Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 374 Beat them out of the market

Chapter 374 Beat them out of the market (please vote for me)
"What does that kid want?" Rab asked calmly.

The men secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period, Qiao Ge had already released various news to the outside world in newspapers, that is, he intended to acquire the industry of his family company.

But the low-quality assets now provided by the family obviously cannot satisfy Qiao Ge.

"Jena once called me and wanted to acquire some edible oil planting bases under the company's name," the subordinate said.

"Bastard, bastard." Lab couldn't help but said angrily.

I don’t know whether he was scolding Qiaogo or Jena.

The subordinates did not dare to say anything and could only wait for the clan leader to vent his anger.

"Is he trying to dig up the roots of our family?" Rab calmed down and said.

"Clan leader, actually~actually I~~"

"Just say whatever you have to say. It's time now. I won't blame you." Rab took a deep breath and said.

"Currently, this is our only option." said his subordinates. "We can sell some of those shops, warehouses, etc., but as long as Qiao Ge doesn't want to take over, we simply can't raise more than 500 billion by relying on other people to take over." funds."

Of course Labu also knew this, and he invested most of the pre-sale money in the acquisition of small edible oil companies. Most of the assets of these small companies were stores and the like.

Of course, there are also some planting bases. Even if the planting base area of ​​each small company is not large, they have acquired many companies, and the total area is quite considerable.

However, when all the newly acquired land is added up, it is still far from the more than 500 billion in funds. If there is not enough, it will be withdrawn from the company's original planting base.

It can be said that if they really need to raise 500 billion in funds, they will probably have to eliminate [-]% to [-]% of the planting bases under their company's name.

The kid Qiaogo's interest in land is obvious. He is acquiring land everywhere these days.

In fact, who doesn't like land? They also like it. Just because they like it, now they want to sell it, which is really heartbreaking.

"I firmly believe that the foreign exchange tension cannot continue for a long time." The subordinate continued, "When foreign trade imports return to normal, we can still continue to import foreign edible oil. As for the loss of domestic planting bases, the impact is actually not that big, it will Add some cost to us.”

Rab sighed.

He knew that his subordinates were trying to comfort him and find a way out for him.

After all, selling so much land at once is a waste of money.

Although domestic vegetable oils are mainly imported, with land in hand, I can finally feel more confident.

The most important thing is cost.

Having lost so many planting bases, almost all of our future edible oils will have to be imported or obtained from other suppliers. This cost will definitely be much higher than producing it ourselves.

But now is not the time to think about costs, but to keep the family company alive.

As long as you survive, even if the cost is higher in the future, it will just be less profit.

Moreover, just wait until your company calms down, and then slowly acquire land.

But he also knew that his Sitharaman family was not qualified to challenge Qiao Ge anymore.

We even have to hope that Qiao Ge will not kill him in the future, otherwise~~~
"Okay, promise them." Rab could only agree, "Before that, please help me contact that guy Gena. I want to meet him."

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Clan leader, I will contact you right away."

"Expelling him from the family?" After his men left, Labu couldn't help but smile bitterly, "What a huge mistake."

But then a thought came to his mind: "If he hadn't been expelled from the family, Qiao Ge probably wouldn't have recruited him. Is it a blessing in disguise?"

I can only think about these things now. I don’t know if Jena is willing to forgive himself and his family for everything they did to him.

If he is forgiven, and Jena can mediate between his family and Qiaogo, perhaps his family's final outcome will be much better.

Unexpectedly, the patriarch of the Sitharaman family, the majestic patriarch of the family, finally asked for a junior, and he was the junior who was expelled from the family.

But for the sake of his family, he could only do this.

After all, if one mistake is made, the family may be destroyed at any time. The impact of this incident is too great, and it is not as simple as losing money.

Now it depends on Qiao Ge. As long as he raises his hand and doesn't be too harsh on acquisitions, his family will be saved.

Just thinking about the previous battles and grievances, it is definitely unrealistic to ask Qiao Ge to make much concessions.

He doesn't have high demands now, he just hopes to resolve the past grudges with Qiao Ge, and hopes that Qiao Ge will no longer suppress his family in the future, and he will be satisfied.

Jayna has been very happy recently, watching the Sitharaman family collapse under the attack of the boss.

In fact, ever since he learned that his boss had entered the traditional cooking oil market, he could have guessed that the Sitharaman family was doomed.

I just didn't expect this day to come so soon.

Originally, in his opinion, the boss had the trump card of palm oil, and he only needed to slowly encroach on the edible oil market for a few more years, and the Sitharaman family would be doomed.

Even if Labu comes up with some pre-sale tricks, it won’t work.

This is just a temporary scenery, just come back.

