Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 394 has expanded to 2500 billion

The Gupta Grain and Oil Group has nearly 2500 billion in assets, of which 600 billion is in cash. The remaining 1900 billion in assets can be used as collateral for loans. It stands to reason that a loan of more than 1000 billion is completely feasible.

But Qiao Ge would not raise his debt to such a high level.

Because grain and oil companies are not like our major cash cow companies, which are truly high-profit industries and make money quickly.

The profits of grain and oil companies are not that high. They mainly rely on quantity, small profits but quick turnover.

Therefore, if you borrow too much, you may not be able to earn enough to pay back the interest.

In particular, Qiaogo knows the future economic development and will never allow the inability to repay the loan. The loan amount must be within his ability to repay.

Borrowing new and paying back old ones can indeed increase leverage, but once something goes wrong, the problem will be huge.

As for the loan, Qiao Ge decided to borrow 400 billion, and the Cereals and Oils Group would be enough to raise 1000 billion.

This 1000 billion is prepared to snipe the Aiyar family, mainly to raise prices. As for how many state-owned grain companies can be won, that is secondary.

Wait until the situation changes drastically, and there will be plenty of cheap bargains to pick up, so don’t rush.

Every financial crisis ends up being a feast for big companies with a lot of cash. They can buy bankrupt companies at low prices. Many of these companies actually have high-quality assets, but problems such as funding lead to bankruptcies. .

This kind of crisis makes the strong stronger and strengthens their strength.

Qiaogo is trying to trick the Aiyar family at this time.

With the Sitharaman family's lessons learned, the Aiyar family will definitely be cautious, especially when facing themselves.

It is too difficult to deceive them by ordinary means.

Basically, we need to fight a protracted war and slowly compete for the market. It is hard to say whether this will take a few years or more than ten years.

If you don’t want to waste so much time, you can only use some special means.

Use your own knowledge of the future situation and take advantage of this advantage to lay out the plan for them first and let them fall into the trap.

By that time, even if they knew it, it would be too late.

Now that he has roped in some powerful families to become shareholders, in addition to strengthening his own power, he is also putting pressure on the Aiyar family.

After they go public, if they want to maintain their leading position in the market, they will definitely borrow heavily to expand.

Qiao Ge wanted them to be so crazy. In fact, it was the final madness. Why bother?
On January 1989, 1, Nick Brown came to Mumbai and approached Jogo about seeking investment.

The movie Star Wars allowed the audience to see what special effects are, and it was an epoch-making leap.

Next, the development of special effects was quite fast. In the 1985 movie "Young Sherlock Holmes", the first computer-generated character in film history, the stained glass man, was created.

The use of computers has allowed special effects technology to continue to develop and become more and more powerful.

During the last filming of the TV series, Qiao Ge and Brown talked about the application of computers in the field of special effects. After Brown returned to China, he conducted research on this aspect and made some progress. Unfortunately, he did not have enough funds.

Finally, the two parties agreed that Qiao Ge would invest US$1000 million in Brown's Magic Special Effects Company, accounting for 55% of the shares, and would not participate in the specific company operations.

Although his shares were reduced, Brown was satisfied with Qiaogo's promise not to participate in the company's operations.

This kind of investment is afraid of someone coming to point fingers. If it is an expert, it will be fine. If it is an amateur, it will be a nightmare.

Qiao Ge introduced Evie to Brown, saying that she would be responsible for various investment businesses in the beautiful country, so he would contact Evie if anything happened next.

Not participating in the company's management does not mean that Qiao Ge does not pay attention to the magic special effects company at all. At least he still needs to understand the financial and other operating conditions.

Evie is going to the beautiful country soon, let’s start with Brown’s company.

As long as Evie does a good job, there will naturally be many tasks assigned to her.

Of course, this doesn't allow Evie to fight alone.

Qiao Ge specially recruited a team for Evie in China, and they will go abroad with Evie.

Brown stayed in Mumbai for five days and then returned, and Evie and the team went back with him.

Qiao Ge told Evie that after going to the beautiful country, she would also need to recruit some local professionals who are familiar with local business, such as lawyers, etc. These are definitely indispensable.

As for the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, Qiaogo did not mention it to Ivie for the time being, and would wait until the dust settled.

Qiao Ge also gave some general directions for Evie's investment in the beautiful country.

For example, you can invest a small amount in some stock markets, and at the same time let Evie understand the situation of the soybean industry in the beautiful country and prepare for future investment in this area.

Jogo even asked Evie to learn more about the soybean market in Brazil.

The listing of the Aiyar family was publicized in newspapers and aroused the interest of countless investors.

These investors are mainly small forces and retail investors.

Many of those big families and powerful forces have a wait-and-see attitude.

Because they knew more or less what was happening on Qiao Ge's side.

