Chapter 384 KGB (please vote)

"Qiaogo, since you want to ask your friends in Britain and France for help, why don't you go further? In addition to bank loans, you can ask them to help in other aspects." Huaida said.

Huida knows that Qiaogo, Arnaud, and Thomas have a very good relationship now. I believe they are still willing to help if they are busy.

Of course, Qiao Ge must pay a price, and they are just acting as a middleman.

"The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is a member of the Commonwealth and has close relations with the British side. You have no connections in Trinidad and Tobago, why not start with the British side? Through the British side What about some politicians influencing the government of Trinidad and Tobago?" Whyda continued.

"That's high." Yas said, slapping his thigh.

Britain still has a strong influence on Trinidad and Tobago.

If Jogo can persuade a high-level British government official to provide a guarantee, then it will be a huge blow to Lakshmi's advantage at the government level.

Qiao Ge can almost close this gap.

"It's just that it's very difficult to get the support of high-level people in the British government. Even if it can be done, the price may be very high. Qiao Ge, you can only see if this is a good deal or not," Huida said.

"By the way, the largest ethnic group in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is our Indian origin. I think if we really need it, we can definitely find a way to get the government to come forward." Yas said.

"The government's side?" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment.

"Qiaogo, you now have a lot of connections with the government, and you can definitely use them. Of course, we can also help you here. We can't help you much abroad. The domestic government here The top management can still make the move. We also need to increase our national influence." Yas smiled and said, "In this case, it means joining forces at home and abroad. I don't think Lakshmi can do this, right?"

"I understand, your words really made my eyes light up. I really didn't expect it before." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Now I am more confident."

Getting rid of foreign politicians is nothing more than a matter of money.

There are still many ways to bribe.

One thing is to give benefits privately, and the other is to make donations to their political parties. In short, using money to clear the way has a high success rate.

In order to snipe Lakshmi, Qiaogo has already planned to lose money. In short, Lakshmi cannot get the steel plant.

As for domestic affairs, as Yasi said, he has a very good relationship with Manmohan.

It's okay to ask him for a favor. Indians in Trinidad and Tobago are the largest population group, so it's okay for India to care about it, right?
Compared with Trinidad and Tobago, India is a big country. Besides, India has always had the habit of pointing fingers at the small countries around it.

Qiao Ge feels that he can even persuade a certain big boss to visit and talk about economic cooperation between the two countries. What is the cooperation?
Of course it's the acquisition of a steel plant.

Qiao Ge believed that if he provided the money, coupled with Yas and their lobbying efforts, there would still be a high chance that senior officials would visit.

However, this kind of thing is the last option.

If you do this kind of thing too much, it will be easy for your opponent to take advantage of it. Can you use other methods to solve it, or use other more reliable methods.

Qiao Ge found that he still underestimated himself a little.

With his current ability, he has great influence on the top government officials.

Of course, you can't drift at this time.

This influence must continue to expand and expand.

"Yuri, why are you here in person?" Qiaogo met Yuri in the office. He just returned from New Delhi yesterday.

Jogo already has a rough plan for the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant.

He has already contacted Arnaud and Thomas and is planning to go abroad in a few days.

In fact, he can go there now. Since Evie will be back the day after tomorrow, Qiao Ge postpones these things a little.

The main thing is that Arnault and the others have to spend some time contacting those banks.

If there was a direct rejection, then there was no need for him to go.

If the bank is interested and willing to talk to you, it would be appropriate to go there yourself.

Qiaogo and Yuri have been doing foreign trade for several years, and the two sides have cooperated happily. Now they can be said to be as close as brothers, at least on the surface.

Of course, there is no other conflict of interest between the two, and the current relationship can still be maintained and is strong.

Since everyone is familiar with the current transactions, Yuri basically doesn't come to inspect the goods in person. He believes in Qiaogo's credibility, and Qiaogo ships directly every time.

"I came here to ask for your help this time. I want to add some food goods." Yuri said.

"No problem. In fact, you can just mention it in the telegram. There is no need to come in person." Qiao Ge said.

"I am definitely relieved about you, but some people over there are not, so I came here personally to make them feel more at ease." Yuri sighed.

Qiao Ge didn't ask much about who those people were over there.

But now he knows something about it, such as the army and so on.

The life of the Soviet people is not easy now. Food, clothing and other items are more scarce than in the past two years.

"Afghanistan has been fighting for 10 years and has almost hollowed out the country. Not long ago, all the troops were withdrawn. The war is over, but the situation in the country is very bad. The food I brought this time can save lives. " Yuri said.

Qiao Ge just listened to this, save people?

