Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 411 The value of the license evaporates

Regardless of Tata Motors or Maruti Suzuki, their current business conditions are very good, and it is impossible for Qiaogo to acquire them.

Besides, Tata Motors is one of the important subsidiaries of the Tata Group and it is impossible to sell it.

So Qiaogo wondered whether he could introduce some technology from abroad.

"Boss, this is very difficult and the price will be very high." Hu Di said.

This is almost starting from scratch, from building a factory to introducing foreign technology, which cannot be accomplished in a short time.

"Yes, the price is very high." Qiao Ge sighed, "It seems that this matter can't be rushed. Hu Di, you continue to look for it. If it doesn't work, then we will find one of the most suitable acquisitions. What I said The most suitable ones are mainly technical ones, which at least have a certain technical foundation and can help us in our future development.”

"Boss, I understand, I will continue to look for you." Hu Di said.

"You can also get in touch with people from abroad." Qiao Ge said.

"Boss, the technology in Europe and the United States is advanced." Hu Di said.

Qiao Ge smiled, but the price was high.

And the other party may not necessarily like his side.

But I will definitely consider it over there.

Of course, now I have nothing to do with the European and American automobile manufacturing and shipbuilding industries, and I don’t know many people.

However, I have connections with Arnault and others, and even Lawrence. I believe that through their matchmaking, I should be able to get in touch with some people in related industries.

But Qiao Ge is not sure whether it will succeed.

After all, India's domestic industrial base is too weak.

But then again, Tata Motors and Maruti Suzuki can do very well here, there is no reason why I can't do it.

The requirements here are not that high, as long as it can be used domestically.

Qiao Ge never thought that he would be able to export as soon as he started building ships and cars.

Don't say it out loud, even if you make these yourself, it's too early to think about it now.

After all, he has nothing now.

"Perhaps Japan and South Korea have a better chance." Qiao Ge whispered.

These words made Hudi's eyes light up. He thought for a moment and said immediately: "Boss, your words reminded me that these two countries are now in a competitive relationship. If we can grasp it well, we may be able to exploit both sides and benefit from both sides. .”

This time when Qiao Ge asked him to pay attention to the two major industries, the intelligence he collected not only focused on the country, but also included foreign countries.

Now whether it is building ships or cars, Bangzi is definitely not as good as the island country.

Regarding these two industries, the two countries are still a little different.

The island country was the first to break out, with Bangzi chasing after it, and now it has a strong strength.

All kinds of vehicles and ships have begun to be exported and begun to compete with island countries.

The island countries must be wary of Bangzi. After all, Bangzi is grabbing their market share. Isn’t it equivalent to cutting off their flesh?

"This is true, maybe we can get the best price from them." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

This requires negotiating with relevant companies in both countries to see if we can get the biggest concessions so that we can get more technology.

This technology must be transferred and must be mastered by ourselves.

You can form a joint venture, but you must eventually master these technologies yourself.

Otherwise, it would be too cheap for them.

"Let's focus on talking to relevant companies in these two countries." Qiaogo said again.

There are definitely opportunities now. For example, by cooperating with relevant companies in the two countries, we can take some production orders that they look down on and are relatively backward.

If you don’t have anything now, you can only start from the low end and learn to grow stronger.

After China's reform and opening up, a large number of technologies have been introduced, and shipbuilding has begun to develop slowly.

Of course, the current development is not fast, and the international market share is still very small, almost negligible.

Now the number one is the island country, and the top ones are the island country and Bangzi.

Qiao Ge thinks that if he starts now, he should be able to occupy some shares in these industries in the future.

Let’s not talk about selling it to outsiders.

Some of my companies will need a lot of ships, cars, etc. in the future.

Overseas steel companies involve various types of shipping.

In the future, overseas companies will definitely include not only steel companies, but also transportation of various agricultural products, edible oil, etc., as well as iron ore, coal, etc.

Qiao Ge will not let go of these.

The efficiency on the Indian side is really not high. Again, Qiaogo would rather spend a lot of money to get all the supporting facilities.

It is still very necessary to have its own entire industrial chain.

Hu Di went down, and Qiao Ge couldn't help but think about some of his next plans.

Qiao Ge never thought that he would be able to achieve great results in shipbuilding and car building in the near future, but no matter what he did, he always started with the first step.

The first step has not been taken, so there is no talk of development.

But what he really cares about now is the grain industry.

At present, the Aiyar family still has the upper hand in the grain industry. If they do not depose him, their monopoly in the grain and oil industry will not be established.

Jogo is now mainly hoarding cash.

It is now September 1989, and Qiaogo has more than 9 billion in his account.This is not the funds of the Gupta Grain and Oil Company, but Jhogo's personal money, which was earned by several major cash cow companies and other companies.

