Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 375: How much is your guarantee worth

"Go and talk to them. I won't go there, so you may have a more natural chance." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "We are enemies and opponents now, but that doesn't mean we will always be enemies and opponents."

"I understand, boss. I won't let you down." Jena took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

The boss has made such full preparations for himself, so why should he hesitate?
Taking control of a company owned by Sitharaman's family has been his dream since childhood.

Probably everyone in the family has this idea.

It's a pity that I couldn't realize it when I was in the family.

Now that he has been expelled from the family, he has a good chance.

Things are unpredictable, and any accident may happen.

After Jena left, Qiaogo smiled secretly in his heart.

Of course, Jogo had thought carefully about the handling of the Sitharaman family.

The first one is to completely defeat them and drive them out of the edible oil market.

Regarding this, Qiao Ge believes that he can still do it.

However, if you really want to do this, the price you have to pay will definitely be high.

The second one is the end of it.

This is risky.

If you fail to kill them all at once, they might cause trouble for you once they recover.

If there is no reliable person in the Sitharaman family, Qiao Ge will definitely still be worried.

How could they be willing to fail after being the leader in cooking oil for so many years?

Therefore, he will definitely cause trouble for himself in the future, so it is worth paying a little more to put this trouble to death.

Otherwise, once they regain their strength in the future, it may not be that easy to completely drive them out of the edible oil market, and the cost will be even greater.

So Qiao Ge thought about it and came up with the third solution.

That is to help Genna ascend to the throne.

At that time, the company of Sitharaman family can even be merged into his own company.

To be honest, the Sitharaman family has been operating in the edible oil market for many years and has always been the boss, so it has a very rich foundation.

There were various intertwined reasons why he was able to defeat them this time. Under other circumstances, it would be really difficult for them to fall into such a predicament.

After the merger and acquisition of the Sitharaman family's company, the edible oil market is truly his own.

Otherwise, if they were kept aside, he would have to guard against them, and then it would be difficult to deal with the Aiyar family with all his strength.

Of course, this result is not certain yet, it depends on Rab’s choice.

I think this is the best choice for the Sitharaman family, but people from the Sitharaman family may not have this idea.


Seeing Jenna walking into the conference room, the faces of those who had been waiting here for more than an hour were not very good, and many of them snorted coldly in their hearts.

Jena almost ignored them and sat down opposite them.

"I wonder what Mr. Sitharaman wants to see me for?" Genna asked calmly, staring at Rab.

These words made these people even more angry.

But thinking of their clan leader's warning, they could only remain silent.

"Jena, we want to talk to Qiaogo about the land sale." Rab said.

Regarding Jena's high profile, he calmed down.

He couldn't accept it at first, but after a few days of calming down, what did it matter if he was humiliated?
Everything is about family.

"The boss has given me the full responsibility for this matter. Just tell me if you have anything to say." Jena smiled. "Our boss is still very interested in your land. I wonder how much land you are planning to sell?"

"The total amount is around 500 billion." Rab said directly.

These words made Jena raise his eyebrows.

During this period, the Sitharaman family actually sold some assets, and Jena knew about this.

If they are willing to offer some high-quality assets next, I believe there are still people willing to take over.

Jenner estimates that they should be able to withdraw more than 100 billion to 200 billion in funds based on this.

Their funding gap is around 500 billion. In fact, selling land for 300 billion should be enough.

But Rab actually said 500 billion, which surprised Jena.

"Very good, then I need to know the land you are planning to sell, its location, area, price, etc. I need some time to verify it," Jena said.

Selling more land is definitely a good thing for the boss, and the boss also has enough funds to purchase it.

With a wave of his hand, someone immediately delivered a large stack of information to Jena.

Jena flipped through it casually and then handed it to his assistant: "Hurry up and do the statistics. You have to hurry up. The government only gives ten days."

These words made the Sitharaman family members feel tense.

Jena is such a bastard, what the hell?
Threatening yourself?
"Yes, time is urgent. Please hurry up and reach a deal as soon as possible. We really need this funds urgently," Rab said.

There is nothing to deny these things. In fact, everyone can see them clearly.He was also prepared to be blackmailed by Jogo.

If his family didn't suffer a lot of blood this time, Qiao Ge would definitely not take action.

Now I can only hope that I can convince Jena and ask him to say more good things to Qiaogo so that the price I pay can be smaller.

It allows you to retain a little more vitality here.

"Jena, can I speak to you alone for a few words?" Rab said.

