Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 379: Switch sides

Chapter 379: Switch sides (please vote for me)

The cash flow of Gupta Grains and Oils Group is very sufficient.

There are almost 600 billion in funds in the group's account.

This is mainly the addition of 400 billion dirham charity funds.

In the past, the Sharma and other families also spent most of their funds in the palm oil and traditional edible oil markets, leaving about 200 billion left. Of course, these assets acquired at a cost of money were converted into their shares.

Regarding the use of this 600 billion, everyone’s opinions are still very clear.

The next step is to invest in the grain market.

Win over more food suppliers and win their supply contracts.

At the same time, priority should still be given to land acquisition. Only land can produce output.

On this point, everyone's current thoughts are completely consistent.

If they had not paid much attention to the source of raw materials before, after seeing the palm oil industry invested by Qiaogo in Malaysia, they all realized that they must grasp the source of agricultural products.

This is not only to reduce costs, but also to ensure your own supply of goods.

This idea may not have been accepted by people in Qiaogo's previous life.

Because at that time, the world was a global village, and it seemed unnecessary for a company to establish a complete supply chain.

When building a complete supply chain, the expenditure is still very large.

Therefore, in order to pursue profits, many companies outsource some of the supply chains in the middle and purchase from other companies and companies in other countries, leaving only some core departments, the most profitable parts, for themselves.

Jhogo doesn’t think so.

Because this is India, you can see it just from the construction progress of the square project.

Only if I had not been prepared from the beginning, intervened as much as possible in the supply of materials, and acted as a supplier myself, could I have ensured the efficiency of the project's construction.

If you really want to purchase from other companies in India, the efficiency will definitely be greatly reduced. It would be embarrassing if it didn't delay you for ten days and a half, and the quality may not be guaranteed.

For this reason, Qiaogo can only build his own complete supply chain. Even if it cannot be truly complete, he must at least keep as much of these supply chains in his own hands as possible.

Being a part of the source must be a top priority. If the source is blocked, what else can we talk about?
Therefore, it is still very important to have your own production base and raw material base.

Like the steel king Lakshmi in his previous life, he ran a steel factory, but he was not stingy in the acquisition of mines, and he had large iron ore reserves under his name.

If the price of iron ore on the market is too high and it is not cost-effective to buy, then he will use his own iron ore to reduce costs.

If the price of iron ore in the market is not high and Chen Ben is suitable, he will use what is on the market.

In short, with your own source of material supply, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend.

Think about how much China suffered from foreign countries in the import of iron ore in its previous life. It was because it did not control the source of supply and had no pricing power, so it had no choice but to let others take advantage of it.

Qiao Ge didn't want his lifeline to be pinched.

Even if the cost is higher now, the supply chain must be improved.

"So, the Sitharaman family just surrendered?" Anil asked Kejas, who was sitting opposite him.

"Otherwise, what else can we do?" Kejas sighed, "We have little chance in the edible oil market. The last time we invested in the Sitharaman family, it was a mistake and we suffered heavy losses. And the price of buying back the shares of the two pieces of land was It’s a bit too high. If we had known earlier that the Sitharaman family was in such bad shape, they would have lowered the price so much, hey~~”

Anil knew that the Sitharaman family was short of money when they were engaged in a price war, so he brought in the Aiyar family.

They have invested almost tens of billions, and now I am afraid they will lose [-]% to [-]% of this money.

As for the two pieces of land that Kehas mentioned, it was the last time the two of them jointly bid for two state-owned grain companies, which cost nearly 400 billion.

The Sitharaman family held 20% of the share. Since the Sitharaman family was short of money, this part was transferred to the Aiyar family at the original price.

The main reason why the Aiyar family took over the property at the original price is that land prices have increased a bit in recent times.

According to the original price, although it is still higher than the current market price, they are still very optimistic about the future market of the land.

It will definitely add more value in the future.

Such a piece of fat meat can be eaten by oneself, so there is no need to share it with others.

To be honest, they have long wanted to get back this 20% share from the Sitharaman family.

But since the two families are allies, it's hard to mention it for a while.

When the Sitharaman family encountered pre-sale refunds, they followed suit, met their demands, and acquired the 20%.

The higher price is regarded as a premium.For high-quality assets, it is very normal to acquire them at a premium.

Of course, this price is naturally due to their relationship as allies.

If they knew that the Sitharaman family had directly surrendered to Qiaogo, they would definitely have lowered the price on this.

I can only say that my acquisition was too fast and too hasty, and I failed to think about what would happen next.

"I heard that Sitharaman Edible Oil Company will be handed over to Jena?" Anil asked.

