Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 392: Raising [-] million

Chapter 392: Raising [-] billion (please vote for me)

When Qiaogo came back from Manmohan, Tulu came over.

"Boss, someone on our side has been bribed." Tulu said.

Tulu's words made Qiaogo raise his eyebrows, and said with a hint of coldness on his face: "Who? Can Anil do it?"

No matter who bought it, it will definitely be detrimental to his side.

In Qiaogo's view, the biggest possibility is Anil. This guy has been staring at him recently.

"No, it's the Aiyar family, a secretary of Mr. Oga." Tulu said.

"Hudi wasn't involved, was he?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Yes, he doesn't know yet." Tulu replied.

Qiao Ge secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He still trusted Hudi very much, and Hudi participated in all major events.

If Hudi was bribed, then the fun would be great.

But when Tulu called Hudi Mr. Oga just now, Qiaogo actually understood in his heart that this matter had nothing to do with Hudi.

If Hudi had also been bribed, there would be no need for Tulu to be so polite. How could he still call him sir.

"The Aiyar family obviously wants to obtain some of your next investment trends, boss." Tulu said.

"Understood." Qiao Ge said with a smile on his face, "They are probably worried that I will take action against them now."

Knowing the spies placed by the Eyal family beside him, Qiaogo felt at ease.

The current Eyal family should not have received any news from their side, because they are still thinking about their next actions and planning.

As for the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, I believe Hudi can still keep it a secret.

"Boss, do you want to take him down?" Tulu asked.

Qiao Ge pondered for a moment and said: "Now that this guy has been exposed, we are not in a hurry. Just keep an eye on him. Maybe we can also use him to pass on some 'intelligence' to the Aiyar family that we want them to know." "

Such a guy can be used to implement countermeasures, and it will be miraculous at critical moments.

Tulu smiled: "Boss, I understand. I will continue to send people to keep an eye on me and never let them notice."

"Very good." Qiao Ge said, "There are too many people trying to get my idea now, and your task is very heavy."

"Boss, don't worry, I won't let them succeed." Tulu said, "Boss, there is something at the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant that I want to report to you."


"We learned from Mr. Clark that Lakshmi has developed rapidly in recent years and his assets have grown rapidly. In addition to his perfect management and reduced costs, he has also mastered a new technology called direct Reduced iron technology." Tulu said.

"What the hell?" Qiao Ge has never heard of this technology. He is not familiar with the steel industry. This is obviously some professional terminology in the steel industry.

So Tulu explained it to Qiao Ge.

Most of the current iron-making methods use the blast furnace method to melt iron ore and then obtain iron.

Direct reduced iron technology uses a reducing agent to directly reduce iron ore to obtain iron. This process does not require high-temperature melting, simplifying the process and greatly reducing costs.

With the large-scale development of the steel industry, the supply of metallurgical coke suitable for blast furnaces has become increasingly tight, and prices have risen, causing the costs of major steel mills to rise significantly.

In recent years, natural gas has been developed in large quantities, and many of the gases in natural gas can be used as reducing agents for direct reduction of iron at low prices.

With the development of electric furnace steelmaking, the finished products of direct reduced iron can replace high-quality scrap steel for steelmaking. You must know that the current price of high-quality scrap steel is not cheap.

If the finished product of direct reduced iron is used as raw material, the cost can be reduced by half.

Trinidad and Tobago, for example, is rich in natural gas resources and can source them locally, further reducing Lakshmi's costs.

It is precisely because of this technology that the cost of Lakshmi's products is very low, and he can occupy the market at a low price.

"You mean, our steel plants also need to introduce this technology?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Boss, I've checked. It's often the large steel companies in Europe and the United States that master this technology. If you want to introduce it, it's expensive." Tulu said, "I have a way now. We can do it at a very small cost." Get this technology.”

"Say it quickly." Qiao Ge said with a happy face.

It's fine if you don't know this technology. Now that you know it, Qiao Ge is of course very interested.

This is a technology that can reduce costs by half, which is amazing.

"The management of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant are basically Indians or Indians, and many of their families are in China," Tulu said.

"Oh, bribe them?" Qiao Ge immediately understood what Tulu meant, "Is it feasible? There should only be a few people who master these technologies, and those should be Lakshmi's confidants."

"Yes, most of those who master the technology are Lakshmi's confidants, and their number is very small, but there are always some exceptions." Tulu explained, "One of them, I think, is almost big."

"How to say?" Qiao Ge asked.

"This person's family is in China, and they are also in the Mittal family's steel company, but they have been suppressed here." Tulu said.

"Huh?" Qiao Ge was a little surprised, "Isn't this what it should be?"

