Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 371 This knife is too cruel

Chapter 371 This knife is too cruel (please vote for me)
Qiao Ge was able to cut the trouble quickly. Once the lawsuit was over, other major suppliers who also had this idea were suppressed.

This would leave Labu scolding her.

Because several large suppliers who had previously had good deals with him now regretted it and said they could no longer sell cooking oil to him.

Labu knew what was going on. It was Qiaogo's high liquidated damages that prevented these people from breaking the contract.

Although I can raise the price to purchase it, I can't raise the price without limit.

There was no way I could pay for their breach of contract, which would be three times the normal price.

But where should I go to get oil?
The cooking oil purchased from Trash and others will not last for a few days.

The lawsuit between Qiao Ge and those edible oil suppliers is not peaceful. The big news newspapers have reported various high-profile reports, and the various processes are very detailed.

The meaning of this is clear, that is, to tell everyone that the Sitharaman family is short of oil.

In fact, major news newspapers have been reporting on the import of traditional cooking oil.

As the country's foreign exchange is tight, various import quotas have been reduced, which is fatal to the Sitharaman family.

As a result, there was another run on the cooking oil company of the Sitharaman family. Those pre-sale customers wanted to take back the cooking oil at once, otherwise they would get refunds.

The scale this time is not comparable to the last time, it is not on the same level at all.

How is it possible that Labu has such a large volume of goods?
Most of these pre-sales are for more than one year, which means that if he gives oil, it is equivalent to giving a year's sales volume at once.

Even before, he would not have had such a large inventory.

As for money back?
Once the money is in his hands, he definitely doesn't want to give it back.

Besides, he doesn’t have that much money to refund now if he wants to. Most of the money has been spent, leaving only tens of billions, which is not enough to refund.

He could only appeal to the public to calm down in various newspapers.

But this appeal was in vain because the people did not receive enough oil and the advance payment was not refunded.

As time passed, they became more panicked and felt that the Sitharaman family was unreliable.

There are more and more people wanting refunds or getting the gas all at once, and the situation is getting a little out of control.

The Sitharaman family almost controlled the traditional cooking oil market before, and prepayments were involved across the country. It can be said that his incident suddenly caused turmoil in the country.

Many stores have been attacked by people who lost their cool. They rushed in to grab gas and smashed...

The government has given stern words to the Sitharaman family, asking them to resolve the matter as soon as possible and calm the public's anger.

Either give me gas or refund my money, there is no third way.

The Sitharaman family is plagued by internal and external troubles.

The foreign troubles are naturally the people who want their money back.

The internal worry is that Deliha and others want to withdraw their shares.

How could Rab agree to the request of Deliha and others.

They want to leave but don't want to take on the debt. How is that possible?

Can I come here whenever I want and leave whenever I want?
The two sides have had several quarrels, which ended on bad terms, and naturally there was no result.

"You can't keep putting it off like this, right?" Khas said looking at the haggard-looking Rab.

"Otherwise, what should I do?" Labu smiled bitterly, "It's impossible to refund the money. The money is simply not enough. As for the oil, the warehouse has long been empty."

"Are you just waiting to die? You need an explanation from the government." Kehas said in a deep voice.

If the Sitharaman family fails, the Aiyar family will also suffer heavy losses. After all, they have invested a lot here.

Although the current situation is difficult, we can't just give up, right?

The government's wording on them this time was very harsh.

There is no way, because of the pre-sale, almost everyone across the country has participated. If this incident breaks out, the government will definitely put all the responsibility on them.

Although in fact it was them who did it, they really can't shoulder this responsibility.

"Can you help find Reliance Group and ask them to lend some money?" Rab asked.

"I have already contacted Anil." Kharth sighed, "I believe you also know what the current situation of Reliance Group is. It is not easy for them themselves. If the amount is not large, they can still Help, but now you are short of funds~~~"

Rab's face darkened, and the funding gap was nearly 600 billion.

Although he only raised 600 billion from the pre-sale, there is still 100 billion left.

But recently, their costs have also been high. For example, not only the deposit ratio for imported edible oil has increased, but the purchase price has also increased.

In addition to the increase in international vegetable oil prices, there is also the depreciation of the rupee. In short, the costs they pay here are greater.

As for the edible oil imported at a high price, it is sold to customers at a discounted price due to pre-sale, and it is almost sold at a loss.

Therefore, if we really want to return these pre-sale funds, we will lose nearly [-] billion.

"I want to delay it a little longer." Rab said thoughtfully.

"You're still putting it off, can you put it off?" Kejas said anxiously, "It's already starting to get smashed. If there are all kinds of riots next, can you afford it?"

"Perhaps if we wait a little longer, the foreign exchange limit may be relaxed?" Raab said.

Kehas was stunned for a moment, he did not expect that Rab would say such unreliable words.

