Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 395 Continues to Worse

Qiao Ge looked at Yas and others who came to Mumbai from New Delhi.

Huaida sent his son Dabai here. After all, he was a bit old and should not travel long distances often.

"Are you still worried about the bidding?" Qiao Ge asked.

In his opinion, he has done nothing to address the Aiyar family's listing, and they may be a little worried.

He felt that he still needed to comfort them and reassure them.

"No, no, no, we have other things to do." Lupa said hurriedly, "We support whatever you decide."

This made Qiao Ge a little confused. If it wasn't this, what else could make them come together as a group.

"Didn't you say last time that some people could be allowed to invest in the Grain and Oil Group Company?" Yas said.

Qiao Ge thought, so this is what happened.

"That's right, have you made your selection?" Qiao Ge asked with a smile, "You move very quickly."

These words made Yas smile bitterly and said: "That's so easy. Qiaogo, since we revealed the news to those close friends, their enthusiasm has increased and everyone wants to buy shares."

“There are so many people now that it’s hard for us to sort through them all at once,” Lupa said.

"If the number of investors is too small, I am afraid that many people will be disappointed, which is not a good thing for us." Dabai said.

"So can we increase the number of investors here?" Hebicha asked.

Qiao Ge understood their purpose.

Before, he said that he would select a few companies to invest in the company, but now there are so many people and forces that want to join that they can't make up their minds.

Because these are forces and friends with whom they have good relationships, and some even have family friendships that go back hundreds of years.

It is obviously not appropriate to give to this family and give up to that family, or to give to that family and give up this family.

This makes them confused.

"How many people are there?" Jogo asked.

"The total number of companies we have here should be twenty or thirty, and this is after screening." Yas said.

"So, it's not good to reduce it any more?" Qiao Ge whispered.

"Qiaogo, if you really think it's too much, let's find a way here." Yas said hurriedly.

This number is much higher than what Qiao Ge said before, so they are afraid that Qiao Ge will have some ideas.

For example, do you think that if you stick together, you will challenge Qiao Ge's authority in the company?

Although they didn't have this idea, it was hard for them to say whether Qiaogo would think so.

After all, the sudden increase of so many people is due to the forces that their families have good relations with. It is normal for Qiao Ge to have such thoughts.

Qiao Ge pondered, and Yas and others did not dare to speak out, waiting for his final decision.

Now Qiao Ge's momentum is very different. If Qiao Ge frowns, even Yas's heart will tighten.

"How much money can they put in to buy shares?" Qiao Ge asked after a while.

Hearing this, Yas and the others suddenly felt relaxed.

Qiao Ge didn't make a sound just now, and their hearts were hanging.

When Qiao Ge said this, they understood that Qiao Ge did not necessarily stick to the number of people designated last time.

"At least one billion, and more than 50 billion, but most of them are around 30 billion, so if you add them all up, there should be more than 1000 billion." Yas said.

This amount stunned Qiao Ge for a moment.

The amount was a bit large, beyond his expectation.

To be honest, last time he thought that if someone bought shares, the capital would be several tens of billions.

Unexpectedly, it has doubled several times now.

It seems that everyone is very optimistic about themselves.

"Have you ever raised the issue of shareholding ratio with them?" Qiao Ge asked.

"As I said, they are just waiting for you to set a number. When it is successful, they will not bother you more if it is not successful," Yas said.

"In this way, if they invest purely in cash, they can invest one-quarter of the capital. If they invest in land, they can invest one-third of the land value. If it is mixed, it will be determined based on the ratio of cash and land." Qiao Ge After thinking for a while he said.

In fact, for Qiao Ge, he had thought about whether these people would form a group in the company to challenge his authority.

But after weighing the pros and cons, the pros still outweigh the cons.

These people joined and expanded their personal connections and relationships.

A key industry in the country, such as grain and oil, is related to the foundation of the country. Naturally, it requires more interest groups to join in order to withstand the prying eyes of interested people.

If you are afraid that they will join forces to challenge your authority, it will be more troublesome if there are fewer people joining.

Because there are fewer people, it is easier for the other party to join forces.

If there are many people and forces, it will be even more difficult to get them all together.

If you want to separate them, or defeat them individually, it will be much easier.So now there are so many people who want to join, of course Jogo gives them a chance.

Qiao Ge's words made Yas and others take a breath of air.

In their minds, one-third of the capital should be enough to invest in the shares. Unexpectedly, Qiao Ge directly settled on one-quarter.

Of course, this condition is harsh for new entrants, but for those of them who have already invested, it is of course a good thing.

Because their assets can increase again.

Qiao Ge obviously gave a discount on the land shareholding, based on one-third.

