Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 391: 1 cannon blast, 2 gold pieces

Lakshmi and the assistant were stunned for a moment.

They were talking about this just now, but unexpectedly something happened.

And it's not good news.

"What do you say?" the assistant asked.

"The news just came from Trinidad and Tobago. Some of the contents of the newspaper are here." The visitor handed a piece of information to the assistant with both hands.

After the assistant took it, he waved people off.

After reading the content, Lakshmi's face became a little gloomy.

"Boss, is it done by those guys who want to compete?" the assistant said, "They are unwilling to quit, so they want to use this method to cause trouble for us."

"In this situation, who else could it be besides them?" Lakshmi said in a deep voice.

"Boss, we can't let them make waves in the newspapers, otherwise it will not be a good thing for us to acquire the steel plant at a low price." The assistant said, "We must take action here."

Lakshmi did not immediately respond to the assistant's words.

He quickly ran through the opponents who might do such a thing in his mind, and felt that they were some of the competitors from Trinidad and Tobago who were originally interested in acquiring the steel plant.

Those who can get this data are obviously locals.

Only local people and people who are interested in steel plants are interested in this data, and they usually collect it.

It should be that they and the government put pressure on them, forcing them to no longer compete, so they did this.

If the public opinion about this incident expands, then my plan to acquire the steel plant for US$1 million may be ruined.

At least his purchase price will definitely increase a lot.

He has spent a lot of money at the government level over the years, and how much effort has he spent?

Don't you just want to win the steel factory at a low price?
If this matter was sabotaged, wouldn't all the efforts be in vain?
Lakshmi was very annoyed, these guys were so hateful.

In recent years, our own Trinidad and Tobago steel plant has been doing very well. If we had been serious about it, we could have killed those competing companies long ago.

I didn't expect that I let them go, but now they are repaying their kindness with hatred.

"You go to Trinidad and Tobago, find high-level government officials, even the Prime Minister, and tell them to suppress this matter." Lakshmi said, "They have benefited so much from us, so they can't just take money and do nothing." Bar?"

"Okay, boss, I'll be there right away." the assistant said immediately.

For this kind of thing, it is actually easy to suppress it.

Use the power of the government to limit the reporting of newspapers and other media, and then ask someone to clarify it. I believe this matter will soon be forgotten.

After all, there is still more than half a year to go. What can those people know?
"Ah, boss, regarding Qiao Ge's recent increase in investment in Indonesia~~" the assistant just turned to leave, then stopped and said.

"You don't need to report this. I probably understand it." Lakshmi waved her hand and let him go down.

When Lakshmi was the only one left in the office, he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

He is actually not too worried about the matters in Trinidad and Tobago.

The government is all our own people, and those guys can't make any trouble at all.

It's just a little trick that makes me feel disgusted. As long as I deal with it in time, it's not a big deal.

"Jogo?" Lakshmi whispered.

Then he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Recently, Qiaogo has increased some investments in Indonesia, which is said to be US$3000 million.

Investments have purchased a lot of tropical rainforest, and the scale of paper mills and wood processing plants has also been expanded.

But he felt that Qiao Ge seemed to be doing this not just for paper mills and wood processing plants, right?

Because the area of ​​​​the tropical rainforest he acquired was a bit large, he continued to acquire it.

Judging from his investment trends, tropical rainforest acquisition seems to be Qiaogo's focus.

This made him a little confused for a moment, and he was a little confused about Qiao Ge's true intention.

To be honest, deep down in his heart, he was reluctant to trouble Qiao Ge last time.

It's just that my two younger brothers strongly requested me, and even my old man later came forward, so I couldn't refuse.

He can understand his father's thoughts. The other party is the Reliance Group. Being on this big ship can indeed help the family business grow.

But after his investigation, he found that Qiao Ge, a young man, was not simple at all.

In just a few years, he has accumulated such amazing wealth.

Lakshmi is still very conceited. What she has achieved over the years is definitely far beyond that of countless others.

Not to mention his peers, even many of the older generation were left far behind by him.

He has pride.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge was more exaggerated than himself.

Although Qiaogo is not as good as Reliance Group now, he still doesn't want to conflict with the other party in his heart.

The main reason is that I have no grudges against him, and there is no conflict or competition in business.

There is no need to make a powerful enemy for no reason.

Of course, this is his idea, and the interests of the family must also be taken into consideration.

So, he agreed and took aim at Qiao Ge.

Again, what if I offend Qiao Ge?
He and Qiao Ge have nothing to do with each other, and there is no competition in business.

Besides, Qiaogo’s main business is in China. Even if he has some investments in Indonesia, so what?

It won't have any impact on myself.

However, he was still a little uneasy about Qiao Ge's development.

Because Qiaogo's power expanded too fast.

Especially when he learned that the Sitharaman family had been defeated by Jogo, it was simply unbelievable.

Therefore, he is still very concerned about Qiaogo. He does not need to be reminded by Anil. He is paying attention to Qiaogo's movements, especially investment trends in Indonesia.

