Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 410 'Okay' this line

Chapter 410 The line 'OK'

After Neus left Jogo, he never forgot about Master Dimri.

So he went to find Master Dimri specifically.

Kit was confused after hearing what News said.

Of course, on the surface, he looks solemn and calm, and his masterly temperament cannot be overshadowed.

"I mentioned this matter to Mr. Gupta, but I didn't expect him to tell you." Geet said calmly.

Since Khogo said that the Congress Party is not optimistic in this election, I believe he is not wrong.

Git has great trust in Qiaogo's judgment.

The few so-called miracles he had here were all related to Qiao Ge, who was a more divine being than himself.

"Sure enough, it was the master's advice." News got the answer he wanted. "I wonder if the master can give you some advice. The current situation of the Congress Party is still very good. It will not be defeated, right?"

"This is what the gods have instructed." Jeet said calmly, "Of course, Reliance Group is a key link. He turned to other opposition parties, which greatly increased the strength of the opposition and greatly damaged the strength of the Congress Party. After all, Reliance Group The group controls many media and other channels, which can be said to be enough to turn things around."

Regarding the Reliance Group, News mentioned something to him just now, saying that it was Qiaogo who said it.

Kit is now a master, and he values ​​his status very highly.

Therefore, he will not be satisfied with the status quo.

Unlike other masters who only focus on scriptures and teachings, he also pays attention to practical matters, that is, mundane things that other masters disdain.

This makes Jite very down-to-earth, and his various lectures on Dharma and scriptures are easy to understand, yet contain profound teachings.

It doesn’t work if it’s too down-to-earth, as it will cause believers to lose their sense of awe.

Therefore, it must be combined with profound teachings to maintain a sense of mystery.

A two-pronged approach can better attract believers.

All kinds of knowledge must be learned and all kinds of affairs must be exposed, so as to conform to the image of a master, improve one's master level, and avoid being exposed.

Of course, Kit is also familiar with the connections in the political arena.

From News's words, combined with what you know, it is easy to tell countless great truths.

Of course, he is following Qiao Ge's words now because he trusts Qiao Ge.

"Indeed, the relationship network related to Reliance Group is too large, and his defection will indeed cause heavy losses to the Congress Party." News sighed.

"As long as you know these things, it's not easy to spread them out," Kit said.

"Master, I understand." News said with a smile, "But major newspapers will definitely have some predictions about the results of the general election. I will express my opinion when the time comes. But don't worry, Master, I will not mention you. It won’t cause you any trouble.”

"Okay." Kit smiled.

He knew that Niuse was Qiaogo's right-hand man, so he did not refuse to meet with him alone.

You must know his current status, whether he is a high-ranking government official or a powerful and wealthy person, not everyone can see him if he wants to.

You have to make an appointment in advance, and you may not be able to get through.

Master Dimri is very busy.

This can also increase your own value and maintain a sense of mystery.

How can the master meet people easily?
The government scandal has disgraced Rajiv.

Naturally, he would not admit that someone in the family had taken kickbacks.

Later, some newspapers revealed that these things were secretly provoked by the Reliance Group.

This is not what the big news reports said, and Jogo does not want to get involved in this kind of political struggle.

It wouldn't do him any good after all.

As the two strong men fight, all I have to do is watch.

Many times, when the boss and the second are fighting, if they don't fall down, the third and fourth next to them may fall first.

Qiao Ge didn't want to be affected by his innocence, it would be too unfair.

This kind of news was naturally instigated by the Congress Party, and Rajiv obviously hated the Reliance Group's counterattack.

But at this time, they really can no longer put strong pressure on Reliance Group.

Reliance Group got a breather.

Just against the strength of traditional giants, Droubai has no problem dealing with it.

The arms purchase kickback scandal has had a great impact on the Congress Party.

Therefore, many experts in newspapers began to predict the outcome of this election.

After all, the election is just a few months away, and everyone is very curious.

Many people still believe that although the Congress Party is in trouble now, its advantages are still obvious.

Each newspaper has its own position, and it can be said that they all speak for the master behind it.

"Qiaogo, the Prime Minister is very dissatisfied with the big news report." One night, Manmohan called Qiaogo.

Jogo knew what was going on.

Speculations about the results of the general election are being discussed enthusiastically in major newspapers.

The reason for this situation is actually the result of the government's deliberate promotion.

Because if you want to reduce the popularity of the military purchase kickback case, you need to create another hot topic to attract everyone's attention.

Speculating on the election results is obviously the best option.

Moreover, for the Congress Party, they can also use newspapers to build momentum for themselves and win more voter support.

They are still very confident in their own strength.We are confident that we can win this election and continue to be in power.

Today's big news newspapers also gave their opinions on the results of the general election.

It was News himself who came on the scene and published an article.