How is that possible? The main thing is to make money.

Yuri can make a huge profit from this.

Of course, there are also the people and interest groups behind him.

Of course, Qiao Ge would not expose these things.Because he is also a part of making money on this boat.

"You are a hero." Jogo smiled.

"Yes, I am the hero behind the scenes." Yuri took a puff of his cigar and smiled, "Brother Qiaogo, I saw you frowning when I came in just now. What's bothering you?"

Yuri's words moved Qiaogo's heart.

Of course he was thinking about the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works just now.

Although he is now preparing to find people in various ways and planning to compete with Lakshmi for the steel plant, he is still not at ease.

If you think about it, you have a great chance, but if you really want to do it, there will be many problems and great difficulty.

So he was a little troubled.

"Brother Yuri, I want to ask you a question." Qiaogo's face became a little serious.

"Oh, tell me." After seeing the change in Qiaogo's expression, Yuri also stopped smiling. It seemed that this matter was not a trivial matter to Qiaogo.

As a partner, he will definitely not refuse as long as he can help.

Over the years, he has made a lot of money by doing business with Qiao Ge.

Of course, while he was making money, he was also expanding his domestic connections.

Now he is a famous person in this industry and can establish relationships with many big shots.

Before, it would have been impossible.

"If I want to get some dirty information about a high-level official in a certain country, do you have any good suggestions?" Qiao Ge asked.

In response to Qiaogo's question, Yuri's expression did not change much.

After all, after several years of contact, he knew that Qiao Ge must have seen his identity.

He didn't care about it. As for the KGB, it wasn't a big deal. Now he relied on this identity to make money, and he wasn't doing this alone.

Speaking of which, I am pretty well-behaved, but some people really rely on the power in their hands to make money crazily, and their hands are stained with blood.

"This?" Yuri pondered for a moment and said, "What kind of country does this belong to? If it is a big country, it will be very difficult to get dirty information. As for your country~~~"

"No, no, no, it's not our own country." Qiaogo saw that Yuri had misunderstood, and couldn't help but explain hurriedly, "It's not a big country, it's just a small island country, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago."

"How did you get involved with that small country?" Yuri asked a little confused.

He is naturally rich in knowledge. These are common sense to them. He can know everything about even a small and unpopular country.

"That's it. I want to acquire one of their state-owned steel plants, but now this steel plant is..." Qiao Ge described the situation to Yuri and gave the general outline of the matter.

"Haha~~" After hearing this, Yuri couldn't help laughing. "I'm not talking about you. The methods you use to collect intelligence are really low-end. No wonder you can't do this."

Yuri's words shocked Qiaogo.

In my opinion, Tulu and the others are already very powerful, gathering intelligence and information in various ways.

But in Yuri's eyes, it was too low-end, and this evaluation was really frustrating.

"I'm sorry, brother Qiaogo, my words may be a bit hurtful, but I am telling the truth." Yuri noticed that his words seemed a bit excessive and couldn't help but explain.

This explanation made Qiao Ge even more speechless. This was not a little hurtful, but very hurtful.

However, Qiao Ge could understand in his heart that the other party was the world's top intelligence agency, which could compete with many countries including the Beautiful Country, so his vision and strength were naturally extraordinary.

The personnel he trained here were indeed not very good in his eyes.

After all, Tulu is not a professional intelligence officer. In China, especially in private companies, he is considered to be taller among the short ones.

"I understand." Qiao Ge sighed, "I thought they were pretty good before, but now it seems they still have a lot of shortcomings."

"No, in fact, they also have advantages. They are indeed very good in terms of security." Yuri said, "It is just that their intelligence and other capabilities are lacking."

After hearing this, Qiaogo finally felt better, and at least he could be praised a little by Yuri.

"I wonder if I can help my people improve their intelligence capabilities?" Qiao Ge asked with some anticipation.

"This won't happen in a short time." Yuri said, "Especially since you only have more than half a year, there is no time at all."

Qiao Ge was right when he thought about it. How could he do it in half a year?

He couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"But I have a way to solve your problem. It just requires you to pay a little reward, and of course it needs to be paid in US dollars." Yuri said again.

"Is there any way?" Qiao Ge's eyes lit up, "Money is not an issue."

If it can be solved with money, he will never be stingy now.

"I can find some 'friends' and ask them to help you secretly investigate some illegal activities at the top of Trinidad and Tobago, especially the illegal financial transactions with that Lakshmi." Yuri said, he will' The word "friend" adds emphasis.

Qiao Ge understood in his heart that the friend he mentioned was naturally a member of the KGB.

(End of this chapter)

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