Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 405: Kidnapping the Country

It turned out that Lakshmi failed to pull back the steel plant equipment.

According to various valuations by the government, Lakshmi's assets in Trinidad and Tobago total more than 9000 million US dollars.

It's not just the equipment that belongs to him at the steel plant, but also some real estate, land, etc.

More than US$9000 million is all included.

In the end, the government still owed $1000 million.

Seeing that the situation was over, Lakshmi flew out of Trinidad and Tobago early.

If this were delayed, I'm afraid it would be impounded.

If he doesn't make up the $1000 million by then, he might still be jailed.

Half a month later, Trinidad and Tobago Investment Company acquired the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant for a purchase price of US$3 million.

Of course, this is because all the equipment owned by Lakshmi is included, otherwise the state-owned assets belonging to Trinidad and Tobago would actually be around US$2.5 million.

All in all, Joseph helped Qiaogo save a lot of money in this matter, more than 5000 million US dollars.

After all, Lakshmi's equipment is worth $1 million.

After the steel plant was taken over, it was renamed Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, and the general manager of the plant was Kurosawa.

"Asshole, that guy Moore was really poached by them?" Lakshmi was furious.

His business in Trinidad and Tobago suffered huge losses.

The deposit of US$5000 million was withheld. Including the equipment, real estate, land, etc., the total loss was nearly US$2 million.

It can be said that I have lost almost all the money I made in Trinidad and Tobago over the years.

Does this mean that his work in Trinidad and Tobago was in vain, and he ended up with nothing in return?

What saddened him the most was the loss of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, which was an important part of the expansion of his steel territory and was cut off in this way.

The blow was too big.

But facing the offensive from HSBC, he had no power to fight back.

He underestimated his opponents and overestimated the capabilities of those in the previous Trinidad and Tobago government.

I did not expect that the government relationship network that I had worked so hard to build and maintain for so many years would be so vulnerable.

Now the assistant told himself that a dozen managers at the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works had not been withdrawn on time.

They chose to stay at the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works.

Lakshmi is still a little disappointed that these management chose to stay. After all, these people have good abilities and are skilled in business.

But these were not what made him most angry. The thing that made him furious was that Mur Saxena also stayed.

Moore masters direct reduced iron technology and is one of his true core technical talents.

I think highly of him and give him the best treatment.

Unexpectedly, he was poached by the other party.

He actually betrayed himself!

"Where is his family? Doesn't he care about his family at home?" Lakshmi said, suppressing the anger in her heart.

"Boss, I just contacted China. Moore's family has now resigned from the steel factory," the assistant said.

"Resigning, we can't just let it go." Lakshmi said with a ferocious expression, "Do they think it's enough to resign and leave? Find someone~~"

"Boss, they have now joined the Gupta Steel Plant." Of course the assistant understood what his boss wanted to do.

It is okay to find someone to cause trouble for the Moore family, or various accidents, serious injuries or deaths.

"I don't care what steel plant they join!" Lakshmi said angrily.

But he was quickly stunned: "What steel plant?"

“Gupta Steel Plant!”

"Jogo Gupta's steel factory?" Lakshmi suddenly had a bad idea in her mind.

"Yes." The assistant sighed, "There is also the latest news from the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant. After the steel plant was acquired, it was renamed Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant. The general manager is Kurosawa Pagoda. Erva!”

"Blackpool Parva?" Lakshmi murmured, "This name seems a bit familiar."

"He used to work for Tata Steel, but later he went out on his own to establish Parva Steel..."

Before the assistant could finish the introduction, Lakshmi came to his senses: "Didn't he say that he defected to Jogo and was in charge of the Gupta Steel Plant?"

Of course he knew about the family's acquisition of the Opalva Steel Plant.

Because his two younger brothers had contacted him specifically about this matter.

Lakshmi knew that it was the two younger brothers who were showing off to her.

However, I am not stingy in praising this acquisition.

They did a pretty good job.

The shopping mall is so cruel.

After using various means to suppress Kurosawa, he had to transfer the steel plant at a low price.

If you make money yourself, that definitely means someone is losing money.

Kurosawa is nothing but a loser.

And now, Kurosawa has become the general manager of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant. Isn't this relationship very clear?

Isn't it Jhogo behind Kurosawa?

"Yes, boss, it's basically confirmed." The assistant responded softly.

Lakshmi slumped limply in the chair.

He had wanted revenge on Moore and his family.

But it's obviously impossible to do it now, Qiao Ge will definitely protect them.

"Why would he acquire the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant?" Lakshmi was still a little unbelievable.

