Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 404 Confiscation of Assets

Tonight, Qiao Ge was in Xili Daiyu's bed.

After receiving Hudi's call, his expression changed.

Xili Daiyu noticed the change in Qiao Ge's expression and knew that something big had happened. She couldn't help but hold her breath for fear of disturbing Qiao Ge.

"Don't worry, I believe the British can handle it." Qiaogo thought for a while and replied.

"But boss, they have all signed a sales contract." Hudi said.

"Don't worry, believe them." Qiao Ge said with a faint smile.

"Brother, what's the trouble?" Xili Daiyu couldn't help but asked in a low voice after seeing Qiao Ge hang up the phone.

"Don't worry, it's trivial things, Hudi just makes a fuss." Qiao Ge laughed.

"I'm sorry, sister can't help you with anything." Xili Daiyu whispered. She didn't think it was such a small thing that Hu Di would call and report in the middle of the night.

"Haha, sister, don't worry about these things. This is a man's business." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "It's still early, let's do some things between men and women..."

Qiao Ge really wasn’t too worried.

He believed in the abilities of those at HSBC.

Even if they can't do it, they still have backup on their side.

Yuri's colleagues have obtained a lot of dirty information about those in the government. With this evidence in hand, if it is exposed, it will be enough to shake the political scene of Trinidad and Tobago.

Moreover, Qiao Ge felt that with the skills of those guys at HSBC, they should be able to get these dirty materials.

So he didn't think about it too much. There were more important things to do now.

"Mr. Parva, please be patient!" After hearing Kurosawa's words, Joseph smiled slightly and handed him a pipe, "I already know about this."

"How to solve it? They have signed the contract." Kurosawa was still in the mood to smoke and waved his hand.
Joseph smiled, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and leisurely exhaled a cloud of white smoke.

"Once the contract is signed, it can be voided!"

Kurosawa was stunned for a moment.

Seeing that Kurosawa didn't seem to react, Joseph couldn't help but explain: "We can invalidate this contract! For example, the government determines that this contract was signed in violation of regulations."

"The contract they just signed was invalidated, you mean?" A terrible thought suddenly flashed through Kurosawa's mind.

He used to just run a company and was not that sensitive politically.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything.

Especially what Joseph just said was very direct.

"Interfering with the government?" Kurosawa asked what was in his heart.

"Interfering in other countries' internal affairs?" Joseph shook his head hurriedly, "We can't do such a thing. We just invite the opposition to come to power and ask the new government to provide us with justice. How can such an obviously illegal decision be made?"

Kurosawa was suddenly speechless.

I thought that Joseph might put some pressure on the top government officials to change their minds.

But he never thought that Joseph's words shocked him even more.

You can't interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Can you just invite the opposition to come to power?

Isn’t this subverting the existing government?

The nature is several dozen times worse than what he thought, right?

"Don't worry, this has nothing to do with us." Joseph smiled, "We are just giving them some evidence. What does the rest have to do with us? This is their internal matter."

Kurosawa didn't know what to say.

However, the other party's method can indeed completely solve this problem.

Otherwise, this contract agreement was signed by the current government, how could they withdraw it?

It is obvious that Lakshmi has done a lot of work and those high-level government officials have obviously been bribed.

They are unlikely to be on their side.

Kurosawa returned to his residence uneasy.

He still thought what these British people were doing was crazy.

But he soon got a telegram from Hudi, which contained instructions from his boss.

Believe the British?
Kurosawa felt more at ease now.

Then just wait a few days.

The next day, newspapers in Trinidad and Tobago published reports that the government illegally sold steel companies at low prices and blatantly provided benefits to foreigners.

The opposition moved quickly and immediately launched an attack.

Organize public demonstrations to ask the current government to step down, etc.

After all, the violation this time is very obvious. The fact that the steel plant was sold before the lease contract expired is an undeniable fact.

As for selling at a low price, in fact, US$2.3 million is not considered a low price and is almost in line with the true price of the steel plant.

But now the public is preconceived, because the illegal online sale was carried out before the lease period expired, and they have every reason to believe that there is definitely a shady story.

There is also the opposition propaganda that the leasing fee of the steel plant is too low and that the government is delivering benefits to foreigners.

In fact, this really unfairly accuses the ruling party.

Considering that the steel factory suffered huge losses back then, it would actually be good to rent out the factory and generate rental income every year.

Now the steel plant has turned a profit, and that is also due to Lakshmi.

