Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 390: 30 billion invested in shares, the financial report showed a loss

Pramod and Vinod walked in, they were Lakshmi's two younger brothers.

Since their father, Lal, retired at an old age, the two of them have basically been responsible for the management of domestic companies.

Lakshmi is now concentrating on foreign operations, regardless of domestic business.

"Mr. Ambani, Mr. Tandon, the two of us came here because of that boy, Chogo. We are worried whether that boy will take action against us next," Pramod said.

"Don't worry, the steel market is so big. Even if that kid Qiaogo wants to enter, does he have the funds?" Inkid Tanden said with a smile.

Anil and Inkid have long known about their worries.

Ever since Qiao Ge recruited Kurosawa Parva and acquired a steel company and put Kurosawa in charge, the two of them had become a little uneasy.

Due to their calculations, Kurosawa's company had to be sold to the Mittal family at a loss, and there was great hatred.

Now that Kurosawa is with Qiaogo, and he helped Anil cause trouble for Qiaogo in Indonesia, they feel a little guilty.

After all, such a powerful family as the Sitharaman family collapsed under the attack of Jogo.

Compared to the Mittal family and the Sitharaman family, that is nothing.

"The steel market is huge, but that kid Qiao Ge doesn't need to monopolize the steel market. As long as he targets our family's company and keeps an eye on our company, we will be in big trouble." Vinod said with a worried look.

"You are really asking for trouble." Anil said lightly, "Your Mittal family has been in the steel industry for so many years, and the steel plant has also reached a certain scale. What does that kid Qiaogo have now? It's just the acquisition of a small It's just a factory, what do you have to worry about? A price war? Do they have the capital? From the information I got, he did this mainly to ensure the supply of steel for his construction projects."

These words made Vinod and the two feel a little more at ease.

In fact, they have also carefully investigated this matter. The main products of the steel factory that Kurosawa is now responsible for are really supplied to various construction sites in Qiaogo.

Only the excess will be sold on the market, and the amount is not large.

This amount really has no effect on them.

And there is indeed no sign that Qiao Ge is targeting them.

But they came here for another purpose.

After all, their family has now taken refuge in the Reliance Group. Regardless of whether Qiao Ge has any intention of targeting their family, they will take this matter on themselves.

They want to tell Anil that the Reliance Group cannot ignore the troubles the Mittal family is encountering now and may be retaliated by Jogo.

"That's what we say, but we still can't rest assured. If that kid Qiao Ge really takes action, even if our family can block it, the losses will probably be heavy." Pramod said.

Anil sneered in his heart. The purpose of these two guys crying miserably in front of him was clear to him. Didn't they just want to get some benefits from this?

OK, give it yourself.

It happens that I am short of money here.

"Loss? You don't have to worry about this. Even if the steel plant loses a little, I can naturally make it up to you from other places." Anil said very grandly, "Well, here at the Ambani Plaza project, I can let you increase some shares.”

These words made the two of them look at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

They are very jealous of the Ambani Plaza project and are very optimistic about it.

Anil is responsible, backed by the Reliance Group. Even though the Reliance Group is in a bit of trouble now, they are still willing to believe that this project will be a great success.

Last time they bought shares through several pieces of land, but unfortunately their shares were too small.

They had proposed to Anil several times before that they wanted to increase investment, but Anil turned them down.

Now that Anil has finally let go, how can they not be excited?
"Mr. Ambani, do you know how many shares we can increase?" Pramod asked, suppressing his excitement.

"Then it's up to you. I can accept one billion or two billion." Anil said.

"Ah?" The two couldn't help but exclaimed.

They originally thought that Anil would ask them to increase their investment, maybe a few hundred million, but they didn't expect the amount to be so large.

Because the amount was too large, the two of them calmed down and wondered if there might be any problems.

Since they took over the family's steel plant, the scale has continued to grow.

Their development speed may not be as fast as that of their elder brother, but they are definitely one of the well-developed steel plants in the country.

So these two are not that easy to fool.

"Mr. Ambani, it will be difficult for our Mittal family to raise such a large sum of money," Vinod said.

"You should know that we recently acquired the steel plant in Blackpool Parva, so funds are a bit tight." Pramod added hurriedly.

The two of them wanted to explore Anil's words again.

Happiness came too suddenly, and they were alert.

"As much as I can raise." Anil said with a faint smile, "To be honest, I really don't want to give up the shares in the Ambani Plaza project. But I have encountered some trouble recently. The old man said, The group will no longer provide financial support, so this makes me a little nervous. Funds are temporarily lacking, otherwise~~"

There is no need to say this anymore, everyone understands the meaning.

Pramod and Vinod made eye contact again.

They are brothers and have a tacit understanding. One look in their eyes is enough to understand each other's meaning.

Of course they are aware of the troubles on Reliance Group's side.

It was expected that Dhirubhai would no longer provide funds for the Ambani Plaza project.

"Mr. Ambani, in terms of funds, we will raise as much as possible even if we sell everything." Pramod said.

