Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 377: Low price cession

Chapter 377: Low price cession
As opponents, Labu and the others certainly collected some information about Qiaogo in detail.

For example, they know everything about Qiao Ge's women.

Like Beni, Qiao Ge didn't hide it, and the Sharma family also acquiesced, so it was not surprising at all that others knew about it.

"Patriarch, your analysis makes sense, but~~ But let's not say whether Qiao Ge is willing to accept it now. Even if he accepts it, are we too late? Why would Qiao Ge agree to our joining in those profitable industries? Even if he agrees, will families like the Sharma family let us in to get a share of the pie?" someone asked.

"Stupid." Rab scolded, "Is it true that there are only a few industries in the world? Do you think Qiao Ge will guard this one-third of an acre of land? I have studied his experience, and from his Looking at the development, I believe he will definitely make other moves next. As long as we keep up, even if we just keep up with one of the industries, it will be enough for our family to benefit a lot, and we may be able to make back all the losses this time. The most important thing is How old is Qiao Ge? There will be plenty of time in the future, so why is it too late? It is definitely not too late to join now."

"I am telling you all this not to ask for your opinion, but to let you understand that Jenner as chairman is the best choice for our family, and I have made up my mind. I don't want any of you to do evil secretly. , if I find out, I will definitely not be lenient." After finishing speaking, Labu stood up and walked towards the door.

Everyone present was stunned and sighed secretly in their hearts.

The patriarch has decided, and no one can really change his mind.

After all, the clan leader has the final say.

I hope it can be like what the clan leader thought.

However, the examples of the three major Dutta families were placed in front of them, which gave them more expectations.

Perhaps, this is really the best choice for the Sitharaman family.

"Clan leader, shall we go back now?" Someone asked following the footsteps.

"You guys wait here while I go find Jena. It's better to finalize this matter as soon as possible, so we don't waste any more time." After finishing speaking, Rab walked out of the conference room.

Jena just came out of the conference room for a meeting and returned to the office.

Jogo is still here.

"Don't worry, I think they don't have many other options, right?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

He could feel the emotional ups and downs in Jena's heart, it was exciting.

After all, it was Gehna's childhood dream to serve as the chairman of Sitharaman Edible Oil Company.

Now that it’s almost here, excitement is inevitable.

Once successful, it almost means that he is the heir to the Sitharaman family. This is very crucial.

Of course, there is always uncertainty until the end.

After all, the conditions just proposed are still very harsh. Will the Sitharaman family really give them the management rights of the company?

"General Manager, the head of the Sitharaman family wants to see you." Assistant Jena's voice sounded outside the door.

Jena's eyes lit up and he immediately suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Invite him in," Jena said calmly.

Rab came directly to Jena's general manager's office to find someone.

When he came in, he discovered that there was another person here, and it was Qiao Ge.

He was only slightly surprised, but not too surprised that Qiao Ge appeared here.

When he came to find Jena before, he thought that Qiaogo would definitely show up.

He was surprised when he didn't see Qiao Ge in the conference room.

It turned out to be hiding here.

It seems that this kid Qiao Ge really attaches great importance to this land acquisition.

Jogo knew Rab, after all, he was the head of the Sitharaman family.

However, the two did not have any face-to-face communication. After all, their relationship was not very good. They had only met at some banquets in the past.

"Mr. Gupta!"

"Mr. Sitharaman!"

Qiao Ge stood up, smiled, and asked Rab to sit down.

"Since Mr. Sitharaman is here, I believe he is interested in Jena's conditions just now?" Qiaogo asked.

"That's right," Rab replied.

Now that everything has been decided, there is nothing to hesitate about.

To be honest, since making the decision, Labu felt that his mood suddenly became much more relaxed.

These days, he is under too much pressure.

Always worried about the future of the family.

Maybe it's because I'm really old, it's time to retire, and it's time to leave family affairs to young people.

After all, Jena is also his descendant, after all, they are all members of his own family.

I am very nostalgic for power, but time is not forgiving. As people get older, sooner or later the day will come when they hand over power. Now is the time.

Of course he knew about Jena's talent.The reason why Jena was expelled from the family last time was not only because Jena made a mistake, but also because he contradicted him in person. In addition, many people in the family secretly slandered him, which made him make this unwise decision in anger. decision.

Now, Jena and Qiaogo have resolved their grudges and even gained Qiaogo's trust.

When Jena takes over the company in the future, he believes that the family's business will be able to recover.

