Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 399: Spend 2150 billion and achieve great victory

Chapter 399: Spend 2150 billion and achieve great victory
"Benny, call the price." Qiao Ge said.

"Then~~then I shouted?" Penny said a little excitedly.

Of course she had participated in some auctions, but how could the previous bids be as good as this one.

It was more than 200 billion at the beginning.

Her face was red with excitement.

"211 billion!" Penny shouted.

Although I said it was a shout, the sound was actually not loud, so I was a little nervous for the first time.

However, the scene was relatively quiet and everyone heard it.

The people present were all well-known people. Of course they knew about Qiaogo and Beni.

Qiao Ge is trying to please his little girlfriend.

"Am I adding too much? It should be 1000 million." After calling out the bid, Beni felt a little uneasy.

"No, this is just the beginning. Don't talk about adding 1600 million, it's normal to add several billion." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I have 300 billion here, you can just raise the price. Of course this company My highest psychological price for the company is [-] billion. As long as it doesn’t exceed this price, you can call me whatever you want.”

Beni covered her mouth with one hand and stared at Qiao Ge with her big eyes.

She only knew that Qiao Ge had raised more than 1000 billion this time, but she didn't know much about the specific amount.

1600 billion was still beyond her imagination.

She found that her understanding of Qiao Ge seemed to be lagging behind.

Take the Gupta Grain and Oil Group Company as an example. It was only when she heard her father and brothers mention it when she returned home that she learned that the assets of the Grain and Oil Group were nearly 4000 billion, and Qiaogo alone accounted for more than half of the shares.

In other words, Qiaogo has assets of 2000 billion here alone.

She knew before that Qiao Ge had a lot of money, more than her own family, but she didn't expect it to be so much.

In fact, she can't be blamed. It's actually that Qiao Ge's wealth has grown so horribly.

"I know." After a moment of relief, Beni smiled brightly at Qiao Ge.

The more powerful and powerful the man she likes is, of course she will be happy as a woman.

Especially after his relationship with Qiao Ge was established, his status in the family became even more impressive.

Although I used to be the little princess in my family, that was all.

Penny knew very well that once the interests of the family were involved, her marriage could be sacrificed at any time, and then various marriages would come to her.

I have no decision-making power at all in this matter.

What kind of princess is of no use at that time.

But now, the man he likes is so powerful, even the family has to be careful to maintain this relationship.

Naturally, his status is truly guaranteed, not just a false name.

Penny knew very well that if she really wanted to make any suggestions or requests to the family, she might have been ignored before, but now she would definitely be taken seriously.

This is the huge difference between now and before.

She used to be a little princess in name only, but now she is a queen with power.

Now that he has the power brought by relying on Qiao Ge, others will naturally respect him even if he doesn't use it.

"220 billion." Kejas called out the price again.

"Twenty-five billion!" Penny shouted.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately exclaimed.

An increase of 30 billion at once is so shocking.

Penny felt a little guilty. Was she too impulsive?

But when she turned to look at Qiao Ge and saw Qiao Ge giving her a thumbs up, her heart felt at ease.

It's not like Penny was shouting randomly.

She knew very well that both the Qiaogo and Aiyar families attached great importance to these grain companies.

So it is absolutely impossible to pick up leaks at a low price.

Since Qiao Ge said that the highest psychological price of this company is 300 billion, the final transaction will basically be around this.

250 billion is still far away from 300 billion.


After more than a dozen rounds of bidding, and after Kehas finally called out 301 billion, Beni did not continue.

It has exceeded 300 billion.

"Sure enough." Kehas and Anil looked at each other.

The news they received was that Qiao Ge’s highest price for this company was 300 billion.

He reported 301 billion, but Qiao Ge withered and stopped following.

"I got it, but it's a pity that it's a bit expensive." Khas sighed.

"With Qiao Ge here, it is impossible for us to win at a low price." Anil said, "The most important thing for us is to win more of these companies, and there is no need to think about other things. With the land in hand, the grain companies can establish In an invincible position.”

Kehas smiled, and he felt a little sad.

At this time, we must first grab these grain companies that are bidding. Land is the basis of food supply.

As long as the land area here is large enough, we will not be afraid of price wars and protracted wars with Qiaogo in the grain market in the future.

Seeing Beni quoting the price next to Qiao Ge, Shia, who is now in charge of the shooting, felt very envious.

She was a little jealous of Penny.

This is human nature. If you really don't have any envy, that's not normal.

But she also knew that her identity was incomparable to that of Penny.

Fortunately, it was her cousin. If it were any other woman beside Qiao Ge, she might not be able to accept it.

The grain company auction was a battlefield between Qiaogo and Kehas. Both parties kept raising prices, and the transaction prices were much higher than the market price.

