Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 402 Purchase price of US$23 billion

Chapter 402 Purchase price of US$2.3 billion
"In addition to water conservancy facilities, I have asked people to increase research on selective breeding and other aspects, striving to cultivate new varieties with higher yields, as well as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. I have also recruited people to do research in this area." Jogo said.

These activities in Qiaogo actually started a long time ago, when we were engaged in organic farming.

Chemical fertilizers are clearly one of the most important factors in increasing agricultural crop yields.

"Brother Qiaogo, these shouldn't be successful so soon, right?" Lupa asked.

These are all scientific research, and getting results does not happen overnight.

"It's not as slow as you think." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "The main reason is that our agricultural starting point is too low. A slight improvement can significantly increase the output. Take our domestic rice output as an example. The yield per hectare is less than half that of Huaxia.”

This is still the current stage. In the previous life, China's rice industry developed rapidly, while India's rice industry basically had no development. It still relied on the sky for food.
Therefore, the output of the same area can vary by 3 times.

"The starting point is indeed too low." Yas and others sighed.

They also know the data, which is included in the information Hudi gave them.

There are domestic and foreign data. Comparing them makes it very clear.

"Of course, this research is long-term and needs continuous improvement. I believe our unit output will be higher in the future." Qiao Ge said.

"Yes, that's good. Then our cost will be much less than that of the Aiyar family." Hebicha said with a smile.

"In addition to these, we also need to increase the scale of mechanization." Qiaogo said, "I am planning to invest 200 billion in these areas in advance."

"Does this mean greater investment is needed in the later stage?" Yas asked.

"No, in the later stage, we should import some advanced machinery and equipment from abroad, and the quantity should not be large." Qiaogo said, "The country is now tight on foreign exchange, so we will not consider foreign machines for the time being. I hope that half of the land can be mechanized."

"Half?" Norma asked a little puzzled, "Why not all? Although it is a lot of investment, I think it should still be cost-effective. That kind of machine is simply too fast, almost one against ten, no , can be worth hundreds of people. Those guys have no vision. They think machines are expensive and labor is cheap. But labor is cheap, so how can the efficiency be as good as that of machines?"

Most of the people here think so.

The funds in the company's account are still very sufficient. Since Qiao Ge doesn't have much expansion plans now, and mainly focuses on digesting, transforming and upgrading the existing land, why not do it in one step?

"If all machines are used, we won't be able to hire many employees." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "We can't just think about ourselves, we also have to think about employment issues for the government."

After hearing this, everyone immediately understood.

Especially Yasi, Huida, etc., they are still very sensitive to politics.

"Let's do it like this." Huaida smiled.

Mechanization can reduce costs, but if it is all mechanization and there are very few labor recruits, the impact will not be that great.

"Brother, according to our plan, do you think we can double our food production?" Lupa asked.

"What do you think?" Qiao Ge stared at him and asked with a smile.

Everyone burst out laughing.

If the multi-pronged approach cannot be doubled, wouldn’t it be a failure?

Of course, everyone knows that the starting point of domestic agricultural output is too low, so doubling it is still easy.

When production increases in the future, it will be difficult to double it.

However, even so, they will already have a leading position in dealing with the Aiyar family in the future.

"I believe that our temporary rest is for better development in the future." Qiaogo added, "Of course, the suppliers must also pay attention to the Aiyar family's efforts."

"Boss, please don't worry." Reka smiled.

He could imagine that in one or two years, after this plan is completed, the Gupta Grain and Oils Group Company will appear in front of the world with an astonishing appearance.

The Eyal family?
Still want to fight with yourself?

The vision is completely different from that of the boss.

When the time comes, the yield per acre of our side is one or two times that of the Aiyar family, how can they fight?
Technology, this is really important.

Rekha made a mental note.

These were things he didn't pay much attention to before.

But he can't be blamed either.

There is no support for water conservancy renovation, let alone these.

But the boss is different. No one dares to object to his words, so this matter can be pushed aside.

He believed that from the Aiyar family, even if Kehas wanted to promote it like this, he probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Someone in their family would certainly object, just as the Pandits thought at the time.

I don't think these are necessary.

The actions of the Gupta Grain and Oil Group were naturally noticed by the Aiyar family.

For example, the renovation of water conservancy facilities is so big that it cannot be hidden from people.

In response to Qiaogo's actions, Khas immediately convened a meeting with the company's main personnel.

Everyone knows the purpose of transforming water conservancy facilities, which is to serve agricultural production.When Kehas proposed to renovate and repair the water conservancy facilities within the land owned by the company, he was opposed by the vast majority of people.

