Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 373 Treasure Distribution

Chapter 373 Treasure Distribution (asking for monthly votes)

"Did you and Master Git really discover the treasure in the underground palace together?" Shia asked curiously.

Everyone is curious about the treasure.

Although there are many reports in newspapers and TV, the truth is still doubtful.

Qiao Ge is the person involved, and Shia also wants to hear more secrets.

"Of course." Qiao Ge said matter-of-factly.

In this matter, even his own woman has to lie.

I was afraid that if I told her the truth, I would accidentally let it slip.

It's not too late to tell them this kind of thing in the future. Now this matter is too sensitive, so it's better to be cautious.

"I can't imagine that all the secret rooms in the underground palace are filled with treasures. How amazing that would be." Siya imagined that scene in her mind.

"Yes, I was shocked at the time." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "If you want to see how amazing it is, I will buy you a room full of jewelry one day."

"Nonsense." Shia rolled her eyes at Qiao Ge and said.

But he was still happy in his heart, and Qiao Ge's words were still very useful.

Which woman doesn't want her man to love her.

"If I really want to buy it, I can buy it myself when I make money later."

"Okay, if you are ambitious, I believe you can achieve it."

The next morning, Qiaogo came to the auction house.

Shia went to work early. This kind of auction scene was very important to both the TV station and her.

At the auction house, Qiao Ge saw the staff of the national television station, and naturally also saw Sia, who was busy.

Since it was work, Qiao Ge didn't bother him.

Jogo sat with Huida, Lupa, and Hebicha.

Lupa came with a mission this time.

Some time ago, he used his charm to get a lot of funds from his fiancée.

This time at the temple treasure auction, he was going to take some jewelry and give it to her.

"Lupa, you are so smart. You said you were giving it to her, but in the end she married into your family and she was not yours?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Hehe, women still need to be coaxed." Lupa said with a smile, very proud of himself.

Since following Qiao Ge's investment business, his assets have skyrocketed.

Especially since the traditional edible oil market has recently defeated the Sitharaman family in one fell swoop, it will be a good day for them.

And for all this, my fiancée has a lot of credit.

If she and her family hadn't lent him money, how could his gains have been as great as they are now?

So now he really likes this fiancée.

Of course, before she asked her to borrow money, her family members, especially some elders, complained a lot. But now that they know that she followed Qiao Ge to invest, especially after success, their attitude is different.

In front of them, I straightened my waist, of course I was proud of myself.

"Don't tell me, you have so many women, how many are you planning to take this time?" Lupa asked.

"I will definitely satisfy them." Qiao Ge smiled.

Qiaogo thought about it, if he didn't count Beni, he had six women.

Evie is going back to China recently and has graduated from her master's degree.

However, she was a little hesitant about whether to continue studying for a Ph.D., and wanted to come back to listen to Qiao Ge's opinion.

So he had to prepare gifts for these women, especially Beni.

"I believe that no woman can resist the temptation of this kind of jewelry. It is an ancient treasure." Huaida said at the side.

"Mr. Pandit, you are in the gold and jewelry business, do you still need to take pictures?" Rupa asked.

"I'm not just here for the auction, I also want to see some ancient jewelry styles. Many of those skills have been lost, so I need to study them carefully." Huaida said, "Can you lend me the jewelry you took? How many days will you study?”

Naturally, everyone did not refuse this, it was just a matter of effort.

Could it be that Huaida could still steal these jewelry?
"Maybe you can make a treasure series." Qiao Ge said.

"I think so too. The ancient nostalgia series, after this treasure incident, I believe it will be very popular." Huaida laughed and said, "So I want to take a good look at it this time."

"We just want to auction a few items and put them at home in the future to pass them on to future generations," Hebicha said.

Everyone talked about jewelry and treasures in the underground palace.

Lupa and the others also asked Qiaogo about the inside story at that time.

Qiao Ge's detailed explanation amazed them again and again.

There are certain things that are definitely not reported in newspapers and other external reports.

Of course, Qiao Ge is also selective, and the real inside story is definitely difficult to tell, and Lupa and the others also know it.

The auction was very popular, and every treasure was finally sold at a high premium.

In fact, this is very normal, and these are of historical value.

Qiao Ge finally took pictures of 23 treasures, including a queen's crown, which was inlaid with gems, diamonds, etc., which was extremely bright.

This is the most expensive of these treasures he photographed, costing more than 1 million rupees.

Other treasures are basically around tens of millions.

To obtain these 23 treasures, Qiaogo spent a total of nearly one billion.Among many auctioneers, Qiaogo’s transaction volume ranks among the top five.

