This was the first time Jogo had heard of the country Trinidad and Tobago, and he knew nothing about it.

And Lakshmi is very familiar there.

It is outrageous no matter how you look at it, to go to a completely unfamiliar country to acquire a steel plant and compete with Lakshmi.

Moreover, according to the information Clark received, the valuation of the state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago is approximately US$2 million.

This is definitely a huge investment, especially when there is a shortage of foreign exchange. How can it be so hasty?

But Qiao Ge was unwilling to give up like this.

I originally had no enmity or enmity with the Mittal family and had little interaction with them.

In order to get on the big ship of Reliance Group, they are willing to be dogs and pounce on themselves.

Qiao Ge didn't want to get used to this kind of person.

If the other party is just an ordinary person, there will be no problem even if the steel plant is given to him.

But the opponent is Lakshmi, the future steel king.

Especially the acquisition of this steel plant is the key to his rise. How can I let him get his wish?

Jogo felt that even if he lost money, he would not be able to get the Trinidad and Tobago state-owned steel plant. This node was too important and critical for Lakshmi, and he had to get rid of him.

Otherwise, if the Mittal family gets involved with the Reliance Group in the future, wouldn’t it put too much pressure on themselves?
Their combination can be said to be a combination of domestic and foreign companies. Even though Mittal is mainly in the steel industry, his various cross-border acquisitions will still have a great influence in the future.

Qiaogo must nip these risks in the bud. Even if he cannot nip them to death, he must weaken their influence and threat to himself.

"Boss, I have an idea." Hu Di couldn't help but said when he saw that his boss was a little confused.

"Let's talk about it." Qiao Ge has an idea in his mind, but it is still very difficult to implement it. Whether it can succeed is obviously unknown.

Since Hudi has an idea, it doesn't hurt to listen.

"Boss, that's what I think." Hudi said, "We have set a price in our mind. If it exceeds this price, we will no longer compete with Lakshmi. This can raise the selling price of the steel plant, and at least let Lakshmi Himido pays some price."

Qiao Ge smiled and said: "This is a good idea. No matter whether we can win it or not, we can't let him win it so easily."

He could tell that Hudi was still inclined to abandon the state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago.

Had it not been for knowing Lakshmi's future achievements, this thought would of course be very normal and correct.

I can't get it, I'm just messing with it, making you feel uncomfortable and paying a little more.

After all, Lakshmi is definitely going to take over the steel plant, there is no doubt about it.

So if you raise the price with him, he will definitely follow, unless your side is very outrageous.

Therefore, it is very reasonable and feasible to let him acquire the steel plant at a high price.

But Lakshmi is an exception. She is also a cheating existence and cannot be treated with common sense.

If he gets the steel plant, it will be even more powerful and the threat will be too great.

Jogo couldn't stand this happening.

"There are still more than half a year left. Boss, we have to collect information quickly so that we can better target Lakshmi and set a reasonable psychological price." Hudi said, "Boss, should I send someone to specially Trinidad and Tobago collect news about the steel plant?”

"Don't worry about that side for now, I have to think about it carefully." Qiaogo said, "But on the Indonesian side, you can send a telegram to Clark later and ask him to keep Lakshmi on his radar, especially in the past six months or so. Inside. If there are not enough manpower on his side, I will send some people over to assist."

"Okay, boss." Hu Di knew that in addition to security personnel, the boss also had many people who were dedicated to collecting information.

These people were led by Tulu.

"Boss, there is also this telegram from the beautiful country." Hudi said again.

"Oh, put it down." Qiao Ge smiled.

Hu Di was stunned for a moment, thinking that his boss wanted him to tell him the contents of the telegram.

Since the boss wants to see it in person, he won't bother himself.

After Hudi exited, Qiaogo opened the folded telegraph newspaper with some anticipation.

"Uh?" After seeing the content, Qiao Ge was a little speechless.

This is not what Evie sent, it has nothing to do with her at all.

It was Nick Brown who sent the telegram requesting investment.

He is the boss of the special effects team that previously filmed the two TV series "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata".

According to the telegram, after returning to China, he had a lot of ideas for special effects and tried them, but now he lacks funds.

Qiao Ge was amused. It was outrageous that this guy had targeted himself.

It's obvious that he can't find a sponsor in the beautiful country, and he can't find anyone willing to invest.

Otherwise, how could he come to India to find himself?
India is still backward in the eyes of those arrogant Western Europe and the United States. What good things can it think of?