"Have you guys ever gone to see the fields? All the canals are blocked, and more than [-]% of them are unusable. How long will it take if we don't improve them?" Kehas said solemnly.

"Clan leader, these investments are too big and unnecessary."

"Yes, I heard that Qiao Ge has invested tens of billions."

"It's 500 billion."

Everyone exclaimed when they heard this number.

So much money ended up being turned into canals and reservoirs. What’s the use?

With this kind of money, it would be better to buy a few more pieces of land.

"Actually, I agree with your proposal. Water conservancy facilities are very important for agricultural production, but if we want to fully roll it out, do we have the funds?" Anil looked at Kehas and asked.

Kehas sighed.

This auction has almost exhausted the funds raised. The remaining 50 billion has to maintain the company's operations. How much can be used to improve water conservancy facilities?
"If we wait until the water conservancy facilities in Qiaogo are renovated, they will have too much advantage over us, right?" Khas said, "I am sure that I can continue to fight with him for a long time, but this long-term requires a long-term Consideration. If our production is not as good as that of the other party, one or two years may not be a big deal, but what if it is five or ten years? How big should the gap be?"

"I understand your thinking." Anil added, "But our funds are indeed tight now. So we will shelve this matter for the time being and wait until funds are abundant in the next few years to proceed. You also said, this is It’s a long-term process, even if we are one or two years later than them, the impact will not be that obvious.”

Anil's words were agreed by most people.

Although most of them do not want to invest in water conservancy facilities, Qiaogo's investment is so large. If they do nothing, the gap will indeed widen.

As for Qiaogo's research on seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, they didn't notice it for a while.

Because these were originally used in organic agriculture, Qiao Ge had already conducted research on them, so they didn’t think much about it.

Even if they thought of it, investing in this aspect would be even more impossible for them.

"We won so many companies this time, and that kid was completely defeated." Seeing that everyone's mood was not high, someone said.

These words immediately put everyone present in a good mood.

Even Kejash and Anil’s faces improved.

"You have to protect the people around that kid and don't expose them." Anil found an opportunity and whispered to Kehas.

In their opinion, they were able to win so many companies this time because they knew the details of Qiao Ge's side in advance, otherwise it would not have been so smooth.

"Don't worry, the value of such a person can be worth tens of billions." Khas replied.

This is definitely his baby bump, so naturally he has to be protected as a treasure.

As for the reward, of course it will not be less, so that the other party can continue to do things for you.

This reward is just a drop in the bucket compared to the income I get here.

While Jogo was still busy planning the future of Gupta Grain and Oil Company, Lakshmi finally got the news.

"British?" Lakshmi's face changed after hearing this from her assistant.

"Yes, boss, it is a company called Trinidad and Tobago Investment Company. They also want to acquire the steel plant. They have made an acquisition intention to the government of Trinidad and Tobago. The purchase price they have given is US$2.3 million."

"Asshole." Lakshmi made a fist with her right hand and slammed it on the desk.


"It's okay!" Lakshmi took a deep breath and said.

He sat on the chair and pondered for a while and said: "How much do you know about this Trinidad and Tobago investment company?"

"I have some understanding. After I got the news, I immediately sent people to the UK to investigate. This company was just established, only three months ago." The assistant said, "However, I could not find the specific controller behind it. , I only heard that it seems to be related to HSBC. Boss, the other party has a lot of background, we~~"

HSBC was involved, which made the assistant very uneasy.

My boss wanted to compete with HSBC, but he just tried to beat the odds.

"HSBC?" Lakshmi whispered, "How could they like this small steel factory?"

From the perspective of HSBC, Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works is indeed a small company.

"Do you think it's someone related to HSBC who wants to blackmail us?" Lakshmi asked.

This statement made the assistant stunned for a moment, and he quickly said: "Boss, what you said is still possible. The news that we want to win the steel plant at a low price must have been known to some British people. They know about steel." The true value of the steel plant, so I got involved. But there is still one doubt. If they are just extorting, they can come to us directly, why do they need to reveal the true value of the steel plant? It increases our acquisitions Cost, even if they say they don’t want to compete, the benefits we provide will definitely be greatly reduced.”

"Yes." Lakshmi sighed, "What a contradiction. Thinking about it this way, the other party really has ideas about the steel plant. They want to take over the steel plant."

The assistant did not dare to speak out. It was too difficult to compete with HSBC.

"They have people in Trinidad and Tobago, right?" Lakshmi asked.

"Yes, boss," the assistant replied, "They are now in contact with the government."

"You make arrangements, I want to go to Trinidad and Tobago in person. I want to meet them." Lakshmi said.

(End of this chapter)

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