It can be said that Qiao Ge can now earn 50 billion to 60 billion every month.

This speed is very terrifying.

In the field of mineral water and vegetables, regardless of whether it is high-end or low-end, organic or traditional, Qiaogo has begun to exert its strength and occupies the vast majority of the market share.

These are highly profitable.

In addition to being recognized for its excellent products, Qiaogo has established logistics and distribution systems, which ensure that products can be delivered to customers faster.

Not only does it satisfy customers, it also saves costs for itself.

Products like vegetables do not stay fresh for long, and it is easy for vegetables to rot in the ground.

After all, not all vegetable agriculture companies are like Qiaogo, who have specially equipped transportation companies and have also conducted research on insurance cold chain technology during transportation.

In addition to ensuring transportation capacity, it is definitely the first in India in these technologies.

The cash is stored in the account, and Qiaogo is naturally waiting for all kinds of chaos when the domestic economy collapses.

I don’t know how many companies will fall by then, and that’s when I take the opportunity to buy the bottom.

Of course, what he is most interested in is the grain company of the Aiyar family.

Therefore, the assets of Gupta Grain and Oil Company have also not been used much.

Funds for the expansion of water conservancy facilities must be spent. These are necessary expenditures.

Expansion in other aspects has basically stopped, and everything is focused on stabilizing the current share.

This gave the Aiyar family some illusions. They felt that Qiaogo might have given up.

In this regard, the Aiyar family is now confident again.

After all, it went public and bid for so many state-owned grain companies. The land reserve increased sharply, ensuring its own grain supply.

So what if Jogo’s Gupta Grain and Oil Company is powerful?

Now our own Aiyar Grain Company still beats Gupta Grain and Oil Company in the grain industry.

This makes Kejas and the others proud.

When Qiaogo was preparing to temporarily hibernate and hoard funds, the government promulgated an unexpected policy.

That is, the government has liberalized petrochemical projects. As long as everyone meets the capital investment conditions, they can apply to the government.

As soon as the news came out, countless people cheered.

What the government requires this time is that petrochemical projects will be approved as long as an investment of more than 50 billion is guaranteed.

Is it more than 50 billion?
For an individual or a family, of course.

However, you can definitely have several or even dozens of companies join forces to raise funds, and then won’t it be enough to form a company?
You must know how fierce the competition was for three petrochemical project licenses.

Qiaogo knew that the government would liberalize these licensing systems later. In the end, except for a few key industries, most other license systems were cancelled.

But this time seems wrong. Is the petrochemical industry going to be liberalized now?
He hurriedly called Manmohan and inquired about it.

"Qiaogo, are you excited?" Manmohan's laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious, why did the government just let it go?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "These licenses are very valuable at auction."

Qiao Ge had not thought about the petrochemical industry, but the investment in this area was also very large. Qiao Ge thought that he could take another look at the situation.

"Auctions are valuable, but there have been too many auctions before. If this continues, too frequently, it will always be unjustifiable." Manmohan said a little embarrassed.

Although he didn't agree with the big auction like before, the higher-ups decided and there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, the current ruling party is the Congress Party, and since he is a member of it, he naturally cannot say much.

"Actually, it's the Prime Minister who's angry this time." Manmohan said solemnly, "The cancellation of the petrochemical project license was specifically proposed and implemented by the Prime Minister. The purpose is to target the Reliance Group..."

After listening to Manmohan's explanation, Qiaogo finally knew what was going on.

After the General Dhirubhai purchase kickback scandal broke out, Rajiv was very embarrassed.

During this time, he became more and more annoyed as he thought about it.

It's not something that can be suppressed so easily, after all.
Dhirubhai also controlled many news media to continue reporting. Coupled with the alliance of the opposition, the Congress Party felt tremendous pressure.

Therefore, in a rage, Rajiv thought of cracking down on Reliance Group.

Since his current focus is mainly on suppressing the opposition and winning over voters, it is impossible to focus all his energy on Reliance Group, so he thought of such a move to directly cancel the petrochemical project license.

As a result, the license that Reliance Group spent more than 100 billion to bid for was almost in vain.

Because the license is not used at all, the value of the license has now returned directly to zero.

This was a direct blow to Reliance Group, causing more than 100 billion in its petrochemical project assets to evaporate in one fell swoop.

Of course there are indirect blows.

That is, as licenses are liberalized, more people will enter the petrochemical industry.

When there are more factories, the competition in the market will definitely be fierce.

You know, there were license restrictions before, and the number of domestic petrochemical plants was limited.

Once the Reliance Group's petrochemical projects are put into production, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

Now, as more people join in to seize the profits of this industry, Reliance Group's income will decrease.

Over time, this indirect blow will cost Reliance Group more than the value of the license. (End of chapter)

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