"Boss, this involves some fights between the three sons of the Mittal family." Tulu smiled and said, "When he learned that his family was unhappy in the domestic steel factory, he asked Lakshmi , hoping to allow his family to go abroad, whether to the steel factory in Indonesia or the steel factory in Trinidad and Tobago. But Lakshmi did not agree, probably because he did not want to conflict with his two younger brothers, so this The matter is dragging on like this. This makes his subordinates have a lot of complaints. "

Qiaogo has already collected information about the competition between Lakshmi and his two younger brothers.

This kind of thing is common in large families.

The one who excels will surely be jealous of others.

It is normal for Lakshmi's two younger brothers to make some small moves in the country to disgust their eldest brother.

"Yes, it's good to have grievances. There is indeed a chance to poach people like this." Qiaogo said, "You have to be careful not to be noticed by Lakshmi. Oh, you can also ask Kurosawa about this matter. Discuss it to see if he knows the management of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, or some of their relatives and friends. Moreover, he is a professional in the steel industry, so you should listen to his opinions. If so Maybe, I still want to poach as many management teams as possible."

Lakshmi's management level at the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant must be very good, otherwise how could he bring the steel plant back to life.

For these talents, Qiao Ge still wants to recruit more.

After all, in the steel industry, there are not many people he can use.

Kurosawa's current staff are mainly those who followed him out of Tata Steel, and the number of people left now is less than half of those who came out at that time.

Therefore, we must recruit talents in the steel industry as soon as possible.

Of course, this poaching behavior is obviously a weapon.

You can strengthen yourself and weaken your opponents at the same time.

"Boss, I will be careful." Tulu said this, hesitating and asked, "Boss, when will the instructors you mentioned last time arrive?"

"Don't worry, it's a bit difficult for them to come out and it will take some time." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"How can we not be in a hurry, boss, those are all famous people, I can't wait to see their elegance right away." Tulu said.

Of course he knew it would not be easy for these people to come out.

But he knew very well that they had too much to learn here. As long as these instructors came over, their level would definitely be improved by several levels.

Nowadays, the boss's career is getting bigger and bigger, and his tasks will become heavier and heavier, and the pressure will increase. He cannot let himself down. It is very necessary to improve himself.

Before Qiaogo left New Delhi, he met Yas and the others.

The main thing is that everyone has the same opinion regarding this auction.

That is to capture state-owned grain companies as much as possible, especially those with large tracts of land.

If the Gupta Grain and Oil Group does not have enough funds, it can use the group's assets as collateral for loans, or even continue to raise funds.

Since winning the edible oil market, everyone's enthusiasm has been high.

They were still thinking about various ways to capture the city and capture the food market. Of course, they had already been watching with eager eyes, waiting for Qiao Ge to give the order.

"Qiaogo, the Aiyar family should be a strong opponent." Huida said.

"The two companies they bid at high prices last time really suffered big losses. I heard that there were a lot of complaints within their family about the last auction, and some of them got excited and started fighting." Lupa said this, gloating about his misfortune. The ground burst out laughing.Everyone was infected by his emotions and laughed.

This time the country is auctioned again, and the biggest loser is of course the Aiyar family.

Qiao Ge's last company was quite reasonable in terms of price, which was still lower than the market price.

After all, no one was very optimistic about this company at that time.

"Does the Aiyar family have the funds?" Hebcha asked. "I heard that there is a dispute within the family about whether to sell family shares and introduce new partners."

"I also heard that they were preparing to take the company public," Yas said.

"Really?" Norma asked in surprise.

"I've heard about it too." Qiao Ge said, "Of course, judging from the current situation, it is very difficult to go public. After all, they want to introduce some new partners, and they are still discussing the results. However, This auction may allow them to finalize it. I think it should be relatively clear for them to introduce some partners, so that they can increase their funds and strengthen their strength. As for going public?"

Having said this, Qiao Ge hesitated and said: "We should pay more attention. There are still a few months left in this auction. During this period, if the Aiyar family wants to go public, they still have enough time to operate."

"If they go public, they will be able to raise a large amount of funds, and they will indeed be a strong opponent for us." Harpal frowned and said, "Then can we also bring in more collaborators, or even Listed.”

After Harpal's words were spoken, everyone's eyes turned to Qiaogo.

To be honest, everyone is still very excited about the listing.

With the current position of Gupta Grain and Oil Company in the edible oil market, coupled with Qiaogo's reputation, the company's market value will skyrocket once it is listed.

Thinking about the speed at which wealth is increasing, everyone here is extremely excited.

Jogo could understand their mood.

If he hadn't known about the huge crisis in 91, he would have wanted to go public.

In fact, it is not necessarily true that they have a shortage of funds.

As long as the company's assets are mortgaged and the original cash is added, it is completely possible to raise more than 1000 billion.

Land matters are long-term matters, and it is obviously impossible to complete them in a short period of time.

Also, if too much land is taken up at once in a short period of time, I am afraid that it will not be able to manage it, and I am afraid that it will be overwhelmed and cause trouble.

Even if it were to go public, it would have to be considered after 91, when the situation has stabilized.