Regarding this, everyone can understand what Qiaogo means.

For grain and oil companies, it is still very important to have their own planting bases. Both Qiao Ge and them agree with this.

"I'm afraid some people will quit," Dabai said.

"Humph, just quit, and I didn't force them." Lupa snorted coldly, "If there are such people, it can only be said that they are short-sighted and cannot achieve great things."

"That's right, if there are such people, I think we should stay away from them in the future. They are not worthy of close friendship." Hebiza also said.

Although this price is not small, from a certain perspective, it is sincerity.

It is also a vote to integrate into the Qiaogo group.

Everyone knows that you can make a fortune by following Qiao Ge, so you want to get in without paying any price?
How is this possible?
Especially now, Qiao Ge's side has gained momentum, and not everyone can join at this time.

As long as they take shares in the Grain and Oil Group, Qiao Ge will have some investments in other industries in the future, and they will also have the opportunity to join.

Otherwise, why should I make you rich?
It’s no surprise that the cost later will be higher than the initial price.

"Qiaogo, we will bring this news back." Yas said, "We will give you a reply within three days at most."

"Okay." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "The amount of the shares purchased this time is much higher than my expectation. So regarding the land bidding, I think I have to make some changes to the previous plan. Let me tell everyone here."

"Qiaogo, it's up to you to decide the bidding. We don't have any objections." Lupa said hurriedly.

Others agreed one after another and did not need any explanation from Qiaogo. They supported it unconditionally.

"It doesn't matter, let's get to know it. This can be regarded as a basic principle of our grain and oil group in the next few years. Oh, it can also be regarded as a basic principle of my personal investment." Qiao Ge said.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but sit upright.

Next, you need to listen carefully to the basic principles of investment.

Now of course they are following Qiaogo's lead, and they will definitely not go wrong by following Qiaogo.

So this basic principle is the general direction. If the general direction is right, even if you lose money, you won't lose much.

"The basic principle is to reduce debt." Qiao Ge said, "If your family's debt is high, my opinion is to reduce it as much as possible."

"Brother, is something big going to happen here? Have you got any news?" Lupa was shocked.

Speaking of which, among their families, the Vasayan family has the highest debt.

After selling the petrochemical project and the square project, Hebiza and three other companies recovered a lot of funds and reduced their liabilities a lot.

Although the debts of other families were lower than those of the Vasayan family, Qiaogo's words still made them feel frightened.

"It's just some speculation. I want to make some countermeasures and prepare first so as not to be caught off guard in the future." Qiao Ge said, "It's normal to have some debts. It doesn't matter. As long as you have reasonable debts and can pay them back, it's not a big problem. . You are just afraid of over-borrowing. If you want to borrow new money to repay old money, you really need to be careful.”

Speaking of this, Qiaogo couldn't help but glance at Lupa.

Here, almost only the Vasayan family has the practice of borrowing new things and paying them back.

"Qiaogo, can you say more?" Yas asked.

Although his family's debt is very healthy, Qiaogo obviously has some thoughts on the next economic situation, and he wants to know.

"Didn't I go to England some time ago?" Qiaogo said.

Of course they knew what Qiao Ge was doing there, which was to borrow foreign exchange. The result was obviously good, and Qiao Ge also mentioned it to them.

"I talked about some international economic situations with John Lawrence, the vice president of HSBC," Qiaogo said. "Black Monday in 87 had a great influence and it has not been eliminated until now. Mr. Lawrence believes that the poor global economy is the reason why This situation will probably continue to get worse. If the international environment is not good, don’t expect that the domestic situation will be good. So we must save enough food to deal with the next difficulties."

Everyone understands that the food Qiao Ge refers to naturally refers to cash and low debt.

Qiaogo blamed Lawrence for this. He can't say that he knows the economic trend in the following years.

Lawrence's status is sufficient, and his words certainly carry weight.

At that time, Qiaogo and Lawrence did discuss the international economic situation, but Lawrence did not clearly draw such a conclusion.

Such an old fox won't jump to conclusions directly. He would say it in an ambiguous way. On the positive side, it seems to make sense no matter how you interpret it.

In other words, no matter whether the economic situation is good or bad in the future, you can't blame him. You have to think that he has the foresight and has anticipated it.

"I very much agree with Mr. Lawrence's judgment." Qiaogo said, "So next, I will control my borrowing situation. Originally I was thinking of using the assets of the grain and oil company to mortgage a loan of 400 billion, but now I have decided to No more loans.”

There are more than 1000 billion in funds for those who want to invest. Even if some people withdraw and some use their land to convert into shares, I believe the cash will still be more than 400 billion.

Therefore, this 400 billion can be completely made up from here. (End of chapter)

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