Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 385: A two-pronged approach, both overt and covert

Chapter 385: A two-pronged approach, both overt and covert (please vote for me)

"Is this okay?" Qiaogo asked a little uncertainly, "Will it violate your regulations?"

This is a public employee of the national intelligence agency, right? Can you help me with this kind of work?
"Well, in this situation, everyone is doing it for themselves, otherwise they will really suffer." Yuri sighed, "Don't worry, they can solve these problems. There is still a lot of freedom outside, and we can contact each other privately. It’s normal to work and make some money. You may not know that some guys in the country are colluding with those gang members. It’s so depraved.”

Qiao Ge sighed in his heart, he didn't expect that the former giant had such a big problem now, and it was only in the past two years that he fell.

Public equipment is for private use, everyone is just trying to make money.

People are scattered, how can the team lead?
"It's no problem on your side, and it will definitely be no problem on my side. I wonder how much it will cost?" Qiao Ge asked.

Yuri held out a finger.

"1000 million US dollars?" Qiao Ge blurted out.

Yuri was originally smoking a cigar, but Qiaogo's words made him quickly take the cigar out of his mouth and cough violently several times.

"Brother, you are really rich now. I wanted to say 100 million US dollars, which is correct. Your net worth is different now." Yuri calmed down and said.

Of course, he knows quite a bit about Qiao Ge's net worth, not only in India, but also abroad, such as Malaysia.

When he learned that Qiao Ge was investing in Malay, he was shocked that it was such a big deal.

In the end, Qiao Ge made the right bet. In the eyes of Western countries, the sunset industry can now be seen like the sunset?
It is obviously a rising industry.

It is precisely because of this that the industrial assets invested by Qiao Ge in Malaysia have expanded rapidly.

It can be said that he probably knows more about Qiaogo than most people in India.

After all, in this line of work, it is customary to explore a person's various secrets.

"In that case, I will offer 200 million US dollars and need detailed evidence." Qiao Ge said.

Yuri has said so. He will not pay another 1000 million US dollars. Doubling it would be interesting enough.

"No problem, just leave this matter to me. It will be done within three months at the latest. But you have to pay half of the deposit first, and then half after the work is completed." Yuri said.

There are also different targets for cheating. The benefits gained from the trade between himself and Qiao Ge are far more than 1000 million US dollars. There is no need to be too greedy in these small things.

"I trust you. When the time comes, you give me a foreign account and I will transfer you 200 million US dollars." Qiaogo said.

"Okay, brother, that's so heroic." Yuri smiled, "Now that I have a secret operation, plus you go to the UK to do some activities and get some high-level officials in the government there to speak out for you, then it's obvious. By using a two-pronged approach, there should be no problem in dealing with that Lakshmi."

"That's right, a two-pronged approach." Qiao Ge laughed.

He didn't expect Yuri to bring him such a big surprise this time.

To be honest, the current trade amount with Yuri is nothing to Qiaogo.

However, he still maintained this relationship. After all, Qiaogo still valued Yuri's identity very much.

Originally, he thought that after the giant fell in the future, he might be able to get some benefits through Yuri.

I didn’t expect to get a huge harvest now.

I believe the benefits will be greater in the future, Qiao Ge is looking forward to it, it will be a feast.

My current strength is not enough. The stronger I am, the greater the benefits I will receive in the future.

"By the way, brother Yuri, is there any way to improve my people's intelligence capabilities?" Qiaogo asked.

"This is simple." Yuri said, "I can help you find some older, retired personnel. The situation is a bit turbulent right now, so no one cares about many regulations. But if you want them to come over and teach you these subordinates, it's troublesome. It’s definitely not small, and it needs to be taken care of in various ways.”

"Just tell me the number."

"A person's living expenses and other expenses should be at least 10 US dollars. The salary should not be less than 5 US dollars a year." Yuri said.

Although the current ruble has not yet depreciated, the ruble can basically only flow between Big Brother and the participating countries. If you want to do business abroad, especially with countries such as Europe and the United States, and import goods, you must use US dollars.

Therefore, U.S. dollars were still in short supply in the Soviet Union, and many people wanted to get some U.S. dollars outside.

"I will give you another $100 million, just recruit seven or eight people." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be more than eight." Yuri replied.

It stands to reason that one million US dollars can recruit 100 people. Qiao Ge said that recruiting seven or eight people is enough, and the rest is naturally for his own benefit.

However, he already had enough benefits from the previous $200 million. After all, he originally wanted to apply for $100 million. Even if it was $100 million, he would get at least [-] to [-]% of the benefits.

This brother is so generous, so I can't be stingy anymore.

