Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 407: Monopoly not formed

Chapter 407: Monopoly not formed

Qiaogo talked about some conflicts between himself and Lakshmi.

These words made Gisay speechless for a while. Just to get grudges, he spent 3 million US dollars generously?
However, Giselle soon gave up thinking about it.

After all, with Qiao Ge’s current wealth, US$3 million is really nothing.

Of course, as far as foreign exchange is concerned, I believe that US$3 million is a lot for Qiaogo.

It’s just that Qiaogo has HSBC behind him, so Gisai can completely understand Qiaogo’s willfulness.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Qiao Ge. He made a mistake at the time and thought that the steel industry would flourish. Therefore, in his opinion, this fight with Lakshmi for the steel plant would not only interrupt Lakshmi's development process, but also It will also allow you to take a further step in the steel industry.

But I never thought that the current steel industry is not as good as I imagined, and the days to come may not be so easy.

However, Qiao Ge felt that as long as he handled it properly, this might not be his opportunity.

Every crisis is often a good time for big companies and powerful forces to acquire high-quality bankrupt companies.

During this period, the power of these large companies can expand rapidly.

Qiao Ge just wants to be such a big company and powerful person.

During this period, you need to have enough funds, so that while ensuring your own survival, you will still have excess funds to acquire high-quality companies that need to be sold due to various operating difficulties that have caused the capital chain to be broken.

The subsequent downturn in the steel industry is obviously a good opportunity to expand its power in this industry.

Qiao Ge couldn't help but think of China in his previous life. Because the source of iron ore was controlled by the three major iron ore groups, it was completely at a price disadvantage.

At that time, the three major iron ore groups had completed their monopoly on the world's iron ore.

They pretty much completed their acquisitions of iron ore companies around the world during the downturn in the industry.

After they form a monopoly, it will be extremely difficult for you to intervene, acquire mines, or acquire shares.

This dilemma was what China was facing at that time.

Even if you have money and want to buy it, no one else is willing to sell it. He will seize you by holding on to the source of the industry.

But now, these monopoly situations have not yet truly formed.

Qiao Ge felt that he could intervene first and occupy a certain share.

For example, Lakshmi in his previous life not only invested in acquiring steel plants in various countries, but also made large investments in industries such as iron ore and coke.

He actively acquired iron ore mines and high-quality coal mines to increase his iron ore and coal reserves.

This will ensure that your steel plant can advance, attack, retreat or defend, and will not be manipulated by upstream industrial companies such as iron ore groups.

Of course, Qiao Ge also knows very well that it is definitely unrealistic for him to acquire steel plants or iron ore companies on a large scale now.

The problem is simple, there is no money, lack of foreign exchange, and lack of US dollars.

The rupee is useless in the world. People recognize it as the currency of a few developed countries such as the US dollar and the British pound.

Although he now has a relationship with HSBC, the support the other party gives him is limited.

For example, this time there is a loan limit of US$6 million, which is almost the limit.

Then you should think of ways to find some other foreign financial institutions, and loans are imperative.

Naturally, these things cannot be done in a hurry and must be done slowly.

After all, these foreign financial institutions are not philanthropists. They are very evil-minded, and if you are not careful, you will be eaten up to the bone.

There are also too many things involved in acquiring companies abroad. If one thing is not done well, everything will be lost.

So you can't rush this kind of thing.

Now I have contacted Gisai and used his connections to integrate into the steel industry circle in South America. This is my first step.

Wait until you are familiar with the situation here before taking action. This will reduce a lot of risks.

After all, Brazil is rich in minerals, and in its previous life there was Vale, one of the three major iron ore giants.

Now that we are involved in the steel industry, we definitely can’t let it go.

"To be honest, when you entered the steel industry, I thought you were optimistic about this industry, which made me very excited, but I didn't expect~~~" Gisai said with a bitter smile.

Qiaogo thought about Gisai's words for a moment and immediately understood.

Probably because he felt that all the industries he entered were profitable, so when he saw that he entered the steel industry, he probably thought that the downturn in the steel industry would end.

And now that he said this was just to target Lakshmi, Gisai was a little disappointed.

"I think as long as everyone persists, we will definitely be able to wait for the day when the steel industry recovers." Qiao Ge said.

These words made Gisai's eyes light up and he said: "Mr. Gupta, are you optimistic about the later market of the steel industry?"

"I believe that some industries will indeed be eliminated with the development of technology and other industries, but some industries cannot be eliminated and will only be a period of ups and downs. The steel industry is obviously one of them. Steel is indispensable for building houses and other infrastructure. Wait, so I believe that the market will always recover," Jogo said.

