Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 401 Big Transformation

"Okay boss, I'm always ready, just waiting for your words." Kurosawa's eyes lit up and he immediately said excitedly.

The boss had already told him about dealing with Lakshmi, and he had been waiting for this day to come.

"After we go over there, contact the British. They are the main ones now. You'd better not expose your identity first and wait until the steel plant is captured." Qiao Ge said.

"Boss, I understand." Kurosawa replied.

This time, Jogo purchased the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant in the name of a British company. The new company was called Trinidad Investment Company.

Again, foreign-funded companies, especially companies from developed countries, have an advantage in these acquisitions.

Unless Trinidad and Tobago says this takeover is prohibited to foreign companies.

But do they dare to introduce such a policy?

Even if it is introduced, Trinidad and Tobago has also registered a company.

HSBC will handle all these aspects well, so you don’t have to worry at all.

They are indeed professional when it comes to getting paid to do things.

So just let them know that the company they intend to acquire this time is foreign-owned and a British company.

Of course, this news has not been leaked yet, but Lakshmi will soon know who his opponent is.

I don’t know how he will react when he finds out it’s a company from the UK.

"I really want to see the frustrated look on the Mittal family's face after we succeed." Kurosawa said with a smile.

"It may not all be a depressed look," Jogo said. "Vinod and Pramod might be gloating about their misfortune."

Kurosawa was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "Yes, boss, you are absolutely right, the relationship between the three brothers is not very good. The two of them were jealous of Lakshmi, and when Lakshmi failed, they I will indeed be secretly happy.”

He is still aware of this struggle for power in the family.

What can't you do for your own selfish gain?

Just being secretly happy is nothing.

Of course Kurosawa would be happy to see such a scene, it would be best if brothers kill each other.

Maybe they would collapse on their own without taking action from their own side.

There are too many examples of this.

Lakshmi's contract at the Trinidad and Tobago Steelworks expires at the end of June, with just over three months to go.

It's almost the last time.

Qiao Ge must not be careless.

Although there are people from HSBC operating the operation, he still hopes that there are people on his side.

In the future, foreign steel companies will put Kurosawa in charge, so there is no problem in letting him go there first to get familiar with them.

After arranging his own affairs, Qiaogo held an internal meeting at the Gupta Grain and Oil Group.

Yasi and the others were present as shareholders. Below the group, General Manager of the Edible Oil Company, Jena, and General Manager of the Grain Company, Rekha Chatterjee, obviously attracted much attention.

Of course, there is no need to say Jena, because of him, the Sitharaman family has integrated into the Qiaogo group.

Although it was a surprise that the Sitharaman family was defeated by Qiaogo before, Rab's merging of the family company made countless people call it outrageous.

We were enemies and rivals one day and now we are collaborators?
In fact, this kind of thing is not impossible. The main reason is that the Sitharaman family has been prosperous for so many years.

If it merges with Qiaogo, it can only be a small, minority shareholder. The Sitharaman family actually agreed.

And it suddenly changed its camp, switching from the Reliance Group to the arms of Qiao Ge.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Qiaogo and the Reliance Group are actually not dealt with.

In particular, Anil's square project often appears in newspapers, just to compete with Qiaogo.

So it is indeed surprising that Sitharaman switched to another side.

Before the merger of Sitharaman Edible Oil Company, they had liquidated all the shares held by the Aiyar family, Deliha and others.

Otherwise, how could Qiaogo integrate them into this group?

Rekha Chatterjee, formerly the general manager of Pandit Grain Company.

He is not from the Pandit family, he is a professional manager.

There is no doubt about his ability. Without him, the Pandit family would not be able to maintain its current size.

It was precisely because he was not from the Pandit family that the old patriarch called Huida back.

Otherwise, with such a powerful figure in the family, there would be no need for Huaida to come back.

For Rekha, taking charge of Gupta Grain Company this time felt like a dream.

Managing Pandit Grain Company was already an amazing achievement before, but now the assets under his management have increased more than ten times.

Of course, while I was excited, I also admired my new boss.

In just a few years, going from millions in debt to this level is nothing short of a miracle.

Rekha is full of fighting spirit now, and his platform is larger, which allows him to better display his talents.

In the past, he was ambitious and wanted to counterattack the Aiyar family. Unfortunately, the Pandit family was not strong enough. He could only stabilize the existing market share. As for the rest, he was really powerless.That's different now.

Even if Eyal Grain Company is listed, he will be worthy of it.

But the meeting left him a bit disappointed.

He thought his boss would let him make a big move in the grain market.

Unexpectedly, the boss intends to slow down his attack on the grain market.

"Reka, our next focus in the grain industry is to integrate our existing resources, including land and suppliers, and lay a solid foundation." Qiaogo looked at Reka and said, "Employees of the two new state-owned companies bidding We must keep a close eye on them. If there are really troublemakers, contact the government in time and tell them to get out."

