Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 414 Reserve 1 share

After being rejected by both families, Deliha found that he had overestimated them.

The Aiyars now have most of their money in grain companies.

If it is normal, it is actually no problem to purchase in the name of a grain company.

But the Aiyar family is obviously afraid of Qiaogo, and they must ensure enough cash.

Otherwise, if tens of billions of funds are allocated to acquire his own side, it will be easy for Qiao Ge to seize the opportunity.

For the Aiyar family, they want to maintain their position in the grain industry now and are not interested in other matters for the time being.

It's almost the same with Anil.

It is now unlikely that he will get funding from Reliance for his Ambani Plaza project, let alone acquire a petrochemical plant.

Although Anil is very interested in petrochemical projects, knowing that his elder brother is responsible for this project, he knows that this is not realistic.

My Ambani Plaza project is big enough, so I have enough to deal with here, and I don’t have much energy to think too much about it.

The Reliance Group is sure to have funds for acquisitions, but it is difficult for Droubai to use cash now. After all, it is still suppressed by the government and traditional giants.

Reliance Group must ensure that it has sufficient cash reserves so that it can cope with various pressures.

Therefore, Deliha and the others can only sell the petrochemical plant to other people who want to acquire it.

I have to say that there are many people who want to buy it this time. I believe the price should be good, unlike some other companies that sell it cheaply.

Deliha and the others are very clear about their advantage, that is, the factory is about to be completed and should be able to sell it at a good price.

But thinking about that license, their hearts bleed.

No matter how high the selling price is, it cannot make up for the loss caused by the invalidation of the license.

After some discussion, it was difficult to decide on a target for sale.

"I recommend one." Deliha said.

All eyes were on him.

"Yesterday, Herbie looked me up, and his words revealed that he wanted to acquire our petrochemical plant." Deliha continued.

"Asshole, does he still have a face?"

"It was because we acquired this project from them that we suffered heavy losses..."

After hearing Deliha's words, several people immediately became angry.

"I understand everyone's thoughts, but I can't blame them in this matter." Deliha said solemnly.

These words made everyone gradually calm down.

Of course they knew that the three major Dutta families could not be blamed for this matter. They thought that when the three major families encountered difficulties and sold the project, they severely lowered the price.

At that time, they felt that they had taken a huge advantage.

Who would have thought that there would be such a shocking reversal now. This was caused by the government and indeed had nothing to do with the Dutta family.

But this time the loss was too great. When I think of the three major Dutta families, I will inevitably feel violent.

"There are so many people who want to acquire now, we don't need to pay attention to them." Someone said.

"Yes, under similar conditions, we have too many options to choose from, unless they bid much higher than others."


Deliha did not express his position immediately, but just listened to everyone's discussion.

After a while, these people stopped and turned their attention to Deliha.

Deliha is their backbone and talker.

So this matter still depends on Deliha's opinion.

"The highest bidder gets it, no doubt about it," Deliha said.

Since the fate of the petrochemical plant being sold is unstoppable, the only option is to sell it at a higher price as possible.

"But I want to remind everyone here." Deliha continued, "The person behind Hebicha may not necessarily be the three major families, but it is most likely Qiaogo."

Everyone's faces changed.

For Qiaogo, their feelings are complicated.

In the beginning, they had joined forces with Jogo, before they took refuge with the Sitharaman family.

Later, the Sitharaman family suffered a huge defeat in the edible oil market, and they naturally suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, he definitely doesn't like Qiao Ge.

"You mean, it's not Hebiza who wants to buy it, but Qiaogo?" one person asked.

"The three major families have invested with Qiao Ge. Whether it is the Malaysian palm oil industry or the domestic edible oil industry, almost all their funds have been invested. How can they still have funds to acquire our petrochemical plant?" Deliha Said, "So, it can only be Qiao Ge."

"That's good. Although I hate that kid, I have to admire his vision. Qiao Ge has taken a fancy to our factory. Doesn't it mean that the future of this project is bright? We can definitely use Qiao Ge's reputation to let Our selling price is higher.”

"good idea."

"Just think of it as a little compensation that boy gave us."

"Alas~~What a pity. Originally, this petrochemical plant could be a cash cow for us, but now it can only be sold..."

These words made everyone feel depressed again.Qiao Ge is optimistic about this industry and believes that the next development will be good.

Unfortunately, they have no chance.

No matter how much money this industry makes in the future, it will have nothing to do with them.