Of course, he no longer wants to compete with Qiao Ge in the edible oil market. He thinks that Jena can follow Qiao Ge in other industries, and his family will no longer be limited to the edible oil industry in the future.

"But I have a question." Rab asked again.

"You said."

"If Jaina takes over Sitharaman Edible Oil Company as chairman, then what will be the position of general manager of Gupta Edible Oil Company?" Raab asked.

"Well, before I find a suitable candidate, I will let Jena take charge." Qiaogo said, "I believe that with you in charge of the Sitharaman family, Jena's pressure will not be so great. And you guys There aren’t many things over there, it’s just a few things, and as long as they are solved, the problem won’t be big.”

In fact, Qiao Ge wants to say in his heart that the Sitharaman Family Edible Oil Company can be merged in by then.

But this matter will have to be done slowly, after Gehna has established a firm foothold in the Sitharaman Edible Oil Company.

Seeing Qiao Ge's statement, Labu knew that the sale of the land would definitely be fine, and he would not even be deliberately targeted by Qiao Ge in the future.

"Where is the horse coming from?" Lab asked.

He really wanted to default on the debt before. To hell with any compensation over there, he would definitely not pay it.

But now it seems that this matter cannot be avoided.

If he really wants to integrate into the Qiaogo group, then the Malay matter must be resolved. Otherwise, how could Qiaogo allow his problematic family to join?

Qiao Ge will definitely go international in the future, and his credibility will be very problematic.

"What? What do you think? Are you willing to pay liquidated damages?" Qiao Ge glanced at Rab in surprise.

"To tell you the truth, this amount is really too big. When we signed this contract, we were a little too hasty. I am not shirking responsibility. This is indeed our problem. I just thought about whether we could come to Malaysia. Let's negotiate over there. Can we talk about the amount of liquidated damages? I have nothing to do with the Malay side, so I would like to ask Mr. Gupta for a favor. Can you help convey our intentions to them? Regardless of the outcome, I’m grateful!” Rab said.

Qiaogo stared at Rab for a long time.

This old guy is very sincere.

If it had been this attitude earlier, there wouldn't have been so many things.

"I can help you with the Malay side. I think it would be okay to reduce the amount of compensation, but I can't guarantee how much it can be reduced." Qiao Ge said.

For the Malay side, they were a little disappointed with the liquidated damages and basically thought they could not get it back.

Because the Sitharaman family doesn't care about them at all. They don't care about prosecutions or lawsuits.

They negotiated with the Indian government through the Malay government, but the Indian government offered various excuses and had no intention of resolving the matter.

Anyway, they pushed these matters to the Sitharaman family and asked Malayana to directly negotiate with the parties involved. However, the Sitharaman family was like a dead pig and was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. There was nothing they could do.

Therefore, Qiao Ge felt that if he acted as a lobbyist so that they could get a liquidated damages, I believe the Malay side would still be willing.

In fact, for the Malay side, there was basically no loss at that time. It was equivalent to making a lot of money for nothing, and there was nothing they were unwilling to do.

Otherwise, if the Sitharaman family continues to delay the liquidated damages stipulated in the contract, they will get nothing.

Something is better than nothing.

"However, the government's foreign exchange is tight right now. I'm afraid the compensation issue will be postponed. It has been delayed for so long, and there is no rush. Now let's talk about the land acquisition." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Okay." Rab responded.

He knew that it was impossible for Qiao Ge to help him resolve the liquidated damages issue with Malay. Qiao Ge still had to look at his own performance.

But Qiao Ge's words are correct. Even if he is willing to lose money now, he can't afford so much foreign exchange to compensate the Malay company.

The most important thing now is to resolve the issue of pre-sale refunds first.

Due to the pleasant talks between the two parties and the substantial concessions made by Rab, the transaction went smoothly and Qiaogo obtained the land at a preferential price.

After the Sitharaman family received 500 billion funds, they immediately made refunds across the country.

The riot caused by the pre-sale ended just like that.

It's as if it never happened.

But for the edible oil market, the industry has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Not long ago, the Sitharaman family, the industry leader, officially fell from the throne, and the forces headed by Jogo came to power.

Not long ago, most people were still optimistic about the Sitharaman family, and some thought that Jogo had a chance to challenge the status of the Sitharaman family. However, this will also be a protracted battle, and it will definitely not be resolved in a few years. Win or lose.

The actual situation was too unexpected.

The results came out so quickly, and it was over.

The Sitharaman family had to cede land at a low price to resolve the crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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