Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 381: Sniping at Lakshmi

Chapter 381: Sniping at Lakshmi (please vote for me)

The stock market has been around for so long, but these traditional wealthy families are still afraid of it and dare not touch it.

It can be said that the vast majority of companies under the names of traditional wealthy families are basically not listed, and they even rarely cooperate with others. They still retain their own style of working alone, and the family shares account for 100%.

Anil thought so in his heart and expressed all kinds of contempt, but he couldn't say it with his mouth.

"What can you do without risk?" Anil said, "Look at our Reliance Group. From the beginning, we raised funds by issuing shares on the market. After raising the funds, we invested in expanding production. This is how we have the current Reliance Group. Otherwise, I really have to rely on my own funds to develop slowly, and I don’t know how many opportunities I will miss. Some time ago, my old man wanted to separate the petrochemical project and list it independently. However, the timing was not right recently, so I didn’t take action. To be honest, I didn’t You want to put the Ambani Plaza project on the market, and once it is listed, you can quickly raise a large amount of funds, and then you won’t beat that kid Djogo to the ground?”

Of course, it’s not that Kohas doesn’t understand the stock market at all, but they just weren’t interested in it before.

If the family company is running well, why should it go public?

This is almost their common sentiment.

There are still many members of the family who feel that going public means giving away their shares to others. Wouldn't this be an advantage to others?
This kind of prodigal behavior naturally met with strong opposition. Anyone who dared to mention it would definitely be scolded, which resulted in few people mentioning it again.

Of course, their family's development has been relatively smooth before, and there is no shortage of funds. Even if there is a little shortage, it can be solved quickly without going public to raise funds.

"Alas, you may not know some things about my family." Aiyar sighed.

Anil was slandering in his heart, how could he not know?
Isn't it just holding on to the shares?
I am afraid that I will suffer a loss.

Don’t even think about it. After listing, as the company expands, the market value will increase.

Even if the proportion of shares in hand is reduced, the wealth has still increased.

As for how much you can increase, it depends on your ability.

Of course, if management is poor, it may fall below the issue price, and eventually have to delist or go bankrupt, etc.

"Anyway, if you want to make money, these are the only ways. Think about it for yourself." Anil said.

After all, these are the internal affairs of the Aiyar family. Anil knows that he cannot interfere too much and cannot make decisions for them, otherwise it will arouse their resentment.

So I came up with some possible ways and let the Aiyar family choose.

"Understood. After I go back, I really have to do some ideological work for the people." Kehas said.

"I believe that with the strength of your Aiyar family, even if you can't expand now, you can still resist Qiaogo's offensive. Don't forget, Reliance Group will always support you." Anil said .

He is quite confident about this.

After all, the Aiyar family only needs to grasp one thing now, which is to ensure their own food supply. As long as there is no problem with this, Qiao Ge will have no chance.

The worst result would be a situation where two heroes compete for hegemony in the grain market.

Qiao Ge wants to dominate the market, and it is obviously impossible to reach the level of the edible oil market.

"Of course, your words make me feel more at ease." Kehas smiled.

He is still very optimistic about Reliance Group.

Although Reliance Group is now facing a crisis, this crisis cannot yet collapse Reliance Group.

It's just that the recent development has been a bit rough.

Reliance Group will recover sooner or later.

My Aiyar family now shares weal and woe with the Reliance Group. After the Reliance Group recovers in the future, why should we take care of ourselves, our partners who have shared hardships with him?
It has to be said that many people and forces have alienated themselves from Reliance Group recently.

People are very realistic, with many icings on the cake and little help in times of need.

In the days that followed, Qiao Ge did not make any moves in the grain industry. He was still digesting the edible oil market.

So this actually relieved Kehasz's hanging heart a lot.

In his opinion, Qiao Ge might just want to scare him.

But looking back, he is still trying to raise as much money as possible.

Dhirubai helped. The loans from banks and some institutions were relatively smooth, and the mortgage loan ratio reached [-]%.

As for whether to attract some people to invest in the family company next, the family is still noisy.

Many people felt that this was completely unnecessary because they did not see that Qiaogo had any intention of targeting his Aiyar family.

There are words about food in the company's name, does that mean it's aimed at your own family?
To these people, this is a joke.

Because Qiao Ge has been involved in the grain industry for a long time, and now this part of the assets has been transferred to the new company, so what's the fuss about this new company containing the word grain?

This makes it difficult for the other side to refute.

Although they think Qiaogo will make big moves in the grain market, Qiaogo has not made any moves now. These can only be regarded as their speculations without sufficient evidence.

So traditional conservatives have the upper hand.

This proposal met with such great resistance, let alone the listing, that Kohas could only bury it in his heart and not mention it.

"Boss, there are two foreign telegrams. One is from Mr. Clark, and the other is from the beautiful country." Hudi came in and said to Qiao Ge.

Hearing this, Qiaogo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "What's going on with Clark?"

Qiao Ge thinks the telegram from the beautiful country should be from Evie.It’s better to put aside the love between children and get down to business.

Clark would report on his work regularly every month. If a telegram was sent at other times, it was probably because something big had happened and he needed to ask for instructions.

