Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 400 Misappropriation of Assets

Chapter 400 Misappropriation of Assets
The construction of the hospital must also include various medical research institutions.

Qiao Ge thought about establishing contact with some domestic medical universities and experts first.

There is also the pharmaceutical industry, especially the generic drug industry, which needs to be considered.

This is a very profitable industry, and most of them export and earn foreign exchange.

For India, there are really not many industries that can earn foreign exchange.

The more famous ones are the IT industry, and agriculture, such as exporting grain, cotton, etc., which basically do not have much added value.

Exporting a large amount of agricultural products in exchange for a pitiful amount of foreign exchange is entirely relying on quantity to win.

In fact, it is to steal food rations from the poor.

Countless people died of starvation in the country, and the government couldn't see it. It had to export food desperately, which made Indy become the largest country in food exports in its previous life.

Regarding the medical industry, it is not just as simple as acquiring a hospital.

Qiao Ge wants to perfect all the systems on the medical line.

Universities and various medical research institutions, hospitals to pharmaceuticals and so on.

Of course, we also have to find ways to bring in medical experts.

This requires money ability, and Qiao Ge has no shortage of money.

I believe that after the hospital is reformed and some famous doctors are recruited, the hospital's strength can be brought to a greater level.

In addition to domestic experts, Qiao Ge also wants to invite some foreign experts in the future.

This is relatively difficult, mainly because India is not a strong country. How can experts from Western developed countries like this place?

But there is a good opportunity next.

Chogo set his sights on the Soviet Union.

After the disintegration of Giants, too many people lost their jobs.

Even doctors and other experts are no exception.

I should be able to recruit some by then.

The medical level and technology there are completely incomparable to those in India, and there are countless places ahead of us.

The medical level of the Soviet Union was once among the best.

In recent years, due to the deterioration of national finances and the reduction of funds invested in the medical industry, the level has declined.

Even so, this is not comparable to India.

Moreover, there are two medical systems in the Soviet Union.

One is a public hospital that ordinary people go to. However, due to insufficient government funding, medical resources are tight.

In order to get better treatment, patients began to bribe doctors.

Now if you want to get timely and decent treatment, you can't do it without giving various benefits to medical workers. Otherwise, there will be various shortages, such as myrrh, go back and hold on, and even cause some medical accidents for you.

Although medical treatment is free, patients pay huge fees after various treatments.

There is also a medical institution dedicated to serving those elites and powerful people, which is considered as their welfare.

Naturally, it is equipped with the best doctors and the best medical resources.

However, as the giant fell, these welfare departments could not be maintained, and many doctors and experts in them also lost their jobs.

In short, after the giant fell, he left too many legacies.

That gold is just lying there waiting to be discovered, and as long as you go looking for it, you will have a huge harvest.

Qiao Ge wants to make this hospital the best in the country, and also want to build a reputation internationally.

By then we will be able to provide international medical tourism services to foreigners.

Foreigners' money is always easy to make, and the profits are extremely high.

India has the advantage of generic drugs, so of course Qiaogo cannot miss these.

Of course, it is still early to recruit these experts from abroad. It is just a plan. If we really want to get some experts from the Soviet Union, it will probably be enough to support our own wishes. Now we have to wait for it to be done domestically.

"Benny has a hospital, so I also have a TV station." Sia thought to herself after hearing it from the sidelines.

Qiao Ge told her that when the country liberalizes the TV station industry and allows private parties to get involved, she will be put in charge of a TV station. This will be a career for her, and she is looking forward to it now.

The auction is over, and the country has recovered nearly 4000 billion in funds this time.

Qiao Ge sighed secretly in his heart, wondering how long this large sum of money could last.

There are countless moths in the government staring greedily at such a big fat piece of meat.

After returning to Mumbai, Jogo's mind soon turned to the acquisition of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant.

Lawrence's men acted quickly and fiercely, and now public opinion in Trinidad and Tobago about the steel plant had aroused.

The opposition and the public are now beginning to question whether the government colluded with outsiders to sell steel plants at low prices in an attempt to embezzle these state-owned assets.

The government of Trinidad and Tobago naturally issued clarifications, but these clarifications were very weak.

Because the data given by Lawrence's men are all true, and they are very familiar with them, it is too easy to deal with a small country.

Lakshmi gets angry every day recently. You know, he had a good temper before and rarely lost his temper.

But what happened at the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works made him extremely angry.

At first, he thought it was Trinidad and Tobago's opponents who were unwilling to give in, so they wanted to cause trouble for themselves.As he investigated further, he found that things were not that simple.

The ones in Trinidad and Tobago have been excluded.

So who is it?

Who is targeting yourself?
Of course, it may also be aimed at the current ruling party, and he may be an innocent victim affected.

