Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 376 The Great Reversal

Chapter 376 The Great Reversal
"This time I acquire the land, I will do it according to the boss's wishes. Don't think about how much benefit you can get from me. Of course, I will not deliberately make things difficult for you." Jena added, "In ten days, you have to hurry up. , come to me again after you think about it.”

After saying that, Jena got up and walked outside, but when he reached the door, he stopped and said: "The impact you have caused on the Malay matter is too bad. Even if the boss doesn't deal with you, it's just you." The cost of importing edible oil from abroad is too high, and one day it will be unsustainable. If the boss goes to the Malay companies to lobby, maybe you can get them to pay less liquidated damages, then at least some reputation can be saved. But the boss Why should I help you?"

Jena left, and people from the Sitharaman family came in hurriedly.

But when they saw Rab sitting on a chair, seemingly lost in thought, they did not dare to disturb him and could only sit quietly and wait.

Rab thought about Jena's words, especially the last thing about Malay's breach of contract.

Yes, the impact of this incident was much more serious than he expected.

Now his family has to pay a deposit of 6% to import cooking oil from abroad, but under normal circumstances, 3% is enough.

This means that they need twice as much capital, and the cost is naturally high.

Even if Qiao Ge doesn't target his side, he might not be able to compete with those ordinary small cooking oil companies in the long run.

The price of high costs is lack of competitiveness.

Still, edible oil requires a large amount of imports from abroad. This characteristic determines that if their reputation abroad is not good, it will have a great impact.

Jogo is also considered a figure in the Malaysian palm oil industry. If he helps lobby, he can indeed reduce the liquidated damages he pays here.

But now, these are not the most important. What is important is the ten-day period stipulated by the government. You must return the advance payment.

Therefore, I really have to treat Jena's conditions carefully.

If he refuses, perhaps Qiaogo will not set any traps for himself when it comes to land sales, or deliberately delay time, and Jena will not deliberately make things difficult.

I believe that the government may have said something to Qogo on this point.

After all, the government still hopes that the popular riots will be quelled.

But in the future, my family will have to face Qiaogo's continued suppression. By then, how long can my Sitharaman family hold on?
"I decided to bring Jena back into the family," Rab said.

Seeing their clan leader speaking out, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't know what Jena said to the clan leader, but they were afraid that the clan leader would be irritated. They were a little worried because the clan leader remained silent.

If it's just to let Jena return to the family, that's nothing, it's totally fine.

When he returns to the family, he becomes one of his own. He must help the family fight for its interests no matter what.

Thinking of this, everyone felt that the subsequent land sale might be much better than their previous expectations.

"I will let Jena take over as chairman of Sitharaman Edible Oil Company." Rab said calmly.

If the previous sentence was nothing, it was expected by everyone, but this sentence was undoubtedly a bombshell, which made everyone present feel confused.

They all wondered if they had heard wrong, or if the clan leader had said something wrong.

The tribesmen present were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed drastically.

"No way."

"How does this work?"


Almost all the people present were opposed, and only a few remained silent.

Originally, such a big matter definitely required going back to have a meeting to discuss and decide.

But now there is not much time for Rab to hesitate.

If we really had to go back to convene people and hold the meeting again after everyone arrived, it would still take a day or two. If the debate at the meeting lasted longer, maybe two or three days would pass.

The government only gave 10 days, and the people's patience was limited.

If there is no result after ten days, the Sitharaman family will be in dire straits.

The people who came with Labu this time were almost all members of the clan who had status in the family.

Rab will definitely tell them about the change in the position of chairman of the family company, and will announce it to the family members.

Of course, the current company is not limited to just their family. For example, the Aiyar family and Deliha also have shares, so they will be notified when the time comes.

The people present were all important people, and they all thought that they still had hope of taking over the position of patriarch and chairman of the company.

Now Rab suddenly said that he wanted Jena to serve as chairman. Whether it was for their personal interests or for the family, they could not accept it.

You have to know that Jena is still a kid who was expelled from the family. How can he, a junior, be the chairman?

Is it enough to let him return to the family?

"Clan leader, is that boy threatening you? There is no need for us to be threatened by him."

"Yes, at worst, if the prices of our assets drop again, I don't believe that no one will be willing to acquire them."

...For a while, everyone spoke out one after another.

In short, there is a majority of opposition to Jenner's appointment as chairman.

After seeing everyone venting for a while, he raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

The conference room fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Lab.

"I am doing this for the family." Rab said softly, "Jena is the most suitable candidate."


"I admit that boy Jenna is talented, but is there no one else in our family besides him?"

"Yes, patriarch, we can't be coerced by him. We won't do this."