"Yes, boss, don't worry." Reka said immediately.

He knew that his boss had already established relations with the government.

Although in this auction, the government requires that employees under the company's name cannot be fired, but now, it is possible to fire them if they want. You can find various excuses and use other means.

"Now that our company has a lot of land under its name, we must pay attention to the water conservancy facilities within the land. Only a small part of our land has just been renovated, and the water conservancy facilities on most of the land are very backward or even damaged. Once there is a flood or drought, Grain production will be greatly affected. The same is true for the original land of the Pandit family, and the water conservancy facilities are completely insufficient." Qiao Ge said and glanced at Huida.

"Ahem, yes, the family has been negligent in this regard in the past. Reka once mentioned it, but the family felt that it had invested a lot of money and the results were not so fast, so they didn't take it seriously." Huaida said a little embarrassed. .

This matter actually has nothing to do with him. After all, it happened before he took office.

But now that he is the talker of the Pandit family, he naturally has to shoulder the responsibility for the family.

Besides, Qiao Ge didn't say that there was anything wrong with asking his family to pay for the renovation of water conservancy facilities.

"The same is true for the land on your side of Jena, including the original lands of the Sitharaman family." Jogo looked at Jena and Rab again and said.

This made Rab a little embarrassed.

To be honest, in the past few years, their main focus was on expanding market share and suppressing their opponents.

I really don’t pay much attention to the water conservancy facilities on the land under my name.

These water conservancy facilities have not been updated or renovated in countless years.

Even if it is a renovation, it is only a small repair and repair, which can last for half a year and a few months, but it will soon stop working, and as time goes by, I will not bother to care about it.

“This time, the land for both grain and edible oil is all planned in a unified way,” Qiaogo said. “Although the one-time investment is a lot of money, I believe that the future harvest will be enough to cover these costs.”

"Qiao Ge, how much will it cost to renovate the water conservancy facilities?" Yas asked curiously.

"I asked someone to make a budget," Jogo said.

Hu Di immediately took a stack of documents and put them down one by one.

"The renovation needs to be divided into two phases, with a total investment of no less than 500 billion, of which the first phase will cost at least 300 billion." Qiao Ge said.

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath when they heard Qiao Ge's words.

500 billion.

The results of investment in these water conservancy facilities are not so intuitive.

If you invest in other aspects, such as acquiring other companies or something, you can see at a glance that the company's assets have grown.

It is precisely because of this that everyone does not pay much attention to water conservancy facilities.

Agriculture in India now basically depends on the weather. In fact, in the past life, there was almost no big change.

If the weather is good, the output will definitely be good.

If there are several disasters, it is possible that production will be reduced or even no harvest.

Those so-called water conservancy facilities have been in use for who knows how many years, and they are in tatters and are completely unfit for use.

The Pandit and Sitharaman families don't care much about water conservancy facilities, let alone other companies.

The government has funds for the repair and renovation of water conservancy facilities every year, but when it comes down to it, how much is left?

One can imagine the quality of those water conservancy facilities and they are of little use.

"Is it too much?" Lupa asked.

"How much?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Not much at all. I asked specialized people to do research. If we invest on this scale, the output on our land can increase by more than 20%."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

They are no strangers to agriculture now. Even if they didn't know it before, they have acquired a lot of knowledge about agriculture because of the establishment of the Gupta Grain and Oil Group.

Nowadays, the land under the name of the group company is very large, and the output has increased by 20%, which is a huge number.

"This is still a conservative estimate, and an increase of 30% is not impossible." Qiao Ge was very satisfied with everyone's response. "Once the water conservancy facilities are completed, we can't say it will be done once and for all, at least it will not be used for a long period of time." We are too worried that the climate will have a major impact on crops. This can keep our output stable and almost every year can be more than 20% more than now. Think about it, is 500 billion investment a lot?"

Lupa couldn't help but screamed: "In this case, we should be able to recover the cost of water conservancy investment in five or six years, right? And this large-scale transformation should take more than ten years, right?"

"It's not just ten years. I've seen the plan above. With such quality and scale, as long as you pay attention to maintenance, there will be no problem in using these water conservancy facilities for 20 years. Even if there are any problems, the next step will not be major repairs, just minor repairs." You can probably continue with some repairs," Hebiza said.

Everyone agreed.

In India, less than half of the farmland can be irrigated, and most of this irrigation is very primitive, relying on direct irrigation such as rivers.

Rivers are very affected by precipitation. One bad thing is floods or droughts.

The water conservancy facilities in Qiaogo include the construction of many reservoirs and other water storage facilities, as well as the construction of various canals, etc., to ensure the irrigation effect. (End of chapter)

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