"Yes, this matter has been settled, but it has not been announced to the public yet." Khas sighed, "This old guy Rab, he wants to join Qiao Ge."

Anil frowned.

There is indeed this trend.

Jenna was expelled from the Sitharaman family before. It is simply unbelievable that such a person is in charge of the financial power of the Sitharaman family.

Jena is talented, but no matter how talented he is, does the Sitharaman family have to rely on him?

So no matter how you look at it, Rab's move was all aimed at Qiao Ge who was behind Jena. Is there any other explanation besides this?
"Didn't Rab explain anything to you? For example, if he did this, maybe he was taking advantage of the relationship between Jena and Qiaogo?" Anil asked, "You know, the situation of Sitharaman Edible Oil Company is not optimistic. If Qiaogo continues to put pressure on them, they may really collapse. So could this be a strategy?"

"I asked Rab about this, and Rab basically answered me this way, saying that this was to stabilize Qiao Ge and give his family a chance to breathe. Wait until he calms down, and then we can talk to him again. He settled the accounts." Khas said, "But I still feel uneasy, and I always feel that this is not the case. Next, our Aiyar family will probably withdraw investment from them. If we can recover a little now, it will be a little bit, otherwise we will not be able to do anything in the future. Know what to expect.”

If Rab really turns to Qiaogo, it's hard to say what will happen to his shares there in the end.

Because I am only a small shareholder, I have no power over Sitharaman Edible Oil Company.

There are too many ways for the controlling shareholder to kill off the minority shareholders.

So it's better to evacuate quickly, otherwise the money will be thrown into the water.

"This problem is not a small one, you have to keep an eye on it carefully." Anil said, "If the Sitharaman family turns to Qiaogo, it will weaken the power of our side and increase the power of that kid. And this influence It’s extremely bad, and it might make some forces that support us not dare to be too direct, and might just stay on the sidelines.”

Of course, Anil is also trying to attract other wealthy families. He not only wants them to side with the Ambani family, but also wants them to invest together, such as investing in the Ambani Plaza project.

Since Reliance Group has been under great pressure recently, it is difficult to use funds at will.

So when it came to the Ambani Plaza project, Anil found that his funds were a little tight. After all, the investment in this project was simply a bottomless pit. It felt like no matter how much money went in, it was quickly consumed.

However, he is still confident that as long as the project is successful, it will be able to suppress the Gupta Square in Chogo.

Then we can only give up some shares, introduce new partners, and let them invest in shares.

Of course, this can not only raise funds, but also tie these people to your own ship and enhance your own strength.

If the Sitharaman family switches sides, it will definitely make some people who originally lean towards their side hesitate, and they will doubt the strength of their side.

After all, his Ambani Plaza itself is a project that targets Djogo and will compete with Djogo in the future.

The Sitharaman family all fell and chose to take refuge with Qiaogo. Such a strong one would indeed make people fearful.

The worst-case scenario is that these people he is optimistic about may also turn to Qiao Ge. That result is something he does not want to see.

"I will keep a close eye on the Sitharaman family." Khas said he understood. "Actually, even if the Sitharaman family turns to that kid Qiaogo, I'm not too worried. But there is another thing that makes me very uneasy."

"What's going on?" Anil asked a little confused.

Is there anything more serious at the moment than the Sitharaman family turning to Chogo?

"Gupta Grains and Oils Group," Khas said. "This company gives me heart palpitations."

"Oh, the assets are indeed huge. If they are listed, I am afraid that only Tata and our Reliance Group can overwhelm them." Anil said, "But the big is the big, what do you have to worry about?"

This matter has been a hot topic in the newspapers recently, and Anil certainly knows it.

"Grain and oil!" Kehas said in a deep voice.

"What's the problem with this?" Anil asked immediately. Suddenly, his heart moved and he asked a little surprised, "You mean that kid is planning to enter the grain industry?"

"Yeah, this is what I'm most worried about." Khas sighed. "Although the current group is mainly focused on edible oil companies, the grain company is also one of its subsidiaries. I don't think Qiao Ge only pays attention to edible oil companies." Oil and food are left alone.”

Anil was silent for a moment.

It has to be said that Khas's concerns are very reasonable.

If Qiaogo had no ambitions in the grain market, how could he choose such a company name? Gupta Edible Oil Company is enough, so why bother?
Especially since Qiaogo has almost replaced the Sitharaman family as the leader in the edible oil market, he can free up his hands to target other industries.

From the name of the company, we can indeed see the next movements of that boy Qiaogo, and he has the intention to enter the grain market. This is the basic foundation of the Aiyar family. No wonder Kejas is nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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