"Are we short of funds now? In fact, we are not, so we will not consider the listing for the time being." Qiao Ge said, "However, adding partners can be considered. We might as well look for some candidates first, and then we can select a few from them. .”

These words made everyone look happy.

There are too many people watching the Gupta Grains and Oils Group.

These days, I don’t know how many of their friends come to visit, just wondering if they can open a breakthrough from their side to see if they can buy shares.

Qiao Ge also knows these things.

In terms of shares, Qiao Ge can of course give out some, but his shares must be guaranteed to be more than half, otherwise problems will arise.

In this case, it would also be good to introduce more partners, so that more people can be tied to your own boat.

After all, my ship is getting bigger and bigger, so it is obviously the best choice to appropriately distribute some benefits and attract powerful families or forces to join.

Otherwise, these forces might go to the opposite side, which is obviously not the result you want.

"But one thing I want to explain is that they use funds to invest in shares, and the proportion of shares is conditional. I think it is at least one to three." Qiao Ge said.

"It should be. After all, the Dimri Charitable Fund is based on a one-to-two basis." Yas said immediately.

"Don't say, one to three, even one to five, there are more people who want to buy shares." Lupa said.

It makes no sense to everyone.

These latecomers obviously need high premiums to buy shares.

This is also to safeguard the interests of yourself and others.

"That's good. We'll look at the specific ratio at that time. It has to be determined based on their investment amount." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "If it is determined before this auction and the amount is large enough, we can give it They offer a little discount.”

"That will definitely be done before the bidding. Brother Qiaogo, you don't know how anxious those people are. They have already prepared the funds and are just waiting for your words." Noma smiled.

"If we let them join, I believe our funds will be stronger and we can win more food companies." Rupa said, "When the time comes, the Aiyar family, hehe~~"

"Don't be too happy too early. The Aiyar family will definitely not let it go. We can raise funds and add partners, and so can they." Yas said.

"They still want to fight with us?" Lupa said.

Everyone smiled.

Now they have a clear advantage over the Aiyar family. After all, they are very powerful with the momentum of defeating the Sitharaman family.

During this period, Qiao Ge also chatted with Lishid alone, mainly about some supply issues in the army.

For example, we can supply some cooking oil, mineral water, vegetables, etc. here.

Regarding these, Lishid did not hesitate and immediately agreed, saying that he would go and ask for help.

This matter is also beneficial to the Gupta Grain and Oil Company. Once it is established, it will become a major customer of edible oil.

Their family has shares in the Gupta Grain and Oil Company. When the company makes money, they will naturally benefit.

Aiyar family meeting room.

Recently, the atmosphere in their conference room has been solemn.

Various quarrels broke out from time to time, and they got physical several times.

No, the conference room is still very messy now. Someone took action again just now. Some people are disheveled, with dark circles under their eyes, and even some blood stains.

Kehas's face was ashen, as the patriarch of the clan, he was really exhausted both physically and mentally recently.

"Everyone is quiet? Then let's continue with the topic just now, how to solve the problem of funding for this auction." Khas took a deep breath and said.

He is now very envious of Rab. Although the Sitharaman family has suffered heavy losses recently and Rab's status has been affected to some extent, Rab's power is still there. No one in the Sitharaman family dares to challenge his status.

Look at yourself, the people below are so presumptuous in front of you.

He wondered if he should think of a way to take back the power of these people below.

But how easy is it to say?

If one person is not good, he may not be able to keep his position as the clan leader.

Of course, it cannot be said that the distribution of power in the family is not good.

The clan leader has great power and can speak his mind. If the clan leader is incompetent and makes random decisions, the family will suffer.

The fact that my Aiyar family can continue to grow now is actually related to the collective efforts of everyone. Each other's power restricts each other, so that the patriarch cannot use his power arbitrarily.

But this also restricted himself, making him feel like he couldn't use his strength many times.

"In terms of loans, even if it's a mortgage, I'm afraid we won't be able to raise much funds. This amount of funds is a drop in the bucket for the scale of this auction. We must find some powerful families or forces, and the shares our family will give up this time will probably not be enough." few."

"Yeah, this time we have to raise hundreds of billions of dollars to be able to compete with that kid Qiaogo."

Thinking of Qiao Ge, everyone felt huge pressure.

The Gupta Grain and Oil Company has 600-[-] billion in cash alone in its account. If you add in various mortgage loans, it will easily exceed [-] billion.

They all know Qiao Ge’s passion for the land. How could Qiao Ge miss such a good opportunity?
When Qiaogo bid for these state-owned grain companies, his investment in the grain industry became even greater, and he was destined to compete with his own family in the grain industry.

In other words, it is certain that Qiao Ge will enter the grain industry in a big way.

This puts a lot of pressure on their family.

Otherwise, why would you be sitting here discussing adding partners, all for the purpose of raising funds?

(End of this chapter)

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