Lakshmi is relatively familiar with the opposition parties in Trinidad and Tobago, and they probably do not have such strength.

Although he has not conducted an in-depth investigation, he feels that the opposition party will at best take this opportunity to attack the ruling party.

Most of the opposition parties don’t know about the people behind it.

An opponent hiding in the dark is sniping at you?
This conclusion made Lakshmi very irritable.

Now I am in the light and the other party is in the dark. This feeling is too uncomfortable.

He knew very well that it was impossible for him to win the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant at a low price.

Now that the true value of the steel plant has been disclosed by the other party, the final battle will basically revolve around the true price.

"Damn it!" Lakshmi's eyes turned red.

For the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works, he was a must-win.

This is an important part of his business expansion plan, and there must be no accidents.

Just because of the extra cost, his heart ached.

I'm afraid I need to prepare at least about [-] million US dollars more to be sure.

Two hundred million US dollars, not Indonesian rupiah.

When he thought of this, he had the desire to kill.

"Check, check for me, we must find out the mastermind behind the scenes!" Lakshmi shouted.

"Boss, I think this matter is still unclear. Maybe it's not as bad as we thought." The assistant whispered.

"Well? What do you think?"

“I was wondering if someone saw that we wanted to buy the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant at a low price, and they also wanted a share of the pie?”

"Asshole, if there is such a guy, if you want a share of the pie, just come to me directly. The worst is, I will be blackmailed by them." Lakshmi said with a gloomy face, "They are now taking away the true value of the steel plant. If it is exposed to the public, it will cost us at least more than 1 million US dollars."

"But the boss, if they also want the steel plant, low prices are also beneficial to them. What good will it do to them if the real price is revealed now? Even if they can win it by then, the price will be even greater. Yes." the assistant said.

"They know very well that I will never give up. If this is the case, the final transaction price will definitely not be low, because we all know the true price of the steel plant." Lakshmi said coldly, "I am more than [-]% sure that it can be done There must be someone who is also interested in the steel plant. Of course, what you said is also possible. Maybe someone will come to us, for example, to blackmail us on the condition that they will not increase the price with us. No matter what it is, you must increase the price The intensity of the investigation requires me to dig out the person, and I want to see who the bastard is!"

No matter which possibility it is, it is a huge loss to him.

The other party's heart is obviously very dark.

Simply unforgivable.

It's a pity that now, he doesn't know anything. This opponent is like a ghost, so they can't get the slightest clue. It's simply outrageous.

Lakshmi did not expect that his opponent was HSBC. Their operational level was naturally extremely high. As long as they were unwilling to be exposed, Lakshmi would definitely not be able to find the real person behind the scenes.

The current Lakshmi is not the steel king in his previous life, and he has not yet received the support of international capital.

So his abilities are still very limited.

"I heard that you were humiliated at a steel industry gathering yesterday?" Qiao Ge asked.

"It's just two bastards, I don't care." Kurosawa replied.

Jogo heard the news, Vinod and Pramod both taunted Kurosawa at the party.

"Boss, they are relying on their closer relationship with the Reliance Group, so they dare to do this." Kurosawa said again.

"I know, they are more or less interested in me." Qiaogo chuckled, "Not long ago, they invested billions in the Ambani Plaza project, and they are having a heated fight with Anil. .”

The Mittal family has really become Anil's lackeys now, charging into battle and performing in various ways.

It was understandable for Qiao Ge that they did this.

After all, the Mittal family is not as good as the Aiyar family in terms of economic wealth, so they must satisfy Reliance Group and Anil in other ways.

I have to say that Mittal's behavior is very disgraceful from his own point of view, but it has still received real benefits for the Mittal family.

At least they have won most of the steel supply share for the Ambani Plaza project. Of course, most of the major companies under the Reliance Group that involve construction steel belong to the Mittal family.

With the Reliance Group as a big backer, the Mittal family has come into contact with many other powerful families, which has expanded their family's power a lot.

No matter which point, Vinod and Pramod both felt confident.

"They thought they had offended the boss, and there was nothing you could do to them, boss, and there was Reliance Group, so they dared to do this," Kurosawa said.

"That's right, I really don't have any good way to deal with them now." Qiao Ge agreed.

"Boss, where's Lakshmi?" Kurosawa asked a little doubtfully.

"That's right, in the domestic steel market, we really have nothing to do with the Mittal family now," said Jogo.

Kurosawa understood what his boss meant. It was indeed difficult to suppress the Mittal family in China.

After all, the boss's steel business has just begun, and such a small steel factory is simply not enough.

"Kurosawa, please make preparations recently and take a few people to Trinidad and Tobago." Jogo said.

(End of this chapter)

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