Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 370: Monopolizing the spot market

Chapter 370: Monopolizing the spot market (please vote for me)

"Now is not the time to complain about anyone, the most important thing is to find a way to solve this matter." Kehas came out to smooth things over.

Deliha snorted coldly.

Of course he knew that Kehas and Rab had a better relationship, and he had joined the gang, but he didn't have much say.

Last time, he was a little bit worried about the traditional edible oil market.

However, after a few of them met in private, they felt that they were not willing to withdraw immediately, so they wanted to observe further.

Later, when Labu launched a pre-sale, everyone saw that it was quite successful. They felt that the matter was not as bad as everyone thought, so they didn’t care about it.

But now I realize that this is a deep pit, a bottomless pit. If you jump in, you may never come out.

We have to get away quickly, otherwise the boat will sink with Labu and his friends. How can this be done?
"Hurry up and find domestic suppliers and buy the oil from them." Kehas said to Rab again.

"They don't have much oil to make up for such a big gap." Rab sighed.

"Then go find those previous suppliers." Kehas said in a deep voice, "Even if they signed a contract with Qiao Ge, how can you still find a way to get some oil back after so many years of cooperation with them? Last time, right? We were able to cope with the run because we still had a lot of inventory. If it happens again this time and we don’t have enough inventory, then~~”

"I'll give it a try." Labu said in a daze.

He knew very well that the consequences of this incident would be a disaster, and his family might collapse.

The guy over there has signed a contract with Qiao Ge, and I heard that the liquidated damages are very high.

Friendship is friendship, and when it comes to business, they will not let go easily, and he knows this very well.

However, he has no choice but to find a breakthrough from the big domestic suppliers and find a way to get some oil back from them, no matter how high the price is, he still has to buy it.

"Hudi, we need to keep a close eye on the supply of cooking oil next month. We must ask them to deliver the oil quickly." Qiao Ge said.

"Boss, don't worry, I will keep an eye on you." Hu Di said immediately.

But just as he finished speaking, one of his subordinates delivered a piece of information. He took a look at it and his face changed drastically: "Boss, it's bad, there are a few people who secretly sold cooking oil to the Sitharaman family. "

"Then did they give us enough cooking oil as agreed in the contract?" Qiao Ge frowned.

He knew very well that Labu and the others had no choice abroad, so they could only turn to the big domestic suppliers, so he was very concerned about this.

"Since the deadline for shipment next month has not yet reached, we can't confirm it yet." Hudi said, "But boss, they have provided a lot of cooking oil to the Sitharaman family. Our side is definitely We are unable to provide in full.”

At this time, another subordinate came in and said that he had a call for Hudi.

Jogo asked him to answer the phone.

"Is it okay if we do this?"

"Yes, according to the contract, we breached the contract."

"I'm afraid it's hard to talk to Qiao Ge, right?"

Several edible oil suppliers sat around and discussed.

They were the ones who called Hudi just now.

"Isn't it just that it's a little short this month? Just make up for it next month and the month after that. Does he really want to offend us? Now they are begging us to buy oil. Don't worry, don't worry. The Sitharaman family’s bid is half too high, are we fools if we don’t sell?”

"That's right, it's funny what you said about Rab. I didn't want to bid with Qiao Ge at first, but now it's okay. If you pay a higher price, you have to beg us. Humph, if it weren't for the sake of the business we have done for many years , I really don’t want to sell him.”

"This is not right. We can make things difficult for anyone, but we can't make things difficult for money."

"Haha~~ We are both getting rich. The more fierce they fight, the better."


After Hu Di came back, he said: "Boss, it was a call from a few people from Zhase, saying that there was a problem during the preparation of their cooking oil, so this month they can only provide one-third of the contracted amount. It will be made up in a month, I hope we can agree."

Qiao Ge laughed. When the laughter stopped, he said coldly: "Tell them, no matter what happens to them, I must act in accordance with the contract, otherwise I will compensate them according to the contract."

How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

I already paid a high price, and paid the full amount in cash.

Now these guys still want to get more, sell it to Labu and the others at a high price, and reduce their own quantity?
How could Qiaogo get used to this kind of behavior of siding with the enemy?

"Okay, boss." Hu Di also had anger on his face. Do you think he is an idiot?
There was also a problem during the preparation process, which is unreasonable.

"By the way, you go contact Adela. Once the delivery deadline is up, you will sue them before the goods arrive." Qiaogo said, "If you don't give them some clues, maybe other guys will follow suit." ,snort."

These guys will definitely not be able to collect the amount of cooking oil they need in a short period of time. They must have sold the goods originally given to them to Labu at a high price.

When you are good to bully?

This is to scare the monkeys. If you are too talkative, other suppliers will definitely do the same.

If it were normal times, I might be more tolerant.

