Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 393: Go public to raise money, be optimistic about them and seek death

"I believe that our Aiyar family's company shares will still make many people jealous, so there should be no problem in raising funds. The biggest problem now is how many shares should be taken out and how much funds should be raised. There needs to be a balance. Selling at a low price That's definitely not possible with shares." Someone said confidently.

Ke Haas directly poured cold water on him: "Don't you know that Qiao Ge has already said that people can buy shares in the Gupta Grain and Oil Group in the near future. They originally had intentions to invest in our family. Yes, we are all waiting and watching now, and even went directly to Qiao Ge."

This statement made many people dumbfounded. Some of them knew about it, but most of them didn't know the news yet.

If this is the case, their idea of ​​giving up some shares and introducing investment from other forces is not so good.

The amount of funds for one may not be as much as one expects, and the price paid for the second one will be even greater.

They expect the shares to be sold at a high price, so that they can sell fewer shares in exchange for more funds.

Now that Qiao Ge has done this, it will be difficult for their shares to be sold at a high price.

Compared with his own, Qiaogo's company is obviously more attractive.

"Asshole." Many people yelled.

Why is it so difficult for my family to do something?

Did that kid do it on purpose?

"What should I do?"

"Yeah, if you sell the shares at a low price, it's better not to sell them at all."

Kejas' words made many people confused.

They finally agreed to sell their shares in exchange for funds, but the plan almost died before it was implemented.

"There is only one way for now." Kehas said.

These words silenced everyone.

Some of those with quick heads have already understood what Kehas said.

"Go public!" Kejas said his answer, "We can't raise too much money through these rich people. Due to Qiaogo's current movements, these people are afraid of investing in us. Then we can ask the people across the country to raise funds. Money aside, I believe our family’s company is still attractive to these people.”

Everyone was silent for a while. They were actually worried about going public. After all, the stock price in the stock market fluctuated too much.

For a wealthy family that always seeks stability, this kind of stimulation is a bit uncomfortable.

"Clan leader, do you really want to do this?" someone asked.

"Then do you have other options? If we fail to raise enough funds this time and gain nothing from the auction, wouldn't it be equivalent to chronic suicide? That kid Qiaogo has already started to raise funds crazily. Should we just Are you just sitting there waiting for death?" Kehas glanced at everyone and said coldly.

His words silenced everyone for a moment.

It has to be said that they all understand that Kehas is right.

"So, patriarch, how many shares should we give up this time?" Someone asked after a while.

"You have to guarantee more than 50% of the shares, right?" someone said.

After everyone discussed it, Kejas said: "Whether we stick to the 50% red line depends on how much the subsequent issuance stock price can be. If we say that we have not raised enough funds, should we reduce our shareholdings?" Did you exchange funds?"

"Patriarch, do you mean that it is possible for us to reduce our shares to less than 50%?" Many people exclaimed.

If it falls below half, there is a risk that the company will change hands. Of course, the possibility of this happening is unlikely, but it does not mean that it does not exist.

"Don't worry, even if it really drops below 50%, with the shares of families who are close to us, we can definitely guarantee more than half." Kohas said, "Before this listing, we can first discuss with some close families. To trade, let them buy shares first. Of course, if it falls below 50%, this is the worst case scenario, and I don’t think it will necessarily happen.”

What else can you say?

The family can indeed find some good forces to invest in it first. These people will definitely support the family when the time comes, and the possibility of betrayal is extremely low.

As long as your family holds the majority of the shares, I believe you can control the company.

If they want to make the company bigger, most companies do want to sell out as many shares as possible to raise more funds.

Look at Reliance Group, isn’t it a good example?
The Ambani family's shares are less than half, just over 40%. Aren't they not worried at all?
After several days of discussions, the Aiyar family finally reached a consensus.

The company goes public, and quickly.

They must be listed before those state-owned companies are auctioned so that enough funds can be raised.

Moreover, as the company's market value expands after its listing, it can use its share pledges to borrow more funds from banks.

The Eyal family is now full of confidence. So what if Qiaogo can raise hundreds of billions of funds?
I am not weak on my side, how can I be afraid?

"I will go to the Reliance Group and hope that they can acquire some shares. With the strength of the Reliance Group, who can buy the shares from him?" Khas continued, "As long as we and the Reliance Group's shares increase If it rises to more than half, I believe there is no risk of the company losing control."

These words made everyone feel more at ease.

My family is now deeply tied to the Reliance Group, and I believe that the Reliance Group will definitely take the shares and stand on my side.

Even if the Reliance Group is unreliable, it’s unlikely that all the other close forces in his family will be unreliable, right?
In short, this time the purpose is to raise more funds, and they are completely willing to accept the dilution of family shares.

Once listed, the market value will definitely be far higher than it is now, and the family's wealth will skyrocket by then.

Kejas quickly found Anil and explained his purpose.

