Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 396 Assets increase by 1500 billion

"But Qiao Ge, you also said that as long as there is no problem with healthy debt, the Grain and Oil Group can definitely borrow tens of billions of mortgage loans." Yas said.

Naturally, they still want to win more companies from this auction. This is a rare opportunity.

"Yes, the Grain and Oil Group has no liabilities now, and the mortgage loan is no problem at all." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "But I don't care how many companies I can win this time, it's best to give them all to the Aiyar family. Of course, This bidding price must not be low, let them win it at a high premium, this is my purpose."

Everyone was stunned.

Yas reacted quickly: "You mean to make the Aiyar family high in debt?"

"Yes, that's what it means." Qiaogo replied.

"But brother, we trust your judgment, but if, I mean, if there is any accident, the economy is not that bad next, and the Aiyar family is not severely affected, they can repay the loan. Then after they captured most of the companies this time, their strength has grown," Lupa said.

"If this is the case, it will be even more difficult for us to deal with them." Noma said.

It must be said that this result is unacceptable to everyone.

"No one dares to say 100% about what will happen in the future." Qiaogo said, "We can only infer and make predictions from many factors. For now, I tend to think that the economic situation will worsen. So this is also It's a gamble. I think I have more than half of the winning rate, so it's worth the gamble. Even if the bet fails and the Aiyar family takes over these companies and strengthens their strength, so what? It's nothing more than In the grain industry, we and they are standing side by side. In a short period of time, no one can do anything about the other, and there will be a long-term competitive confrontation. Once the bet is won, the opponent can be eliminated once and for all, and the time is only one or two years. .”

"I believe that we will definitely win in the end." Dabai shouted.

"Yes, our overall strength is not comparable to that of the Aiyar family, even if they have the support of the Reliance Group." Harpal also shouted.

"Let's do this," Yas said. "If we lose, we can afford to lose. And once we win, it will be a big victory. The future grain and oil market will be under our control."

Having said this, Yas stretched out his right palm and shook it violently.

We are all smart people and know exactly what this means.

It means that they control the country's food lifeline. This is an invisible power, and it is very amazing.

In the future, no matter who comes to power, their group will be an extremely powerful existence, and they can only win over but not offend.

After all, if you don’t have other things, you can still take it slow, or you can survive without it.

If there is no food to eat and the country is in chaos, can the ruling party still be in power?
The increase in the prices of tomatoes and onions has caused great headaches for those in power, and many have resigned because of this.

Not to mention having no food to eat, the ruling party was overthrown by the opposition and the people in minutes.

These families themselves rarely participate directly in political party elections. They usually serve as the backstage presence of these political parties and are often neutral in nature.

Therefore, it is very important for them to control the country's food lifeline.

This is a bit equivalent to the civil service system in government departments. Anyone can be the prime minister. Anyway, I will monopolize this market. I am doing my long-term business, so don't bother me.

"I'm really looking forward to that day coming." Lupa laughed and said, "I must go to the auction site to see the happy expressions of the Aiyar family after successfully bidding."

"You are so bad. Are you making fun of them?" Hapal glanced at Lupa and said.

"Hehe, don't you think so? The more you laugh now, the more you will cry in the future." Lupa chuckled and said, "Anyway, I believe in Brother Qiaogo's judgment. As long as they dare to come here to bid with high debts, they will definitely be finished. .”

Lupa's words made everyone laugh, and the atmosphere suddenly became heated.

Some of the doubts and confusions I had in my mind completely dissipated.

At this time, Hudi came over and told Qiao Ge that Jena had come with Lab.

"Rabb? Let them come in." Qiaogo said, "Everyone is here, so let's meet together and listen to what he has to say."

When Jena and Rab came in, they were a little surprised to see so many people present.

Qiaogo asked Jena and the others to sit down.

Jena quickly expressed his intention.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, the Sitharaman family wants to invest in the Gupta Grain and Oil Group.

Labu calmed down quickly. He was the leader of a clan, so what kind of storms had he not seen before?

The people here are all the core members of Qiaogo's group, so there is no need to hide anything from them.

Besides, Qiao Ge actually showed this attitude by letting them here.

"Mr. Gupta, everyone, our Sitharaman family comes here with sincerity," Rab said.

He kept his attitude very low. He had no choice but to ask for help.

If it were before, the people in front of him would be his juniors, even Yas, his seniority would not be enough.

He had to talk to the old guys in power in the Sharma family on an equal footing.

"So Mr. Sitharaman, how much money has your family decided to spend?" Jogo asked.

Hearing this, Labu felt happy.

He was very worried that his request would be directly rejected by Qiao Ge, but now this has not happened.

Moreover, Qiaogo asked about the investment amount, which showed that the matter was negotiable.

