Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 406: Strong capital

Chapter 406: Strong capital (please vote for me)

For now, Qiaogo is becoming more and more powerful in the country, but it is not enough.

Only by capturing the Aiyar family and monopolizing the grain and oil market can this goal be barely half achieved.

It can be said that the progress in terms of clothing, food, housing, transportation, clothing and food has been very smooth. The only hard nut left is food.

Housing and transportation are still not good.

However, with the completion of projects around Gupta Square and the development of surrounding residential projects, I believe he will be able to make great progress in his real estate career.

Okay, this is a big problem.

Automobiles, shipping, railways and aviation are all asset-heavy industries and require huge investments.

Car factories, shipyards, railroads and aircraft manufacturers, well, well, the first two are still possible.

There are some problems with the latter two.

The railways are mainly state-owned, and many railway systems, especially those rails, are still used by the British. The facilities are old and the employees are bloated. There is basically no possibility of reform.

On the railway, even he couldn't get involved too deeply, it was a bottomless pit.

In its previous life, India wanted to reform the railway system, such as privatizing it and introducing private capital for reform. In the end, it involved too many problems and private capital saw that it could not make a profit, so it was abandoned.

Then the most Jogo can do is get some private short-distance railway branch lines, mainly to serve the transportation of his products.

For example, in the future, if he needs to build a private port, it will involve the transportation of a large amount of goods. It will be very necessary to build some private railways to connect to the state-owned railways.

In short, investment in railways is destined to be small.

It is impossible for him to have this technology in aircraft manufacturing, especially in the manufacturing of large civilian aircraft.

There are too many technologies involved, and they are all currently in the hands of developed countries in Europe and the United States.

Not to mention that he is alone, even with the power of the country, it is difficult to do it.

There is definitely no problem in the manufacturing and research and development of Soviet fighter aircraft, but it seems to be somewhat inadequate in terms of civilian aircraft, and there is a big gap between them and Europe and the United States.

However, Qiao Ge did not want to give up completely. He could still pay attention to this aspect. If he could not build large airplanes, if he could build some small airplanes, such as small commercial private airplanes, it would obviously be a good industry.

When the giant falls, it depends on whether it can recruit some experts in aviation and other fields. If there are enough experts, it may be possible to build its own aircraft manufacturing factory, even if it cannot build large aircraft or small commercial aircraft.

Based on the above, Qiao Ge's main focus in the industry can be on automobile manufacturing and shipbuilding.

After all, as long as he is willing to pay for these two things, he should be able to produce something.

The island country is now the leader in the shipbuilding industry and has been the leader for almost 50 years.

Bangzi is catching up. More than ten years later, Bangzi surpassed the island country and became the leader. However, he only became the leader for about 20 years and was overtaken by China.

In automobile manufacturing, Tata Motors is a giant. It has absolute control over the domestic market, especially the truck market.

Even so, it's just the taller one among the short ones.

In terms of scale and technology, there is a huge gap compared with foreign countries.

Therefore, Qiao Ge feels that there is still a great opportunity to challenge the leader in the domestic automobile industry.

Wanting to compete with them, Qiao Ge felt extremely excited.

This kind of challenge makes people excited.

But in this way, it seems that he is provoking the eldest and second brothers of domestic private companies at the same time, offending them all.

The mall is a battlefield.

When you want to make money, you offend people.

So now I can only move forward, not backward.

How else to become the most influential person here in India?
Otherwise, how can we get the entire country to back us up?
Then we can only leave other domestic companies far away.

Make yourself the pride of India and let the people regard yourself as a hero.

On this day, Qiao Ge received an acquaintance in Mumbai, an unexpected acquaintance.

Gisele Barra is back from Brazil.

"Mr. Gupta, it's really surprising. I didn't expect you to win the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant. Are you preparing to enter the overseas steel market?" Gisai sighed.

The acquisition of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works still caused quite a stir.

He is in South America and is familiar with some things happening in nearby countries. After all, they are all in the steel industry.

Finally, he got the news that the acquirer behind the scenes was Qiao Ge, and then returned to Mumbai to find Qiao Ge.

In fact, his friends also know something about the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant.

Some people are also a little greedy for this steel plant, but they all know that Lakshmi has been operating in Trinidad and Tobago for many years and has deep connections with the government. It is basically impossible to seize it.

Unexpectedly, Lakshmi's boat capsized in the end and she was cut off.

"Overseas steel market, I have thought about this." Qiao Ge smiled and said, "However, after taking over the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant this time, I have almost exhausted my funds and want to continue It will probably take a long time for investment to recover.”

Giselle smiled.

He didn't believe what Qiao Ge said.

He already knew that Qiao Ge had a relationship with HSBC.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jogo to have only the funds to acquire the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant.