Brown must have been desperate and rushed to the hospital because of his illness.

No matter who it was, as long as they had some relationship with him and some money, he would probably have sent a telegram and contacted them.

This is casting a wide net, hoping to catch a few fish.

Qiaogo threw the telegram aside.

Special effects?Still in the beautiful country, Qiao Ge has no interest in it for the time being.

In the last two TV series filming, Brown's team was the teacher. The special effects team of our company learned a lot of good things and grew very fast. Now it is definitely the top in the domestic special effects field.

With them, it is completely enough to handle the special effects of domestic movies.

However, the figure of Evie suddenly appeared in Qiaogo's mind.

He silently picked up Brown's telegram again.

After staring at the telegram and thinking for a while, he called Hudi in again.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"Hudi, please contact Mr. Brown and tell him that if he wants to get my investment, it is best to come and convince me in person." Qiao Ge handed the telegram to Hudi and said.

Hu Di didn't expect the boss to say that.

Is the boss interested in companies in the United States or in the film special effects industry?

He didn't ask any more questions, and decided to pass the words back to Brown.

After all, the amount of this investment is far less than that of the state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago.

Brown's telegram stated that he hoped his boss would invest $1000 million.

The steel plant is at least US$2 million.

It's too obvious, big and small, but we still need to distinguish clearly.

Qiao Ge thought that Evie was wondering whether to continue studying for a Ph.D., and maybe he could find something for her to do.

He must have hoped that Evie would return to China before. With so many companies under his name, it would be no problem for her to manage one or more of them.

Of course, it is impossible to make her the top leader of the company from the beginning.

The incident at the state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago gave Qiaogo another idea about Evie's arrangement.

He decided to do everything possible to capture the state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago, no, at any cost.

This is not only because he has already set foot in the steel industry, but the most important thing is to snipe Lakshmi and not let him get what he wants.

Jogo doesn’t know if that guy can still rise after losing the state-owned steel plant of Trinidad and Tobago, but it can at least delay his rise and reduce his future achievements.

In this way, even if you lose a little on this acquisition, it will still be worth it.

Evie stayed in the beautiful country, closer to the state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago.

When the time comes, let her explore the steel market in the beautiful country, Canada and other countries while continuing her Ph.D.

Where can the products of Trinidad and Tobago's state-owned steel mills be sold? The cost and other advantages are definitely obvious.

Of course, some raw materials such as scrap steel can also be obtained from India. India's own steel plants also need cheap supply of raw materials to reduce costs and increase the market competitiveness of Indian steel companies.

That’s why Jogo didn’t refuse Brown’s request for investment this time.

In terms of special effects, it is indeed a hot topic in the film industry.

Which of the following Hollywood blockbusters does not have special effects?

Brown and his team's skills are still recognized by Jogo, and it should still be feasible to invest in them.

But to be specific, you still have to meet Brown.

If the deal is really settled, I will be responsible for some future investments and management in the beautiful country.

Qiao Ge felt that he could give her a sum of money to set up an investment company, such as buying some stocks of well-known large companies and holding them for a long time.

Of course, these are still bits and pieces.

Another very important point is that the beautiful country is now the largest exporter of soybeans.

This is very critical for Qiaogo's edible oil business, and the country that is the largest supplier of raw materials must pay attention to it.

Then you have to make a fuss about the supply of raw materials, increase investment, and thicken and heighten your moat in the edible oil market.

He doesn't want to be proud and complacent now. When the time comes, he will be defeated by the latecomers and become the second Sitharaman family, which will become a joke.

Therefore, you must have your own vegetable oil crop planting base overseas.

In the future, it will not only be soybeans, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, etc., these must be considered.

Of course, this investment will be huge and cannot be realized in a year or two. It is really a long-term and huge project.

But Qiao Ge is still very confident.

These thoughts passed in a flash, and Jogo's mind soon returned to the state-owned steel plant in Trinidad and Tobago.

How should I take over this steel factory?
After winning it, how will I carry out business operations there?
If he really paid a large price, that is, at a high price, Lakshmi would definitely not be willing to accept it.

When the time comes for him to join forces with some connections in the Trinidad and Tobago government, it will be too easy to cause trouble for himself.

After all, I have zero connections there.

Even if we spend money to build relationships now, it will only take more than half a year. It is doubtful whether these hastily established relationships are strong. How can they be compared to the relationship network Lakshmi has managed for many years?

Jogo's thoughts were racing in his mind. He wanted to mobilize all the people and resources he could use. (End of chapter)

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