Qiao Ge just acquired a small steel factory in China, mainly to provide steel for his project construction sites. There is no sign that he has any intention to enter the steel industry on a large scale.

Even if you want to enter this industry, why not develop it in China first?Wait until it reaches a certain scale before considering going abroad.

Moreover, there are so many places suitable for steel investment abroad, so why did it happen to me?

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is an inconspicuous small country on earth.

"Is Qiaogo sniping at me?" Lakshmi quickly realized the problem.

This is not a coincidence, Qiao Ge is targeting himself.

"Boss, it should be like this." the assistant said.

Lakshmi was silent.

Putting these things together, he soon understood what was going on.

This is Jogo's revenge, revenge for the trouble he caused him in Indonesia last time.

Apart from that, he and Qiao Ge have no other conflicts.

Of course, there are also many conflicts between domestic families and Qiao Ge, and there may be reasons for this.

"Boss?" After a while, the assistant couldn't help but feel a little worried when he saw that the boss hadn't said anything yet.

"Go down, I want to be quiet." Lakshmi said tiredly.

The assistant went down and Lakshmi closed her eyes.

But his mind was not idle, with countless thoughts flashing through his mind.

Reconcile with Qiao Ge and beg him?

He robbed his own steel factory, and the hatred was irreconcilable.

Asking for help was not his style.

Besides, if you go and beg Qiao Ge, can Qiao Ge give up the steel plant to you?

This is obviously impossible.

How could I suffer such humiliation?
Also, my family is now tied to the Reliance Group, and the ties are very deep. It is impossible for me to collude with Qiao Ge anymore.

No matter how he looks at it, he is still optimistic about Reliance Group.

Qiaogo's rise was too short. He seemed powerful, but his foundation was unstable.

It's not like Droubai has gone through the storms of most of his life. That kind of experience is actually comparable to that of Qiao Ge.

Reliance Group’s temporary difficulties are nothing at all.

After this difficulty is overcome, I believe Reliance Group will have an amazing explosion.

By then, its influence in the country will be unprecedented.

Moreover, he himself is not someone who gives up easily.

This time he was in trouble. Didn't he believe that Qiao Ge could still target him again and again?

I will avenge this revenge one day.

The victory of the steel plant made Qiao Ge very happy.

Especially keeping all Lakshmi's equipment, it can be said to be a perfect acquisition.

Kurosawa and Jhogo mention the horror of this event.

If someone like Joseph targets him in the future, how should he deal with it?
For example, when investing abroad, once someone stirs up trouble with the government, these foreign assets may be seized.

Just like this time, Lakshmi's assets were confiscated and there was nothing he could do.

Of course, Qiao Ge knew this.

One is to try to invest in a country with a good reputation, so that the investment can be better protected.

Another thing is that one's own strength must be strong, so strong that those countries have to think about the serious consequences of unreasonable confiscation of their own assets.

This power is multifaceted and can be strengthened from many aspects.

I need to establish good relationships with some powerful financial institutions in Europe and the United States, such as funds, banks, etc., and establish business relationships with them. It is best to have beneficial relationships with them.

Of course, we also need to make good friends with politicians in Europe and the United States, which are equally important.

To put it simply, it is to establish a relationship of interest and become a community of interests.

If there is a loss on their side, their interests will also be lost. If any country really targets itself, it will target them.

Binding these people on his boat increases his network of relationships.

These are foreign factors.

Another point that is very important is to have strong strength in the country.

As long as you are strong enough to kidnap the decision-making direction of the entire country of India, not many people will dare to provoke you.

Because some of my investments abroad have been treated unfairly, I can let the country come forward and negotiate diplomatically.

It's not just any business case that the entire country can help you with and endorse.

And Qiaogo's goal is this. To the outside world, he represents India, and one person is a country.

In its previous life, India had its faults in this and that, but looking at the world in terms of overall strength, you have to admit that it was at the forefront.

Except for the Wuchang, there are really few countries that can match it.

In the previous life, as the country became stronger and stronger, its self-confidence naturally skyrocketed.

There are all kinds of dissatisfactions on the Internet, and people are angry with heaven and earth.

Known as one of the five permanent members of YouTube.

On YouTube, probably only India can have a back-and-forth fight with another one of the five permanent members of YouTube, the cosmic power (Bangzi).

Closer to home, India is treated very well in Europe and the United States, and its situation is much better than that of China.

Many foreign companies will block technology from China, but they will be much friendly to India.

With such a country as his base behind him, Jogo has no fear at all.

In this way, the tragic experience of Lakshmi in Trinidad and Tobago can basically be prevented. (End of chapter)

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