Jena was silent for a moment and asked his assistant to go down with the information.

Seeing this scene, Rab also asked other people on the family side to leave the conference room.

The door of the conference room was closed, leaving only Jena and Rab inside.

"Jena, I was too hasty to expel you from the family." Rab looked at Jena and sighed, "You can come back."

Jena didn't answer, just had a faint smile on his face.

"I know you have suffered a lot of grievances. I can apologize to you here, and the family will compensate you." Rab continued.

"Had I not been the general manager of Gupta Edible Oil Company, would I have been able to return to the Sitharaman family?" Jayna asked.

These words made Rab stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, I am too snobbish. If you were not in this position, I probably would not come to you. Jena, after all, you are the head of the Sitharaman family. Big one, there is your father and your relatives there, are you really willing to see the Sitharaman family decline and perish like this?"

"That's your business, what does it have to do with me?" Jena said coldly.

Why didn't you think about yourself and your relatives before?

"I know you are angry, but you can always find a way to resolve it, right?" Rab asked, "Even if you ask me to kneel down and admit your mistake, I can do it. All I ask is that you can do this in this transaction." Help the family say something nice to Qiao Ge and ask for a favor. Can you also ask him not to target the Sitharaman family in the future? Our Sitharaman family is willing to bow its head."

With that said, Rab stood up from his chair, walked around the conference table, and walked to Jena.

"You?" Jena didn't believe it.

Before he could finish speaking, Labu was really ready to kneel down.

This startled Jena.

Jena had strong objections to Labu, the clan leader, but after all, the other party was old and he was his elder, so he couldn't bear to kneel down.

He hurriedly supported Labu and prevented him from kneeling down.

"If your Sitharaman family really wants to resolve this crisis, I can't help you, but I have conditions." Jena said.

Regardless of whether the other party is really planning to kneel down or is pretending, being able to do this actually shows Rab's sincerity.

Of course, Jena also understood in his heart that this was because the Sitharaman family had no choice but to do this.

After hearing this, Labu did not insist and knelt down again.

As long as we can negotiate terms.

"Sit down first," Jena said.

Labu walked back: "Just tell me, I can agree to any conditions."

"Don't be so absolute first." Jena sneered, "It's actually very simple to want me to return to the Sitharaman family. I want the management rights of the family company."

These words made Rab's eyes widen.

He didn't expect Jena to make such a condition.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he was thinking that he could let Jenner occupy a position among the company's top management. After all, Jenner was still talented. He couldn't blame Jenner entirely for his previous problems.

Didn’t you see that even Qiao Ge was willing to recruit him?

It can be seen that Qiao Ge recognized Gena's talent, so what reason did he have to abandon such an outstanding son of the family?
Then coupled with the financial compensation, I believe it is almost enough.

But Jena actually said that he wanted the management rights of the entire family company, which was the lifeblood of the family.

Taking control of the company's management almost monopolizes the family's financial income.

In the past, this was the power of his patriarch, and of course he was also the chairman of the company.

After losing control of the company, he, as the patriarch, has lost more than half of his power. Will he still be as powerful as he is now?
Lab's first reaction was to yell at Jena, but the family was in great trouble, so he had to suppress this idea.

"Jena, do you think it's possible for me to agree to this condition?" Rab asked as calmly as possible.

Jena smiled and did not answer his words. Instead, he said according to his own thoughts: "The boss once told me that he is still worried about the Sitharaman family. Even if the boss acquires your family's land this time, let him You escaped, but the attacks on you will continue."

"This~~ I just said that we are willing to bow our heads and will not challenge Qiao Ge's position in the edible oil market. We just ask him to let us go." Rab's expression changed.

If Qiaogo continues to suppress the family, they will be very miserable in the future.

"This is not a matter of bowing your head or not." Jenner said, "Because the boss is jealous of you. If he lets you go, once you have calmed down and feel that you can do it again, won't it bring a lot of trouble to the boss again? ?”

"No, I promise!"

"Guarantee?" Jena mocked, "How much is your guarantee worth? Don't talk about guarantees. Even if the contract says it's a breach of contract, it's a breach of contract. How can people believe this? The boss doesn't care about your Sitharaman family. Don’t trust anyone.”

Rab couldn't refute these words.

He knew that Jena was referring to his side's breach of contract with the Malay company, and so far the money has not been paid.

How can they compensate for such an extra sum of money?
Besides, even if we want to, we can’t do so now because the country doesn’t have much foreign exchange reserves. (End of chapter)

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