After the parties negotiated everything, the treasure was reported in newspapers and other media.

The Big News has the news provided by Qiao Ge. It is definitely one of the newspapers with the most detailed content, and its influence continues to expand.

Such a huge batch of treasures shocked the Chinese people, and there were even reports abroad. After all, it was so shocking.

The rough estimate is 2000 billion rupees, equivalent to about 140 billion US dollars.

At the same time, the auction of some treasures, such as gold, various jewelry, etc., has made countless rich people gear up.

The value of pure gold bars, gold bricks, etc. is relatively fixed. It is basically based on the market price of gold. Even if you add some historical era, the price will not be much higher.

As for those gold jewelry, gemstone jewelry, etc., the price is difficult to estimate. In the end, it still depends on the auction.

Especially for antiques and the like, the price is even more difficult to say.

In short, everyone is looking forward to this treasure auction.

Of course, there is still some noise, quite a bit.

These people objected to the treasure being auctioned.

Unfortunately, all they could do was scream.

Without auctions, will you solve the government's fiscal deficit?
Therefore, the auction is imperative.

After Qiaogo returned to Mumbai, Rhodes had been waiting for him here.

Under the leadership of Rhodes, Qiaogo came to a secret warehouse, where there were underground palace treasures that Rhodes and others took out first.

Naturally, there are no gold bars or bricks. What is there are treasures carefully selected by Rhodes and the others.

There are crowns here, some for kings, some for queens, etc., inlaid with various gems, rubies, sapphires, etc., which are of inestimable value.

Since Rhodes and the others were operating in private, it was not easy to bring those large treasures with them.

For example, some gold chairs, gold thrones, etc. inlaid with various gemstones are too heavy, bulky, and difficult to carry.

So what Rhodes and the others brought back were basically jewelry, such as various rubies, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, etc.

There are also some gold coins, foreign gold coins, such as gold coins from the Roman period, gold coins from the Napoleonic period, etc. These gold coins cannot be priced according to the gold content. The value far exceeds the gold content.

These valuable treasures were packed in tattered sacks, three sacks full.

Qiao Ge didn't know how much these were worth, but he made a rough estimate. Not counting various historical values ​​and antique values, they were at least thirty to forty billion rupees.

After all, Rhodes and the others were the first to select the treasures, and the treasures were of better quality and more valuable.

Of course, what Qiaogo values ​​​​is not the tens of billions of rupees, but that most of the gems, diamonds, etc. can be obtained abroad in exchange for foreign exchange.

What Qiaogo lacks now is not rupees, but US dollars and other foreign exchange.

With Qiaogo's current ability, it is easy to get these small precious items such as gems and diamonds abroad.

This place is worth more than 20 billion US dollars.

Of course, it is impossible for Qiao Ge to convert all these gems into US dollars at once. This would be too conspicuous and unrealistic.

Exchange a little each year, say tens of millions of dollars, and then treat the money as the principal of overseas investment, and claim to the outside world that you have earned it, but I believe no one can tell.

In addition to most of them being exchanged for foreign currency abroad, there are also some jewelry with Indian characteristics, which Qiao Ge will definitely keep.

If these are taken abroad, foreigners may not necessarily buy it, and it will be too easy to be exposed.

Qiaogo doesn't care about Indian characteristics, but now he is an Indian after all. For the future family, these are of great significance and can be used as heirlooms.

These are private collections and will not be shown to anyone. Even if some people know about them, is it any wonder that with your own wealth, you got these?

In short, Qiao Ge already had a way to deal with the treasures he had obtained.

"You have done a good job, I will not treat you badly." Qiao Ge said.

"The young master has given us a lot, even if it costs our lives, we will not blink an eye." Rhodes said hurriedly.

Of course the people he brought this time were carefully selected and trustworthy.

These days, Qiaogo has given them a life they could never dream of. Their families are in a completely different world than before.

All this was given to them by Qiao Ge, and they were very grateful.

Qiao Ge smiled, he knew that Rhodes and the others were loyal.

But this time, I have gained so much that I will not treat them badly.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to distribute these treasures to them, and they will be compensated in other ways.

"Why did this kid suddenly become one of the discoverers of the treasure?" Anil looked at the report in the newspaper and felt a little unbelievable.

He knew that Qiaogo had been in Mumbai recently, so how could he discover the treasures in the temple in Kerala?

"Second Young Master, Master Dimri has been over there recently." Inkid said, "He has a very good relationship with Qiao Ge."

"Asshole, such a good thing is too cheap for that kid." Anil said with red eyes.

He is jealous, he is jealous, let alone the value of the treasure.