These things are just a piece of cake for me.

Moreover, since I am introducing business to those friends, they still have to remember this favor.

It's not easy to make US dollars these days, especially this time to help Qiao Ge. For friends like myself, there is no danger at all, it's a trivial matter.

It's just for a small mini country. It's too easy and the pay is not low.

After all, they used to target those Western powers.

With Yuri's help, Qiaogo is even more confident in taking over the steel plant.

The previous worries and uneasiness instantly dissipated.

Now I am just waiting for news from Arnaud and the others.

Evie returned to China, and Qiaogo went to the airport to pick her up in person.

"Do you agree with me continuing to study for a Ph.D.?" Evie asked softly, nestled in Qiaogo's arms. "Don't like it?" Qiao Ge was still thinking about everything just now.

Long time no see, Evie is obviously a little crazy.

If Qiao Ge hadn't been exercising, he would have been a bit overwhelmed.

"I listen to you, but we have to be separated for several years again. I'm afraid you will forget me." Evie said.

"how come?"

"Why not? You men are just telling the truth. Don't think that I don't know that you have provoked many women in the past few years." Evie pointed out unceremoniously.

"Don't worry, they are all easy to get along with. I will go to the beautiful country to see you often. If you miss me, you can come back at any time." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "I can still afford the air ticket."

"Smei, who wants to miss you!" Iwei rolled her eyes at Qiao Ge and said.

Who wants to ask if they can get along easily?

As for Qiao Ge having many more women, she had already expected it.

Since she chose Qiao Ge, she acquiesced in this kind of thing, that is, she mentioned it like this to express her attitude.

"I think so!" Qiao Ge turned over.

The strange sound filled the room. When it subsided again, Qiao Ge took a long breath and said: "We have done the personal business, now let's talk about business."

"What's the matter?" Evie said weakly.

So Qiao Ge talked about the idea of ​​letting her be responsible for some affairs in the beautiful country.

After listening, Evie looked at Qiao Ge in surprise and said, "Are you sure you want me to be responsible?"

"What? Are you afraid? Or do you still feel that your abilities are insufficient?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Who is scared?" Evie said immediately, "It's just that I am a woman, do you really believe me?"

"What's wrong with women? I never think women are worse than men. I hope you can become the pride of Indian women, a female president who manages a multinational company!" Qiao Ge said.

Evie was moved to pieces by these words.

In India, the status of women is really low.

Even women who receive some good education will still face various kinds of discrimination in society.

Especially after getting married, most women can only work as full-time wives at home, and the elderly at home are not allowed to let her go out to show off.

In fact, Qiao Ge also knows that Evie is a strong woman. In this case, he will give her a chance.

You can't just treat your woman as a vase, you still need to show your talents. Only such a woman will be attractive.

Otherwise, the skin alone is good-looking. With Qiao Ge's current wealth, this kind of woman can have as much as she wants.

In the future, when a multinational female CEO will be under her, will that feeling be comparable to that of those superficial women?
Fuli and the others knew about Qiaogo and Evie, so they took the initiative to let Qiaogo out during this period.

After all, it is rare for Evie to return home.

After Evie met her relatives in the next few days, she and Qiaogo prepared to go to England.

Arnault and Thomas have already sent news to Qiaogo that people from HSBC are willing to talk to him about the loan.

So Qiao Ge had nothing to hesitate and flew to London immediately.

Qiao Ge takes Evie with him. In addition to spending more time with her, she will also be responsible for the affairs of the beautiful country, which is equivalent to international affairs. It is necessary to get familiar with the people at HSBC.

Just think of it as seeing the big scene beforehand so that you won’t have stage fright in the future.

Robert Thomas personally came to pick up Qiaogo at the airport.

He is no longer in France.

Since Arnault came to power, the cooperation between Guinness and LVMH Group has been very happy and smooth, and the affairs in France have naturally been handed over to the people below.

Thomas returned to the headquarters and was promoted to another important position.

He deserves a share of the credit from LVMH Group.

And for this credit, in Thomas' opinion, Qiaogo still helped a lot.

So the relationship between everyone is very good.

"Evie Nayi, my girlfriend." Qiaogo introduced, "This is Mr. Thomas."

"Hello, Mr. Thomas." Evie greeted generously.

"Hello, Miss Naughty." Thomas smiled, "Welcome to London."

Thomas was slandered in his heart.

This kid Qiaogo had signed an endorsement agreement with LVMH Group for another woman in France.

It didn't take long, right? There was another woman?
But that's what he thought, he knew Qiao Ge's net worth.

Such young rich people have such capital, whether it is money or body, it is commonplace to change female companions.

(End of this chapter)

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