Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 403: US$3 million is a bit dangerous

Chapter 403: US$3 million is a bit dangerous

Instead of thinking wildly here, it would be better to meet the other party directly and figure everything out.

But before going to Trinidad and Tobago, Lakshmi felt she had to make some preparations.

That is to prepare for the worst.

Once the other party really wants to compete with you for the steel plant, then you must have enough funds.

Even if the other party has a relationship with HSBC, they must have a psychological maximum price.

As long as I can beat them in terms of price, I believe I still have a chance to win the steel plant.

The next step is to mortgage some of your assets and get as many dollars as possible. This is very important.

Originally, he had prepared 2.5 million US dollars, but now it seems that it is still not enough. At least tens of millions more US dollars are needed.

It's not easy to get U.S. dollars these days, but he has been operating in Indonesia for so many years and has sold a lot of steel products abroad, so he has many channels to transfer U.S. dollars.

Ten days later, Lakshmi showed up in Trinidad and Tobago.

The people at HSBC Consulting did not hide their tracks.

No need.

Because they went to find someone from the government, it was certain that Lakshmi would find out.

After all, Lakshmi has too many informants in the Trinidad and Tobago government.

Lakshmi found Joseph Clooney.

Joseph, from HSBC Consulting, was the person in charge of the acquisition of Trinidad and Tobago Steel.

Joseph did not refuse Lakshmi's visit.

"Mr. Clooney, I wonder if you really want to buy the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, or do you have other ideas?" After the two parties introduced themselves, Lakshmi asked directly.

"Of course it's for the steel plant." Joseph smiled, "We know Mr. Mittal that you are also interested in this steel plant. Why don't you make an offer and what conditions would you be willing to withdraw from."

These words made Lakshmi raise her brows and her heart became filled with anger.

This guy is hateful. Shouldn't he be the one who said this?

Knowing that he is bound to win the steel plant, he still dares to say such words, which is a naked provocation.

"This should be what I want to say, how much money are you willing to quit?" Lakshmi said in a deep voice.

As a successful businessman, you can still control your emotions and won't lose your temper now.

He still hopes that this is the other party's tactic to bargain with him. Even if the other party's lion opens his mouth, as long as he can accept it, he is still willing to satisfy him.

All he wants now is the steel plant.

For this steel plant, he devoted many years of hard work.

How could he be willing to give it to someone else?

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, Mr. Mittal. We are very optimistic about the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant. We don't want to give up on this company." Joseph chuckled.

"As far as I know, Mr. Clooney, you should be from the consulting company under HSBC. You should not come directly to acquire the steel plant. So who wants this steel plant? Can I talk to them directly? Talk, maybe I can give them a price that satisfies them?" Lakshmi frowned.

He also did a lot of research on Joseph Clooney's identity and knew his identity.

These consulting companies are unlikely to buy steel plants directly. They usually act as intermediaries, which means that the real buyers are behind them.

So he still wanted to fight for it, hoping to negotiate business with the real buyers behind them.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Mittal, our guest's request is very simple, that is, let us help him buy the steel plant." Joseph still smiled.

Lakshmi turned pale and left.

He knew the other party's determination and really wanted the steel factory.

After Lakshmi left, Kurosawa came out.

"Mr. Clooney, will they do anything?" Kurosawa asked.

"Mr. Parva, don't worry, we have every move they make." Clooney smiled. "Even if he goes to the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, we can get the exact information as soon as possible." news."

"Then I'll be relieved." Kurosawa smiled.

He has been in Trinidad and Tobago for a while and has seen the capabilities of Clooney's team.

Many people in the government have been captured. As expected of the financial power of the old empire, it is indeed powerful. It is a real dimensionality reduction blow to a small country like Trinidad and Tobago.

Moreover, Trinidad and Tobago is still a member of the Commonwealth, so the relationship is even more subtle, making Clooney and the others feel at home here.

Back at his residence, Lakshmi threw various things hard, and there was really no way to release the anger in his heart.

His assistant stood aside and did not dare to say a word.

"Who is it?" Lakshmi's face was gloomy.

Now we know that it is a consulting company from HSBC, but this is not enough.

The real buyer behind the scenes remains unclear.

Unfortunately, Clooney's confidentiality company was so good that he couldn't find out.

He knows this very well, even for big companies like HSBC.

As long as they want to keep it confidential, they will not be able to find out those customer information anyway.