"Regarding Lakshmi, Mr. Clark got the news. Around June next year, he should acquire the state-owned steel plant of Trinidad and Tobago." Hudi said.

"Oh, is it a steel factory in Indonesia?" Qiao Ge frowned.

"No, no, no, boss, Trinidad and Tobago is a country. It is in the Caribbean Sea of ​​South America..." Hudi taught Joegopo global geography knowledge, and at the same time explained Clark's purpose to him. .

Qiao Ge was embarrassed for a while.

He really doesn't know that Trinidad and Tobago is a country. He has never heard of it now or in previous lives. The name of the country is too difficult to pronounce.

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a small country located in the southern Caribbean Sea of ​​South America, off the eastern coast of Venezuela. Its territory is mainly composed of two large islands, Trinidad and Tobago, plus 21 nearby smaller islands. Made up of small islands.

Indonesia's economy is still very open, at least not comparable to that of India. India has various restrictions on foreign investment to protect its own companies.

There are pros and cons to doing this. The advantage is that it protects domestic companies from being impacted by foreign companies.

The good thing is that with the protection of various national policies, domestic companies have low efficiency, low product quality, and no competitiveness at all.

Lakshmi is very talented. He finds ways to reduce costs so that he can seize the Indonesian market with low-priced products and even sell them abroad.

Taking advantage of the relatively open economy of Indonesia, he did it and made a lot of money for it.

In terms of cost reduction, in addition to improving the technology of steel plants and improving management systems, he also looks for cheaper raw materials. After all, raw material costs account for a large proportion in the steel industry.

Later, he found the state-owned steel factory in Trinidad and Tobago, and imported scrap steel and other raw materials from here, and the price was much lower than that in Indonesia.

Lakshmi came to Indonesia in 1976, and the factory was built in 1977.

After five years of operation, a certain amount of capital has been accumulated.

In 1982, Lakshmi's good opportunity came.

The state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago is facing bankruptcy due to backward technology and equipment and poor management. The government intends to sell the company.

Lakshmi was interested and wanted to acquire it.

Unfortunately, he did not have enough funds. He returned to China and told his father about the plan, but his father was not optimistic about the acquisition and was unwilling to provide financial support.

However, Lakshmi did not give up. He discussed with the government of Trinidad and Tobago and finally rented the steel plant.

The two parties signed a contract, and Lakshmi had the first right to purchase the steel plant under the same conditions after five years.

After Lakshmi rented the steel plant, he immediately carried out major operations on the plant and carried out subversive reforms.

For example, in terms of management personnel, there are many Germans in the management of Trinidad and Tobago's state-owned steel plant. These people's salaries are very high, with annual expenditures of more than 2500 million US dollars.

Lakshmi fired them directly and hired Indian managers at a cost of less than $200 million, only one-twelfth of the previous cost.

Then he eliminated outdated equipment, introduced advanced production technology, various cost controls, etc., allowing him to turn a loss into a profit at the end of that year, and then made huge profits.

In the past few years, Lakshmi has accumulated enough funds through the Trinidad and Tobago state-owned steel plant, and there is no problem at all in acquiring the factory.

Just wait until next year, when the lease contract expired five years ago, and you can buy it.

Clark was ordered by Jogo to keep an eye on Lakshmi's movements.

In particular, Clark knew that his boss also had a steel company in India, so he passed on the news in time after getting the news.

"Boss, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a bit far away. Do we want to snipe Lakshmi?" Hudi asked again after introducing the situation.

Since Lakshmi helped Anil target the boss's investment in Indonesia, he knew the boss's thoughts very well.

She will definitely cause trouble for Lakshmi whenever she gets a chance.

If this company were in Indonesia, the boss would be able to compete with Lakshmi, but in this situation, it is a bit troublesome.

Qiao Ge didn't answer Hudi's words for a while.

It wasn't that he was embarrassed by Hu Di's words, but he just realized that his memory of his previous life might be a bit wrong.

He always thought that Lakshmi broke out after acquiring a state-owned steel plant in Indonesia in 89. This was a turning point in his rise.

Now it seems that Trinidad and Tobago is the right one.

This cannot be blamed on Qiao Ge. The news and other information I saw on the Internet in my previous life were not so detailed. They just said that Lakshmi acquired the original raw material supply steel company in 89 and so on.

Since Lakshmi mainly operates in Indonesia, Jogo took it for granted that he had acquired Indonesian steel plants.

"Distance is not a problem." Qiao Ge recovered and smiled, "Think about it, the distance to transport scrap steel and other products from Trinidad and Tobago to India is probably closer than transporting it to Indonesia. As long as that The price on the side is cheap, so what is the distance? There is obviously profit in this, otherwise how could Lakshmi do this?"

"Boss, do you want to compete with Lakshmi? This steel plant is doing very well now, and it would be great if we win it." Hudi's heart moved, and then he frowned and said, "It's just I think this matter is very difficult. Lakshmi has been operating in Trinidad and Tobago for many years. Whether it is the government background or the steel factory, he has deep connections. Moreover, he also has the right of first refusal. We are afraid that You can’t compete!”

"That's right." Qiao Ge sighed, "This is also where I struggle."

(End of this chapter)

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