Chapter 408
"Father, the profits in Indonesia are much higher than in China. If you can lend me [-] million US dollars, I believe I can pay the money back in three years, no, one year." Lakshmi said.

He still wants to fight for it.

Isn’t it because Trinidad and Tobago failed?
Indonesia is his base camp, so there is no problem at all.

"Brother, what are you talking about? The operating conditions of domestic companies have always been very good. Although the profits are not as high as those in Indonesia, they are better than stability. This is the foundation of our Mittal family, and there can be no problems. As for Indonesia, The risk is also very high. Who can say that what happened in Trinidad and Tobago will not happen in Indonesia? Father, I think investment in Indonesia should be cautious, and maybe some funds can be withdrawn. By then If something goes wrong, we can still lose less," Pramod said.

"What about this?" Lal said slowly, "Lakshmi, what your brother said makes sense. Foreign countries are indeed unstable, and those governments may fall out at some point."

"Father, Indonesia is still stable, the economy is open, and I have friends in the government for many years~~" Lakshmi was a little anxious. His father actually leaned towards Pramod's opinion, which was simply too short-sighted.

"Brother, you said the same thing about the government of Trinidad and Tobago. Last time you said they were all on your side. What about now? Politicians can't be trusted." Vinod interrupted directly. Lakshmi's words.

"Can this be the same?" Lakshmi felt a little angry. She was doing this all for the sake of the family. This guy is here to fan the flames. Damn it.

And why would Qiaogo target himself?

Isn't it the same reason he tried so hard to cause trouble for Qiao Ge in Indonesia last time?
Otherwise, how could he have a grudge with Qiao Ge?
Without Jogo's intervention, the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works was his own.

He doesn't even bother to say this now, because what's the point of saying it?
"Why is it different?" Vinod was not afraid of his elder brother. "Qiaogo can target you once in Trinidad and Tobago, but can't he do it again in Indonesia? Father, I think the factories in Indonesia are It’s time to sell them all and bring all the funds back into the country. In this way, we will have more funds. At that time, whether it is expanding the family’s steel company or investing in the Reliance Group, it will be a very good opportunity.”

"That's right, Reliance Group is short of funds now, which is our opportunity. Once he calms down, even if we have money, the other party will not transfer the shares." Pramod immediately agreed.

By selling Indonesia's steel industry, his eldest brother's more than ten years of hard work was completely wiped out.

Then the family's inheritance rights will have nothing to do with him in the future.

The two of them are in charge of the domestic steel plants and have nothing to do with the eldest brother.

Besides, the eldest brother has failed miserably abroad, so what face does he have to take over the domestic business?

"Lakshmi, there is no need to withdraw all of the goods from Indonesia. How about keeping half?" Lal asked.

When Lakshmi heard this, her heart felt cold.

I came here to ask for help from my family, but I didn't expect that my father asked me to withdraw my funds.

He was disappointed.

"Father, foreign markets are freer than domestic ones and more money can be made," Lakshmi said.

"Brother, no matter how much you earn, what's the use? If it happens again like in Trinidad and Tobago, won't everything you earn belong to others?" Vinod said.

"Lakshmi, I understand what you are thinking. After all, the Indonesian side is your hard work. But now we have to be more cautious. Besides, domestically, we have established a relationship with the Reliance Group, and now we are increasing their When buying shares, you have to distinguish between the important and the important." Lal added.

What happened in Trinidad and Tobago made him frightened, and he was wary of foreign investment.

There are a lot of assets in Indonesia now. If this is also lost, he cannot accept it.

It's safest to withdraw some quickly before anything goes wrong.

Of course, he is afraid of Qiao Ge now.

What happened in Trinidad and Tobago was caused by Jogo.

One retaliation would cost him more than 2 million US dollars.

Qiaogo has investments in Indonesia.

The Indonesian side obviously knows about Qiaogo's assets in Malay, and Qiaogo's strength abroad far exceeds that of his eldest son.

If the two really want to fight, which side will the Indonesian government take?
The result is obvious. His eldest son will definitely not be able to defeat Qiao Ge.

It is precisely because of Qiao Ge's existence that he is very uneasy about foreign industries.

Although Lakshmi has made some achievements abroad in recent years, for Lal, domestic life is what matters most to him.

Especially now that we are standing together with Reliance Group, what a great opportunity it is.

With the power of Reliance Group, my family's steel industry can definitely reach several levels.

