Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 386 Natural Gas Princess

Chapter 386 Natural Gas Princess (please vote for me)
"This time we are meeting with the vice president in charge of international lending at HSBC. I think it should be no problem to get a loan based on your conditions." On the car to London, Thomas introduced Qiao Ge to HSBC. some situations.

"Thank you so much." Qiao Ge thanked him.

"We are friends." Thomas smiled.

In his opinion, Qiao Ge can be regarded as his lucky star.

In short, his promotion has a lot to do with Qiao Ge.

Otherwise, the matter with the LVMH Group would not have been resolved so quickly, and it would not have been resolved so perfectly.

Qiao Ge is so busy, it's really not a big deal to him.

I'm just introducing some senior executives from HSBC Bank.

He is now a senior executive of the Guinness Group and is naturally familiar with the senior executives of HSBC Bank.

So when he gave the bank a detailed introduction to Qiaogo's assets in Malay and the situation in India, HSBC quickly responded.

"Qiaogo, when are you free? I'll make an appointment with the bank." Thomas asked.

"The sooner the better," Jhogo replied.

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow morning. You just came here today. Have a good rest and catch you up in the evening..."

The next day, Thomas had already sent his assistant to the hotel with a motorcade to pick up Qiaogo and his party.

Thomas will go directly to the HSBC headquarters to meet.

After getting off the bus at the door of the bank headquarters, Qiao Ge found someone arguing with the security personnel at the door.

It was a cute little girl with blond hair and a woman. The little girl was about eight or nine years old, and the woman was about 40 years old. She looked like a bodyguard.

Qiao Ge's eyes were now dazzling, and he believed that he would not be wrong.

This woman is definitely not a nanny or servant, and her aura is wrong.

After all, Rhodes has also recruited many female bodyguards.

For example, Evie and the others are closely protected by female bodyguards.

You can see a similar temperament in her.

This little girl seems to be no ordinary person.

Qiao Ge listened for a while and probably understood what the security staff meant. Children were not allowed to enter here.

The girl claimed that she was a customer of the bank and wanted to make an international transfer.

The security personnel obviously didn't believe that such a young girl could handle international money transfers. Isn't this nonsense?

The woman next to her was obviously a servant or something, and the girl said she had forgotten some of her certificates and had them delivered to her, and she was on her way now.

In the eyes of the security personnel, this was a lie.

They have seen a lot of deceitful children. If they are allowed in, who knows how they will make trouble, and their jobs will not be saved.

Qiao Ge found it funny. This little girl had an origin. She was probably the child of some wealthy or powerful families in London.

She said it was possible that she was a client.

These security guards obviously made a mistake.

"Mr. Gupta, Mr. Thomas said he was stuck in traffic and would have 10 minutes to arrive. Please wait inside first." Assistant Thomas, who came to pick up Qiaogo, apologized.

"Then go inside and wait for a while." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "Evie, let's go."

Evie took Qiaogo's arm and they walked towards the door.

"Hurry up and call and ask when they will send the documents." The little girl asked the woman next to her.

When the little girl said this, Qiao Ge happened to pass by her.

"Are you from the Soviet Union?" Qiao Ge stopped and looked at the girl and asked in surprise.

Because the girl just spoke to the woman in Russian, of course Qiaogo also asked questions in Russian.

Qiaogo's Russian is now very fluent. In the past two years, he has specially studied Russian.

This will make it more convenient for you to go there in the future after the giant is disintegrated.

"You~~you too?" The little girl's eyes widened when she heard that Qiaogo also spoke Russian, and she was also very surprised.

Not many people speak Russian abroad. I didn’t expect to meet one today.

But when she looked at Qiao Ge’s appearance, it didn’t look like that of the Soviet Union, right?

"No, I am Indian, but I can speak Russian." Jogo smiled.

Since the little girl is from the Soviet Union, the children who can come out now are basically the children of either rich or noble people, such as the children of high-ranking government officials, who indeed have status.

"Oh, I don't think you are either." The little girl smiled, "Actually, to be precise, I am Ukrainian. I can meet Russian-speaking people here, which is very friendly."

Ukraine still belongs to the Soviet Union and is one of the member countries.

Evie was stunned for a moment after hearing Qiaogo's words.

She knew it was probably in Russian, but she just didn't understand it and didn't know what the two of them were chattering about.

And she didn't understand why Qiao Ge started chatting with a little girl.

From the looks of it, I obviously didn’t know him before.

"Shall we go in first?" Evie reminded in a low voice.

"Okay." Qiao Ge responded, and then he said to Thomas' assistant, "This little girl should really have business to do. Can you talk to these security personnel? Just go in with us. It should be okay to wait in the lobby, right?”

The assistant immediately went over and explained to the security personnel.