He wanted to scold Labu angrily, but considering Labu's current situation, it was hard for him to do so.

Khas took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible: "I asked someone to find out about the country's foreign exchange situation. It is indeed very tense and cannot be reversed in a short time. We cannot wait until that time. This is our carelessness. "Who would have thought that the government's arms purchase suddenly cost 12 billion US dollars, almost all the foreign exchange, and all kinds of imports have almost stopped except for some products that are necessary for the country."

Labu looked bitter, what a fate.He was on every possible defense against Qiao Ge, and Qiao Ge was on guard here.

Unexpectedly, he was stabbed in the back by the government. This stab was so severe that it almost ruined the future of the Sitharaman family and caused their edible oil kingdom to collapse.

"Sell, hurry up and sell some assets, otherwise once the government really intervenes, it will be difficult to sell at a higher price." Kehas sighed.

After he finished speaking, he saw Rab sitting on the chair and closing his eyes without making a sound.

He wanted to persuade her, but finally sighed, stood up, glanced at Deliha, and went out.

Deliha's face was full of reluctance, but seeing Labu's look, he knew that it would be hard to say anything today.

Kohas said selling the assets was almost their only option.

The only way to repay those advance payments is to raise funds by selling assets.

The liquidated damages from the Malay side can be waived, and until now I have ignored the various threats and clamors from the Malay side.

But this time it’s domestic.

If you only owe a small number of people, you will only be delayed.

But there are too many people involved this time, and the government will never sit idly by.

Deliha stood up and almost lost his footing.

He was angry and regretful.

By merging with the Sitharaman family, it was thought that the two parties would turn enemies into friends, develop together and monopolize the edible oil market.

But this beautiful dream was completely shattered, and the Sitharaman family had to suffer heavy losses.

If we had directly withdrawn from the edible oil market at that time, there would not have been so many things.

Why did you so blindly agree to the rabbi?
Deliha hated the Reliance Group in his heart. At that time, they were almost ready to give up the edible oil market, but Dhirubhai personally came to make peace with them, and they agreed to merge into the Sitharaman family.

They said that joining forces could better monopolize the edible oil market. They were moved by the bright prospects described by Droubai.

And this merger is their nightmare.

Since the Sitharaman family holds more shares, the debt is equally shared.

But even if their losses were not as great as those of the Sitharaman family, this time it was definitely a serious loss for them.

In particular, they spent a lot of money and a lot of loans to win the petrochemical project that originally belonged to the three major Dutta families. If the losses here are too great, there may be problems with that project.

Deliha did not stay here longer. He had to go back quickly to discuss it with his partners to minimize losses.

It is certain to break up with the Sitharaman family, and I have decided that I can no longer go the same way with them.

There is no hope here.

"Second Young Master, the Sitharaman family is finished." Inkid came in and said to Anil.

Anil didn't answer. Of course he had seen the news these days.

It's too bad, or it could be the Sitharaman family's bad luck.

The government's foreign exchange has suffered huge losses due to the arms purchase, which has affected the import of other products.

Many people have lost money due to foreign exchange quota control, but those people can bear a small loss.

The Sitharaman family is deadly.

The most important thing when engaging in pre-sale is credibility, to make these customers believe that you can deliver these goods to them in the future.

Well now, everyone knows that the Sitharaman family has no cooking oil stock.

So, this panic came.

"Second Young Master, Qiao Ge has won." Yinjid said again.

"Asshole." These words irritated Anil, who slammed his hands on the table and roared.

Yes, the biggest beneficiary this time is Qiao Ge.

Because Qiaogo has been competing with the Sitharaman family for the edible oil market these days.

Now that the Sitharaman family is in trouble, it cannot be said that all of this market share has been given away, but at least most of it will be taken away by Qiaogo.

The traditional edible oil market situation will change drastically in the future.

Chogo's Gupta Edible Oil Company came to power and became the leader in the industry.

As for the Sitharaman family, it depends on how much share they can hold on to.

However, they basically have no strength to challenge Qiao Ge's status in the future. Their leading position is not guaranteed, and it is probably difficult to maintain the second echelon behind Qiao Ge.

"Damn it, if my Reliance Group hadn't been held back by someone, otherwise~~" Anil said this and stopped talking.

Even if the Reliance Group is not dragged down by anyone and is not watched by those high-caste traditional wealthy families, it is probably unlikely that they will take action to save the Sitharaman family.

The amount of money involved is too great.

You know, they had previously guaranteed loans for the Aiyar and Sitharaman families.

If the Sitharaman family cannot pay this part of the money, their Reliance Group will also be dragged into the water.

In fact, they have almost been dragged into the water. Given the current situation of the Sitharaman family, it is too difficult to get them to pay back the money.

Even if I pay it back, I don’t know if it will be delayed until the Year of the Monkey.

(End of this chapter)

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