Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 389: Here to give money

Chapter 389: Here to give money (asking for monthly votes)
"Mr. Gupta, I would like to ask, where do you plan to focus your future career?" Lawrence asked.

"Huh?" Qiao Ge stared at Lawrence with some confusion.

"I mean your domestic and foreign business."

"In the future, I have a preliminary idea, which is to focus on the country and then develop overseas businesses. Of course, if there are good opportunities abroad, I will definitely not miss them and increase investment." Qiao Ge said.

"Oh? I wonder if I can learn more about some of the investments you are planning to make abroad?" Lawrence asked again.

He does not object to Qiaogo's idea. Although he hopes that Qiaogo can invest more abroad, from Qiaogo's standpoint, he must stabilize his basic base in India.

Only in this way can we attack foreign countries and work hard outside.

"Of course, I believe you should know that I have occupied a place in the domestic edible oil market." Qiao Ge said.

Lawrence smiled. Not only did he have a place, he almost had a monopoly, even more so than the Sitharaman family back then.

“But most of the edible oil in China relies on imports, which is risky, so I plan to purchase some raw material suppliers abroad, such as farms, to grow various vegetable oil crops myself, just like the palm oil industry. ." Qiaogo said.

Lawrence was a little surprised by these words: "Invest in land? That's a big investment."

"Yes, it's a big investment. It's a long-term investment. I never thought it would be done right away." Qiao Ge said, pointing to Evie beside him, "I'm going to let Evie inspect a place in the beautiful country first." After all, that is the largest soybean exporting country. Of course, Brazil is also going to be inspected. The first and second largest soybean exporting countries, I have to win some planting bases. Only in this way can I ensure my domestic edible oil supply. Market position. As for other things, you have also seen that the scale of palm oil, wood, paper, etc. will continue to expand. Whether other industries will intervene depends on whether there are opportunities. After all, for me, lack of funds makes me Very troubled.”

Lawrence smiled: "Mr. Gupta, I believe we will have better cooperation opportunities in the future. If you need funds, just tell me and I will do my best to help you solve it."

Lawrence's words made Qiaogo startled.

But he quickly reacted.

Lawrence's meaning is obvious. Does he want to be his own sponsor?
Internationally, what I lack is not rupees, but US dollars and other foreign exchange.

With Lawrence, my foreign exchange funds will be much abundant.

Of course, Lawrence is only a vice president now. If he becomes president one day, wouldn't his power be even greater?
You will definitely get more benefits, at least the loan amount will be more generous.

Qiao Ge's heart is very hot. He is not afraid of loans now, but he is afraid of having no place to borrow money.

What he said just now revealed just this little meaning, but to his surprise, Lawrence immediately agreed.

Qiao Ge understood the key after thinking about it for a moment.

This is because Lawrence is optimistic about himself.

It is not uncommon for these banks or financial structures to support large companies.

However, Qiao Ge would not believe it easily. After all, these guys would do anything for money, and they would eat people without spitting out their bones.

But you can't trust them too much, otherwise you will be making wedding clothes for them, allowing them to finally seize control of the company.

It's too early to think about this at the moment. Their funds are still very urgent for me, so they can naturally cooperate.

"I believe I will not disappoint Mr. Lawrence." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Lawrence was very relieved to see that Qiao Ge understood what he meant.

When dealing with smart people, many things don’t need to be said so straightforwardly.

Anil also got the news a few days later about Qiaogo going abroad.

"What did he go to England for? Are you sure it's not France?" Anil asked Inkid.

"The information is accurate." Inkid said, "As for his purpose, we still don't know."

Anil was very confused. If Qiaogo went to France, he wouldn't think much about it.

Because Qiao Ge has invested in the LVMH Group, his trip there is probably related to this company.

But he didn't hear anything about Qiaogo's relationship with the British side.

"Check, we must find out." Anil took a deep breath and said.

"Second Young Master, it's very difficult." Yinjid said with a bitter face, "It's already very difficult to find out Qiao Ge's whereabouts. As for his purpose, it's really impossible to find out. But there is a woman with Qiao Ge. That woman He was originally a teacher at the University of Mumbai. After hooking up with Qiao Ge, he went to study in the beautiful country for two years and just came back..."

Anil's first reaction was to curse angrily. He didn't know anything about the woman he mentioned. Did Qiao Ge go out with that woman to play?
He didn't think Qiao Ge had such a leisurely mind.

But he held it back. Kidd couldn't be blamed for this. What Qiaogo wanted to do was really impossible to judge based on the current news.