As Thomas's assistant, his dress and temperament are naturally unusual.The security personnel naturally let him go.

After entering the waiting area in the lobby, the little girl took the initiative and said: "Thank you for your help, otherwise I would have to stand outside and wait. My name is Yefuniya Ji Mo Shenke."

"Miss?" The female bodyguard behind the little girl shouted hurriedly, obviously feeling inappropriate about her self-reported name.

Yevsuniya ignored her, but stared at Qiaogo and continued: "It's rare to meet someone who can speak Russian. Can I make a friend?"

Qiao Ge was laughed at by this little girl's words. She has a really good personality and is not afraid of life.

"It's a small thing, you don't need to thank me. I have a good friend who is from the Soviet Union, so I feel warm when I hear you speak Russian. You are not old, but you speak like an adult." Qiaogo said, "My name is Qiaogo Gup. Ta, nice to meet you."

Evie was speechless for a while, but she didn't expect that Qiao Ge and this little girl were chatting again.

But as she looked at this girl, she couldn't help but secretly sigh in her heart, what a beauty.

"I think we should communicate in English?" Yefuniya saw a lot of strange looks from around her and said in English.

"it is good."

It is indeed rare to speak Russian here, so it is not surprising that it attracts attention.

"Is this sister your wife?" Yefuniya looked at Evie and asked. In fact, she had already noticed Evie when she was outside just now.

"That's right." Qiao Ge replied without hesitation.

These words made Evie feel happy. Although she knew that she could not become Qiaogo's wife, she was certainly moved by Qiaogo's introduction to others.

"My sister is so beautiful."

"You too." Evie smiled.

"But it's still a little worse than my mother." Yefuniya said with a playful smile at Evie.

These words made Evie a little speechless, but of course she didn't mind the little girl's wise words to defend her mother.

Evie believed her mother was a beauty, and there was no truth to that.

After all, it's hereditary.

"I'm here for a trip this time. I only have half a month to go back. I'm going back next week. How about you?"

"We're here to discuss a business," Evie replied.

She took the initiative to answer on Qiaogo's behalf.

The two sides chatted for a few more minutes, and then Thomas arrived.

Qiao Ge and his entourage separated from Yevsuniya and followed Thomas upstairs to find someone.

The moment he entered the elevator, Qiao Ge's heart suddenly moved: "Ji Mo Shenke? No way, that natural gas princess? No, no, she is too young, and that's not her name. Could it be her daughter?" "

The natural gas princess that Qiaogo thinks of is naturally the famous Ukrainian beauty Prime Minister Yulia Kimosenko in her previous life.

He only remembered that Yulia seemed to have a daughter, but he didn't know the specific name. Foreign names were too difficult to remember.

For example, Yulia, she is really charming and unforgettable.

That's why Qiao Ge paid more attention in his previous life and knew his name. Otherwise, most people would usually call him Ji Mo Shenke.

Yulia should be less than 30 years old now, and it seems that she gave birth to a daughter quite early, around 20 years old, so her daughter is almost eight or nine years old now, which is suitable for Yevuniya.

Thinking back to the appearance of Yulia in her previous life, and then thinking about the Yefuniya I saw just now, it seemed that there was indeed a shadow of Yulia.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" Qiao Ge was a little surprised.

But the surprise is the surprise, that is, meeting a celebrity from the past life, oh, the daughter of a celebrity is nothing to be surprised about.

But Qiao Ge remembered that Yulia seemed to have separated from her husband not long after they got married. I wonder if they are separated now?

"What's wrong with you?" Evie noticed that Qiaogo's expression seemed a little off just now.

"Nothing, I suddenly remembered something." Qiao Ge smiled at her.

"Is it all right?"

"It's okay, I was just thinking about how many hundreds of millions I can borrow this time." Qiao Ge said.

Hearing this, Thomas couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Qiaogo, your assets are of high quality, and I believe you will be satisfied with the loan amount. And I have a good relationship with John, so don't worry."

"hope so."

John Lawrence, Vice President of HSBC, in charge of external investment and lending business.

He and Thomas had a good personal relationship.

Thomas naturally followed his own path.

After he obtained relevant information about Qiaogo from Thomas, he immediately asked the people below to further investigate Qiaogo's situation.

Judging from the information given back below, it seems to be even more amazing than what Thomas said.

Not long ago, this kid defeated the Sitharaman family, the veteran edible oil market leader in India.

With an unusually strong attitude, it has become the new leader in the edible oil market.

Of course, if Qiaogo's career in India becomes bigger, Lawrence won't be too interested.

Because the investment environment in India is not good, they will not invest in some domestic companies there. Don't even think about loans or mortgages.

But Qiao Ge made him see something different.

That is Qiaogo's obvious intention to develop abroad.

(End of this chapter)

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