In the end, the Aiyar family won a total of 8 companies, scattered in various states across the country, at a cost of 2150 billion.Qiao Ge only won 2 companies, with a total cost of 500 billion.

It can be said that the Aiyar family won a great victory in this auction.

"I'm sorry, Qiao Ge, we only won two." Beni said with an ugly face.

"I can't blame you, I set the highest price." Qiao Ge said.

It would be hard for Qiao Ge to tell Beni the specific inside story.

Qiao Ge was very satisfied with this result.

The Eyal family is indeed crazy. They probably think they have seen through the details of their side, so this kind of competition is full of a sense of accomplishment.

Competing with myself again and again, I always beat my own highest price.

The highest price I set was actually far higher than the original value of the auction company, which meant that every auction made a loss.

Of course, Qiaogo also understands the thoughts of the Aiyar family. They believe that as long as they have land, having so much area will be an advantage in the future.

If everything is stable in the economy in the future, they will indeed make money.

It's a pity that they don't know what will happen in the next year or two.

They have to get through it.

During the auction, Qiaogo also bought a hospital in his own name in Mumbai for 10 billion, most of which was in the land. This hospital is located in the center of Mumbai and occupies a large area. .

Yasi and the others have more or less bid for some promising companies.

After all, not all companies have tens of billions, there are also hundreds of millions or billions.

"Brother Qiaogo, are you planning to enter the medical industry?" Lupa asked.

Any industry that Qiaogo wants to enter, the Vasayan family will definitely keep up. Of course, the most important thing is that he will invest a little in his own name.

His own investment and his family's investment still need to be separated. This is his private money.

Lupa's words immediately attracted the attention of others.

"I have this idea." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "But I do it for one person."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Qiao Ge meant.

"Whoever it is for, can we take a stake in it?" Rupa asked.

Jogo didn't answer Lupa's words, but stared at Beni.

Beni was a little confused at first, why Qiao Ge suddenly photographed a hospital.

But when she noticed Qiao Ge's gaze, her heart suddenly trembled.

"It's not for Beni, right?" Lupa noticed, slapped his forehead and said, "Yes, Beni seems to be interested in medicine."

"I think if Beni really wants to engage in medical research in the future, having a hospital will be able to carry out various research work better." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Anil, Kejas and others happened to be walking by not far away, and since Rupa's voice was not low, they heard it.

They were also a little curious about Qiaogo's bid for the hospital.

I don’t know what Qiao Ge’s purpose is.

Is it for the medical industry?
Of course, if Qiao Ge really wants to enter this industry, they don't care much.

Because it has nothing to do with them.

The most important thing is to understand Qiao Ge's intention of doing this.

It seems that the marriage between the Jogo and Sharma families is a certainty.

Many people are jealous that the Sharma family has Beni.

It actually fascinated Qiao Ge.

"So, if you want to buy shares, you have to ask Beni what she wants. This hospital belongs to her." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"I~~I, Qiao Ge, how can I ask for it?" Beni said hurriedly.

"Of course." Lupa shouted, "Benny, what do you have to hesitate about? We have known each other since we were children. When the time comes, you have to let me buy shares. It doesn't matter if the shares are smaller. Of course, my funds are limited. , probably doesn’t hold much shares.”

Rupa laughed heartily as he said this.

"No~~I mean, I'm still in school, so I can't think of running a hospital." Penny explained.

Of course she was touched by Qiao Ge's kindness.

She also accepted the temple treasures from before.

Of course she is willing to have a relationship with Qiao Ge.

"It doesn't matter. I'll find someone to help you take care of it these years. Let's talk about it after you graduate." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Besides, the current hospital has quite a problem. The management is a bit chaotic. The biggest problem is the technical level. It’s not enough. Since I gave it to you, I will give it to you the best hospital in the country and take advantage of these few years to transform it.”

Qiao Ge will definitely get involved in the medical field.

As long as your medical industry becomes number one in the country, the hospital under your name will be the first choice of the powerful and elite.

This is not only to make money, but also to expand one's power and network.

Even though some people may go abroad in pursuit of better treatment, they only have time to go abroad for those with chronic diseases or serious illnesses that cannot be cured immediately.

If something unexpected happens, how can I have time for you to go abroad?
You can only choose the best among domestic hospitals.

In the future, our hospital will definitely not only be located in Mumbai, but will definitely be located in major cities. It will be a medical group.

Then their hospital will be their first choice.

What could be more important than taking control of a person's life?

You must have these in your hands.

This is a need in the big picture. On a smaller scale, if you or your loved ones become seriously ill, the level of hospitals in India is really unreliable.

Then you can only build a reliable hospital yourself, which can definitely save lives at critical moments.

Since Penny likes this line of work, isn't it just right?
It is simply tailor-made, and it can take into account so many benefits. What reason does Qiao Ge have for not making this industry bigger?

(End of this chapter)

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