Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 378 Asset valuation exceeds 2000 billion

Chapter 378 Asset valuation exceeds 2000 billion (please vote for me)
Qiaogo paid 500 billion, but the normal price of this land was at least 700 billion. The Sitharaman family sold it at a discount. This profit concession was necessary and the price they had to pay.

If Jayna hadn't taken over the Sitharaman Edible Oil Company, Qiaogo could have lowered the price, and I believe the Sitharaman family would have no choice but to accept it.

Of course, Qiao Ge is still satisfied with the price. After all, these lands are not just for those who want to buy them.

Especially these large tracts of land are extremely scarce and have been managed by the Sitharaman family for generations.

Under normal circumstances, the valuation is 700 billion, but if you really want to buy it, even if you take 800 billion, the Sitharaman family will definitely not sell it.

If Qiao Ge had to slowly acquire it on his own, he would be able to buy such a large area of ​​land in a year and a month.

However, the 500 billion land was acquired in the name of the Gupta Grain and Oils Group.

This is a newly established company and the Gupta Edible Oil Company will be a subsidiary under the name of the Gupta Grains and Oils Group.

Another subsidiary is the Gupta Grain Company.

One family is responsible for cooking oil, and the other is responsible for grain.

Qiao Ge feels that he is still quite great and must shoulder the problem of food for the Indian people.

He wants to keep these firmly in his hands.

For now, in terms of food, Qiao Ge occupies half of the country.

Grain, cooking oil, vegetables and fruits, etc., Qiao Ge has already covered them.

Of course, the food aspect has just begun. Next, we have to slowly grind with the Aiyar family and slowly compete with them for the market.

Qiaogo incorporated all the grain planting land he acquired, such as the state-owned Grain A Company that was previously auctioned and the edible oil company land that was recently acquired.

This company is not unique to Qiaogo. The Sharma family and the Vasayan family have also joined in and taken shares.

Since grains were involved, many large grain-producing households in Punjab were also allowed to invest in the company through the contacts of the Sharma family and the Singh family of Lishid.

Qiaogo alone’s investment in the Gupta Grain and Oil Group is extremely huge.

As for grain companies, Company A’s bidding price at the time was 109 billion, and Qiaogo had spent several billions to acquire some land.

Of course, some organic food companies have to be included.

These assets have increased in value so far, so for the grain company, the valuation of Qiao Ge's asset investment is 200 billion.

Recently, when competing with the Sitharaman family, they spent 300 billion to acquire the land of many companies.

There are also some edible oil companies that were acquired piecemeal in the past, including the four edible oil companies that were of reasonable scale, priced at 4 billion, and the total cost of others was more than 43 billion.

These are traditional edible oils. Qogo is a large importer of palm oil, so its share is naturally higher than others when converting the value.

Therefore, the valuation of the edible oil company's asset investment is 500 billion, which is equivalent to the palm oil company's valuation of about 40 billion.

In fact, this valuation is about the same, because domestic palm oil companies actually do not have many assets, mainly some stores, warehouses, etc.

The Malay Penang Company is not included here, after all, it is from abroad.

Later, Qiu Ge also spent 400 billion to pay off the half-year payments of those large edible oil suppliers at once, of which 260 billion was his, and the other 140 billion was jointly funded by the Sharma family, Vasayan family and others.

If you do the math, Qiaogo’s assets are valued at nearly 960 billion.

Of course, this 960 billion does not include Qiaogo’s previous mortgage loans. Those loans are still his personal and will be repaid by himself.

Other investments include:

300 billion from the three major Dutta families.

Vasayan family 150 billion.

120 crore for Sharma family.

30 billion for the Singh family of Lishid.

Other major food suppliers in Punjab have raised a total of 100 billion, half of which is in the form of land as shares.

Dimri Charitable Fund 400 billion.

The Pandit family has 50 billion in cash. In addition, they merged Pandit Grain Company into the Gupta Grain and Oil Group, including some land under the company's name, and invested 100 billion in shares, so the Pandit family invested a total of 150 billion.

Regarding the merger of the family company into Qiaogo's company, there is still a lot of noise within the Pandit family.

Because after merging with Qiao Ge's company, it is no longer a family company, which will make them feel a sense of loss.

Ke Huaida believes that this matter is a big opportunity.

It is basically impossible for your family to re-emerge in the grain market by relying on your own family alone.

We can only join forces with Qiao Ge.

If they just join forces, there will still be a gap between the two.
When the two become one, it's a win-win situation.

Finally, with the approval of the old patriarch, different voices were suppressed, and this merger was achieved.

Since the old patriarch delegated power to Huaida, he naturally supported Huaida.

And he was quite assured of Qiao Ge's ability.

Look at the Sharma, Vasayan and other families, their investments are tens of billions.

My family only has 50 billion, which seems a bit small.

That's why he was willing to merge the company into it and increase his family's shares in the new company.

Especially because I have cooperated with Qiao Ge for a long time, I have such an opportunity.

There are too many people who want to invest but haven’t had the chance.

So, wouldn’t you be a fool not to invest a little more?

