Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 413 There is no shortage of buyers

Chapter 413 There is no shortage of buyers
Both Hebicha and Noma stared at Jogo expectantly.

If Qiao Ge has any new projects, they will definitely follow up.

It's hard to say for the family, they will probably follow, but the three of them will definitely follow the investment in their own name.

No matter how little money you have, you still have to invest a little.

"To be honest, I'm a little tempted." Qiao Ge said with a slight smile, "Of course I haven't thought about it yet, I just have such an idea."

Qiao Ge didn't want to get involved in the petrochemical industry before, for several reasons.

For example, the investment is very large. In the past, for him, his funds were a bit tight and his influence network was not enough.

But now these shortcomings have almost been made up.

Of course, the biggest reason is the license issue, which is too expensive.

In Jogo's opinion, the license was simply not worth the price.

After all, he knew the changes that were coming, and he thought that he could save tens of billions of money by waiting until the license was canceled before entering.

It’s just that the license was canceled much earlier than I expected.

Without the value of the license, the water in the petrochemical project will be squeezed out.

Projects like Deliha's are now in trouble. No matter who takes over, it will definitely be profitable.

Thinking about the future achievements of Reliance Group, petrochemical industry is the most profitable and the core interest of the group.

Therefore, there is no doubt that there is much money to be made here, and it is impossible for Qiao Ge to give up this market.

The petrochemical industry is becoming more and more important, and all walks of life will be unable to do without petroleum and various derivatives in the future.

"If you want to acquire, we also want to join." Hapal stared at Qiaogo and said.

"Okay, do you want your family to join too?" Qiao Ge asked.

"I don't think we should give up no matter what, but this time neither the family nor we can afford much money, so don't be dissatisfied with the lack of money." Hebicha said with a smile.

Investment has been very crazy recently, and their family and personal funds are very tight.

If Qiao Ge really wants to invest in the petrochemical industry, they really won't be able to come up with much funds this time.

It's not just the three of them, they believe that this is probably the case for several other companies as well.

This time there was a huge investment in the grain and oil market, and most of the funds were spent there.

After all, they don't have as many cash cows as Qiaogo, and they can quickly replenish their blood.

"But it's too early to talk about joining now. We don't know yet whether they will sell to us." Qiao Ge said.

"Leave this to us." Noma patted his chest and said, "We have had deals with them."

"Don't be so confident. I'm wondering if they will just hack us to death when they see us." Harpal said with a smile.

"This~~" Noma was stunned for a moment.

He could not refute Harpal's words.

Although they were not the ones who tricked Deliha and the others, their current tragic experience might be blamed on their three major families.

Although he wouldn't be so exaggerated as to kill himself with a knife when negotiating a deal, there was a high possibility that the deal would collapse.

"Even if they have any thoughts about us, they have to consider the consequences." Hebicha said, "They probably can't borrow money now, so they have only one way to sell the project. How to sell it at a high price is what they have to consider. "

"You mean we are paying a high price?" Harpal frowned and asked, "Aren't we being taken advantage of? Besides, even if their projects don't exist, now that the government has liberalized the petrochemical industry, we You can definitely build your own factory. Brother Qiaogo, don’t you think so?”

"If the price is high, we will definitely not charge it. Without a permit, their projects will no longer be scarce." Qiaogo agreed with Harpal, "But if you want to build everything yourself, then It will take a lot of time. I think time is money, so based on the degree of completion of their current factory, I think they can give some appropriate premium."

"It makes sense. As long as you don't have too dark a heart and want to raise the price too high, I can indeed agree." Hebcha said immediately.

If you start from scratch, there will be capital costs involved.

The construction of Deliha's factory can be completed in almost half a year at most. This is a great advantage and is also a major selling point of their factory.

"In addition to the fact that the factory is almost completed, the various machines and equipment they have introduced are also very good." Qiao Ge said.

"This?" Harper asked a little puzzled, "We can also order machines and stuff ourselves. Isn't that a selling point?"

"No, you have forgotten that the country's foreign exchange is tight now. It is not that easy to import things, especially large-amount transactions." Qiao Ge said, "If you really want to import from abroad, I don't know how long it will delay you?"

"It's true that they are lucky. Almost all the machinery and equipment have been imported before." Noma said.

"The tight foreign exchange situation will not last forever, so in terms of machinery and equipment, it is impossible for them to bargain with it, right?" Hebicha said.

