Chapter 380 is listed (please vote for me)

Qiao Ge is now so powerful that he has gathered the Sharma and other families together, making him extremely powerful.

With their current strength, in Anil's view, even his own Reliance Group is afraid of three points.

Of course, my Reliance Group has nothing to do with the grain industry, so it has no influence and no intersection.

As for the clothing, it is just the entanglement of the company below and has little impact on the Reliance Group. They don't care too much.

The Aiyar family is different. Once Qiaogo really wants to make a big move in the grain industry, Khas will face it directly.

"It's also possible that we are overthinking it." Anil comforted him. "That kid has already set foot in the grain industry before, right? He is just merging those previous companies and increasing his share of the Gupta grain and oil industry. Shares in the group. Maybe it was the smokescreen that guy put up to make you nervous. If he really wanted to target your family, why would he tell you so blatantly that he should do it quietly and catch you off guard, right? "

Anil felt that he should comfort Kejas. He should not think too extreme about anything, and he had to think on the bright side about some things.

Of course, you have to know the worst-case scenario and make some preparations if you are aware of it.

"I hope so." Kehas said, "To tell you the truth, the boy's actions now, especially those related to my Aiyar family's industry, make me scared. I am really afraid of my Aiyar family. They are the next Sitharaman family.”

"You don't want to think like this." Anil hurriedly persuaded, "The Sitharaman family suffered a big loss this time because Rab was too aggressive and did some pre-sales. Of course, he was not lucky either. The country's tight foreign exchange has made it impossible to import edible oil from abroad. On the contrary, that kid from Qiaogo was lucky. He had bad luck earlier and invested in the palm oil industry in Malaysia. However, these successes cannot be replicated, and they cannot be replicated by you. appeared in the grain industry. So what are you worried about? With the status and strength of your Aiyar family in the grain industry, even if that kid has more money than you, how easy is it to defeat you? Unless he pays three times, or even Is he willing to pay more?"

"That's right, I was overthinking it." Kehas laughed and said, "The Sitharaman family fell into trouble this time, and Qiaogo won. There is indeed a lot of luck. Our Aiyar family will not be so unlucky. Right?" "If Qiaogo really wants to enter the grain market, do you have any countermeasures?" Anil asked.

"Well, how should I put it, the grain market and the edible oil market are still different." Kehas said, "The domestic production of edible oil is too small and relies too much on foreign imports, so that guy Qiao Ge found a loophole in palm oil. Attacking the Sitharaman family from abroad is something that the Sitharaman family has never thought of. But there is no such problem with food. The domestic production is enough and can even be exported. It is impossible for that kid to make small moves abroad. He can only take action at home. It’s just that he wants to fight with my Aiyar family at home, and those movements can never be hidden. The only trick he can use is to find ways to poach the current major food suppliers, such as those in Punjab Some of the big ones. Through the relationship of the Sharma family, some of them were indeed attracted by him. But most of them are fine and are still partners of my Aiyar family. "

"You have to be careful about this. Don't let that kid sneak attack you." Anil said.

"Don't worry, this is how we defeated the Pandit family back then, so we won't fall down on this." Kehas laughed and said, "Next, I will give some more discounts on the purchase price of grain. , if that kid Qiao Ge really wants to enter this market and poach them, he will at least have to pay a higher price."

Anil was right when he thought about it. Poaching people would definitely require paying a higher price. Kejas must be on guard against this aspect. After all, they used this method to get to the top.

"You are an expert in this area, so I don't have any good suggestions." Anil said with a smile.

"Actually, I would also like to ask if the Reliance Group can be invited to come forward. Our Aiyar family would like to continue to lend some funds." Khas hesitated and said.

"You?" Anil couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Your debts are already high enough, aren't they~~"

Anil wanted to persuade him that having too much debt was not a good thing, and the loan issue could be eased.

Sitharaman's family has problems and its high debt is actually one of the reasons.

Because the responsibility was too high and the cash flow was not enough, a chain reaction occurred.

The Aiyar family is now his important ally, and he does not want the other party to follow in the footsteps of the Sitharaman family.

This is not only a consideration for the Eyal family, but also a consideration for myself.