At home, it is not as dangerous as abroad. The connections here are more solid. Coupled with the Reliance Group, the family will take off.

Those overseas industries can be completely abandoned.

So he agreed with Vinod and Pramod.

Recover as much foreign funds as possible.

However, he considered his eldest son's feelings, so he did not say that he would take it all back and could leave half of the assets abroad for him to continue operating.

"Father, I disagree," Lakshmi shouted.

"Brother, do you dare to contradict father's opinion?" Pramod also shouted.

"Father, your decision is wrong and stupid." Lakshmi was too lazy to pay attention to her younger brother.

Lal's brows raised, Lakshmi's words made him feel very uncomfortable.

He took over the steel factory left by his father and ran it all his life. Now the scale has expanded countless times.

This is his pride.He did not allow others to question his decisions.

Not even his son.

He felt that his eldest son had become a little drifting over the years.

He does not deny that his eldest son has achieved certain achievements abroad, but he still has a bad temper and now he dares to disrespect himself.

In Lal's view, the failure in Trinidad and Tobago was due to Lakshmi's eagerness to expand and insufficient preparation.

This time, are you still thinking of expanding your business in Indonesia?
In this situation, he felt that his son was a bit like a gambler. He lost money and was eager to make up his losses, so he borrowed money to bet.

In this way, the gambler who loses is destined to lose everything and be in heavy debt.

"Lakshmi, you should calm down. Expansion is not appropriate right now." Lal said solemnly, "At least half of the assets in Indonesia must be returned to the country. I have decided. You don't need to say anything anymore."

Lakshmi turned pale.

He didn't expect such a result.

Vinod and Pramod looked at each other, with a hint of schadenfreude flashing deep in their eyes.

This eldest brother of mine is so stupid, he actually made his father angry.

Has he forgotten that his father hates people questioning his decisions?

In recent years, I probably thought that I was the boss because no one was looking after me abroad.

If their father wasn't still here, the two of them would have laughed out loud.

"Father!" Lakshmi took a deep breath and said, "I can transfer general assets back to the country, but I have a condition."

A look of displeasure flashed across Lar's face. Do you still want to negotiate terms with yourself?
"Say!" But he still held back his anger.

"My business in Indonesia will have nothing to do with my family." Lakshmi said calmly.

"Brother, what did you say?" Vinod said in surprise.

"Do you want to go it alone? Do you want to separate the family?" Pramod also shouted.

"What? Isn't this what you want?" Lakshmi said coldly, "I don't want to care about the domestic industry. I only want the general assets in Indonesia. Father, what do you think?"

Lal stared at Lakshmi, he did not expect that his eldest son would say such a thing.

To be honest, among his three sons, he still prefers Lakshmi in his heart.

The Mittal family will definitely leave it to him in the future.

Unexpectedly, he became so aggressive after just one blow.

From this point of view, everything was going so smoothly for him before, and he couldn't see himself clearly.

If the family steel factory is really handed over to him, I'm afraid it will be ruined.

Now that I realize the shortcomings of my eldest son, it can be considered a blessing.

Although Vinod and Pramod do not have the same drive as Lakshmi, they are more down-to-earth, similar to their own personalities, and develop steadily.

In the past, he felt that these two people were not courageous enough, but now it seems that this kind of stable temperament can better ensure that the family steel factory will not have major problems.

"Don't you regret it?" Lar asked after a while.

"I have made up my mind," Lakshmi said with certainty.

"Okay, if that's the case, then it's settled." Lal said.

Lakshmi didn't stay at home for a few days and soon returned to Indonesia. He couldn't stay in this home any longer.

After returning, he acted quickly and quickly sold off some unimportant assets.

Clark quickly conveyed the news.

"Selling assets?" Qiao Ge was a little surprised.

"Boss, there is also some information from the Mittal family. Taken together, we have more detailed information." Hudi said, "Lakshmi has become independent from the Mittal family, but he is in Indonesia. Half of the assets need to be handed over to the Mittal family. Now, Trinidad and Tobago has lost money, and now Indonesia’s assets have been reduced by half. Lakshmi is really miserable now.”

Jogo was silent.

He knew that in her previous life, Lakshmi also developed independently from the family.

It's just that the time should be a little later.

And he went out independently for better development without being influenced by the family.

This time it was probably his own intervention that caused him to lose the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works, so the matter was brought forward.

And it should be forced to separate the family and work independently.

(End of this chapter)

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