The reason why he bid so heavily was not only because there were seven women to divide, but also because he used this method to tell everyone that he, Qiao Ge, was very interested in these ancient treasures with historical heritage.

In fact, the treasures obtained by Rhodes and the others are much better than these.

Take the back crown for example. He has three other crowns over there, all of which are much better than this one.

The final auction amount also came out. A total of nearly 1700 billion was auctioned, which was 200 billion higher than the estimate.

The enthusiasm of many rich and powerful people is still very amazing.

The religious sector can get one-third, which is about 570 billion.

All of this money was injected into the Dimri Charitable Fund, and part of the future investment income will be used to maintain temples in various places and help poor believers every year.

This means that Qiaogo has another 570 billion in cash.

Qiaogo has already had an idea about the use of this money, which is to invest in the edible oil market and the future grain market for the Aiyar family.

With such a large capital injection, Qiao Ge is even more confident.

Of course, not all of them are invested in it, only most of it. For the rest, Gulaga has to choose some other industries to invest in, or stocks or something.

In short, diversification of investment is still needed.

After returning to Mumbai, Qiao Ge distributed the treasures he had won to the four girls of Siridea, three items each. Sia had already picked three items in New Delhi, and Evie had three items left, waiting for her. After returning home, Qiao Ge will give it to her again.

The six girls of Shia were treated the same, they all received three treasures, and the total price was around 1.3 million.

Beni has five pieces here, including the crown, with a total price of about 3 million.

The other women didn't have any objections to this allocation.

They know that Qiaogo likes Beni and will be Mrs. Gupta in the future, so as the main wife, she will naturally have better and more things.

For example, this tiara was envied by several girls, but no one had any intention of asking for it.

The queen's crown, a symbol of status.

For Siridea and the others, Qiao Ge is the king, and they cannot be the queen.

So it is most appropriate to give it to Beni.

When Penny found out, she felt satisfied with the knowledge of the other women.

If someone really wanted to choose this crown, wouldn't she feel a knot in her heart?
Since they have this attitude of surrender towards him, he will turn a blind eye and will not trouble them in the future.

Although she may not be able to control what Qiao Ge does outside, as Mrs. Gupta, if she really wants to cause trouble for Sirideyu and the others, Sirideyu and the others will be miserable.

After all, Qiao Ge couldn't always be by their side to protect them.

Three hundred million is definitely an astronomical figure for an ordinary woman.

And Beni is the eldest lady of the Sharma family. She has extraordinary experience and has seen more than ten to two billion dollars.

Of course, these treasures are now considered her personal belongings, so they are a lot for her.

However, she and Qiao Ge had already established a relationship, and the elders in the family also gave her hints and approved of her dating Qiao Ge.

This was unimaginable before.

In the past, whether the children of the family married or married, it was considered to be of the same family and intermarriage between high castes.

Just like a few years ago, Drubai asked someone to find a matchmaker for his eldest son Mukesh, but his family refused.

But now, Qiao Ge's huge success and wealth have made the family elders change their attitude.

Of course Beni is not disgusted with Qiao Ge.

Compared to those children from wealthy families, in her opinion, Qiao Ge was countless times stronger than them.

So Qiao Ge gave her such an expensive gift, and she accepted it.

The government, religious circles, and the rich and powerful were all very satisfied with the auction, and each got what they wanted.

But there are still people stuck in the mud and struggling.

The riots in which people demanded refunds and fuel became more and more violent, resulting in many casualties.

The government issued an ultimatum to the Sitharaman family, asking them to raise funds to complete the refund within ten days, otherwise the government would seize their assets and auction them to pay compensation to the people.

This news calmed down the angry people a little, and they thought they could wait another ten days.

Because no matter how much you smashed the Sitharaman family's shop, it would be useless. There was no oil in it, and the little oil had been taken away long ago.

Labu was completely out of energy. He was already quite old, but now he looked like he was about to die.

"No one bids?" Rab took a deep breath and asked.

"Clan leader, there are several companies that offer very low prices. They are even lower than [-]% of the lowest price we have in mind."

"Sell!" Rab said immediately.

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, and then said: "But there are only a few of them, and most of them still have no one willing to bid. Chief, if this continues, it will be impossible to raise 500 billion in ten days."

"Is there no other way?" Rab asked in a low voice.

"Yes, yes, that kid Qiaogo~~" When the subordinates said this, they did not dare to say any more.

Jogo Gupta is definitely a taboo person in the family now, and it is difficult to even mention his name.

Every time it was mentioned, the clan leader would get furious.

But this time Rab didn't react much after hearing it.

(End of this chapter)

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