After all, HSBC’s reputation is at stake. "Boss, no matter who it is, the other party obviously doesn't want to give in at the moment, so we will have to rely on price to win." The assistant said, "The price will be much higher. Our 3 million capital is probably~~~"

Now depending on the other party’s attitude, even the US$3 million on our side may not be enough.

These days, my boss has raised another US$5000 million, bringing the total funding to US$3 million.

I originally thought that 3 million US dollars should be enough, but when I met the other party just now, his uncompromising attitude made the assistant feel a little guilty.

Of course Lakshmi is also aware of this problem. US$3 million is a bit dangerous.

You have to think of other ways. If it really comes to the bidding stage, you will be at a huge disadvantage.

The other party has the backing of HSBC, so it will definitely surpass itself in terms of funds.

The private residence of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago.

"You mean early trade?"

"Yes, at a price of US$2.3 million." Lakshmi said, looking at the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago.

"My dear brother, this is not in compliance with the regulations. The time stipulated in the contract has not yet come, and there is still a company that wants to acquire..."

"I have the right of first refusal. Didn't they offer US$2.3 million? I'm the same as him. I should be the one to acquire it," Lakshmi said.

"No, no, no, brother Lakshmi, you are making me very embarrassed. Even if I agree, others may still have objections~~~"

"I'll offer another $1000 million," Lakshmi interrupted.

"I understand your feelings. I'm afraid the steel factory will also have objections."

"$1500 million."

"To tell you the truth, they have won over many people in the government..."

"2000 million US dollars." Lakshmi said solemnly, "We have been friends for many years."

Feeling Lakshmi's anger, the other party couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother, don't think too much, I am also thinking about you. Don't worry, I will help you settle the rest. When will you sign the contract?"

"Now!" said Lakshmi.


Lakshmi snapped his fingers, and the two bodyguards behind him immediately placed the four large black suitcases in their hands between them.

The box opened with a click, and stacks of dollars lay neatly inside.

"Five million dollars per box." Lakshmi said calmly.

The person opposite was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lakshmi to bring so many US dollars.

When they came in, of course his bodyguard checked their things and knew they contained US dollars, but he didn't know the amount.

He couldn't help but look at the bodyguards behind Lakshmi, and another bodyguard was holding a box in his hand.

Does it mean that Lakshmi originally prepared US$2500 million?
I made a mistake. I was a little anxious just now. I could have waited a little longer. Then even if Lakshmi didn't add another 500 million US dollars, she still had to add a few million US dollars. I lost, I lost several million US dollars. .

However, he quickly adjusted his mood. The benefits of this transaction of 2000 million US dollars were of course far beyond his expectations.

Although it is impossible for him to swallow all of the 2000 million U.S. dollars and share it with others, otherwise the matter will not be settled, he can still get 1000 million U.S. dollars from it.

He now has to thank the British group. If they hadn't put pressure on Lakshmi, he would have received up to 500 million US dollars.

Of course, he also knew that the British were very capable and not easy to offend, but compared to the 2000 million US dollars in benefits in front of him, he didn't care.

"It's definitely not possible now. Brother, you come to the Prime Minister's Office tomorrow afternoon. I will convene an internal government meeting tomorrow morning to pass the steel plant sale."

"Okay, then tomorrow afternoon." Lakshmi did not press any further, "Actually, I can transfer US dollars directly to your account abroad."

"This is good, cash is good."

Lakshmi watched the other man caressing the dollars in the boxes as if they were naked blondes, and that look was disgusting.

However, he smiled on the surface and took his leave.

No longer interrupt the other party's exchange with dollars.

On the afternoon of the next day, April 4, Lakshmi signed a sale agreement for the steel plant with the Trinidad and Tobago government.

If according to the lease contract, there are still two months until expiration.

In other words, the transaction was completed two months in advance.

It’s just that the government has passed it, so what else can we say?
The agreement stipulates that the Trinidad and Tobago steel plant will be sold for US$2.3 million. The buyer must pay a deposit of US$5000 million and the balance must be paid within a week.

That night, Kurosawa got the news.

Lakshmi actually acted against common sense, which was so surprising.

My boss told me many times that the steel plant must be taken down. I didn't expect to encounter this situation. I was too careless.

He immediately sent a telegram to the country, and after reporting the news here, he quickly went to find Joseph.

Hudi was shocked after receiving the telegram.

Regarding the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, he knew that his boss took it very seriously.

So he didn't care whether he would disturb his boss in the middle of the night and called directly.

(End of this chapter)

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