Simply being one of the treasure's discoverers brings huge benefits.Also, as the first discoverer, Qiao Ge didn't secretly steal any treasure?
Killing him can't believe it.

Those treasures are not just a matter of money, they are ancient things with historical value and worth collecting.

Although there will be an auction next, the quality of the treasures put up for auction must be relatively average.

"Second Young Master, I have received news that the funds obtained from this auction will be distributed between the government and the religious community at a ratio of two to one." Inkid said.

"Humph, it doesn't matter how they divide it with us, just divide it how they want." Anil snorted coldly, not knowing how to share the money with him.

"It is said that the funds allocated by the religious community will be invested in the Dimri Charitable Fund." Inkid said.

"Dimri Charitable Fund?" Anil was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't that Qiaogo~~~"

"Yes, Qiaogo is one of the managers." Inkid said, "Doesn't this mean that the money belongs to Qiaogo?"

Anil was silent.

What Kid said was a bit exaggerated, but it wasn't entirely wrong.

Although the money does not belong to Qiaogo, Qiaogo has the right to use the money, such as investment.

Since Qiaogo is one of the two managers of the fund, how could Dimri take care of this, so Qiaogo has complete control over where the money goes.

Doesn't it mean that Qiaogo suddenly gained such a huge amount of liquidity?

"No, you can't take advantage of him like that." Anil said coldly.

"This money should belong to all the temples in the religious world." Inkid said, "How can we let Master Dimri and a few others have the final say? Second Young Master, we also have to contact the masters with whom we have good relations and propose Only objections will do.”

"You're right." Anil shook his head slightly, "This money can't all be taken away by Qiao Ge. How can we get a share of the pie? I will contact the masters immediately. I believe they will not be reconciled."

Inkid smiled.

How could those masters be willing to do so?

Who can be willing to accept such a large sum of money without their participation?
"Second Young Master, and I don't believe Qiao Ge didn't secretly take those treasures, do you want~~"

"I also reported it in newspapers, questioned it, and aroused people's emotions." Anil said, "I don't know how many people are jealous. I wonder how that kid can escape this time."

Ever since, all kinds of ghosts and ghosts appeared in newspapers.

Some masters spoke out, saying that these treasures belonged to the religious community and the government had no right to dispose of them.

Some people question the first discovery, such as how many treasures Qiao Ge secretly hid?
For a time, the treasure issue turned into a battlefield of sorts, with people coming and going, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

There is no way, this treasure is really too big, and too many people are jealous of it.

Especially those who don't get the benefits.

Since they have no benefits, they also want to bring down those who have benefited.

Under Anil's instigation, the master on his side naturally took action.

But these people were soon punished.

Most of the other masters chose to support Git and the others, supporting the infusion of funds from the auction into the Dimri Charitable Fund.

In response to this situation, Qiaogo and Gitte had already discussed countermeasures.

In fact, it is very simple to solve this problem. They sent some of the statues and treasures to the temples where other masters lived. Of course, those masters would also give some personal benefits.

As for the master who spoke for Anil, I'm sorry, there is nothing.

In short, Gitte and his team have the support of the vast majority of masters, so they don't care about the noise of a few people.

No matter what you do, you can't satisfy everyone.

In addition, these guys are from Anil's side, and Kit is too lazy to please. He is definitely on Qiaogo's side.

The discovery of the treasure this time made his reputation rise again. He upholds the will of the gods and benefits his followers. This is the true master.

Otherwise, how could Master Dimri discover such a treasure?
Even Qiao Ge is said to be a divine messenger. Of course, those masters publicized it more powerfully, making Qiao Ge somewhat deified.

As for the doubts about Qiaogo's private treasures, the people quickly gave up.

The treasure was discovered by Qiaogo and Master Dimri first, and Qiaogo had every chance to take it all by himself.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he reported it to the government. What could such a person have to question?
Coupled with the fact that Qiaogo has achieved such achievements at such a young age, coupled with the propaganda of various masters, countless believers are convinced that Qiaogo has brought the divine will to Master Dimri.

Qiao Ge can do it if Youguang swallows the treasure alone, but once it is leaked, the problem will be huge.

With his current earning power, he can make more money than this treasure in the future, so there is no need to take this risk.

Using this treasure, Jogo has tied too many people together.

At least those high-level government officials who received the benefits have to thank themselves.

The most important thing is that Qiao Ge has brought Git's reputation to a higher level. He is definitely one of the top masters in the country now.

If he hadn't been too old, there would have been no problem in reaching the top and becoming the No. 1 master.

Git's reputation is still very helpful to his future development, and everything is for the long-term plan for the future. (End of chapter)

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