But this time it is a big showdown between himself and the Sitharaman family. Whoever dares to hold him back will die.

Qiaogo could guess some of the inner thoughts of Laser and the others.

Probably he still felt that both he and Labu needed their cooking oil, so he dared to make such a breach of contract.

They thought they couldn't possibly offend them.

Unfortunately, I am not a rabbi, so I am eager to look for oil everywhere.His purpose is just to purchase as much edible oil as possible on the market, leaving Labu with no oil to buy.

It's true that they are large suppliers of cooking oil, but in the past few months, Qiaogo has emptied all their inventory.

Even if there is oil in the future, it will be accumulated slowly over time.

Even if all the little oil they had accumulated was given to Labu, Labu would not be able to cope with the subsequent squeeze.

There is no doubt that a run will happen.

The current situation, let alone the big news newspapers, will report it. Even if it doesn't, other newspapers will probably report it, and those who are a little sensitive will also be aware of this situation.

Sitharaman family, are you still alive now?
After Hudi went out, Qiaogo immediately found someone on his side, such as calling Yas and the others.

I hope they can mobilize their respective relationships and exert influence on the court to quickly characterize and decide this lawsuit.

Regarding this, Yas and the others said it was not difficult at all.

After all, these suppliers are nothing compared to families like Sitharaman, so it would be too easy for Yas and the others to deal with them.

Especially if there is a contract, these suppliers will default first.

Of course, Qiao Ge is not worried about them supplying oil to Labu, but he still wants to cut off Labu's various channels for finding oil as much as possible.

Don't be careless until the end of the matter.

"What should we do? Qiaogo insists that we provide cooking oil in accordance with the contract."

"Why are you panicking? He can still eat us?" Lase said solemnly, "Anyway, this is our attitude now. We will replenish the supply for him in the next few months."

"What if he sues us?"

"Doesn't he want our oil?" Rube sneered. "Now foreign oil can't come in. We are the meat and potatoes. Don't worry. That guy is just trying to scare us. Besides, it's impossible for us to do this this month." What else can we do if we gather the cooking oil he needs? As long as everyone works together, there is nothing he can do against us."

"Ah, that's right. There are quite a few of us here, and that kid won't dare."

"I hope so."

Just a few days after people like Lase comforted themselves, Qiaogo directly took them to court and asked them to compensate according to the liquidated damages agreed in the contract.

They were a little panicked now. They didn't expect Qiao Ge to really dare to sue them.

When they came to Qiao Ge to ask for mercy, they did not see Qiao Ge, only Hudi.

Hudi's answer to them was very simple, that is, they would provide cooking oil immediately. As long as the amount of oil was received, they would not sue, otherwise they would just wait to lose money.

"No, hurry up and get the oil you sold to Rab." Someone said.

"How to get it back? All the oil was sold to them." Another person sighed, "We shouldn't be greedy for this advantage. Now that it's better, we have to pay three times the price."

"What if we don't pay compensation?" Someone gritted his teeth.

"Then try it." Someone next to him said coldly.

These words discouraged everyone. How could they possibly fight against the current Qiao Ge.

Especially with Qiao Ge's side, they have no chance at all.

"Compensate. Now it's just this month's triple compensation. We can still afford it. If it's a year~~~ then we should honestly provide cooking oil to that kid Qiaogo, otherwise~~" Garbage finally said Said helplessly.

This time he miscalculated. He thought he could manipulate Qiao Ge on the cooking oil, but he didn't expect that he didn't care about him at all.

He now understands that it was the Sitharaman family's predicament that made him a little complacent, thinking that Qiaogo's side would also demand the same from his side.

But he ignored that Qiaogo was not in urgent need of cooking oil like the Sitharaman family.

Qiao Ge’s purpose is to monopolize the current edible oil spot market.

When I signed a contract with Qiao Ge, all my inventory was taken away by him.

If he still had a large amount of inventory, I believe Qiao Ge wouldn't dare to force himself like this.

Because he pushed too hard, the worst he could do was provide all the oil to the Sitharaman family.

It's a pity that their warehouse is almost empty now. How can there be any cooking oil?

This means that he and others have no capital to negotiate with Qiaogo.

It doesn't matter if you bow your head as soon as possible, will you really carry it to the end and end up in jail?

He has no doubt about this. With Qiaogo's current strength, he has no chance at all.

"It's all you, Rube, we all listened to your instigation, if it weren't for you~~"

"That's it~~"

Facing the accusations from these guys, Laser just gave them a cold look.

When I thought I could make money by selling it to Rab at a high price, why didn't I think about this result?

At that time, I was more active than anyone else.

Now blame yourself?
"It's all your own choice, who's to blame?" Lase stood up and sneered, "Anyway, I've said what I should say. It's up to you whether you bow your head or carry it to death."

(End of this chapter)

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