These people yelled for a while, and until they stopped, Labu continued: "Yes, there may be many talented people in the family, and they are all excellent. But in this situation, no one is better than Jie Na is more appropriate.”

Everyone wanted to refute again.

But after receiving a cold glance from Labu, they all suppressed the idea of ​​speaking.

"Which one of you can convince Qiao Ge?" Rab looked back and asked.

As the patriarch, he has supreme authority in the Sitharaman family.

Although the patriarch of some families may have been ignored by the people below, he is only a nominal patriarch.

But Labu actually holds power, even more powerful than previous generations of patriarchs.

Therefore, many years of power made these people dare not act arrogantly in front of him.

During the time when Rab was the patriarch, no one dared to object to any final decision he made.

Just like this time, everyone questioned it and was not convinced.

But seeing Labu's serious expression, they didn't dare to say any more, they were in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

"Even if Qiaogo acquires our land this time and solves our refund problem, what happens next?" Rab asked, "Qiaogo continues to suppress our family. Do you have any countermeasures? Do you have any concessions?" The family’s way out of this predicament?”

Everyone was silent.

After this time, the family's vitality has been severely damaged. How can they still compete with Qiao Ge?
If Qiao Ge persists in his pursuit, the family may have no choice but to quit the cooking oil business.

"Clan leader, there will always be a way." Someone said bravely.

"Very good, there will always be a way." Rab sneered and said, "The fate of the family cannot be pinned on such illusory illusions. Do you still want to ask the gods for protection and suddenly give our family any luck? What a joke, really If there is any divine blessing, it is Qiao Ge. Just because he has grown to this point in just a few years, the divine envoy said, maybe it is true."

Everyone blushed and wanted to refute, but found that there was no chance to refute.

Everyone sees Qiao Ge's luck. He subverts tradition in every line of work and makes him a lot of money.

In the past, people didn’t pay much attention to Qiao Ge, because the scale of the industries he was engaged in was not very large.

It was only now that my Sitharaman family fell into his hands, that I realized that that boy really had strength, and of course luck.

And all of this seems to be blessed by gods, otherwise how could it be so successful?
"Apart from Jena, who else is more suitable than him?" Rab added, "Give up your prejudices. If Jena takes over the company, he may be able to integrate the family into Qiaogo's side. Don't think that this is a disadvantage for our family. You may be glad for today’s decision in the future.”

"Chief, our Sitharaman family wants to depend on that boy?"

"I can't take it."

They used to be the children of a high-ranking wealthy family, but now that their family is dependent on a boy, they feel a little uncomfortable.

I have to say that they are still very jealous of Qiao Ge, who has achieved such amazing achievements at such a young age.

They had been belittling Qiao Ge in their mouths before, but in fact, they were envious of him in their hearts.

"Times have changed." Rab sighed, "Look at the three major Dutta families? These have been our rivals for many years, right? Some time ago, those three old guys were wise once, and let the three of Hebiza One line of people is in power. So look at how prosperous they are now? But how miserable they were not long ago? The petrochemical project, the square project, were all in a mess. Why is this happening? Isn't it just the Hebiza trio? How is the relationship with Qiao Ge? They embraced Qiao Ge, followed by investing in the palm oil industry in Malaysia, and now they are frantically raising funds to invest in the edible oil market, and they have all succeeded."

Everyone looked a little ugly.

The contrast between the three major Hebizha families is of course very obvious. The previous petrochemical project was a joke in this circle. Unexpectedly, after changing the person in charge and boldly selling the two major projects, the situation is now in a serious situation. reverse.

The situation on our side can be regarded as a big turnaround. Not long ago, we were very prosperous. For example, we merged Deliha and the others and successfully occupied the majority of the edible oil market. However, with the liberalization of palm oil imports and Qiaogo's entry into the edible oil market, The oil market is in complete ruin.

Completely opposite to the three Dutanas.

But the current prosperity and success of the three major Dutta families are based on the pain of their Sitharaman family.

Of course they felt very uncomfortable.

But this is the fact. It cannot be denied that the current success of the three major Dutta families is related to Qiao Ge.

"It's not just them, the Sharma family, the Vasayan family, and the Pandit family. Apart from the Pandit family, these families are not nearly as powerful. The first two are the targets we want to catch up with. Sharma and Vasayan It’s impossible for you not to know how close the family is to Qiu Ge. The little girl from the Sharma family is even kissing Qiu Ge. If nothing else happens, she will be Mrs. Gupta in the future." Bu said, "They don't care about this anymore, so what else can we do? Do we still have the qualifications now?"

(End of this chapter)

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