Therefore, the current income of the steel plant cannot be compared with the rent. Compared with the loss situation of the steel plant at that time, the rent is quite reasonable. It can even be said that Lakshmi even gave in.

At that time, whoever took over was taking huge risks.

Once Lakshmi fails to revitalize the steel plant, he will be the one to lose.Of course the opposition understands this, but for political needs, they confuse concepts on this. People's emotions have been aroused, and they don't care what the situation was in the steel plant before.

Look at the current annual revenue of the steel plant, and how much is the rent?

Isn't this a cheap sale, no, a cheap rent?

The facts are solid and cannot be denied.

As a result, the people were furious and the opposition became fierce.

Then it was revealed that the prime minister and his cronies received $2000 million in benefits from Lakshmi before selling the steel plant for $2.3 million.

You should know that there is a foreign company that also wants to acquire the steel plant and is prepared to invest US$2.5 million. Unfortunately, it is ignored by the government.

This behavior of selling state-owned assets at a low price cannot be justified.

Moreover, Lakshmi's various gifts of money and benefits were all exposed and listed in detail in the newspapers.

For example, there are photos of when and how much a certain senior official collected.

Afterwards, a close confidant of the Prime Minister came forward and revealed that he was forced to do so, while also admitting that this was indeed the case...

After Kurosawa saw the newspaper report, he was secretly amazed. This British man is really powerful.

He didn't believe that the British were not involved. How could they really rely on the opposition to achieve this?
Obviously impossible.

The one who has this ability is not the opposition, but the ruling party.

It should be Joseph and others who gave the opposition guidance and all kinds of support.

For example, instigate some people from the ruling party.

So, after a month of turmoil over this matter, on May 5, the opposition successfully came to power in the face of public expectations.

The first thing the new Prime Minister did after taking office was to comply with public opinion and immediately terminate the sale of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant and launch an investigation into whether there were any irregularities.

The steel plant actually stopped the transaction after the news broke.

Even after the contract is signed, there are still some procedures that the government has not yet had time to complete.

Even if it is handled, the new government will not recognize this illegal transaction.

Under investigation, of course, countless wrongdoings were discovered.

For example, the steel factory has concealed its finances and output, evaded taxes, etc.

In short, the steel plant has major problems.

Because these problems were covered up by the previous government, of course they were nothing to worry about.

It is different now.

Therefore, the new government fined Lakshmi and asked him to pay back taxes and other losses totaling US$1.5 million over the years.

How could Lakshmi accept the penalty.

He demanded that the $5000 million deposit previously paid be returned, and he could then compete fairly with other companies to acquire steel plants.

How could the newly elected government agree to return the deposit?

The US$5000 million is treated as a fine, so there is still a shortfall of US$1 million.

If they fail to pay, the country will have the right to deport them and confiscate their assets in Trinidad and Tobago as a fine.

Refund more and make up less.

It’s very interesting to have more refunds and less supplements.

There are actually many assets in the steel plant that belong to Lakshmi, especially the new equipment he introduced in the past few years.

The new government is targeting these assets.

These assets should be worth more than 1 million U.S. dollars, but it will be up to the government to decide how much they will be valued at that time.

Kurosawa took a long breath, feeling relieved.

This was obviously Joseph's instruction to keep the steel plant intact.

No, this should also be what the boss meant.

If the boss buys the steel plant and Lakshmi moves the new equipment, wouldn't it be troublesome?

Although the boss can purchase new equipment, there is no telling how much time will be wasted from ordering to arrival, installation, etc. Time is money.

"These British people are really cruel." Kurosawa thought to himself.

But this time they are on their side. What if an opponent looks for these guys in the future?
It seems that I need to study more and improve myself.

Next, I will be responsible for the company's operations abroad, so I must integrate with international standards, otherwise I will suffer big losses.

Lakshmi naturally protested, but unfortunately the political scene in Trinidad and Tobago has changed.

The network of relationships he had worked so hard to cultivate over the years suddenly evaporated.

Not even his assets in the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works could be saved, which was driving him crazy.

His assets in the steel plant are worth more than $[-] million.

But now that the Trinidad and Tobago government wants to deal with itself, these assets are destined to be sold at a low price.

Right now, he couldn't find anyone to help him.

Even if there are still some people in the government department, those people avoid themselves.

In fact, he knew very well that even looking for these people would be useless.

These people's status is too low to play any role.

Because of their high status, almost all those who held important positions were purged and replaced. (End of chapter)

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