Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 397 The richest man

Chapter 397 The richest man
35 companies have invested in the company, with capital of 1200 billion, which is equivalent to 34.3 billion per company on average.

This amount is actually higher than what they had planned before.

This situation occurs because most of the companies that exited did not have sufficient funds.

That is to say, most of those who were previously willing to invest hundreds of millions have given up.

Those who were willing to invest in the company raised some more funds after receiving a reply from Qiao Ge.

Since you are optimistic about it, there is nothing to hesitate about.

Invest as much as you can and take a little more stake.

With the injection of these 1500 billion assets, the assets of the Gupta Grain and Oil Group Company expanded to nearly 4000 billion.

Definitely a behemoth.

Not even for Tata Group and Reliance Group.

But in terms of influence, it is definitely not as good as those two.

After all, it is a new super-large group, and it still needs time to slowly digest it and slowly expand its influence.

Turn those funds in the company into real strength for the group.

Because now the Gupta Grain and Oil Group has 1600 billion in cash, which is so terrifying.

Due to the addition of new shareholders, the shareholding ratio of Gupta Grain and Oil Group Company has changed.

Jogo accounted for 54%.

The three Dutta families jointly account for 10.8%.

The Vasayan family accounts for 5.4%.

The Sharma family accounts for 4.32%.

The Singh family of Lishid accounted for 1.08%.

The Pandit family accounts for 5.4%.

The newly joined family alliances of major grain and oil suppliers in Punjab accounted for 1.8%.

The Dimri Charitable Foundation accounts for 7.2%.

The Sitharaman family accounts for 2.25%.

The 35 new investors accounted for a total of 7.75%.

Although Qiao Ge's shareholdings have decreased, the total share price has increased.

For example, Qiao Ge originally accounted for 60%. At that time, the group's assets were 2500 billion, so his assets were 1500 billion.

Qiao Ge now accounts for 54%, but the group's assets have soared to 4000 billion, so his assets are 2160 billion.

As for Qiao Ge’s current wealth, after deducting the 500 to 2000 billion yuan in loans, plus other personal companies and assets, the domestic wealth is nearly [-] billion yuan.

With this wealth, if you look at the whole country, only the Tata family and the Ambani family can surpass him.

Moreover, Qiao Ge’s foreign assets are not included in these.

The most important thing is that except for the Beyond Group acquired by Qiao Ge, which is a listed company, nothing else is listed.

Once listed, his assets will skyrocket.

At that time, he was undoubtedly the richest man in India.

Do you want to go public?
Some companies will definitely go public, there is no doubt about this.

However, when it will be launched, you still need to grasp the opportunity.

With the economy going like this, it would be unwise to go public now.

It would be wisest to wait until after the reform and opening up in 91 and India's development entered a period of rapid growth before going public.

Regarding the huge funds in the accounts of the Gupta Grain and Oil Group Company, Qiaogo has made an agreement with everyone, that is, it will only be used in the grain and oil industry and will not be invested in other industries.

As for investing in other industries in the future, Qiao Ge will tell everyone that everyone can participate together.

Of course, no matter what the investment is, Qiao Ge will definitely occupy the majority and have absolute control over the company.

"Just buy it, and leave the news to you." Qiao Ge said to News with a smile.

News came to him because he wanted to buy a radio station.

"Okay, actually I want to ask, should this radio station be under the umbrella of Big News or should it be independent," News said.

"Oh?" Qiao Ge pondered for a moment and said, "Let's do this. A new big news group company will be established, including the big news newspaper and the big news radio station, and you will be in charge of them."

"Well, that's good. It's better to separate the newspaper office and the radio station." News said with a smile, "Am I getting promoted?"

"Yes, I have been promoted. In the future, I also want to build a TV station and merge it into a big news group." Qiao Ge said.

"TV station?" News was stunned for a moment and said, "What are you thinking? Do you still want to acquire the national TV station? That is impossible."

"I didn't say that." Qiaogo replied, "Look abroad, especially those developed countries, which country has only one TV station?"

"Are you saying that the country will open up television stations? Will private investment be allowed?" News asked immediately.

"I think this should be a trend." Qiaogo said. "Even if it's a trend, who knows when this policy will come out?" News sighed, "Huh? No, did you get some inside information?"

"No, there is no news about this." Qiao Ge said, "I just want to be the leader of the domestic news industry. If I don't have my own TV station, it will not be worthy of the name. What do you think?"

"Brother Qiaogo, I have to say that I didn't think as far ahead as you." News sighed, "Initially, I felt that I would be very satisfied if I could make the newspaper the largest and become the leader in the newspaper industry. Now the newspaper is developing. It went very well. Although it is not the biggest, it is still in the top five. So I thought that maybe I can work hard in the broadcasting industry, which can complement each other with the newspaper and make our position in the news industry more stable. As for the TV station, I really I don’t have this concept.”

