Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 387: 6 million US dollars

Chapter 387: 6 million US dollars (please vote for me)
You know, the two largest private companies ranked first and second, Tata and Reliance, are still mostly in the country, and their investment abroad is almost negligible.

And what about Jogo?

The palm oil industry assets in Malay are indeed amazing. He had to lament that Qiaogo's success was indeed due to luck. It was basically a massive acquisition when the palm oil industry was at its lowest price.

In addition to Malaysia, they also started investing in Indonesia.

He is even more familiar with this. Not long ago, Qiaogo used LVMH Group's stock pledge to borrow US$1 million from them.

Qiao Ge has many overseas investment projects and a large amount of assets.

Tata and Reliance are stronger than Qogo in terms of scale and strength in India, but where they live, what does it have to do with HSBC?
Therefore, customers like Qiao Ge who are willing to invest abroad deserve attention.

For banks like them, investing, lending, etc. are all about making money.

Finding a high-quality customer can definitely bring huge profits to the bank.

In the vice president's office on the top floor of the building, Qiao Ge met John Lawrence.

This is a middle-aged man in his fifties with half-bald hair.

Thomas introduced the two of them to each other and went out.

He didn't care what the specific discussions between Qiaogo and Lawrence were, after all, the discussions between Qiaogo and Lawrence involved business secrets.

As an outsider, it would be difficult for him to participate, so a referral would be enough.

Lawrence was a little surprised. He didn't expect Qiao Ge to let the woman next to him stay.

He knew that Qiaogo was not married yet. It was said that a woman from the Sharma family was dating Qiaogo.

He had seen a photo of the girl named Beni, and it was definitely not the woman in front of him.

Then this woman is obviously one of the women outside Qiaogo.

A rich man's woman is just for fun, who really cares?

Since Qiao Ge didn't let the woman named Evie go out, he must have considered it, and he didn't have anything to say.

"Mr. Gupta, Robert has told me about your matter. I would like to ask, how much are you prepared to borrow?" After the two parties sat down, Lawrence was the first to ask, very directly.

Qiao Ge also likes this kind of directness, there is no need to go around and waste time: "I want to loan $10 billion."

Lawrence smiled slightly.

This amount is actually very exaggerated. Although he has handled larger funds than this, the parties are all large companies in developed countries such as Europe and the United States.

"Mr. Gupta, I know that you have a lot of assets in Malaysia, which probably exceeds 25 billion US dollars in U.S. dollars." Lawrence said, "But here, the approval of mortgage loan quotas is very strict, at least in Malaya. The ones on the side need at least a bigger discount.”

"So, Mr. Lawrence, I wonder what is the maximum amount you can give me?" Qiao Ge asked with a smile.

A US$10 billion loan, of course, is a big opening for the Jogo Lion. This is impossible to happen.

In fact, this is just an attitude of his. He wants to get more loans. I believe Lawrence will understand what he means.

"Since you still have a mortgage of more than 3 million US dollars in Malaysia, my assessment of your palm oil industry assets is 20 billion US dollars. If the loan ratio needs to be lowered, I can only give you [-]%. "Lawrence said, holding out three fingers.

Evie raised her eyebrows and said, "Mr. Lawrence, even if we have to lower the loan ratio, [-]% of the loan is already considered too low, right? Isn't [-]% too low?"

Lawrence glanced at Qiao Ge, wondering what the woman meant by speaking out.

"Ah, Mr. Lawrence, I forgot to mention that Evie will be responsible for some of my overseas affairs, so what she said is what I meant." Qiao Ge said.

Lawrence was a little surprised by these words.

This woman is young, probably in her early twenties.

Qiao Ge asked her to manage some overseas affairs?
Not Qiao Ge’s woman?
Or do you really have the talent?
It seems that I have to send someone to investigate this woman's information.

"After all, it is a Malay industry." Lawrence said, "And Mr. Gupta, you are an Indian. If you immigrate to the UK, I think it is okay for the ratio to be raised to 5%."

Of course Qiaogo understood what Lawrence meant, which was discrimination.

But you can't refute this kind of discrimination.

Who said that India is weak and poor now, so it is naturally looked down upon by others.

"4.5%?" Qiao Ge asked.

Lawrence shook his head.

"4%?" Qiao Ge bargained.

"Mr. Gupta, don't argue with me anymore. 6% is the limit I can give you." Lawrence said, "I don't know what industry or project you are planning to invest in. Even if it is [-]%, that would still be [-] million US dollars." , is it enough for you to invest? Is it the Indonesian side?"

Lawrence knew that Qiaogo’s last loan was used in Indonesia.

In his opinion, Jogo is probably ready to expand investment in Indonesia.

"If you really have investment intentions, our bank can provide consulting services. We have a professional team to evaluate the prospects, costs, benefits, etc. of the investment industry for you, so that you can avoid risks and increase returns as much as possible." Lawrence added said.

