Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 383: Raising the price to US$35

Chapter 383 Raise the price to 5000 million US dollars (please vote for me)

Qiao Ge quickly found Tulu.

The Indonesian side will definitely send someone.

Tulu didn't think this was a big problem, he just kept an eye on Lakshmi. Even if he went abroad, he believed that the people on his side could still do a good job.

But for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Tulu was in a dilemma.

Because Qiao Ge's requirements are too harsh.

Qiaogo hopes that Tulu can use all means to get some handle on the high-level officials of the Trinidad and Tobago government, especially the illegal evidence conveyed by various private interests of Lakshmi.

When he and Lakshmi confront each other in the future, if these high-level officials stand on Lakshmi's side to hinder him, then he will not have no means to fight back.

If this were done in China, Tulu would still be confident that it could be done.

But when he went abroad, his eyesight really turned black.

Of course it would be no problem if you just went to Trinidad and Tobago to collect information about the steel plant, but it would be too difficult to get deeper inside information.

In addition to this method, Qiao Ge also wanted Tulu to find ways to bribe those high-level government officials.

Again, this is still very difficult for Tulu.

After all, there is only more than half a year, and this kind of bribery must be carried out secretly and cannot be leaked.

Therefore, Tulu failed to show off and explained the actual difficulties to Qiao Ge, indicating that the possibility of failure was high.

"Okay, you take action on the Indonesian side first, and I'll think about it on the Trinidad and Tobago side." Jogo thought for a while.

Although he could send someone over first, Qiaogo felt that he should be more cautious to avoid making too much noise and arousing Lakshmi's alert.

Lakshmi must be well-informed in Trinidad and Tobago, but she cannot be careless.

You can't be anxious at this time. Wait until you calm down before thinking of a countermeasure.

"I wonder if I can ask Gisei Bala for help?" A name came to Qiaogo's mind.

After selling steel, Gisai immigrated to Brazil a few days ago.

But after Gisé arrived in Brazil, he gave Jogo his contact information.

Brazil is not far from Trinidad and Tobago. Gisele said that he has many friends in South America, and I believe they must know about the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant.

It's just that I only have one transaction with Gisai. Is the other party willing to help me with all his strength?
Qiao Ge was not sure.

He felt that Gisai could take it easy. If he really couldn't find anyone else, it wouldn't be too late to find him.

Otherwise, if Gisai is unreliable, he might reveal it to Lakshmi as soon as he says it.

So it's safer to wait later.

Gisele is an alternative.

For the rest, Qiao Ge thinks we should look for the Sharma and other families. They are all old and wealthy families. The family has spread out and has countless people in the country. There are also many descendants of the tribe abroad. See if you can find a few. Can help.

Without further ado, Qiao Ge immediately ran to New Delhi to find Huida and others.

"Then the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is in Africa?" Lupa asked in surprise after hearing what Jogo said.

"It's not Africa, it's South America, Brazil, a small island country next to Venezuela." Jogo laughed.

"You~~ Qiao Ge, is it so sudden and such a big step?" Harpal was very surprised.

Don't talk about him, everyone else is like that.

"Brother Qiaogo, you said you are involved in the steel industry. Setting up a steel factory in India is nothing, but Trinidad and Tobago is too far away, and you have zero foundation there, so you dare to Invest more than 2 million US dollars?" Huida was very unfavorable to Qiaogo's plan, "My Pandit family has no connections there, so I can't help you. What about you?"

Hebicha, Noma and others all nodded, and they had no connection there.

"There are some people in my Vasayan family in South America, but the business scale is not large, and they are not in the steel industry. Besides, they are mainly in Brazil, Argentina and other countries. Trinidad and Tobago is really No," Rupa also said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Yas.

Yas couldn't help but said: "Qiaogo, I'm afraid I've disappointed you. The situation of my Sharma family is similar to that of the Vasayan family. There is really no one in Trinidad and Tobago, but we can ask them nearby. Ask, some of their friends and business partners may be from Trinidad and Tobago, and they may be able to get to know some local government officials through them.”

"Thank you. It seems that I didn't think carefully about this matter." Qiao Ge declined.

This is equivalent to subcontracting through layers of layers, friends of friends of friends... I don’t know how many times it has been transferred, it’s unreliable.

In many things, these friends of friends are more terrifying than strangers, and they kill people more fiercely and cruelly.

"I can't figure it out. You really want to buy steel plants. There are many in the country. If the country cannot meet your conditions, some nearby countries can also do it, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. Those places are also rich in mineral resources. , the conditions should be very good, right?" Lupa asked.

"Do you also know that Malaysia and Indonesia are rich in mineral resources?" Qiao Ge asked with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Don't underestimate me." Rupa said with a hint of pride, "Ever since you invested in Malay with you, I have a deep understanding of the situation in Malay and have gained relevant knowledge. It is true that Malaysia is extremely rich above and below ground. In addition, it is also rich in various minerals. Of course, after you invest in Indonesia, I also have a deep understanding of Indonesia. These two places are rich in various resources. All good, why would you sacrifice the near and seek the far?" Rupa said that Malay is rich above and below the ground. The underground refers to oil, and the oil reserves are rich, so the above ground naturally refers to palm oil.