As for how many dollars are left, Giselle can't tell.

He and his friends concluded that Qiaogo still had at least US$[-] million and was well capitalized.

No matter how many dollars are still in hand, being able to establish a relationship with HSBC is a sign of strength.Gisai was not surprised by this.

After all, he still knows about Qogo's domestic and foreign industries, such as the palm oil industry.

For such a person, HSBC will also regard him as an important customer.

"Mr. Gupta, I came here this time to ask you if you are willing to join the American Steel Industry Federation." Gisay said.

"Is there such an organization?" Qiao Ge asked a little doubtfully.

In order to acquire the Trinidad and Tobago steel plant, Qiaogo had some knowledge of the steel plants and related industries in South America.

It seems that I have never heard of any American Steel Industry Federation.

"It was formed recently." Gisai smiled.

"Oh, can you tell me more about it?" Qiao Ge became interested.

"of course."

After Gisai's introduction, Qiaogo finally understood.

This association was mainly initiated by steel industry practitioners in Brazil and other countries. It includes steel plants, iron ore companies and other related companies.

Now the main focus is on Brazil. Next, they plan to attract more industry companies from South American countries. The further goal is to attract practitioners from North America. Only in this way can it be regarded as the real American Steel Industry Federation.

The Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant is actually quite large in terms of scale.

Although it is not as good as those large steel plants in developed countries in Europe and the United States, it can be regarded as a large steel plant in South America.

Since Qiaogo was an Indian and familiar with him, Gisai hurried over after talking to a few friends.

In this federation, of course, I hope to find more familiar people to join, so that my own voice can have a greater weight.

The Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works in Jogo alone is enough.

And for Qiaogo, this steel plant is only a small part of his assets.

It can be said that Qiao Ge is extremely powerful.

Gisai had no reason to let Qiaogo go, and wanted to bring Qiaogo into the federation to increase his own voice.

Of course, this is because the Trinidad and Tobago steel plant is in South America and would not qualify if it were located elsewhere.

How could Gisai miss such a good opportunity?
If he was invited by someone else, wouldn't he regret it to death?
So he acted extremely quickly this time.

"So Mr. Gupta, are you willing to join the American Steel Industry Federation?" Gisai stared at Qiaogo expectantly.

"Of course, Mr. Bala, I am very willing." Qiao Ge laughed.

This kind of industry association is certainly a good thing for ourselves.

According to Gisai, he has many friends there, including Indians who immigrated before and some foreign friends he has known for many years.

Most of these friends are engaged in the steel industry.

Even if it is not this industry, other people have some influence in other industries over there, and they are all successful people.

And I don’t know many people in South America. Through Gisai, I can integrate faster and better there.

When you are in a foreign country, fighting alone is obviously not the best option. You still need to unite with some people to enhance your strength.

"It's great. With Mr. Gupta joining us, I believe that the American Steel Industry Federation will be even stronger." Gisay smiled.

"It's serious."

"No, this is a fact." Gisai said seriously, "To tell you the truth, in addition to the hope of integrating the resources we all have, communicating and cooperating with each other, and avoiding unnecessary vicious competition, we also hope to establish the federation this time. Concerns about the future of the industry.”

"Worried about the future of the industry?" Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment.

"Ah?" Gisai asked in confusion after hearing Qiaogo's words, "Don't you know, Mr. Gupta? The steel industry has been going downhill in recent years, with reduced demand and a sluggish market."

Qiao Ge looked a little embarrassed. Is there such a thing?
In his impression, the steel industry must be booming.

Think about how much money China spent on iron ore in its previous life.

No, no, Qiao Ge suddenly remembered that he seemed a little confused.

China's large-scale infrastructure construction has not yet begun, and the demand for steel is not that great.

In fact, from the 90s to the early 20th century, the world steel industry was extremely depressed.

Later, it was able to recover and explode mainly because of China's strong demand.

At present, the steel industry has begun to decline. Many experts believe that the steel industry has overcapacity and is a sunset industry.

In the coming days, I am afraid that many companies will be eliminated.

Therefore, practitioners in this industry are still worried about the future.

The purpose of establishing the federation this time is actually to form a group and compete with other countries.

After all, compared with the large steel plants in Europe and the United States, their technology is not advanced enough, their scale is not enough, and their costs are much higher than them.

Of course, they are not completely without advantages, at least in terms of iron ore costs are lower.

South America is rich in ores, and most of them are rich ores with extremely high quality.

"Mr. Gupta, you really don't know, right?" Seeing Qiaogo's expression, Gisai couldn't help but widened his eyes and asked.

"I won't hide it from you." Qiaogo sighed, "When I acquired the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, I never thought about the future development of the steel industry. I just wanted to target Laksh rice."

(End of this chapter)

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