Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 409 The end of Reliance Group

Chapter 409 The end of Reliance Group

"Don't be careless. This guy Lakshmi is no ordinary person and must be kept on guard." Qiaogo said.

Qiaogo didn't dare to be careless about Lakshmi's decision to go it alone.

A heroic figure like Lakshmi will definitely not admit defeat.

Although he suffered a severe financial loss this time, after leaving the family, he was able to let go and run the company according to his own wishes without any scruples.

When Hu Di heard what his boss said, he immediately put away his contempt.

Yes, Lakshmi is doing well in Indonesia and has a lot of assets.

But compared with the Mittal family's domestic assets, it is still inferior.

This time he was actually willing to give up half of his Indonesian assets and wanted to keep Indonesian industries. He was obviously ambitious.

"Boss, do you think he can make a comeback?" Hu Di couldn't help but ask.

"It cannot be underestimated. No matter how you look at it, Lakshmi is the best heir to the Mittal family, but he just gave up the family's inheritance rights and the family's huge assets. We cannot be careless about such a courageous person." Qiao Ge Said, "Of course, as long as we are strong enough, we are not afraid of him getting up."

Qiaogo decided that he must keep an eye on Lakshmi. If they made any move, such as acquiring a steel plant, he would definitely follow them, intercept them halfway, and seize the luck of the boss in his previous life.

Indonesia, Lakshmi's office, the assistant walked in.

"Boss, they're leaving," the assistant whispered.

"Hmm!" Lakshmi hummed.

"Boss, they went too far. They took away more than half this time, about three-fifths. They~~~" the assistant said very unfairly.

"That's it." Lakshmi said tiredly.

This time, for the sake of assets, his two younger brothers paid great attention to it. Vinod personally brought his financial staff to settle the matter with him.

Under Vinod's instruction, many assets were overvalued. In the end, it was said that half of the assets were actually three-fifths.

At the beginning, Lakshmi and Vinod had a quarrel, but in the end Vinod brought up Lal's name, and Lakshmi had no choice but to give in.

He understood that his father actually wanted to transfer more funds back to the country, and he was not sure about placing assets abroad.

Unexpectedly, the failure of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Works made his father so sensitive.

If I hadn't strongly objected, I might have transferred all the funds back.

"But boss~~"

"It's nothing. We have less money, so we can still make more." Lakshmi said with a smile, "How much capital did I have when I first came here? How much do we have now? Isn't it ten or twenty times what it was back then?" What’s wrong with you?”

"Boss, you are right, our development will definitely be better in the future." The assistant was infected by Lakshmi's optimism.

When the assistant went down, Lakshmi's face darkened.

This time, he had strong opinions about his family and his father.

But he finally chose to give in.

It was his father after all.

Now that the company has less funds, he is actually not too worried.

It is nothing more than delaying his previous expansion plan.

What worries him the most is Qiao Ge. He doesn't know if he will target him again.

After thinking about it, Lakshmi smiled. What's the use of thinking more now?

Could it be that if Qiao Ge wants to deal with him, he will stop doing this?
Then it's not me.

As for begging Qiao Ge for mercy, it is not his style, it is impossible.


"It finally came out." Qiao Ge looked at today's newspaper and chuckled.

It is about the news that politicians headed by Rajiv secretly received kickbacks from foreign military purchases. It is very explosive.

This news immediately aroused everyone's emotions.

The opposition groups spoke out one after another and formed an alliance with a tacit understanding to jointly attack the Congress Party.

Today's National Congress Party has less absolute dominance than before, but it is still very powerful. The People's Party where Laoxian belongs is still very weak.

In fact, some other parties are similar, and they are not worthy of attention in front of the Congress Party.

So they can only join forces to create momentum.

The evidence on this matter is conclusive, and all major newspapers have obtained evidence submitted anonymously.

Qiao Ge thought that this should be caused by the opposition, but he didn't know which opposition it was. After all, there were too many factions.

However, Tulu quickly sent news to Qiao Ge.

"The Ambani family?" News, who was beside Jogo, asked in surprise.

News came to see Qiao Ge just for this matter. He wanted to talk to Qiao Ge about the person behind this incident.

He was just surprised, but it seemed reasonable.

Reliance Group is having a hard time now.

In the past, Dhirubhai relied on Indira to make his fortune, but after the incident was exposed, her son Rajiv distanced himself from Dhirubhai.

What he did was of course politically necessary.

Because the Reliance Group broke out because it was thought to be sucking the blood of the country and has a bad reputation, he can no longer get too close to the Reliance Group, otherwise public opinion will be unfavorable to him and will not be conducive to gaining the support of voters.

Rajiv even suppressed Reliance Group.The intensity is even greater these days, coupled with the counterattacks of those traditional giants, Droubai is now mentally and physically exhausted.