"Yes, their biggest capital right now is that the factory is about to be completed. I think too much about the machinery and equipment." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

Having said that, he knew that foreign exchange tensions would become increasingly serious.

Of course, Hebiza and the others definitely don’t know these things.

In everyone's opinion, this foreign exchange shortage cannot last long.

For Qiao Ge, Deliha's machines and equipment can actually be used for bargaining, but no one agrees.It's so good. If you really want to win this project, it will be missed.

"Actually, I feel that their projects will be more popular. It would be better for us to get in touch with them earlier." Harpal said a little anxiously.

"Brother Qiaogo, what do you think?" Hebicha asked.

It would be best if Qiao Ge made the decision.

Of course Qiao Ge wants to win it, but how to win it is a question worth considering.

Although the license has been cancelled, everyone can enter this industry, but with a factory that will be completed soon, I believe it will be everyone's first choice.

This means competition will be fierce.

Moreover, my relationship with Deliha and the others is not very good.

This is for sure. They suffered huge losses in the edible oil market because of themselves. How can they not hold grudges?

Under similar conditions, they would definitely not consider their own side.

Qiao Ge expressed his worries.

"This~~" Hebicha said, "This is indeed a problem. Judging from the current situation, they should not be short of buyers. It is just a matter of price. We really have no advantage."

"How about a roundabout way, where we provide funds and ask others to help with the acquisition?" Harpal asked.

Just buy it through other people, and then transfer it to Qiao Ge.

Qiao Ge can even find someone to use as a white glove.

After all, it is not an acquisition of a listed company, and there are no rules regarding leakage of information.

For example, Qiao Ge found someone to help buy it, and then this person resold it.

Can Deliha and the others still force this person not to resell it after buying it, or to no one else?
It doesn't make sense.

"This is a good idea." Noma laughed.

"Let's wait and see for a while. I don't think they will make a deal so soon." Qiao Ge thought for a moment and said, "They have to choose a buyer no matter what. After all, there are many buyers."

It's a project worth tens of billions, and it's a popular project that many people want to win. We really need help.

Qiao Ge didn't dare to completely believe the other party.

Even if Hebizha and the others find someone, it won't work.

He believed Hebizha and the others, but it was hard to tell who Hebizha and the others were looking for, after all, they were separated by a layer.

When the time comes, the person you are looking for has your own support and wins the project. If you are greedy and just transfer the support money back without transferring the project, won't you suffer a big loss?

"Moreover, if we go to them too early, it might give them more confidence. They are likely to tell those who want to acquire that I, Qiao Ge, are optimistic about their projects and want to acquire them. In this way, they It will increase the selling price," said Qiaogo.

Hebizha and the others think about it too.

Nowadays, many people are looking at Qiao Ge's investments. When they see what industries Qiao Ge invests in, they will follow him and want to drink some soup.

"There is also a possibility that if we intervene in advance, many people can give up the idea of ​​​​acquisition." Happal said.

After all, Qiao Ge is very powerful. If Qiao Ge really wants to buy it, how many people can compete with him?
"This will also attract the attention of the Reliance Group and the Aiyar family. If they do something bad, it will be more difficult for us to acquire it," Hebicha said.

"So, we have to find the right time here." Qiao Ge said, "Well, you can contact Deliha and the others first, but it is in the name of the three of you. Don't mention me for now. If there is a chance, I will contact you here. Take action.”

"Okay." Hebicha smiled, "We will definitely keep a close eye on that side."

Deliha and others have been feeling lethargic recently.

Losing more than 200 billion in wealth in one fell swoop would be like this for anyone.

"Now let me talk about the situation these days. I have contacted the Aiyar family, and they said they can't do anything. They even contacted Anil. No matter whether we borrowed money or asked them to buy it, they were rejected." Deliha said.

"Then what should we do? The bank is urging us to increase the collateral or repay part of the loan first." Someone said.

"There is really no choice but to sell. The Aiyar family and the Reliance Group are definitely not willing to spend money arbitrarily. Without them, it actually doesn't matter. There are many people in contact with us who are interested in acquiring Yes." Someone else said.


Of course Deliha and the others want to sell the petrochemical plant because they can no longer afford the loan.

If you repay in time, you can save a lot of interest, and you will still have some funds left, so that you will not go bankrupt and lose everything.

If it drags on any longer, the situation will probably get worse.

Regarding the target of the sale, their first reaction was the Aiyar family and the Reliance Group.

After all, they were a team not long ago.

And their strength is strong enough.

(End of this chapter)

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