can be more easily recognized by others.

"Yes, yes, the treasure is important."

So, everyone entered the underground palace and personally supervised the excavation of the treasure.

The entire excavation process was videotaped.

It was said that the whole process was videotaped, but it was not up to Qiao Ge and others present to decide which side to film, especially those from the government.

In places where the video was not taken, some treasures were quietly put away.

Everyone present remained silent.

How could they not get some benefits from such a good thing?
Moreover, Qiao Ge knew very well that some things here had to be secretly given to people above, such as Rajiv and so on.

Such a huge treasure cannot be eaten by these people, so more people must participate to share the pressure.Even these masters who are not greedy for money still have desires.

Some of the treasures here are Hindu utensils. For example, there is a statue of Vishnu, which is more than three meters high. It is exquisitely crafted and made of gold. It is dotted with countless gems and diamonds. It is a priceless treasure.

The masters do not value the money, they care about the meaning of the statue itself.

So long-lasting and meaningful, they longed for it.

So everyone reached a tacit agreement, and some things will be divided up privately later.

With so many treasures, who knows if you secretly take away some?
Then send some treasures to the upper level and organize them in various ways. Everyone will benefit and everyone will be happy.

This kind of ownerless thing can only be regarded as your own if you put it in your pocket, otherwise it belongs to the country.

So Qiaogo split again.

There are hundreds of gold chains several meters long and weighing several kilograms.

There are countless gold bars and gold bricks.

Gold jewelry, diamonds, and precious stones were everywhere.

There are various ancient gold coins, both domestic and foreign.

Various gold statues, utensils, antiques, etc.

There were so many treasures that everyone present was shocked.

Rao and Manmohan immediately reported to Rajiv again.

With such a huge treasure, Rajiv couldn’t sit still.

Two days later, Rajiv visited the scene in person.

He secretly exchanged a few words with Rao and others and then left.

Of course, after he left, some of the treasures here were obviously missing.

"The sixth underground palace secret room is sealed and will not be opened." Rao announced the next work.

This is bullshit. All six secret rooms in the underground palace were opened before.

It can be said that it was opened twice.

After all, before they came, Rhodes and the others had already opened and selected them.

All the treasures inside have now been dug out.

However, Rao and Qiaogo discussed it, meaning that it would be difficult for the believers to open them all, so the last secret room in the underground palace announced to the outside world that it would not be opened.

As for the treasure inside, of course it is gone.

Qiao Ge didn't care about these. There were too many people in the government who wanted to share the benefits.

This is a feast, a feast for high-level dignitaries.

Qiao Ge is now considered one of them, and he is the one who has gained the most.

In fact, everyone suspects that Qiao Ge should have benefited greatly from Qiao Ge's first appearance here.

But it was hard for anyone to say anything.

After all, it was Qiaogo and Kit who discovered this place. If they didn't tell them, it wouldn't be impossible for them to be greedy.

So it can be said that they all took advantage of Qiao Ge.

Don't say that there is no evidence now. Even if there is evidence, everyone will pretend not to see it.

Besides, with Qiao Ge's current strength, most people hope to be on good terms with him.

There is also all kinds of support from the masters this time. The divine messenger said that they do not dare to offend the masters.

In fact, politics and religion complement each other in India. Many politicians need to use religion, especially these masters, to win over India and win votes.

Therefore, for these influential masters, no matter whether they want it in their hearts or not, they have to show respect on the surface.

After a few days, most of the treasures here were cleared.

As for the value of the treasure, someone was specially hired to evaluate it, and finally an estimate of 1500 billion was given.

Of course, gold, gems, etc. are easy to value, but there are also some antiques or other added value, such as statues of gods of extraordinary significance to Hinduism, etc. These values ​​are difficult to estimate.

So the total value should be around 2000 billion.

We went through several rounds of negotiations regarding the distribution of this treasure.

Of course, this is mainly a negotiation between the religious circles and the government.

In the end, the religious community got one-third of the treasure, and some statues of gods and the like all belonged to them.

The government received two-thirds of the treasure and some remaining antiques.

The government is relatively clear about the disposal of these treasures. For example, these gold, gems, diamonds, etc. will be auctioned for money. Even some antiques will be auctioned, and a small number will be put into museum exhibitions or as national treasures.

There is no way, the government's finances are short of money. Now that there is such a windfall, it will naturally be used to make up for the shortcomings in the finances.

After these treasures are realized, the religious community and the government will divide the money at a ratio of one to two.

After the money from the religious community was divided, several masters unanimously agreed to inject the funds into the Dimri Charitable Fund, which will be used in the future as funds for temple maintenance, relief for believers, etc.

The reason for this decision was, of course, that as one of the discoverers, Qiaogo had no share in the distribution of the treasure, so he was compensated in this regard.

After all, Jogo is one of the two managers of the Dimri Charitable Fund.

Of course, everyone is also assured of Qiaogo's ability to make money. If the money is given to Qiaogo for investment, it is believed that it will increase in value. The increased value will then benefit the religious community and the believers.

This is sustainable development. Otherwise, if the money is really divided among everyone, it may be spent in a few years, or it may be stolen by corruption.

(End of this chapter)

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