The article concludes that it is not optimistic about the Congress Party.

He argued from many aspects, and of course the most important argument pointed to Reliance Group.

News believes that the Reliance Group originally belonged to the Congress Party, but now supports the opposition and uses its influence, such as event funds and media, to give great support to the opposition.

Therefore, the Congress party may capsize.

This article made Rajiv a little angry.

Rajiv knew that Jogo had a good relationship with Manmohan and others, and since Manmohan was an old man in the Congress Party, he naturally regarded Jogo as someone on his side.

Now that there is such a report in big news, wouldn't it be a slap in his face?

So, he asked Manmohan to find Qiao Ge.

"Don't worry, I will remind them to be cautious in this matter." Qiao Ge assured Manmohan.

When Manmohan heard what Qiao Ge said, he didn't say anything more.

He knew that Jogo must understand the joints.

He is not worried that the Prime Minister will target Qiaogo because of this incident.

As long as this doesn't happen over and over again, it's not a big problem.

Although Big News is owned by Qiaogo, it is impossible for Qiaogo to pay attention to news reports all the time.

Regarding the prediction of the election results, everyone has the right to express their opinions.

Of course Manmohan had read News’s report.

I have to say that the arguments inside are still very sufficient.

For this reason, he also discussed with Rao and others and believed that this election should not be careless. If there is a failure, there is a real risk of failure.

However, judging from the news feedback from Rao, the Prime Minister seems to be very confident and does not pay much attention to these.

Jogo called News.

"I was kindly reminding them," News said. "My good intentions are not repaid. I understand, and I won't cause you any trouble. I, the Big News, will not be involved in this matter."

"No, I didn't say that these news can't be reported. After all, it is a hot topic right now. How can big news not be reported at all?" Qiao Ge was a little dumbfounded. "It's just that it's inappropriate for you to do it yourself. Even if you want to speak out, you can't In your name, you are not an ordinary person now, so pay attention to the impact. You can definitely find someone to express these views, or you can use a pseudonym. You can definitely quote reports from other newspapers, and there are many newspapers that don't Are you optimistic about the Congress Party and attacking the Congress Party?”

"You are right. I was a little hasty this time." News said with a smile, "The main reason is that I went to see Master Dimri a few days ago and got his guidance. I am more convinced that the Congress Party I will lose this time, so I can’t hold it back.”

These words left Qiao Ge speechless.

Unexpectedly, News also went to find Master Dimri.

So, Jeet also gave the same opinion as himself, not being optimistic about the Congress Party?
"Jit is also very sensitive to politics." Qiao Ge couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He knew the direction of some events in the future, while Kit obviously relied on speculation, which was a bit powerful.

He was very pleased that the master had to be omnipotent and omniscient, so that he could deceive those believers better and love Git to a better position.

There are too many masters, and Qiao Ge thinks that one day Git will become the top one, no, the top one, the only one.

"Boss, I recently asked someone to inspect several shipyards and automobile manufacturing plants. I got some results, but they are not very optimistic." Hu Di came in and said.

"Tell me."

Qiao Ge is now starting to think about the business of 'business'.

The first is shipbuilding and car building.

These are asset-heavy industries and the investment must be huge.

But for Qiao Ge, he is just getting involved first, not investing too much at once.

Moreover, this kind of investment is not made all at once. The scale is gradually expanded, such as divided into one, two and three phases of construction.

"It's far from what you asked for, boss." Hudi said, "The shipyard can only build some small boats, and most of them can only be used as transport vessels in coastal areas. If you want to go farther out to sea, the tonnage is not enough. The car factory, almost The same is true, we can only build some three-wheeled vehicles and so on..."

Qiao Ge finally understood. Hu Di said that the main problem was technical problems.

Whether it is a shipyard or a car manufacturer, the technical level is not enough.

The quality of the things produced is not very good.

"No one is better?" Qiao Ge asked.

"Really not." Hudi said helplessly, "Basically the shipyards are not good, even the state-owned shipyards. But in terms of automobiles, there are still some that are better. For example, Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki Motors etc. Unfortunately, we can’t acquire these.”

In the shipbuilding industry, the island country now has the largest share. Next, Bangzi’s share continues to increase and is growing rapidly.

India's industrial foundation is poor, and its heavy industry is even worse. The shipbuilding industry is indeed very poor, and most of them can only manufacture a few small boats.

On the automobile side, Tata Motors has been quite successful and has a high market share.

This is not to say how good and advanced Tata Motors is.

There really is no opponent here.

As for Maruti Suzuki Motor Company, it is a joint venture with the Japanese company Suzuki, and Suzuki provides some technical and financial support.

It is also a well-known automobile company in India now, and its market share is not low.

"Acquisition is unlikely. Do you think we can introduce some technology?" Qiao Ge said after thinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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