Naturally, a bank as big as theirs cannot rely solely on loans, but also involves various investments, consulting and other services, which are very profitable.Lawrence's words moved Qiaogo's heart.

It has to be said that established banks like HSBC have a profound foundation and have great influence on a global scale.

Their consulting team is naturally top-notch and can help customers formulate the best investment strategies.

In this regard, Qiao Ge's own side is incomparable.

A strong professional team is needed to back it up.

Qiao Ge was envious. In the future, he would have to build his own consulting team to serve as his own think tank and make suggestions for the company's investment.

As the scale of the company under his name becomes larger and larger, and more and more industries are involved, his energy is limited and he cannot cover everything.

These think tanks are very important.

Of course, in addition to the team established by our own company, we can also cooperate with other large international consulting companies and institutions. There is no doubt about their professionalism.

"It's not Indonesia this time," Jogo said. "I'm going to buy a state-owned steel plant in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago."

"Huh?" Lawrence was very surprised. This situation was completely beyond his expectation.

If Qiaogo invests in Malaysia, Indonesia and even Britain and France, he thinks it is normal, but Trinidad and Tobago, and it is also a steel factory, is too strange.

Judging from the information he obtained, Qiao Ge did acquire a steel plant in China, but it was not large in scale. Is he really planning to enter the steel industry next?

This is an asset-heavy industry.

If Qiaogo really wants to do it, the demand for funds will definitely not be small.

Now that I have cooperated with Qiao Ge, I believe there will be more cooperation in the future.

"Can you tell me something?" Lawrence said, "As I said just now, I have a professional investment consulting team here. This kind of foreign acquisition can easily suffer losses if there is no dedicated person to control it."

Qiaogo did not hide anything and told the story again, including the situation of Lakshmi, his competitor.

Jogo had no problem telling Lawrence this.

Will he reveal these things to Lakshmi?
As long as big banks like HSBC are not involved in political issues, their credibility can still be guaranteed.

After listening, Lawrence squinted and thought for a moment: "According to the information you provided, it is indeed very difficult to compete with Lakshmi for this steel plant. The other party has an absolute advantage."

Regarding this point, Qiao Ge certainly understood that Lakshmi had the advantage of the right time, place and people, and it was useless for him.

That's why he looked for people and ways.

Yuri gave him a shot of cardiotonic.

"However, this kind of thing is nothing to us. If Mr. Gupta is willing to become our customer, we are willing to provide the best service and ensure that you win the steel plant at the minimum cost." Lawrence added .

These words made Qiao Ge's eyes light up.

Becoming their client and consulting with them is nothing more than paying a consulting fee.

If it can really help you get this acquisition, it's certainly no problem to pay some money.

Because Qiao Ge had previously wanted to ask Thomas for help and find connections with the British government, so a lot of money would have to be spent here.

If this money is used as a consulting fee, I believe it is more than enough, and it will not be used that much at all.

Trinidad and Tobago is a member of the Commonwealth. If HSBC steps in, it will indeed be easy to solve a lot of problems.

Trying to find connections with the British government on your own is not as effective as HSBC.

"According to your estimate, how much can I win the steel plant? How much is the consulting fee?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Generally speaking, for acquisition projects, we will charge a certain percentage of consulting fees based on the acquisition amount of the project. For example, you just said that the steel plant is now valued at about US$2 million, then we will charge based on 2 million. If the final acquisition price If the price is less than US$2 million, we have the right to increase the proportion of consulting fees, such as 50%, for the difference. If the final acquisition price exceeds the standard, our consulting fees will also be reduced, and these need to be discussed in detail." Lawrence said .

Qiaogo could understand Lawrence's introduction.

If the final acquisition of the steel plant was completed for US$1.9 million, in addition to charging the standard proportional consulting fee of US$2 million, they would also be able to receive US$1000 million for the US$500 million they saved.

In other words, by saving themselves more money, they can also get more in consulting fees.

"Mr. Gupta, please rest assured. We will re-evaluate the value of Trinidad and Tobago. This valuation will of course also take into account the possibility of bids from the opponent and give a standard for charging amounts. Then we will Let’s discuss the consulting fees in detail based on this amount.” Lawrence said, “I can give Mr. Gupta a set of data. In the past three years, 8% of the acquisition consulting projects we participated in had a lower transaction price than the previous one. The agreed amount is almost [-]% of the amount, even if it goes up, the error is within one thousandth."

These words surprised Qiao Ge and he had to admire their professionalism and confidence.

He believes that these data should not be false, even if they are a bit exaggerated, letting Lawrence come forward is definitely his best choice.

Qiao Ge knew very well that in order to ensure the profits of the consulting company during the acquisition, they would definitely use various means to lower the price as much as possible during the acquisition.

In addition to the professionalism of the team, HSBC will definitely use its influence to put pressure on its opponents or acquired targets, such as using government or financial power.

It is certainly beneficial for them to lower prices like this.

It can be said that everyone gets what they need, a win-win situation.

(End of this chapter)

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