Dhirubhai was probably pushed to the edge of the cliff now, so he broke the news.

This matter gave the government a big headache, so naturally it couldn't take care of him.

Then the pressure on Droubai's side will be greatly reduced, and they can deal with the traditional giants.

"Boss, the National Congress Party is still leading in the popular support rate. The impact of this incident is not small. Given the ability of the National Congress Party, it should still be able to suppress it." Tulu said, "In this election, the National Congress Party If the party wins, I think it will be the end of Reliance Group.”

Tulu's face was still very excited.

In his opinion, what Dhirubhai did was somewhat unwise, and he almost broke up with Rajiv and the Congress party.

Will Reliance Group be better off after Rajiv is re-elected?
At that time, the government will definitely punish Reliance Group to death.

The Reliance Group and the boss don't deal with each other, and Tulu is happy to see them suffer misfortune.

Qiao Ge did not immediately answer Tulu's words.

Many thoughts came to his mind.

Tulu's statement is actually correct, because the Congress Party's support rate is indeed still leading.

Rajiv is also full of confidence in this election, otherwise he would not have proposed resigning if the number of parliamentary seats was less than half.

But Qiaogo knew that the Congress Party failed in this election and did not have more than half of the seats in the parliament.

This has a huge impact on the arms purchase kickback case.

But this impact should only be part of it.

In Qiaogo's view, the most important reason is Reliance Group.

Reliance Group should have thrown itself into the arms of the opposition at this time and supported the opposition.

Although Reliance Group did not receive support from Rajiv before, it basically had no intention of targeting the Congress Party.

Now Dhirubhai is probably disappointed with Rajiv and has switched sides.

Reliance Group turned to the opposition and provided them with a lot of help, which finally caused the Congress Party to encounter Waterloo.

"Yes, the Congress Party still has an advantage. I'm afraid Dhirubhai was really forced to do this this time. He couldn't hold on." News agreed with Tulu's conclusion.

"Not necessarily." Qiao Ge said.

"What's not sure?" News asked, "Do you think Droubai can still persist?"

"That's not what I meant." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "I want to say that you are a little too optimistic about the Congress Party."

"Huh?" News asked in surprise, "Don't you think highly of them? It's unlikely, right? Is there any other party that can surpass the Congress Party?"

Tulu was on the side with doubts in his eyes.

Of course he knew these opposition groups.

Compared with the Congress Party, there are still many gaps.

"It's unlikely to exceed that." Qiao Ge laughed and said, "But I think it may be difficult for the Congress Party to exceed half of the parliament, and then there will be variables in governing."

News looked at Qiao Ge suspiciously and said, "Brother, do you have any basis for what you say?"

"No, I guessed it." Qiao Ge spread his hands and said.

News thought for a moment and said, "Looking at the preciseness of what you said just now, it doesn't look like you were just guessing. You must have some source of information or evidence."

"Not really."

"I don't believe it. You were very sure about what you said just now." News thought for a while, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind, "I understand, it must be Master Diram who told you, right?"

Jogo froze for a moment.

Seeing the change in Qiaogo's expression, Neus felt that his inference was correct: "I'm just telling you, otherwise how could you be so sure. If it is Master Dimri's inference, it shouldn't be wrong. "

Qiao Ge had a headache for a while. Was News also poisoned?
"When did you believe this?" Qiao Ge asked.

"I don't believe it." News said seriously, "But Master Dimri is really different. I have listened to his lectures several times and I have benefited a lot. His predictions have not been missed."

Qiao Ge was speechless. What a huge benefit he had gained, it was nothing more than a psychological suggestion.

What kind of masters are they? They are usually proficient in psychology, and their words are ambiguous, and then the believers can make up their own minds. The content in their brains will naturally be in a direction that is good for them.

Coupled with the fact that Git is now famous, it can indeed give many believers psychological comfort.

Qiao Ge did not expect that even Nyus would fall.

Forget it, I can't explain this kind of thing myself, let him think so.

Besides, Git's master aura also needs to be maintained.

"Don't talk nonsense about these things in the newspaper." Qiao Ge reminded.

"Am I that kind of person? It's not easy to talk about such a big thing, it will have too much impact." News said.

After hearing this, Qiao Ge secretly said that this guy has not completely lost his head.

Of course News couldn't really be addicted to it.

Even if he attaches great importance to Master Dimri's speculation, he only needs to know about it. Once it is reported in the newspaper, the nature will be different.

After all, Master Dimri has great influence now. Once it is said that this is Master Dimri's inference, it will definitely bring countless troubles to the master.

Moreover, News is also not sure that this is true. In short, he still has a bottom line in his belief and is not a blind and fanatical believer.

(End of this chapter)

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