In fact, this sentence is also applicable to Indonesia in the future.

"We are also strange," Huida said.

Qiao Ge's investment this time really made them confused. It was completely illogical and showed no signs.

"Actually, I want to target one person," Jogo said, "Lakshmi Mittal."

These are all his staunch allies, so there is no need to hide this kind of thing from them.

"From the Mittal family?" Yas frowned and said, "Because they came to trouble you in Ma last time, so you~~"

"Yes, since they have defected to Anil and are causing trouble for me, then I can't watch him successfully and easily take over the Trinidad and Tobago state-owned steel plant..." Qiaogo explained the matter. Let’s talk about the whole story.

"Your mood is understandable, but in this matter, Lakshmi has too much advantage. Qiaogo, I don't think you need to fight with him." Huida said.

Yas and others thought the same way about this.

No matter how you look at it, Qiao Ge has no advantage, and is a complete disadvantage.

How to argue with Lakshmi?
So it’s better not to do this kind of loss-making business.

"Brother Jogo, although I am unhappy with that Lakshmi, you really can't take this matter too seriously." Rupa said, "What's the harm in letting him do it just once? Isn't his foundation in Indonesia? Why not? We started investing in Indonesia, including in the steel industry, and demolished his lair first."

"What are you talking about?" Yas said a little speechlessly, "How can the steel industry be so easy to get involved in? Besides, Lakshmi has been operating in Indonesia for more than ten years and has a profound foundation. And at this time, we don't have much funds to go overseas. ”

"Yes, Qiaogo, even if you plan to snipe Lakshmi, how will you find the funds? It will be at least 2 million US dollars. Do you have the money?" Huida asked.

Everyone's eyes fell on Qiao Ge again.

"I'm going to talk to foreign banks to see if I can use Malaysia's palm oil industry as collateral to get some U.S. dollar loans," Jogo said.

"Then it's no problem. Your assets in Malay are worth 30 to [-] billion US dollars. It's definitely no problem to borrow a few hundred million US dollars," Rupa said.

"No, it's not that easy." Jogo said.

"Why?" Lupa asked a little puzzled, "Didn't you pledge a US dollar loan last time with the shares of that French luxury goods company? The value of the assets in Malay is far higher than those shares, right?"

"Just because it was a French company last time." Qiao Ge sighed.

Lupa was stunned for a moment and soon understood.

These foreign banks are still very strict in their asset assessment.

Like some high-quality companies in developed countries, their assets are naturally favored, and audit and other requirements will be relaxed a lot.

In some developing countries and some poor countries, they may not be willing to provide mortgage loans for these assets.

To put it bluntly, people look down on you and don’t believe in your credibility.

Therefore, Qiao Ge has a lot of assets in Malay, but it is not easy to find HSBC for a US dollar loan.

"But I think this is still possible. At worst, my loan ratio will be lower and the interest rate will be higher." Qiaogo said, "Also, you can ask friends in France and the UK to help communicate with the bank. I believe you can still get a loan.”

Arnault and the others helped with the last stock pledge, and Qiaogo was going to trouble them again this time.

"If you have the funds, you can compete with Lakshmi for the steel plant. You don't have to win it, but you can at least raise the price of the steel plant. I'm thinking that raising the price by 5000 to [-] million US dollars should be no problem. This is what they If the Mittal family goes against us and troubles you once, it will cost tens of millions of dollars," Yas said.

"That's right, that's good, brother Qiao, just do it like this." Noma smiled, "In this way, you have nothing to lose, and Lakshmi has lost tens of millions of dollars in vain."

Yasi's method is the same as Hudi's, they both want to disrupt the Lakshmi acquisition process.

This is indeed a good idea, but in his heart, Qiaogo still wants to directly take over the state-owned steel plant of Trinidad and Tobago. The reason why he cannot tell others.

Seeing that Huida was silent and seemed to be deep in thought, Lupa couldn't help but smile and asked: "Old man, aren't you optimistic about this plan?"

Huaidah is the oldest among them, and Lupa is the same age as Qiaogo. In terms of age and seniority, Huaidah is really their grandfather.

Huaida couldn't help but smile when he heard this and said: "I also think this plan is very good. It's just that from Qiao Ge's expression, it seems that he still wants to take over the steel plant?"

"Isn't it? Brother, are you so stubborn?" Hebicha was surprised.

"This~~ I have this idea, and I won't give up until the end." Qiaogo said, "If there is really no other way, just use the method you just mentioned to make Lakshmi pay more."

"Actually, there's nothing we can do, but that doesn't mean there's nothing we can do." Huaida hesitated and said.

"Why do these words feel a bit contradictory and convoluted? Old man, please stop being so pretentious." Lupa asked curiously.

Qiao Ge also looked at Huida, as if Huida had thought of some solution.

(End of this chapter)

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