Qiao Ge is preparing to enter the grain industry. Although he didn't say it explicitly, everyone can notice it.

Especially recently, it is said that Gupta Grain and Oil Company has begun to recruit more partners. Isn't this just to strengthen its strength?
What will you do when you become stronger?
The edible oil market is already dominated by Qiao Ge, so isn’t it obvious who the next target will be?
The Aiyar family is still very uneasy about going public.

They were afraid that Qiao Ge would target them, such as publishing various articles in newspapers to suppress them.Kejas has already prepared a lot of his own pens, preparing to fight a public opinion war with Qiaogo.

But this did not happen, that is, the major news newspapers published a few articles, slandering their own side, but the intensity was very small.

This kind of public opinion has little influence, and is obviously not at the same level as the large-scale attacks they expected.

Kejas was a little confused. Qiao Ge didn't do anything?
Confused, their listing went smoothly, so they ignored it.

In their opinion, it may be that Qiao Ge is too conceited.

After Eyal Grain Company went public, its market value suddenly expanded to 2500 billion, almost four times more than its previous valuation.

The Aiyar family finally had 41% of the shares left, but they were still jubilant because they found that after the listing, the shareholding ratio was reduced, but the value of the shares in their hands increased significantly.

Their family's assets suddenly exceeded [-] billion. This is definitely the most top-notch wealthy family. Maybe it's not that good in other aspects, but it should be able to make up for it in terms of wealth.

They all regretted it. If they had known this, they should have listed it earlier.

But it’s not too late to go on the market now.

"Clan leader, do you think that kid Qiao Ge will also come to the market?" A clan member asked worriedly.

"Yes, their current net assets are nearly 2500 billion, which is similar to our current market value. Once listed~~"

The Aiyar family immediately calmed down, but Qiaogo's grain and oil company still put tremendous pressure on them.

Because the company on our side went public and its market value increased significantly, it reached the height of the other party.

"Don't worry." Kehas smiled, "They are too big. Even if they are listed, how much can they rise? And we are already listed. If they follow the listing, how many investors do you think there will be in the market? Besides, we are in the same industry, so hehe, we have the upper hand.”

You are right when you think about it.

I have already collected a lot of money from investors through this listing. Even if Qiao Ge goes public, the funds raised may not be as good as his own.

"Chief, how much money are we going to raise for the auction this time?" someone asked expectantly.

"2000 billion!" Khas shouted.

"Can this bank lend so much money?" someone said.

"Of course there can't be so many banks, but we can issue some bonds or find other financing institutions. Coupled with the funds raised from this listing, it is still possible to raise 2000 billion." Kehas said, " This time, we are going to do something big in the grain industry, and that kid Qiao Ge will never succeed."

Khas has already received the news that Qiaogo is too timid and may only raise about 1000 billion in funds.

In this bidding, I must beat him.

Those state-owned grain companies must capture as much as possible.

No matter what, these companies are buying one at a time, and as long as they have enough land, they will be invincible no matter how Qiaogo launches his offensive in the future.

"Patriarch, if this is the case, will the debt be too high?" someone worried.

"What are you worried about? After we buy the land, it becomes an asset. If we are short of money in the future, the land can be mortgaged."

"Yes, yes, no problem at all."

Everyone in the Aiyar family became more and more excited as they talked.


"Boss, the tea you asked for." A middle-aged man came in carrying two cups of tea.

"Just let the people below make tea." Hu Di glanced at the secretary who came in and said.

The middle-aged man first gave Qiaogo a cup of tea, and then placed another cup in front of Hudi.

"The people below are not careful in making tea." The secretary laughed.

"That's true. Your tea-making skills are truly outstanding. No one else can match them." Qiao Ge laughed.

The secretary hurriedly said modestly and walked out.

Before he could go out, he heard Qiao Ge ask: "Hudi, where did you talk just now?"

"The funds raised by the Aiyar family are said to be 2000 billion. Boss, they are twice as much as us. Do we want to raise more funds? Moreover, the highest psychological prices of the state-owned grain companies we want to bid for must also be Decide first so that you can better estimate the cost of capital," Hudi said.

The secretary didn't stay in the office longer and closed the door normally.

However, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood outside the door and pricked up his ears to listen to the voices inside.

Since it was right at the door, I could still hear the conversation inside clearly.

Qiao Ge grinned at Hudi, then glanced towards the door and said: "The funds on the other side are indeed huge and worthy of our attention. Let's talk about the highest prices of those companies first. How much do you think we should set?"

Hu Di also glanced in the direction of the door, smiled knowingly and said: "I think the maximum price for XXX company can be 180 billion, XX company can be set at 210 billion, XXXX company can be set at..."

When the secretary outside the door heard this, his eyes lit up. The bottom line of the bidding price. This information is so important.

He didn't stand here for long and left quickly. (End of chapter)

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