They are very jealous of the Ambani Plaza project.

This is not only optimistic about this project, but the most important thing is that a large amount of steel products will be used during the construction of the Ambani Plaza project. This is the industry of their Mittal family.

As the relationship between his family and Anil becomes closer and closer, why must the supply of these steel materials be supplied by his family's steel factory?

Before, they only had a small shareholding and had little say in this matter.

Anil has long been cooperating with steel suppliers, and the relationship with Reliance Group is naturally not bad.

The Mittal family joined later, and it was not easy to snatch shares from these people. However, with a small share, they still got a small share of the supply, but it was too little for them.

The Ambani Plaza project is aimed at building a new city. It is not just a shopping mall, but also numerous communities and supporting facilities.

New cities are rising from the ground. How much steel is used in the process?
If these steel products are supplied by our own steel plants, our family's steel company will explode.

Thinking of this, they were extremely excited.

Their eldest brother is doing great things abroad. In recent years, although they have made great progress in China, they still lag behind their eldest brother.

Now this great opportunity is before them, how can they miss it?
If Reliance had not been in trouble recently, Anil would never have relented.

"Then come to me when your funds are in place." Anil said.

After Pramod and Vinod returned, they reported the matter to their father Lal.

Although Lal is no longer in charge of the company's management, the two brothers still have to let their father make decisions when it comes to major matters.

After listening to what the two said, Lal did not answer for a while, but was thoughtful.

The two stood in front of Lar and could only wait quietly.

"Will the Ambani Plaza project be attacked by Djogo?" Lal asked after a while.

Upon hearing this, the two immediately understood what their father was worried about.

"Father, probably not." Vinod said immediately, "Qiaogo is very powerful now, but he doesn't dare to really go to war with Anil. I don't think he would be so unwise. Besides, borrow With the power of Reliance Group, Anil has close relations with local governments, and Qiaogo can't do anything. It is a fact that Anil lacks funds now. I don't think there are any other problems. If not for this, where would we be? Are there any opportunities to invest in it?”

"Yes, father. From our analysis, Qiaogo will either continue to digest the edible oil market and find new investment industries in the future. Or he will enter the grain industry, which is very likely." Pramod said.

Lal shook his head slightly, agreeing with their words.

Of course they knew about the conflict between the Qiaogo and Aiyar families.It’s not just that the Aiyar family has also joined the Reliance Group to fight against Jogo.

As for the relationship between Qiaogo and Huida, there are bound to be conflicts over food.

Because Qiaogo has already been involved in the grain industry.

Judging from Qiao Ge's previous development in various industries, he obviously wants to be the best in every industry he gets involved in.

The market for grain is huge, but it is precisely because it is big that it is profitable.

It is precisely because of this that Lal judged that Qiaogo could not maintain the current small scale of the grain company, and it was certain to expand greatly in the future.

It may not be possible to achieve an absolute monopoly in the edible oil market, but it is still possible to compete with the Aiyar family.

He is actually looking forward to the future of the Ambani Plaza project.

Take a look at the Gupta Plaza in New Delhi in Jogo. The daily cash flow makes people drool with envy. It is simply outrageous.

As long as the Ambani Plaza project comes out, even if it is not as good as Gupta Plaza, as long as it grabs some customers, it will make a lot of money.

In addition, the Ambani Plaza project has now been upgraded to the Ambani New City project, which involves more construction aspects. The supply of steel materials will allow the family to make a good profit.

With such benefits, wouldn’t you be a fool if you didn’t invest?
"Pledge some of the company's assets and raise 25 billion to invest in shares." Lal said.

"25 billion?" Vinod said hurriedly, "Father, we can definitely raise another 10 billion."

"Yes, 35 billion is still okay. If you borrow money at any cost, you can raise 40 billion." Pramod also said.

"I understand your thoughts, you want to take more shares." Lal smiled and said, "But in the Ambani Plaza project, we are destined to be only a small shareholder. For us, we have invested so much and paid so much. The price is too high.”

"Father, why have you become so timid?" Vinod frowned and asked, "You are closely related to the Reliance Group. Are you afraid that the benefits you will receive in the future will not be as good as this 40 billion investment?"

"You guys, sometimes you have to consider the overall situation." Lal sighed, "Your eldest brother is about to acquire the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, so we have to prepare some funds here."

"Didn't Big Brother say that he is confident that we can take over the steel plant directly? Without our domestic funds." Pramod asked.

"That's what he said. He wants to win it for US$1 million," Lal said. "But you have to be careful in everything and make more preparations to be prepared."

"Then there is no need to set aside a quota of more than 10 billion, right?" Pramod said, "Father, even if you set aside this quota, given the current domestic foreign exchange shortage situation, how much can we transfer out? Even through some other channels , I’m afraid it won’t be much more.”

"Yes, father, US$3000 million is the most, which means that the amount of 5 million rupees we have set aside is completely enough." Vinod said.

The two of them are of course unanimous in their competition with their eldest brother.