So far, he has found no sign that Qiaogo has invested in the steel industry in Indonesia.

To be honest, Qiao Ge's purchase of steel plants in the country made his heart tighten.

Judging from Qiao Ge's past behavior, any industry he sets foot in can cause a bloody storm.

It often subverts the existing industry structure, and in the end that kid wins.

He doesn't want such a guy to enter his industry.

Especially since I had issues with him, if things got heated up and someone was targeted, I would really be in trouble.

He has noticed that Qiaogo has established a relationship with some influential figures in Indonesia.

These figures mainly invest in the palm oil industry, and they were introduced to them through some palm oil industry bosses in Malay.

Lakshmi still can’t figure out why Jogo invested in palm oil in Malaysia on such a large scale.

I have to say that Qiao Ge is really courageous.

In the end, Qiaogo made the right bet. As the price of palm oil rebounded, the prices of various assets bottomed out, causing Qiaogo's assets to skyrocket.

“The steel industry is not palm oil,” Lakshmi thought to herself.

Even if Qiao Ge wants to get involved in the steel industry, he doesn't want to maximize the possibility.

The output of palm oil is limited. Currently, Malaysia is mainly responsible for production and export. In terms of market output, how does it compare with the steel industry?
If you want to be influential in the steel market, you don't know how much capital you need to invest.

He did not believe that Qiao Ge invested a large amount of money in it. Even if Qiao Ge invested all his wealth, it would actually be nothing to the steel industry.

Thinking of this, he felt at ease again.

When he takes over the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, he can really let go and do something big.

Qiaogo's trip to the UK went very smoothly. He not only received a US$6 million loan line from HSBC, but also gained the friendship of Lawrence.

Of course, this friendship includes both personal friendship and friendship that he will support financially.

When leaving, Lawrence told Qiaogo that people from the consulting company had already launched operations in Trinidad and Tobago.

Jhogo once asked Lawrence what his actions were.

Lawrence didn't hide it.

Their newspaper revealed some of the true value of the Trinidad and Tobago steel plant and published the real figures.

The purpose of this is to defeat Lakshmi's plan to win the steel plant at a low price.

Although both parties were very eager to win the US$1 million, after all, it would be more beneficial to win it at a low price, but Lawrence told Qiao Ge very clearly.

After they start competing with Lakshmi, if they really want to win the steel plant, if the price is too low, it is easy for Lakshmi to counterattack afterwards.

Because Lakshmi knows the true value of the factory.

Therefore, Lawrence told Qiaogo that the acquisition price would be set at US$2.5 million.Of course, it won’t exceed this price, but it won’t drop too much below this price either.

He made Qiao Ge mentally prepared.

Qiao Ge understands this.

For him, victory was as long as he captured the steel plant and sabotaged Lakshmi's takeover.

The price of 2.5 million U.S. dollars is still a lot less than Qiaogo's original price of 3 million U.S. dollars.

Regarding Lawrence's actions, Qiao Ge had to admire him. As expected of a big company, his actions were fast.

As for how to deal with the high-level officials of the Trinidad and Tobago government, Jogo didn't think much about it and left it to Lawrence.

Of course, he didn't stop Yuri's work.

There is still a need to collect black materials from those government officials.

Even if I don't use these as threats this time, I still have to catch them.

Maybe when will it be used in the future?
I don't have to threaten you, but I must have your handle.

Moreover, Chogo is now very interested in the KGB colleagues Yuri knows.

In addition to asking him to help recruit some retired personnel to serve as instructors, Qiao Ge is even more envious of these members who are still in office.

Qiao Ge knew that when the giant fell, many intelligence officers lost their jobs.

Many people became gang members as a result.

If that's the case, you might as well do yourself a favor.

Of course, if you try to recruit them now, you are unlikely to succeed.

After all, the giant is still there.

Now I can build a good relationship with them first and ask them for more help. Won't I become familiar with them after just two visits?

Once you are familiar with it, when the country undergoes drastic changes in the future, you can recruit them yourself. Wouldn’t it be a matter of course?
These are all elite talents.

In the future, as the scale of your company continues to grow, your personnel must be sufficient and strong for commercial wars, commercial espionage, etc., whether it is offense or defense.

It is obviously impossible to teach such a character by just letting Rhodes and the others train them on their own.

The giant fell, and many forces and countries divided up the benefits.

This is not just economic, there are too many things and talents that can be gathered in other aspects.

Back in Mumbai, Qiaogo got good news.

It was Manmohan who called Qiaogo himself.

The government is preparing to auction some state-owned companies, including grain companies, which own a lot of land.

Manmohan knew that Qiaogo intended to enter the grain industry and attached great importance to land, so he told him about it so that Qiaogo could prepare first.

Of course, Qiao Ge was very happy to hear the news.

You must know that the Gupta Grain and Oil Group still has tens of billions of funds that are not being used at the moment.

With the edible oil market almost stabilizing, Qiaogo is ready to start acquiring some companies in the grain industry, mainly grain suppliers who own land.