"So everyone means not to sell it to Qiaogo?" Deliha asked.

"Definitely not for sale."

"Yes, how can we sell it? Even if we sell it to him, he must pay a higher price than others."

Everyone still has opinions on Qiao Ge.

I am still resistant to the sale of the petrochemical plant to Qiaogo.

Of course, as long as they have enough money, they are still willing.

No one can live with money.

"I mean the opposite to everyone else." Deliha said thoughtfully.

“Selling the factory to Jogo?”

"Not just selling the factory, but I think we can give him some preferential prices." Deliha replied.

"Are you crazy?"

Everyone stared at Deliha in disbelief.

There is no problem in selling the factory to Qiao Ge. Again, as long as the premium is sufficient, they can still accept it.

But now Deliha said he would sell it at a preferential price, which they couldn't understand.

"I want to discuss conditions with Jogo." Deliha said.

"On what terms?"

"What else can we talk to him about?"

Everyone is very puzzled.

"I want to keep some shares on our side when we sell the petrochemical plant." Deliha said lightly.

Everyone's eyes widened, and many people's eyes lit up.

They were all smart people and quickly thought of Deliha's intention.

If he still holds shares in the petrochemical plant, then he has almost established a relationship with Qiao Ge, and he may be able to invest in some industries with Qiao Ge in the future.

You know, I don’t know how many people want to invest in Qiao Ge’s company but can’t.

"Will Qiao Ge agree?" someone hesitated and asked.

"It all depends on people, we can definitely talk to him." Deliha said, "I firmly believe that the petrochemical industry is definitely what Qiaogo wants to enter. Although he can invest in building factories by himself, we also have advantages here, so The factory is about to be completed. I believe Qiao Ge must have taken a fancy to this. For him, time is money. So we have no chance here."

"If that's the case, then we can indeed give him a discount."

"Yes, as long as we retain a part of the shares. In the future, if he expands the petrochemical plant, the income from our shares will be very considerable."

"Should we reveal the news that Qiaogo wants to acquire the factory to the Aiyar family and the Reliance Group, so they will definitely target Qiaogo. If the two of them join, I think Qiaogo will do something bigger. concession."

"Confused!" Deliha heard this and immediately yelled loudly, "Do you think Qiao Ge is a fool? Although we now have the advantage of almost completing the factory, this advantage is not big. Really? If it angers Qiao Ge, he can give up completely. For him, there is no loss, but for us, the consequences are serious."

The person who spoke just now was startled: "I was confused. We can't let the Eyal family get involved, absolutely not."

Deliha is right. Once those two companies intervene, Qiaogo will definitely be able to guess it. Don't let Qiaogo give in then, Qiaogo will probably give up the acquisition directly.

"I want to remind everyone that in this negotiation with Qiao Ge, everyone must be prepared for heavy bleeding." Deliha took a deep breath and said, "The shares we sell may not be sold for much money. It may not be too much, but I want to say that as long as we can occupy a certain share in it, it will be our victory. Last time, the Sitharaman family and other forces invested in the Gupta Grain and Oil Group, you should know, right? They are They provided money and land, and the ratio of capital and shares was so disparate, but they all agreed."

"We understand, feel free to talk."

"Yes, even if the money from the sale is not enough to repay the loan, we will have to sell off the assets to repay the loan at worst, but the shares in the petrochemical plant must be guaranteed."


After everyone unified their thoughts, Deliha came to see Qiaogo the next day.

Regarding Deliha's arrival, Qiaogo could guess his purpose.

Hebicha went to contact him, believing that he must have guessed everything behind it based on his intelligence.

That is because he wants to acquire a petrochemical plant.

Now that Deliha has come to visit in person, it means that they have made a decision and are probably willing to sell the factory to themselves.

At least I am willing to contact myself and negotiate with myself.

This actually made Qiao Gegao look at Deliha and the others.

After all, I still have some grudge against them, but they are not blinded by hatred.

"Mr. Gupta, I believe you must know our current situation. I wonder if you have any intention to acquire?" Deliha was very direct after meeting Qiaogo.

"Of course, I'm interested. I heard that your quotation is 350 billion?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"We have invested a total of more than 200 billion in factory construction and the introduction of various machinery and equipment. In addition, the three Dutta companies have invested more than 50 billion in construction, so I think the factory can be worth 300 billion." Deliha said. (End of chapter)

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