"Isn't there now? You can pay a little attention to the TV station." Qiao Ge laughed and said, "Of course, when the day comes, I may have someone to choose as the person in charge of the TV station."

News reacted quickly: "I understand, is this your best friend on national television?"

Qiao Ge smiled and acquiesced.

Of course, News knew some of Qiaogo's private life. After all, he was in the news. Moreover, things like Qiaogo were not so secretive. It was too easy for interested people to know.

"Let me tell you first, if you don't have the ability, I won't approve it," News said.

"Of course, I will let her practice in various departments of the national television now. I believe she should be able to take charge of the television station by then. If it doesn't work, just replace her." Qiao Ge said.

"Are you~~Are you just joking or something?" News glanced at Qiao Ge with some confusion.

"What are you looking at and saying?" Qiao Ge asked.

"There are too many rich people who just spend money to find beauties to play with, and then throw them away when they get tired of playing with them. It's better for you to just forget about it. You still want them to work for you? Make money for you and gain fame and fortune? You are too calculating. Right?" News said.

"Don't slander me. Am I that kind of person? I am very devoted to women." Qiao Ge said seriously, "My women cannot be used as vases. They must have their own abilities. Even without me, they are the same." Elite.”

News was amused by Qiaogo's words. During the relationship with the princess of the Sharma family, he also hooked up with several women outside. Is this called special love?
Did he have some misunderstanding about the word "special"?
"Okay, let's see when the time comes." He didn't want to interfere with Qiao Ge's private life.

However, these women in Qiao Ge are really not vases. Those women are among the top female stars now, especially those with huge influence like Xili Daiyu. They are also filming movies and are very attentive.

They play a role in their own fields, advertising for brands, helping Qiao Ge improve people's favor towards him, etc., and have helped Qiao Ge a lot.

"What's the big news recently?" Qiao Ge asked casually.

News is of course well-informed, and News must know some news that he may not necessarily know.

Today's big news newspapers are incredible. After all, they are among the top five big newspapers.

Of course, Qiao Ge is not referring to the kind of top-secret news. It should be said that most news cannot escape News's excavation.

"The big news is the auction that is going to be held soon. The companies that will be taken out involve several industries, and it is said that the official valuation is as high as 3000 billion. Can the country withstand such a torment like this group of losers? Is it? I think it won’t take a few years for them to sell out everything.” News scolded, “Oh, then the Congress Party and Rajiv are still clamoring that they will win this year’s election. If they can’t If he wins half of the seats in parliament, he will resign immediately..."

Qiao Ge listened quietly to News's rants.

The total price of the government's assets this time is far higher than the last temple treasure auction.

It is indeed a little crazy.

Qiao Ge thinks that Rajiv's government is still addicted to auctions. This makes money quickly. If there is no money, then sell it.

The state-owned companies are not owned by themselves. After they are sold, politicians like them can make money from them, so why not?

However, the government does spend a lot of money, especially the recent campaign to suppress the LTTE in Sri Lanka, which has consumed too much money.

Due to the delay in achieving results and the heavy losses of equipment and personnel, the rupees were spent like water.

For example, if a soldier is killed or seriously injured, casualty pensions must be paid no matter what. This is definitely a major source of military expenditure.

There is also an army of 10,000+ outside, which is simply a gold-eating beast.

Of course, the most ruthless ones are the military or government logistics departments, who take advantage of the kickbacks from behind.

Ten rupees were actually used in the frontline war. I wonder if there were two or three rupees.

"Qiaogo, what do you think of this year's election?" News suddenly asked.

"This?" Qiao Ge pondered for a moment.

The general election will be held at the end of this year, and Jhogo remembers that Rajiv failed.

Although the Congress party had the most seats in parliament among independent parties, it did not hold more than half of the seats. Therefore, it was unable to form a cabinet alone. They were unwilling to join forces with other parties to form a cabinet, so they resigned.

In fact, the Congress Party's resignation is related to what Rajiv said before, that is, he said that if he failed to win half of the seats, he would resign.

Such arrogant words were spoken out, coupled with the unwillingness to join forces with other parties, this was the result.

Of course, this is obvious.

Qiao Ge felt that there was an internal reason.

That is, India is full of crises, especially finance, etc. It is simply a mess, with thunder everywhere.

Rajiv's political skills were limited and he was simply unable to effectively deal with this situation.

Even if he is forced to continue to be in power, he will probably step down sooner or later.

If someone is driving you down, you might as well find an opportunity to make progress by retreating.

Let others clean up the mess, and wait until this side recovers before running again next time.

In addition, it was revealed that it had received tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks from foreign companies in terms of arms purchases, including the last $12 billion in arms purchases, which caused the Congress Party's support rate among voters to plummet.

In short, there were many reasons that led to the Congress party's resignation.

(End of this chapter)

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