There is no way. The main reason is that unlike the Sharma family and other families, their family has strong funds and can invest directly with cash.

They can only rely on this method.

For the time being, Jenner is still in charge of the cooking oil company.

So of course the Pandit family assigned some people to take charge of the grain company.In this regard, it is not that Qiaogo gives preferential treatment to the Pandit family.

But they are originally engaged in the grain industry, and it is appropriate for their person in charge to come over now, so that the skeleton is in place.

If the ability is not good next time, it is not too late to change.

Because of the Gupta Grain and Oil Group Company, Qiao Ge will personally take care of it, especially since the next focus is on the grain market. I believe he can see the ability of the general manager of the grain company.

Qiao Ge still approved of the family member recommended by Huida, who is now the general manager of the grain company.

When the Pandit family was defeated by the Aiyar family, it had nothing to do with him.

He came into office later.

It was only through him that Pandit Grain Company was able to sustain itself over the years, otherwise the situation would have been worse.

In the end, the total assets of the Gupta Grain and Oils Group reached 2250 billion.

In fact, this valuation is still a bit low. Take the latest land acquisition from the Sitharaman family. It was originally worth 700 billion, but under special circumstances it was sold to the Gupta Grain and Oil Group for 500 billion.

A more accurate valuation should be 2450 billion.

This is considered the capital invested by everyone. If the company as a whole claims to the outside world, it is 2500 billion.

This statement is actually very conservative. After all, with the current scale, if it is said to be 3000 billion to the outside world, I believe everyone will not have much objection.

No matter what, the group's asset valuation has exceeded 2000 billion.

This is definitely a behemoth, and it hasn’t even been launched yet.

If it goes public, Qiao Ge's current reputation will definitely have strong appeal. If the stock rises, the company's market value will expand even more.

As for the shareholding proportion of each party, it is not determined entirely based on the proportion of capital contribution.

Because the most valuable part of the current Gupta Grain and Oil Group is the Gupta Edible Oil Company.

It can be said that this company is basically built by Qiao Ge. When others join, that is the benefit Qiao Ge gives and takes care of them.

In the same way, these people who invest in shares can also bring corresponding contacts and relationships to the company, and everyone can get what they need.

Of course, other people who have joined, such as Sharma, Vasayan and other families who have cooperated with Qiaogo in the early days and have also contributed in the battle for the edible oil market, will definitely account for a higher share.

It was finally determined that Qiao Ge accounted for 60%.

The remaining 40% is divided among others, among which the Dimri Charitable Foundation and other families in Punjab joined after the battle for the edible oil market ended, so their investment is calculated at a 2:1 ratio.

In other words, the 400 billion invested by the Dimri Charity Fund can only be calculated as a share ratio of 200 billion, and the 100 billion invested by other families in Punjab can only be calculated as a share ratio of 50 billion.

Of course, Qiaogo still gave some care to the Dimri Charitable Fund.

That is in other ways.

Let the fund invest in its three major cash cow companies.

You must know that these three major companies were originally unique to Qiaogo, but no one could invest in them. This is definitely a huge benefit to the Dimri Charitable Fund.

After all, when it comes to the religious world, I can't let them lose money, and my annual income must be better.

It is very necessary to have a good relationship with the religious community, and it can play a huge role in many cases.

This is equivalent to investing. It costs money to invest in politicians, and investing in religious circles is no exception.

However, there is still a bit of a difference when it comes to it.

That is, the money earned by the charity fund is not nominally yours, but how you use it is still under your control.

Of course, the charity fund received 570 billion from the treasure auction this time. After investing 400 billion in the Grain and Oil Group, the rest was left to Gulaga to invest, except for investing in [-] major cash dairy companies. .

Stable investments must be made, and radical investments such as stocks must also be allocated to portfolio investments to diversify risks.

The final 40% share allocation is as follows:

The three Dutta families jointly account for 12%, and each family holds 4%.

The Vasayan family accounts for 6%.

The Sharma family accounts for 4.8%.

The Singh family of Lishid accounted for 1.2%.

The Pandit family accounts for 6%.

The newly joined family alliances of major grain and oil suppliers in Punjab accounted for 2%.

The Dimri Charitable Foundation accounts for 8%.

The three major dairy companies in Jogo are still astonishing. At the same time, the profits at Gupta Square in New Delhi are also very high, and other companies are more or less making efforts.

He still has nearly 50 billion in funds in his account.

Of course, Qiaogo's loan amount is actually quite large, and he owes more than 400 billion to banks and some lending institutions.

These are classified as his personal debts and must be repaid by himself.

With Qiaogo's current income and assets, this debt ratio is actually not high and is very healthy.

As long as Qiaogo is willing, he can continue to borrow money.

But next, he has to take it easy, as the edible oil market needs to digest it.

This market is still too huge. Even if the Sitharaman family is defeated, it will take a lot of time and energy for them to fully control the market.

The establishment of the Gupta Grain and Oils Group has attracted the attention of many people.

There is no way, a private company of this size is definitely among the top five in the country.

If we are talking about unlisted companies, it is undoubtedly the first.

(End of this chapter)

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