Of course Gisay understood this, and he couldn't help but ask: "So how long do you think it will take for things to turn around?"

Qiao Ge thought about the time it took for China's economy to develop, and he pondered for a while and said: "I think this cycle may be a bit long, it may take more than ten years."

Gisai's face turned ugly instantly.

How many steel companies can survive more than ten years?

Not to mention these small and medium-sized steel plants, even some large steel plants have to go bankrupt. "Of course, this is my personal inference. I can't be sure. It may be over in a few years." Qiao Ge added, fearing to scare Gisai.

Although what he said was true, it did last for a long time, which most people probably wouldn't expect.

"I understand." Gisai smiled.

In his mind, he believed that the market would not be optimistic in the future, but he did not think it would last for such a long time.

"As long as we ensure the factory's cash flow and healthy liabilities, I believe we can be the winner in the end," Qiao Ge added.

"Yes, I think so too." Gisai sighed, "It's just that some people are more pessimistic and ready to change careers."

It's no surprise that this happened.

Qiao Ge can completely imagine that this kind of thing will happen more and more in the future.

There are some cases where the factory cannot continue to operate, and some cases where the factory has lost confidence and changed careers.

For Qiaogo, the more such things happen, the better. He will have the opportunity to choose high-quality steel plants or various mining companies.

"If they really do this, I dare say they will regret it in the future." Qiaogo said.

"Not everyone can maintain our thinking," Gisé said.

They cannot interfere with other people's thoughts.

The downturn in the steel industry is already very obvious, and it obviously cannot be reversed in one or two years.

After all, the current international economy is not doing well.

Although the future prospects of the industry are still relatively pessimistic, for Gisay, coming to Qiaogo this time is considered a great success.

If Qiaogo is willing to join the Federation, he will have a powerful member on his side.

Regarding matters regarding the federation, Qiao Ge will hand it over to Kurosawa and make him responsible.

Gisai understands this.

Just wait until you get back to find Kurosawa.

After all, Trinidad and Tobago is just an investment for Jogo, and he cannot be there often.

Gisai even felt that it was basically impossible for Qiaogo to go there in person.

So Kurosawa, the person in charge, will be the person he has to deal with for a long time.

When Gisai came to Mumbai, Lakshmi also returned home.

It was hard for him to hide the loss of Trinidad and Tobago from his father. After all, the losses were heavy, with the economy alone costing nearly US$2 million.

After hearing Lakshmi's report, Lal almost lost his breath and passed away.

The loss was too great. His eldest son had never let him down before, but this time he suffered such a huge setback.

So he hurriedly called Lakshmi back and wanted to know what was going on.

Next, we need to understand his business plan, so we can't continue to lose money like this.

Mittal family residence.

The four father and son sat together, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

Of course, everyone's mood is definitely different.

Lal and Lakshmi must be in a bad mood.

Of course Pramod and Vinod had extremely angry looks on their faces, but they had another idea in their hearts.

They were actually secretly happy about their eldest brother's defeat.

Over the years, this big brother has put too much pressure on them.

Because Lakshmi has made the steel industry prosperous in Indonesia, in comparison, the achievements of the two of them seem less impressive.

"Brother, you were too careless this time, and you were tricked by that kid Qiao Ge." Pramod said.

"Yes, it's okay if we don't win the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, but this time the loss is a real US$2 million. This is US dollars, not rupees. How difficult is it to get US dollars in China now? Ah..." Vinod also said.

"Shut up, you two." Lal shouted angrily.

He didn't know what his two sons were thinking.

But is now the time for internal fighting?

Isn't the money lost by their eldest brother not lost by the family?
Vinod and Pramod remained silent for the time being to avoid irritating their father.

"Father, I want to borrow some money from China. Trinidad and Tobago failed, but my situation in Indonesia is still very good. I am ready to expand investment here. I believe it will be done soon. Make up for the loss," Lakshmi said to Lal, ignoring the two younger brothers.

"How much?" Lal asked.

"At least $[-] million," Lakshmi said.

As soon as these words came out, Vinod couldn't help it: "Brother, do you know how difficult it is to get U.S. dollars now? You asked for [-] million U.S. dollars as soon as you asked?"

This time Lal did not scold Vinod, but sighed and said: "This is true, I am afraid there is nothing we can do with 30 million U.S. dollars. The country's foreign exchange is tight. Now, in addition to importing supplies that are in short supply, Basically, other exchange requests cannot be approved, and even if they are approved, the amount is very low. As for the black market, yes, it is possible, but the price is too high, twice as much as before. As you know, not long ago we The family has just invested [-] billion in the Ambani Plaza project, and domestic companies are also very strapped for funds."

(End of this chapter)

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