The main reason was that their eldest brother alone overwhelmed the two of them.

You know, they accepted the empire built by their father in China, while their eldest brother worked hard from scratch abroad, and his assets have expanded too fast in recent years.

If this continues, within a few years, the eldest brother's assets will probably exceed those in the country.

This is unacceptable to them.

Therefore, they definitely don't want to miss anyone who can attack their elder brother and strengthen their own strength.

To the extreme, they even hope that their eldest brother will fail in the acquisition of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant. In that case, the eldest brother's rapid expansion plan will not be so easy to realize.

Otherwise, wouldn't the two of them have no chance at all to become the heirs of their family?
After all, the two of them are younger brothers. Although it is not said that the eldest son must inherit the family business, as the eldest brother, he has a natural advantage, and the eldest brother is so outstanding.

Therefore, they must make greater achievements domestically so that they can compete with their big brother.

As for the competition between the two of them, that means teaming up to defeat the eldest brother.

"What you said makes sense." Lal thought for a while and said, "Okay, then let's raise 30 billion."

"Father, 35 billion~~"

Vinod still wanted to fight for it, but Kelal immediately interrupted: "30 billion, that's it, no need to say anything more."

How could Lal not understand the thoughts of his two sons? He could clearly see the competition between them and Lakshmi.

He didn't want to get involved in the competition between brothers.

As long as it is not vicious competition, it can stimulate the talents of the three sons.

Of course Lal understands their desire to get more investment funds.

Lal originally wanted to keep more reserved funds, but his two sons were right. Even if he kept more now, it would be impossible to convert it into foreign currency and transfer it out because the quota was limited.

So I relaxed a little and added another 5 million.

After all, it is the advantage of being with people around her, and she can always blow the wind by her side. After all, Lakshmi is abroad, far away from Lal.

Although Lal knew that based on the current situation, Lakshmi was far superior to his two sons in the country.

But he doesn't want to determine the successor yet, and wants to keep an eye on it.

"Father thinks about brother everything!" Vinod said with a dissatisfied look on his face after coming out of Lal's study.

"It's already good. Didn't we get another 5 million?" Pramod said. "With 30 billion shares, I believe we can completely secure the steel supply for the Ambani Plaza project."

Those steel suppliers now have a close relationship with the Reliance Group, but how can they compare with such a large amount of investment from their own side?

I believe that I can use this capital to buy shares as a condition for the exclusive supply of steel. Even if I can't be exclusive, I will at least have a large share. I believe Anil will not refuse.

"It's our luck. Reliance Group happened to be in trouble. Otherwise, how would we have such a chance?" Vinod said with a smile, "We must win the steel supply."

While the Mittal brothers were thinking about their elder brother, Lakshmi was not idle either.

"Boss, the relevant departments of the Trinidad and Tobago government have all taken care of it. As soon as the contract expires, we can acquire it for US$1 million." Lakshmi's assistant stood in front of him and said respectfully.

"Okay, very good." Lakshmi said calmly.

"Boss, we can actually lower the price a little bit more," the assistant said, "It's not impossible to get US$9000 to [-] million."

Hearing this, Lakshmi chuckled and said, "Don't go too far. Winning 1 million is already a very good deal for us."

The assistant smiled.

The real value of the steel plant is more than 2 million US dollars. It is indeed a big profit for me to win it at less than half the price.

"Although we are very sure about this matter, we cannot be careless, lest someone disrupt the situation." Lakshmi added, "Have the companies in Trinidad and Tobago settled down that were originally interested?"

"With the double 'persuasion' from us and the government, they will give up competing with us." The assistant said, "Of course, boss, your concerns are reasonable. These guys have made good promises now, but they are afraid of going back on their word later. "

"Keep an eye on them." Lakshmi said, "I'm not afraid of them, but I don't want them to cause us trouble in the end. By taking down the steel plant, our expansion plan will take a big step forward. Trinidad and Toba What’s going on with the government’s report on the steel plant?”

"According to your wishes, boss, the external data of the steel plant's output is half of the actual, and the revenue and profit are one-third of the actual. This news has been published in the newspaper for several issues," the assistant said.

"Okay, in the next six months, it is best to report a loss in revenue." Lakshmi said.

"Understood, boss."

Lakshmi naturally did this to eliminate some troubles in the future.

Now that these manipulated data are out there and visible to the public, when the time comes to purchase a steel plant for US$[-] million, they will not feel that the price is low.

The top government officials want to bribe them, so they cannot be too careless about these people. In short, everything is for the sake of successfully taking over the steel plant.

"Congratulations, boss." The assistant congratulated again.

Lakshmi laughed and did not deny it.

He was destined to win the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works.

What should be punished has been punished, and what should be suppressed has also been suppressed.

Just wait until the contract period is up and it's time to make the acquisition.

"Boss, sorry, there was an article in the newspaper in Trinidad and Tobago this morning questioning the various data of the steel plant." A subordinate came in to report. (End of chapter)

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