Anil expressed his appreciation to Kejas for taking the company public.

In Anil's view, this kind of thing could have been done a long time ago. Early financing can help the company develop faster.

However, it is not easy for Anil to make the decision without permission when it comes to letting Reliance Group acquire shares.

So he asked his father for advice.

Droubai finally agreed to the acquisition request.

Although Reliance Group has been short of funds recently, it still spent 100 billion to acquire 10% of the shares of Aiyar Food Company.

According to the current market value, Aiyar Grain Company is not worth that much at all. After deducting various debts, it is worth 200 billion.

But this time Aiyar Grain Company will strip off its debt, and the company will be listed without debt. The company's net assets will be worth more than 600 billion.

Once listed, it is certain that the market value will increase several times. After all, Aiyar Grain Company is still relatively high-quality and is the leader in the industry. It is possible for it to increase by ten or twenty times.

Of course, more than ten times is still a bit exaggerated. After all, this base is already quite large, and as the grain industry, this profit is not as exaggerated as some other industries.

The income of this industry is relatively stable, so the multiple will not be too large by then.

But even if it's not big, it can increase the market value of Aiyar Grain Company several times.

Now that Reliance Group has taken a stake, it is almost an original share.

This is a benefit given by the Aiyar family, and it is also a kind of sincerity.

Of course Dhirubhai understands what Kejas means, and Reliance Group will definitely take care of them in the future.

That's a deal.

Originally, the Aiyar family held 90% of the company's shares. Reliance Group gave up 10%, and later gave up 10% to other close family forces.

This 10% share capital recovery amounted to more than 150 billion.

Compared with Reliance Group, the price given to them is naturally higher.

This is determined by strength.

The Reliance Group is powerful and will bring benefits to their family in the future, so Kejas is willing to transfer it at a low price.

In short, the Aiyar family still holds 70% of the shares.

According to the plan, Aiyar will take out up to 29% of the shares, which will be purchased by shareholders across the country. The family must ensure that it holds 41% of the shares.

In this way, adding the 10% of Reliance Group, we have 51%, which is still a very reliable control of the company.

Qiaogo and the others soon learned of the Eyal family's plan.Rupa even rushed to Mumbai himself to discuss with Jogo how to deal with the matter.

"Brother, why are you still acting like nothing is wrong?" Lupa had just mentioned the Aiyar family's preparations to go public, but he found that Qiao Ge's face was as usual, as if he didn't care at all.

In front of Qiaogo, Lupa now completely regards himself as his younger brother.

"Once they go public, their market value will expand several times. If they pledge loans in the name of the company, they will be able to raise a lot of funds at once. This will be a big disadvantage for us." Lupa added said.

"Calm down, I know what's going on." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

At this time, Evie brought a bottle of red wine to the two of them.

Jogo poured Lupa a drink himself.

After Lupa watched Evie leave, he couldn't help but whisper: "Brother, another one, aren't you afraid that Beni will fight for you?"

Lupa knew that Qiaogo already had many women.

And the other side is hooking up with Beni, and the Sharma family approves of this.

It can be said that the marriage between Beni and Qiaogo is almost completed.

Even if Qiao Ge wants to find another woman, he has to keep a low profile.

"I can handle women's matters." Qiao Ge said with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Lupa immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "I admire you. Ah, let's talk about business. Do you have a plan against the Aiyar family?"

He was right when he thought about it. With Qiao Ge's current achievements, women's affairs were really not a big deal.

The Sharma family will not give up on this marriage just because of this.

For wealthy families like them, it is normal for them to have lovers outside.

But Lupa has no intention of raising a woman now.

He now feels that his fiancée is really good, and a large part of his recent achievements must be attributed to her.

If she hadn't come forward, how could her father-in-law lend him money?

At least it won't go that smoothly.

"There is a plan, so just let them go." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Just have a plan!" As soon as Lupa finished saying this, his expression suddenly changed, "You~~you said you would just let them go? What kind of plan is this?"

Lupa thought that Jogo really had a plan and did nothing. Was this the plan?

"In my opinion, if we immediately announce our large-scale entry into the grain industry, we can give a shock to those who want to invest in Aiyar Grain Company. Even if it cannot dispel the ideas of all those who want to invest, it can at least reduce everyone's expectations. The expectations of Aiyar Grain Company. Then, even if they go public, their market value will not increase too much. In this way, the amount of loans the Aiyar family will have will be much less." Rupa immediately said what he said idea.

"Not bad." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "I have thought about this idea of ​​yours after I just heard about Aiyar's plan to go public. However, I thought about it carefully and thought it would be better not to take action now. "

"Why? I can't figure it out," Lupa asked.

He was really confused.

If Aiyar Grain Company is allowed to go public without any targeted actions, then their market value after going public will definitely not be low. Doesn't this encourage the enemy's power?
"I can't tell you too much." Qiao Ge thought for a while and said, "I just hope that their ambitions are as big as possible. If the market value is very high after listing, their share pledge should be able to get more funds from bank loans. ?”

