Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 369: I paid the money, but I can’t get the gas

Chapter 369: I paid the money, but I can’t get the gas (please give me a monthly ticket)

In response to the overwhelming questions, the government was even more direct and rude, directly stating that there was no private theft, and that the opening and inventory of the treasures were all done under supervision, with video evidence as evidence.

Only the government dares to say something like this with such confidence. As for supervision, they are all their own people. They are all their own people. Whatever they say is what they say.

As for the image data, it is also selectively shot.

That's what I said, what can you do?
After the announcement, naturally some people were still a little unconvinced and unwilling to give in. The government launched a thunderous attack on these guys who danced happily and took them directly to prison.

It's so easy to find trouble with these guys, such as tax evasion, or anything illegal. Even if there is nothing, they can still find a reason to get you into the police station.

After all, this matter has reached a tacit understanding and consensus at the top. If these guys are still so ignorant, they are seeking death.

Of course, the government also knows that there are people behind this, and the biggest force is the Reliance Group.

This is really old and new hatred.

As a result, the suppression of Reliance Group became even more severe.

It’s just that Reliance Group cannot just give in and is still resisting.

As for the treasure, Qiao Ge is content to settle down and leave the rest alone.

Of course, he will definitely go to the treasure auction, and he will bid more and come back. In the future, he will have more of these treasures at home. It can be said that he likes them and acquired them through various channels.

As for the auction time, it will probably take a few months, not that soon.

Time flies. On September 9, Qiaogo received news from Manmohan that the batch of military equipment had arrived and the balance was paid.

Manmohan also revealed to Qiaogo that the country’s foreign exchange reserves were really tight.

This is for sure. The arms purchase is US$12 billion. Such a huge expenditure cannot be afforded by India's current foreign exchange reserves.

So, Jogo came to News’s office.

For more than two months, Qiao Ge was very active in getting edible oil in stock. He kept looking for warehouses and built new warehouses to store the purchased edible oil.

In addition to domestic acquisitions, a lot of foreign imports are also made.

During this period, with Manmohan's greetings, the foreign exchange quota naturally increased a lot.

With the quota, Qiaogo spent almost all of it on imported edible oil. Of course, the bulk of it was traditional edible oil. After all, the amount of palm oil imported was really limited.

Since all his thoughts were on the spot edible oil, Qiao Ge slowed down his acquisition of small edible oil companies.

In addition to the fact that the Sitharaman family is very strong in acquiring these small companies, Qiaogo found that the remaining small companies did not meet his requirements.

The area of ​​these companies' own planting bases is not too large. If they really have a large area, Qiaogo will occasionally compete with the Sitharaman family.

What Qiao Ge values ​​​​is land, as for other brand channels, he doesn't care too much.

In terms of channels, he can definitely expand it here, and his channels are not weak now.

All in all, the Sitharaman family spent almost more than 200 billion.

Qiao Ge estimated that they still have about 100 billion in liquidity.

Now, this kind of acquisition is almost over. After all, everything that can be sold has been sold.

Didn’t Qiao Ge’s actions for more than two months just wait for today?
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Qiao Ge, I have been looking forward to this day every day. I have already written those press releases." After hearing Qiao Ge's words, News laughed loudly.

This kind of business war is really exciting, involving the entire edible oil market.

After this time, this huge market will undergo earth-shaking changes, and Big News is the pioneer.

For big news newspapers, this kind of news is extremely popular and can greatly increase the influence and sales of big news newspapers.

He wants to make Big News the largest newspaper, so he can't do it without ambition.

"Then I won't say any more and let's get started." Qiao Ge said with a chuckle.

The next day, the Big News published a column analyzing the Sitharaman family's edible oil pre-sale system.

In view of the Sitharaman family's tarnished reputation abroad, it has become more difficult to import edible oil from abroad. In addition, major domestic edible oil suppliers have basically signed contracts with the Gupta Edible Oil Company.

Therefore, Big News has come to the conclusion that the Sitharaman family is likely to be unable to guarantee the subsequent supply of cooking oil to these prepaid customers. It hopes that the public will consider carefully to avoid not getting the oil after paying.

"What do you mean you paid the money but you can't get the oil?" Rab tore the Big News newspaper into pieces in his hand. "Slander, this is slander and curse. I want to sue the Big News newspaper, I want to sue them..."

Relevant newspapers in Rab also took action and responded to the reports of the big news newspapers.

They appealed to the public not to be taken advantage of by malicious people. The supply of cooking oil here is sufficient and there is no shortage of oil.

Even if domestic suppliers have signed contracts with Qiaogo, there will be no problem with foreign suppliers.