Who would have thought that the country's foreign exchange shortage, coupled with the fact that the boss almost monopolized the domestic edible oil spot market, would directly plunge the Sitharaman family into the abyss.

A few days ago, according to the boss's wishes, he called there and asked them to sell the planting base.

The angry sounds and curses coming from the other side did not make Jena angry at all, but he was very happy.

The harsher they scold, the better, which means the weaker and happier they are, the more excited and excited he is.

Today, he was sitting in his office waiting for the patriarch of the Sitharaman family to come to his door.

'Dong dong dong', there was a knock on the door, and Jena's assistant opened the door and came in: "General manager, the Sitharaman family is here."

"Let them wait in the conference room," Jenner said.The assistant responded and went out. Of course he knew the grudge between the general manager and the Sitharaman family.

What's wrong?
In the conference room, Labu and several members of his family were waiting.

"It's been more than an hour. What a bastard. Boy Jenna did it on purpose." A tribesman looked at his watch, his face full of anger, "I'll go find him."

After saying that, he stood up suddenly and prepared to go out.

"Stop!" Labu, who had closed his eyes to rest, shouted.

Hearing his words, the tribesman stopped.

"sit down."


"Sit down!" Rab's voice was a little louder.

This tribesman could only come back and sit down with an annoyed look on his face, and the anger on his face never faded at all.

"That kid is humiliating us, clan leader." Another clan member said.

"The situation is different. Now we are asking for help to put away your temper." Rab said calmly.

These words left several tribesmen speechless.

Yes, they came here today to ask for help from Jena, you could even say begging.

But having been in the upper echelon of the family for a long time, they naturally looked down on the younger generation like Jena.

Rab's words brought them back to their senses.

The current Sitharaman family is indeed not in a good situation, and can even be said to be extremely dangerous.

If it's not good, don't talk about the dream of a top wealthy family, I'm afraid I will fall from the ranks of a wealthy family.

Thinking about the gap, their hearts sank.

When people like me face Jena later, they may really have to humble themselves.

Although I was not angry in my heart, there was nothing I could do about it.

Jena naturally wanted to show off these guys.

Thinking about how embarrassed I was when I was kicked out of the family.

Afterwards, I was targeted in various ways. It would be unkind to not avenge this.

Of course, Jena also has serious business now, and Qiaogo came to his office.

He had already reported to Jogo about his talks with the Sitharaman family.

If he is just discussing business matters with some other companies or families, he can usually make the decision.

But the Sitharaman family is still a bit special. Even if he is expelled from the family now, he still has this identity after all.

In order to avoid suspicion, he reported all these things to Qiaogo.

Originally, he wanted to ask Qiaogo to send another person to discuss with the Sitharaman family.

However, Qiao Ge did not agree and asked him to contact them.

"Boss, don't worry, the company's interests are my interests, and I will not make any concessions on this." Jena promised.

He is no longer a member of the Sitharaman family. Now that his interests are all on Qiaogo's side, he still knows very well how to choose.

"It's good that you think so." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "But I think you can take this opportunity to gain some benefits for yourself."

Jena was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Boss, if I seek benefit for myself, it will definitely harm the interests of the company."

"This is usually the case, but as long as you are right, I think it can still be a win-win situation." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Please give me some advice from the boss." Jena probably understood a little bit about what Qiao Ge said.

Just take advantage of the Sitharaman family to blackmail them when they are in trouble.

This is allowing yourself to take revenge.

"It's no fun to fight in a small way. If we want to play, we can play in a big way." Qiaogo said, "For example, the management of the company under the Sitharaman family's name will be handed over to you."

"This~~This is impossible." Jena said with his eyes widened.

If this really happens, it will almost make him the heir of the Sitharaman family.

How could the Sitharaman family agree?
Jena felt that it was probably feasible for him to blackmail the other party a little, such as asking the other party to pay money.

But if they want to get the management rights of the Sitharaman family company, how can they let it go?
"Nothing is impossible," said Jogo. "This is a good opportunity."

"Boss, you know, I don't have much support in the Sitharaman family, and my father's lineage is not powerful enough." Jena sighed.

"Don't you still have me now?" Qiaogo said, "I will not allow the Sitharaman family to threaten me. If there is no one there who can reassure me, even if I acquire their planting base this time and resolve I have understood their plight, but I will continue to suppress them until they withdraw from the edible oil market. Just tell them these words and let them make their own choices."

"Boss!" Jena looked excited.

He knows very well that this is the boss paving the way for him to rise to the top.

The boss's meaning is very clear, that is, if the Sitharaman family does not want to be hit again in the coming days, it can only come to power by itself.

Now, neither he nor the Sitharaman family should doubt that Qiao Ge has this ability.

(End of this chapter)

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