"Do you even need to ask?" Lupa asked confused.

"I hope they can borrow as much as possible. Just like the Sitharaman family, as long as the capital chain is broken, they will be finished," said Jogo.

"Yes, this is a good move." Rupa said happily, "Why didn't I think of this? This is how the Sitharaman family collapsed. The more they borrowed, the more they borrowed, and once something unexpected happened, they would not be able to repay."

Lupa felt that what Jogo said made sense.

However, he still felt that something was wrong, but Qiao Ge obviously didn't want to say more, so he didn't think much about it.

Rupa returned to New Delhi the next day. After he returned, he conveyed the news he received from Qiaogo to Yas, Wyda and others.

"This?" Yas, Huida and others all showed doubts.

"What's wrong with you? Is there any problem?" Lupa couldn't help asking when he saw that their expressions seemed a little strange.

"Qiaogo really said that?" Huida said a little unbelievingly.

"If you really say that, you can call him and ask him if you don't believe me." Rupa said, "What he means is that you don't have to worry about the Aiyar family. They can list the market however they want. The higher the market value, the better..."

"The Sitharaman family's final failure was due to cash flow problems. But the reason was not just the cash shortage, but also pressure from the government, foreign exchange tensions and many other factors. The Sitharaman family had to sell off their assets at a low price." Yas said, "There is still a lot of luck involved, otherwise we would not be able to capture them so quickly. What do you think of the Aiyar family? Will something like this happen?"

"Uh?" Lupa was stunned for a moment.

"Although the Aiyar family can borrow money, they must have learned the lesson of the Sitharaman family and will definitely pay attention to cash flow. In this way, if they want to break their cash flow and then we attack them, it is basically impossible. It's possible," Huida said.

"Are you really sure that's what Qiaogo said?" The three of Hebicha expressed doubts about what Lupa conveyed.

"What kind of words are these? Could I have conveyed them wrong?" Lupa was a little annoyed. Is this still doubtful?
He would never be able to convey a message clearly. Yesterday when he was talking to Qiao Ge, he drank a glass of red wine. He was very sober and there would be no mistake.

"To put it this way, after listening to Brother Qiaogo's words, I always felt that something was wrong, but I didn't think too much about it at the time. Now that I think about it, there really is such a big problem. No, we have to deal with this matter. Tell him and remind him that he may have been affected by the Sitharaman family incident, and it would be a big mistake to use the same method to deal with the Aiyar family," Rupa said again.

"Don't worry, I think this matter, since Qiao Ge did this, he must have his intention." Huida thought for a while and said, "It is impossible for Qiao Ge not to know about such an obvious problem."

"What on earth is that for?" Lupa asked in confusion.

"I don't know either." Huaida said with a wry smile.

Lupa looked at Yas and the others, and everyone smiled bitterly, expressing that they couldn't figure it out.

Several people thought about it for several hours but couldn't come up with a result. In the end, they could only call Qiao Ge to ask.

"In this matter, I feel that the international situation is not good, and the domestic financial situation is not optimistic, so big problems are likely to occur. Next, we need to control debt, especially loans. , You cannot increase your debt without limit." Qiao Ge gave them a brief explanation. If he didn't reveal anything, they might not be able to eat well or sleep well.

Jhogo certainly had a good idea of ​​what was going to happen next.

It was already January 1989, which was only two years, very fast.

Any kind of expansion now, especially high-debt expansion, is courting death.

General loans, especially high-leverage and high-liability loans, involve borrowing new money to repay old ones.

These are normal circumstances. If the foreign and domestic environments are stable, there will be no problem.

But what will happen next? The country will go bankrupt. Who will give you a loan to pay off your old debts?
Even if the bank doesn't ask you to repay the loan, it's very good. If you still want to borrow money, it's too much.

Therefore, Qiao Ge is still very optimistic about the listing of the Aiyar family, and he is optimistic about them.

Needless to say, as long as the market value expands after listing, it would be strange if they don't take out loans.

After all, the state-owned grain company that wants to win this auction needs a large amount of funds.

Especially since they still have their own opponent, they must prepare more funds to be prepared.

To be honest, Qiao Ge has calmed down about the bidding situation.

Before, he thought about taking over as many companies and land as possible.

Now he has changed his mind and does not ask for how much land he can get, but he must not let the Aiyar family get the land at a low price.

I will raise the price with them.

Just like the last auction, except that last time I was not the main force, but this time I was really the main force to snipe the Aiyar family's bidding.

As for your own loan, you will definitely need to borrow some from the bank.

As for the amount borrowed, it must be much less than Lupa and the others imagined.

Note: [-] words have been updated for two consecutive days. It’s terrible. Please vote for me. Thank you for your support! (End of chapter)

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