Because they have solved the deposit problem with foreign suppliers, increased the deposit ratio, and have sufficient funds, there is no need to worry about importing.

In response to their report, the Big News also suggested that the best way for the public is to get all the cooking oil back as soon as possible, instead of waiting to get a portion every month. Maybe it will be gone after a few months.

Only when you get all the cooking oil can you truly own it and feel at ease.

It has to be said that the reports of the big news newspapers are still very influential and provocative.

It makes many people feel a little scared.After all, many people paid for one or even three years all at once. If they can't get the gas later, wouldn't they be in a big loss?
As a result, some people couldn't sit still and asked the Sitharaman family to provide the remaining cooking oil at once, otherwise they would refund their money.

The Sitharaman family dealt with these people very happily.

I gave them all the cooking oil directly. Of course, the price cannot be as favorable as one-year or three-year terms.

After such a decisive supply of oil, and the fact that Rab mobilized his own newspaper forces to publicize that there was no problem in the supply of cooking oil, the anxious people became more at ease.

Almost no one came to the Sitharaman family to ask for fuel or money back.

"Hmph, you're still young when you fight with me." Rab sneered.

"Chief, although we managed to survive this time, the edible oil inventory has dropped below the warning line," one person said.

"How much is left now?"

"We can only maintain normal sales for half a month."

"Immediately contact foreign countries and place an order for one month's sales," Rab said.

Originally, they still had more than a month's sales inventory, but this sudden run wiped out more than half of the inventory.

The subordinates did not hesitate and immediately contacted him.

"Qiaogo, if you have the ability, pull all the foreign suppliers over." Lab thought to himself.

The foreign vegetable oil market is too big, and it is not something that Qiaogo can monopolize if he wants to.

Even if most of the domestic suppliers are located in Qiaogo, Labu doesn't care at all. He can completely rely on imports, so what are he afraid of?
What followed was a few days of daily newspaper spats, not much nutrition, everyone just watched the fun.

Because the previously anxious people returned to normal and felt that the Sitharaman family could indeed provide cooking oil.

Just a few days after these days, the government spokesperson made some explanations on foreign exchange, calling on everyone to import as little unnecessary products as possible to ensure the import of necessities.

Well, with the government's explanation in hand, Big News is striking back again.

Big News cited palm oil imports here in Khogo as an example.

Imports were going smoothly before, but recently, due to the country's tightened control over foreign exchange, the foreign exchange quota was insufficient, and the import volume was only half of the previous volume.

And given the current situation, the import volume will continue to decline in the future.

Regarding this report, everyone was a little confused at first.

Everyone knows that Big News is owned by Djogo, and this report is detrimental to Djogo’s palm oil company no matter how you look at it.

However, some people feel that there will definitely be a follow-up.

It's impossible for Qiaogo to let the newspaper mess with him, right?

Sure enough, the next day, major news newspapers continued to report relevant news.

Reports indicate that the Gupta Edible Oil Company used to import traditional edible oils from abroad in large quantities, but the current foreign exchange controls have caused the import volume to plummet by more than 8%.

However, the Gupta Edible Oil Company said there are sufficient stocks and people need not worry.

Some people with a sensitive sense of smell immediately realized something.

Rab summoned Kehas, and this time Deliha was also present.

Their faces are all black.

The last time I looked for imported edible oil, I planned to import a month's supply.

Unfortunately, there is no foreign exchange, so we can only import a week’s worth.

How is this enough?
There are still more than 100 billion rupees in Rab, which is more than enough to import for a month. Unfortunately, people abroad do not want rupees, but US dollars and other foreign exchange.

"The inventory can only last for about ten days. If we can't get oil again, we will be in big trouble." Khas said.

"Leaving all domestic suppliers to Qiao Ge is a big mistake." Deliha said with anger on his face, "You didn't notify me of such a big event?"

Facing Deliha's anger, Rab felt unhappy, but it was hard to get angry.

He discussed this matter with Kehas and did not call Deliha.

Originally, he thought there was no problem with this matter, and the foreign side could completely make up for the domestic gap.

Who would have thought that there was a problem with the country's foreign exchange reserves. Now that foreign exchange is tight, import quotas have naturally been reduced in various ways.

If they cannot import enough cooking oil, they will have no oil to sell here.

If there is just no oil to sell, it would be okay. At worst, the store will be empty, and some labor and other expenses will be lost. It will not be too late to import again after the foreign exchange is relaxed in the future.

But the problem is that now they have a pre-sale system, and they must guarantee a certain amount of cooking oil to those customers every month.

It's great to receive money, but now it's extremely painful to provide cooking oil every month.

Where to find oil?
It's a new month soon, the October delivery time is coming, and the oil has not yet arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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