"I want to ensure that the Aiyar family has enough strength to resist Qiaogo's attack." Khas said, "Although I am confident that I can stabilize those large grain producers, there are always surprises. I have lost most of my suppliers, so I have to prepare both hands. I need more loans to acquire more land, especially the land of some food suppliers. As long as I have enough land here, even if there are fewer suppliers, I can still own the land. The food produced can also make up for the shortfall. As long as there is food supply, I am not afraid to continue fighting with Qiao Ge."

Anil finally understood what Kejas meant.

He thought about it and had to say that Kehas' plan was very clear and reasonable.

If Qiaogo wants to defeat the Aiyar family, he can probably only start with those suppliers, take away the suppliers, and cut off the food supply from the Aiyar family.

Whoever has a lot of grain in his hands is the boss of the market.

But if the Aiyar family has enough land in their name and produces enough food, even if Qiaogo pulls most of the suppliers over, Kejas doesn't have to be too afraid. This can indeed resist Qiaogo's attack. .

"You know, Reliance is under a lot of pressure right now," Anil said.

"I will naturally have a mortgage here, so I won't make it too difficult for you. I am just wondering if the loan amount and loan ratio can be higher." Khas said, "If Reliance Group can come forward, I believe it can still be done, right? "

Anil thought for a moment.

This time I don’t need any guarantee from Reliance Group, I just want to help talk to lending institutions and banks, which is still okay.Although the Reliance Group is now being suppressed by the government, they are not helpless to fight back. After all, the size of the Reliance Group is here, and what they say is naturally influential.

The Aiyar family wants to increase the loan limit and increase the loan ratio. If Reliance Group really wants to do this, it can still do it.

"I can't give you any guarantee now. You have to ask the old man what he means." Anil said.

"No matter what the result is, thank you very much." Kehas smiled.

After all, the loan amount involved in the next step is very large, and Anil cannot make the decision, and only Dhirubhai's prestige is sufficient.

"Actually, you can also introduce some alliance allies." Anil said, "Look at that kid Qiaogo, don't there be many families in his company that have stakes? Otherwise, just Qiaogo, we wouldn't be like this. Be afraid."

In the Aiyar family's grain company, more than [-]% of the shares are in the hands of the family, with only a small amount held by other forces.

"I'll think about it," Khas said.

"Actually, I can understand your mood. You don't want to give too many shares to others, but if you want to become bigger and stronger, it's too difficult to rely on one company alone." Anil persuaded, "Look at our Reliance Group , my Ambani family’s shares are only over 40%.”

Kejas smiled and said: "How can we compare with Reliance Group? In fact, I am thinking that even if we find people to buy shares at this time, I don't know how many people are willing."

"Are you worried that they are afraid of Qiao Ge?" Anil frowned.

"Yes, after all, there is the example of the Sitharaman family."

I originally thought that even if the Sitharaman family was defeated, it would be a protracted battle, but who would have thought that Rab's side would lose so quickly.

This has to make people fear Qiao Ge.

At least Kehas himself is one.

"Don't think too much. That kid Qiaogo hasn't shown his fangs yet. Besides, this matter may be like what we said before, that kid is bluffing, just to scare us and make us nervous." Ani Er said, "While the boy is not clear yet, you can first find some people to invest in him and get more funds. This will enhance the strength of your family company."

"I'll make some plans when I get back," Khas replied.

Anil thought for a moment, and he knew that Khas was probably not willing to accept his method.

The Eyal family attaches great importance to the grain company and is basically unwilling to let outsiders join.

Some of the shares now belong to others, and that was because we had exchanged interests with them in the past.

So even if Kehas agrees now, there will probably be a lot of opposition from their family members.

It has to be said that Khas's power in the family is much weaker than that of Rab.

Rab is the one who speaks in the Sitharaman family. Once he makes a decision, other members of the clan do not dare to contradict him.

Kehas has no such prestige.

Therefore, Anil feels that even if the Aiyar family does let people buy shares, the shares given up may not be too many.

But now as an ally, Anil still wanted to give Kejas some advice or reference from his own perspective.

"Actually, if you really want to raise a large amount of funds in a short period of time, there is another way, and that is to go public." Anil said.

"This?" Kejas nodded immediately, "The stock market is too volatile. Our Aiyar family does not touch this, and there are risks of being maliciously shorted, acquired, etc."

Anil secretly despised it in his heart.

To put it nicely, these traditional wealthy families are indeed traditional, but to put it worse, they have no vision, rigid thinking, and are pedantic.

(End of this chapter)

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