However, this price must be very high. The land is expensive, and the area is large, so the amount will be very large.

Even if the Gupta Grain and Oil Company has a large amount of cash, it is nothing compared to the huge land.

In state-owned company auctions, even if there is competition, the final price is generally quite affordable.

Unless there are some special circumstances, such as the two companies auctioned by the Aiyar family last time, the price is definitely high, even higher than the market price.

This was due to competitors raising prices, and also because the government revealed at the time that it would no longer conduct auctions for these state-owned grain companies.

Therefore, this auction is out of print, which makes the Aiyar family feel that this auction is worth the money even if the price is higher.

Qiaogo could imagine whether the Eyal family would scold them after knowing the news.

There should be no doubt about this, it was definitely a rant.

I thought it was an out-of-print treasure, but how long has it been?
The government started auctioning again.

After this auction, who knows if there will be another one in a while?
The credibility of the government is worthless.

Whoever believes it is an idiot.

In this way, the two companies that the Aiyar family previously acquired at high premiums are a joke.

Their high premiums are completely taken advantage of.

Moreover, they had previously acquired 20% of the shares from the Sitharaman family at the original price. Qiao Ge could imagine that the Sitharaman family probably smiled crookedly at this time.

The day after the phone call, Jogo rushed to New Delhi.

He had to ask Manmohan face to face about these things and get more information from him.
Of course, in order to contact Huida and the others next, I definitely can’t miss this auction. I want to win as much as possible from the state-owned grain companies, mainly land.

"Mr. Singh, didn't you say you wouldn't auction it last time?" Qiao Ge asked, "And didn't the temple treasure just be auctioned?"

Hearing Qiao Ge's question, Manmohan couldn't help but snorted: "No amount of money is enough for them."

Qiao Ge was speechless. Does that mean the government has no money again?

The temple treasure auction added so much money to the government's finances all at once, and then it was just gone?

Qiao Ge feels that even if there is no money from the auction of these temple treasures, the government can continue to persevere, at least now it will not really go bankrupt or anything.

And with this money, after it was distributed, it was quickly digested by internal interest groups. I don’t know if [-]% of it was actually implemented.

Of course, most of this big share is divided up by the bosses at the top.

Not to mention 1000 billion, even if one trillion is spent, the final result will probably be a lack of money.

"There has to be an explanation, right?" Qiao Ge asked.

There has to be an explanation and an excuse for spending all this money, right?
Qiao Ge still felt a little incredible after spending all the money at once.

It can't be said that all the money will be used to pay some unpaid wages, office water and electricity bills, etc.

"The military is asking for money." Manmohan sighed. "Last year it was about the north, and this year it's about Sri Lanka..."

Jogo was silent.

Of course he had heard about the incident in Sri Lanka, it was reported in the news.

It's about the LTTE, which was classified as a terrorist organization in its previous life.

Initially, they were forces supported by India. They wanted to use the LTTE to intervene in the Sri Lankan civil war and control its political power.

Unexpectedly, the LTTE eventually grew stronger. They did not listen to India's orders and raised tigers to endanger the country. Instead, they went against this side.

Under the influence of the LTTE, the Tamils ​​in southern India also began to seek independence, which caused a headache for India.

In October 1987, India sent troops.

The military boasted that it would eliminate the LTTE within 48 hours.

Almost everyone thinks so.

Because the regular elite troops dispatched here have an absolute advantage in equipment and everything, and they are showing a crushing force. How can they attack some guerrillas with backward weapons and equipment?
Unfortunately, they underestimated the combat effectiveness of the LTTE, and the so-called elite army was destroyed.

In the end, they had to increase their troops again and again. So far, 10,000+ troops have been dispatched, but they still failed to wipe out the LTTE.

At present, the Indian government is under increasing pressure from international public opinion and diplomacy. After all, Sri Lanka is a country.

Even if you go in in the name of peacekeeping, it's too exaggerated. Do you think others are fools?

Qiaogo was not interested in these military wars, but he knew that the military did consume a lot of money.

The food and drink of the 10-strong army, the consumption of various military equipment, weapons and ammunition, as well as the pensions and subsidies for the casualty soldiers, etc.

Hundreds of billions of rupees are lost just by spending them casually.

"War is really expensive." Qiao Ge could only respond.

When a cannon goes off, gold is worth ten thousand taels. This is the truth.

Qiao Ge felt a little itchy, the army's money was still easy to make.

Mainly because the military spends a lot of money.

In the future, I can do business in the military.

Of course, in the arms business, Qiao Ge does not have this ability for the time being, and this thing is a bit sensitive.

I can definitely take responsibility for eating, drinking, and having sex. As long as I win, I will be a long-term customer, and a big customer.

The money was wasted by them, so they might as well put it in their own pockets, and at least get a share of it.

After returning, discuss with Yas and the others, especially Lishid and the Singh family.

They are very influential in the military.

For example, it should be no problem to decide on some suppliers.
With his current strength, he is fully qualified to participate. (End of chapter)

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