"My Sitharaman family can provide all the funds." Rab said, "About more than 300 billion." "Do you still have such money?" Hebicha expressed doubts.

"I definitely don't have cash, but we can invest in Sitharaman Edible Oil Company and some land under the family's name. I don't know if this is feasible?" Rab was replying to Hebicha, but his eyes were looking towards Jogo.

Qiao Ge did not expect that Labu would have such determination.

He obviously knows that he is very passionate about land.

If it were cash alone, it would not be that attractive to me now.

Of course, in addition to land, there is also Sitharaman Edible Oil Company, which is also a high-quality asset for us.

The Sitharaman family was hit by their own side. They had sold various assets before, but the skinny camels were bigger than horses. They still occupied a certain share in the edible oil market.

If they merge the company, they will really have no rivals in the edible oil market.

Yas and the others secretly agreed.

After all, it is good for the company.

Although Hebizha and others do not have a good impression of the Sitharaman family, considering the interests of group organization, it is indeed good for the Sitharaman family to join.

"What do you think?" Qiao Ge looked at Yas and others and asked.

"We can consider it," Yas said first.

Others also expressed their acceptance.

In fact, Qiao Ge can decide this kind of thing alone, but Yas and the others are all present, so asking them what they mean is also a sign of respect.

If the Sitharaman family joins, it will not only be beneficial to the group as a whole.

There is also the bad relationship between the Sitharaman family and the three major families such as Hebija. They have been fighting openly and secretly for countless years.

This time, Hebicha and the others have recruited many new investors. Although Qiaogo is not worried that they will gang up against him, letting the Sitharaman family join can be regarded as wooing their rivals.

Some forces in the company still need to be balanced. This is the way for those in power to balance their power.

"There are conditions for our shareholding..." So, Qiaogo told Rab the proportion of the shareholding, "You don't have to buy all the shares in cash, including the company and the land, but you can do it based on the asset valuation." After discounting, I believe there will be a discount..."

After listening to Qiao Ge's words, Labu sighed secretly in his heart.

Cash shares are counted as one-quarter, while company and land asset shares are counted as one-third.

He knew that Qiao Ge had taken care of himself, otherwise the company's assets would have been less than one-third.

This condition was actually quite harsh, but he didn't think too much about it. He had already decided that this time he must board Qiao Ge's big ship.

Especially since I was once Qiaogo's enemy, and now I want to join, how can I do it without paying the price?
So Rab agreed.

The specific amount will be sorted out after Rab returns.

After they broke up, Yas and the others returned to New Delhi that night.

In the Sitharaman family meeting room, Rab informed the clan members of the meeting with Qiaogo during the day, and Jena sat next to him.

"This~~Clan leader, this is too little, one-third, or even one-fourth."

"Yeah, is it worth it?"

Everyone's heart is bleeding.

If your family invests RMB 400 to 100 billion, they may end up buying shares for RMB [-] billion. No one would be willing to accept it.

"You only think about the small proportion, but have you ever thought about how many people want to invest but haven't had a chance yet." Rab said, "This time the Gupta Grain and Oil Group is recruiting new partners, Sharma and Vasayan. The other families are asking Qiao Ge to intercede in various ways, just because they have too many friends who want to buy shares."

Everyone was silent. Qiao Ge is now a golden brand, especially since the Gupta Grain and Oil Group is in the limelight. It is not surprising that those people are crazy about it.

"If we don't join, even if Qiaogo doesn't deal with us in the future, what else can we do in the edible oil market?" Rab looked around at everyone and asked, "In the future, the cost of edible oil in Qiaogo will not be ours. If we can compete, our family will be squeezed out of this market sooner or later, so in other industries, who of you is sure that you can make money?"

No one dared to speak out.

"If it weren't for Jena's presence this time, and Jogo for Jena's sake, do you think we would have a chance?" Rab said again, "Anyway, we will follow Jogo. He eats meat. Then we can have some soup. And I believe this soup is also very rich."

As a result, the Sitharaman family united in their opinions.

In fact, Labu can be regarded as a man of one word, but when it comes to important family affairs, he is still willing to communicate with these clan members.

In the end, the Sitharaman family decided to merge the company into the Gupta Grain and Oil Group. Together with the land and 70 billion cash in the family's name, the total valuation was 300 billion. The final shareholding was calculated based on 90 billion financial calculations.

Yasi and the others soon had results.

It was impossible for everyone to accept Qiao Ge's conditions, and a few people gave up.

In the end, 35 companies agreed to take shares, with a total capital of 1200 billion, including 930 billion in cash, 270 billion in the form of land, and finally 310 billion in shares.

The assets of Gupta Grain and Oil Group increased by 1500 billion instantly. (End of chapter)

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