Maybe he really is taking a woman abroad to play?

This possibility is not impossible.After all, Qiao Ge had just won the edible oil market, and now the people below could handle the matter. It seemed reasonable for him, the boss, to go out for a walk.

"Is there any movement from the Sharma and other families? Can you tell anything from them?" Anil took a deep breath and asked.

"They have been very normal recently. They are just stabilizing the edible oil market, and other things are basically silent." Inkid replied.

"It's a bit strange," Anil said. "Gupta Grain and Oil Group Company should have a lot of funds, right? These funds can't just be left in the account, right? They will definitely have goals next."

"Yes, I have this worry too. I'm afraid that they are harmless to humans and animals now. Once they make a move, they will use thunderous means. By then, we will not have time to react," Inkid said.

Qiao Ge didn't make any other moves, so they couldn't judge Qiao Ge's next move, which made them very uneasy.

"No, do you think that guy Qiao Ge will target the Ambani Plaza project?" Anil suddenly felt nervous.

"This?" Kidd didn't really believe that there was such a thing, but Qiao Ge's grain and oil group company had at least tens of billions in cash, and he fully had the funds.

It is normal to really target your own square project.

Now from these square projects, the one that can pose a threat to Chogo's Gupta Square project is the Ambani Square project.

Jogo’s next move to crack down on the Ambani Plaza project is at least justified.

"Second Young Master, we have to guard against this matter." Yinjid said, "Our capital chain must be guaranteed, and the relationship with the government must be maintained well. As long as these are done well, we are not afraid of Qiao Ge." Boy."

"I know what the local government knows, and it's these funds." Anil sighed, "The old man has made it clear that he will no longer support it."

"Then we can only find a way ourselves." Inkid said, "We can let the Aiyar family invest a little more."

"Can they invest?" Anil was stunned for a moment and said, "They have been in panic lately because they are afraid that Qiao Ge will take advantage of the grain market. Oh, by the way, I feel that Qiao Ge is more likely to target them next."

"Even if it is aimed at the grain market, it will not be easy for Qiao Ge to win over the Aiyar family. Compared with the Sitharaman family, the Aiyar family still has a great advantage." Inkid said, "As long as Aiyar family The Er family was not defeated all at once, and we all have support here. The Sitharaman family is so useless and lost so quickly that we can’t save it even if we want to."

Anil is convinced of this, mainly because the hole in the Sitharaman family is too big, and coupled with the pressure from the government, they are unable to provide support at all.

One can only watch helplessly as the Sitharaman family collapses in the edible oil market.

Although Anil looks down on the Sitharaman family, of course he still wants to maintain it as an ally.

The fall of the Sitharaman family has caused many forces to have great doubts about their own strength.

It is suspected that Reliance Group is no longer able to help its allies.

This has a big impact.

But things have already happened, and it's too late to say anything.

"That's true, but the Aiyar family's funds are also limited." Anil said, the Aiyar family can't let him fail too.

"Master, I'll find Kejas sometime. If you don't have money, then give up some shares of the Aiyar family company, let others invest, or go public directly. There are always ways to raise funds." Kidd said.

"Do you think I haven't persuaded you? I told Kejas about these methods of raising funds last time, but has there been any movement now? No." Anil sneered, "These traditional wealthy families have rigid ideas. Pedantic, if I didn’t see that they still have some use value, why would I cooperate with these bastards?”

"I'll try to persuade you again." Inkid said, "The Aiyar family can still get some funds if they squeeze."

"It's up to you." Anil said.

He didn't expect much from it.

Of course it would be best if this thing works out. If it doesn't work out, the situation will remain the same and there will be no impact.

"Second Young Master, someone from the Mittal family has come, saying they want to see you." A subordinate knocked on the door and asked for permission.

"Oh, let them in," Anil said.

The men immediately went out to call for help.

"Second Young Master, this is here to give money. We have to think carefully about our words." Yinjid smiled and said.

"I know what I want, I will give them what they want, and they will pay for it." Anil said with a knowing smile.

The Mittal family had just joined their side. Although he had looked down on them before, they had people in Indonesia who could cause some trouble for Jogo, so he paid more attention to them recently.

Of course, the Mittal family actually has a small amount of assets in the country. I believe it is still possible for them to invest more than 20 to [-] billion yuan.

If it were in the past, how could he value this little money? How could he invest as much as 20 billion? A mere [-] to [-] billion would be nothing?
It’s just that the current situation is pressing, and small money is needed.

(End of this chapter)

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